< Zaburi 121 >

1 Nitayainua macho yangu nitazame milimani. Msaada wangu utatoka wapi?
“A psalm of the steps, or the goings up.” I lift up mine eyes to the hills: Whence cometh my help?
2 Msaada wangu unatoka kwa Yahwe, aliyezifanya mbingu na nchi.
My help cometh from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.
3 Hatauacha mguu wako uteleze; yeye akulindaye hatasinzia.
He will not suffer thy foot to stumble; Thy guardian doth not slumber.
4 Tazama, mlinzi wa Israeli hatasinzia wala hatalala usingizi kamwe.
Behold, the guardian of Israel Doth neither slumber nor sleep.
5 Yahwe ni mlinzi wako; Yahwe ni uvuli mkono wako wa kuume.
The LORD is thy guardian; The LORD is thy shade at thy right hand.
6 Jua halitakudhuru wakati wa mchana, wala mwezi wakati wa usiku.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, Nor the moon by night.
7 Yahwe atakulinda na madhara yote, na ataulinda uhai wako.
The LORD will preserve thee from all evil; He will preserve thy life.
8 Yahwe atakulinda katika yote ufanyayo sasa na hata milele.
The LORD will preserve thee, when thou goest out and when thou comest in, From this time forth for ever.

< Zaburi 121 >