< Mithali 12 >

1 Anayependa mafundisho hupenda maarifa, bali yule anayechukia maonyo ni mpumbavu.
He that loueth chastisyng, loueth kunnyng; but he that hatith blamyngis, is vnwijs.
2 Yehova humpa fadhila mtu mwema, bali mtu ambaye hufanya mipango ya ufisada atahukumiwa.
He that is good, schal drawe to hym silf grace of the Lord; but he that tristith in hise thouytis, doith wickidli.
3 Mtu hawezi kuimarishwa kwa uovu, bali wale watendao haki hawawezi kung'olewa.
A man schal not be maad strong by wyckidnesse; and the root of iust men schal not be moued.
4 Mke mwema ni taji ya mume wake, bali yule aletaye aibu ni kama ugonjwa unaoozesha mifupa yake.
A diligent womman is a coroun to hir hosebond; and rot is in the boonys of that womman, that doith thingis worthi of confusioun.
5 Mipango ya wale watendao haki ni adili, bali shauri la mwovu ni udanganyifu.
The thouytis of iust men ben domes; and the counselis of wickid men ben gileful.
6 Maneno ya watu waovu ni uviziaji unaosubiri nafasi ya kuua, bali maneno ya mwenye haki yatawatunza salama.
The wordis of wickid men setten tresoun to blood; the mouth of iust men schal delyuere hem.
7 Watu waovu wametupwa na kuondolewa, bali nyumba ya wale watendao haki itasimama.
Turne thou wickid men, and thei schulen not be; but the housis of iust men schulen dwelle perfitli.
8 Mtu husifiwa kwa kadri ya hekima yake, bali yule anayechagua ukaidi hudharauliwa.
A man schal be knowun bi his teching; but he that is veyn and hertles, schal be open to dispising.
9 Bora kuwa na cheo duni- kuwa mtumishi tu- kuliko kujisifu kuhusu ukuu wako bila kuwa na chakula.
Betere is a pore man, and sufficient to him silf, than a gloriouse man, and nedi of breed.
10 Yule atendaye haki anajali mahitaji ya mnyama wake, bali huruma ya mwovu ni ukatili.
A iust man knowith the soulis of hise werk beestis; but the entrailis of wickid men ben cruel.
11 Yule atendaye kazi katika shamba lake atapata chakula tele, bali anayesaka miradi duni hana akili.
He that worchith his lond, schal be fillid with looues; but he that sueth idilnesse, is moost fool. He that is swete, lyueth in temperaunces; and in hise monestyngis he forsakith dispisyngis.
12 Watu waovu hutamani wanavyoiba watu wabaya kutoka kwa wengine, bali tunda la wale watendao haki hutoka kwao mwenyewe.
The desir of a wickid man is the memorial of worste thingis; but the roote of iust men schal encreesse.
13 Mtu mbaya hunaswa kwa maongezi yake mabaya, bali wale watendao haki hujinasua katika taabu.
For the synnes of lippis `falling doun neiyeth to an yuel man; but a iust man schal scape fro angwisch.
14 Mtu hushiba vitu vyema kutokana na tunda la maneno yake, kama vile kazi ya mikono yake inavyompa thawabu.
Of the fruyt of his mouth ech man schal be fillid with goodis; and bi the werkis of hise hondis it schal be yoldun to him.
15 Njia ya mpumbavu ni sawa machoni pake mwenyewe, bali mtu wa hekima husikiliza ushauri.
The weie of a fool is riytful in hise iyen; but he that is wijs, herith counsels.
16 Mpumbavu huonyesha hasira yake papo hapo, bali asiyejali tusi ni mwenye busara.
A fool schewith anoon his ire; but he that dissymelith wrongis, is wijs.
17 Asemaye ukweli huongea ilivyo haki, bali shahidi wa uongo huongea uongo.
He that spekith that, that he knowith, is a iuge of riytfulnesse; but he that lieth, is a gileful witnesse.
18 Maneno yake asemaye kwa pupa ni kama kurusha upanga, bali ulimi wa mwenye hekima huleta uponyaji.
A man is that bihetith, and he is prickid as with the swerd of conscience; but the tunge of wise men is helthe.
19 Midomo yenye kweli itadumu milele, bali ulimi wa uongo ni kwa kitambo kidogo tu.
The lippe of treuthe schal be stidfast with outen ende; but he that is a sudeyn witnesse, makith redi the tunge of leesyng.
20 Kuna udanganyifu katika mioyo ya wale wanaopanga kutenda uovu, bali furaha hutoka kwa washauri wa amani.
Gile is in the herte of hem that thenken yuels; but ioye sueth hem, that maken counsels of pees.
21 Hakuna ugonjwa utakaowajia wale watendao haki, bali watu waovu watajazwa matatizo.
What euere bifallith to a iust man, it schal not make hym sori; but wickid men schulen be fillid with yuel.
22 Yehova anachukia midomo ya uongo, bali wale ambao huishi kwa uaminifu ndiyo furaha yake.
False lippis is abhominacioun to the Lord; but thei that don feithfuli, plesen him.
23 Mtu mwenye busara anasitiri maarifa yake, bali moyo wa wapumbavu hupiga yowe za kipumbavu.
A fel man hilith kunnyng; and the herte of vnwise men stirith foli.
24 Mkono wa mwenye bidii utatawala, bali watu wavivu watawekwa katika kazi za kulazimishwa.
The hond of stronge men schal haue lordschip; but the hond that is slow, schal serue to tributis.
25 Mashaka katika moyo wa mtu humwelemea, bali neno zuri humfurahisha.
Morenynge in the herte of a iust man schal make hym meke; and he schal be maad glad bi a good word.
26 Mwenye haki ni kiongozi kwa rafiki yake, bali njia ya waovu huwaongoza katika kupotea.
He that dispisith harm for a frend, is a iust man; but the weie of wickid men schal disseyue hem.
27 Watu wavivu hawawezi kubanika mawindo yao wenyewe, bali mtu wenye bidii atapata mali zenye thamani.
A gileful man schal not fynde wynnyng; and the substaunce of man schal be the prijs of gold.
28 Wale ambao wanatembea katika njia ya haki wanapata uzima na katika mapito hayo hakuna kifo.
Lijf is in the path of riytfulnesse; but the wrong weie leedith to deeth.

< Mithali 12 >