< Hesabu 16 >

1 Sasa Kora mwana wa Izihari mwana wa Kohathi mwana wa Lawi, pamoja na Dathani na Abiramu mwana wa Eliabu, na Oni mwana wa Peleti, wa uzao wa Reubeni, waliwakusanya wanaume kadhaa.
And Core the son of Isaar the son of Caath the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiron, sons of Eliab, and Aun the son of Phaleth the son of Ruben, spoke;
2 Wakamwinukia Musa, pamoja na wanaume fulani kutoka wana wa Israeli, viongozi wa watu wapatao mia mbili na hamsini waliokuwa wakifahamika katika ile jamii.
and rose up before Moses, and two hundred and fifty men of the sons of Israel, chiefs of the assembly, chosen councillors, and men of renown.
3 Walikusanyika pamoja kumpinga Musa na Haruni. Wakawaambia, “Ninyi sasa mnatumia mamlaka zaidi ya uwezo wenu! Watu wote wamejitenga, kila mmoja wao, na BWANA yuko pamoja nao. Kwa nini mnajiinua sana juu ya watu wengine wa BWANA?”
They rose up against Moses and Aaron, and said, Let it be enough for you that all the congregation [are] holy, and the Lord [is] among them; and why do ye set up yourselves against the congregation of the Lord?
4 Musa alipoyasikia hayo, akalala kifudifudi.
And when Moses heard it, he fell on his face.
5 Akamwambia Kora na wote aliokuwa nao, “Asubuhi BWANA atafanya ijulikane ni nani walio wake na nani aliyetengwa kwa ajili yake. Atamleta huyo mtu karibu na yeye. Yule anayemchagua atamleta karibu naye.
And he spoke to Core and all his assembly, saying, God has visited and known those that are his and who are holy, and has brought them to himself; and whom he has chosen for himself, he has brought to himself.
6 Fanya hivi, wewe Kora na kundi lako.
This do ye: take to yourselves censers, Core and all his company;
7 Kesho mchukue vyetezo na muweke moto na ubani ndani yake mbele ya BWANA. Yule ambaye BWANA amemchagua, atamtenga kwa BWANA. Sasa imetosha ninyi watu wa uzao wa Lawi,”
and put fire on them, and put incense on them before the Lord to-morrow; and it shall come to pass that the man whom the Lord has chosen, he shall be holy: let it be enough for you, ye sons of Levi.
8 Tena Musa akamwambia Kora, “Sasa unisililize, ninyi watu wa uzao wa Lawi:
And Moses said to Core, Hearken to me, ye sons of Levi.
9 Je ni jambo dogo kwenu kwamba Mngu wa mbinguni amewatenga ninyi kutoka watu wa Israeli, ili awalete ninyi karibu na yeye, ili mfanye kazi katika masikani ya BWANA na kusimama mbele ya watu ili muwatumikie?
Is it a little thing for you, that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel, and brought you near to himself to minister in the services of the tabernacle of the Lord, and to stand before the tabernacle to minister for them?
10 Amewasogeza karibu, na ndugu zako, wa uzao wa Lawi pamoja nanyi, na sasa mnataka na ukuhani pia!
And he has brought thee near and all thy brethren the sons of Levi with thee, and do ye seek to be priests also?
11 Hiyo ndiyo sababu wewe na kundi lako mmekusanyika pamoja kinyume na BWANA. Kwa nini mnalalamika juu ya Haruni, ambaye anamtii BWANA?”
Thus [it is with] thee and all thy congregation which is gathered together against God: and who is Aaron, that ye murmur against him?
12 Kisha Musa akamwita Dathani na Abiramu, wana wa Eliabu, lakini wakasema, “hatutakuja.
And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiron sons of Eliab; and they said, We will not go up.
13 Kwani jambo dogo kwamba umetuleta mpaka kwenye nchi inayotiririka maziwa na asali, ili kutuua katika jangwa hili? Sasa unataka kujifanya kuwa mtawala wetu!
Is it a little thing that thou hast brought us up to a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, [and] that thou altogether rulest over us?
14 Na kwa nyongeza, haujatuingiza kwenye nchi ya kutiririka maziwa na asali, au kutupa urithi wa mashamba na mashamba ya mizabibu. Sasa unataka kutupofusha na ahadi hewa? Hatutakuja kwako.”
Thou art a prince, and hast thou brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, and hast thou given us an inheritance of land and vineyards? wouldest thou have put out the eyes of those men? we will not go up.
15 Musa alikasirika sana na akamwambia BWANA, “Usisipokee sadaka zao. Sijachukua punda mmoja kutoka kwao, na sijamdhuru hata mmoja wao.”
And Moses was exceeding indignant, and said to the Lord, Do thou take no heed to their sacrifice: I have not taken away the desire of any one of them, neither have I hurt any one of them.
16 Kisha Musa akamwambia Kora, “Kesho wewe na kundi lako mtaenda mbele za BWANA-wewe na wao na Haruni.
And Moses said to Core, Sanctify thy company, and be ready before the Lord, thou and Aaron and they, to-morrow.
17 Kila mmoja wenu atatwaa chetezo na kuweka ubani ndani yake. Ndipo kila mtu atamletea BWANA chetezo chake, vyetezo mia mbili na hamsini. Wewe na Haruni, pia, kila mmoja ataleta chetezo chake.
And take each man his censer, and ye shall put incense upon them, and shall bring each one his censer before the Lord, two hundred and fifty censers, and thou and Aaron shall bring each his censer.
18 Kwa hiyo kila mtu alitwaa chetezo chake, akaweka moto ndani yake, akaweka na ubani ndani yake, na kusimama mbele ya lango la hema ya kukutania pamoja na Musa na Haruni.
And each man took his censer, and they put on them fire, and laid incense on them; and Moses and Aaron stood by the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
19 Kora naye akawakusanya watu wote waliokuwa kinyume na Musa na Haruni hapo kwenye lango la hema ya kukutania, na kisha utukufu wa BWANA ukaonekana kwa watu wote.
And Core raised up against them all his company by the door of the tabernacle of witness; and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the congregation.
20 Ndipo BWANA aliposema na Musa na Haruni:
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
21 “Tokeni ninyi kutoka hawa watu ili nipate kuwaangamiza haraka.”
Separate your selves from the midst of this congregation, and I will consume them at once.
22 Musa na Haruni wakalala kifudifudi na kusema, “Mungu, Mungu wa wote wenye mwili, kama mtu akitenda dhambi, ni lazima uwe na hasira na watu wote?”
And they fell on their faces, and said, O God, the God of spirits and of all flesh, if one man has sinned, [shall] the wrath of the Lord [be] upon the whole congregation?
23 BWANA akanena na Musa, akamwambia,
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
24 “Sema na watu wote, uwaaambie, 'Tokeni kwenye hema ya Kora, Dathani, na Abiramu.'”
Speak to the congregation, saying, Depart from the company of Core round about.
25 Kisha Musa akaamuka akaenda kwa Dathani na Kwa Abiramu; viongozi wa Israeli wakamfuata.
And Moses rose up and went to Dathan and Abiron, and all the elders of Israel went with him.
26 Akaongea na watu wote akasema, “Sasa jitengeni na hema ya hawa watu waovu na msiguse kitu chochote kilicho chao, vinginevyo mtaangamizwa na dhambi zao.”
And he spoke to the congregation, saying, Separate yourselves from the tents of these stubborn men, and touch nothing that belongs to them, lest ye be consumed with them in all their sin.
27 Kwa hiyo watu wote toka pande zote za hema ya Kora, Dathani na Abiramu wakaondoka. Dathani na Abiramu wakatoka nje wakasimama kwenye lango la hema zao, wakiwa na wake wao, wana, na watoto wao.
And they stood aloof from the tent of Core round about; and Dathan and Abiron went forth and stood by the doors of their tents, and their wives and their children and their store.
28 Kisha Musa akasema, “Kwa hili sasa mtatambua kuwa BWANA amenituma kufanya kazi hizi zote, kwa kuwa sijazifanya kwa uwezo wangu.
And Moses said, Hereby shall ye know that the Lord has sent me to perform all these works, that [I have] not [done them] of myself.
29 Kama hawa watu watakufa kifo cha kawaida ambacho humpata kila mmoja, basi BWANA hakunituma.
If these men shall die according to the death of all men, if also their visitation shall be according to the visitation of all men, then the Lord has not sent me.
30 Lakini kama BWANA aumbaye malango ya ardhi ambayo huwameza kama mdomo mkubwa, pamoja na familia zao, na kama wataingia ndani ya shimo wakiwa hai, ndipo mtakapojua kuwa wamemdharau BWANA,” (Sheol h7585)
But if the Lord shall shew by a wonder, and the earth shall open her mouth and swallow them up, and their houses, and their tents, and all that belongs to them, and they shall go down alive into Hades, then ye shall know that these men have provoked the Lord. (Sheol h7585)
31 Mara ghafla Musa alipomaliza kusema maneno haya, aridhi ya pale walipokuwa ikafunguka.
And when he ceased speaking all these words, the ground clave asunder beneath them.
32 Dunia ikafungua makanwa yake na kuwameza, familia zao na watu wote wa Kora, pamoja na mali zao zote.
And the ground opened, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that were with Core, and their cattle.
33 Wao na kila mmoja kwenye familia zao wakaingia ndani shimoni wakiwa hai. Dunia ikwafunika, na kwa njia hii wakapotea kutoka miongoni mwa ile jamii. (Sheol h7585)
And they went down and all that they had, alive into Hades; and the ground covered them, and they perished from the midst of the congregation. (Sheol h7585)
34 Nao Israeli yote waliokuwa karibu nao wakakimbia kwa sababu ya vilio vyao. Walisema kwa mshangao, “Nchi isije kutumeza na sisi!”
And all Israel round about them fled from the sound of them, for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up [also].
35 Kisha moto ukashuka toka kwa BWANA na kuwaangamiza wale wanaume 250 waliokuwa wametoa ubani.
And fire went forth from the Lord, and devoured the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
36 Tena BWANA akanena na Musa, akasema,
And the Lord said to Moses,
37 “Mwambie Eliazari mwana wa Haruni yule kuhani achukue vile vyetezo kutoka ule moto, kwa kuwa vile vyetezo vimetengwa ka ajili yangu. Na aumwage ule moto mbali.
and to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, Take up the brazen censers out of the midst of the men that have been burnt, and scatter the strange fire yonder, for they have sanctified the censers
38 Vitwae vile vyetezo vya wale waliopoteza maisha yao kwa sababu ya dhambi zao. Na vifanyike kuwa mbao za kufuliwa ili viwe vifuniko vya madhabahu. Kwa kuwa wale watu walivitoa kwangu, kwa hiyo ni vitakatifu. Vitakuwa ishara ya uwepo wangu kwa wana wa Israeli.”
of these sinners against their own souls, and do thou make them beaten plates a covering to the altar, because they were brought before the Lord and hallowed; and they became a sign to the children of Israel.
39 Naye Eleazari yule kuhani akavichukue vile vyetezo vya shaba ambavyo vilikuwa vimetumiwa na wale watu walioungua, na vikafuliwa kuwa vifuniko vya madhbahu,
And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest took the brazen censers, which the men who had been burnt brought near, and they put them as a covering on the altar:
40 ili kuwa ukumbusho kwa wana wa Israeli, ili kwamba asije akatokea mtu toka nje ya uzao wa Haruni akaja kutoa ubani kwa BWANA, ili wasije kuwa kama Kora na kundi lake— kama vile BWANA alivyoamuru kupitia kinywa cha Musa.
a memorial to the children of Israel that no stranger might draw nigh, who is not of the seed of Aaron, to offer incense before the Lord; so he shall not be as Core and as they that conspired with him, as the Lord spoke to him by the hand of Moses.
41 Lakini siku iliyofuata asubuhi watu wa Israeli wakamlalamikia Musa na Haruni. Nao walisema, “Umeua watu wa BWANA.”
And the children of Israel murmured the next day against Moses and Aaron, saying, Ye have killed the people of the Lord.
42 Kisha ikatokea, wakati watu walipokuwa wamekusanyika kinyume na Musa na Haruni, wakatazama kuielekea hema ya kukutania, na tazama lile wingu lilikuwa likiifunika. Utukufu wa BWANA ukaonekana,
And it came to pass when the congregation combined against Moses and Aaron, that they ran impetuously to the tabernacle of witness; and the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared.
43 Musa na Haruni wakaja mbele ya hema ya kukutania.
And Moses and Aaron went in, in front of the tabernacle of witness.
44 Kisha BWANA akanena na Musa, akamwambia,
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
45 “Toka kati ya watu hawa ili niwaangamize haraka.” Musa na Haruni wakalala chini kifudifudi.
Depart out of the midst of this congregation, and I will consume them at once: and they fell upon their faces.
46 Musa akamwambia Haruni, uchukue chetezo, na utie ndani moto kutoka madhabahuni, tia na uvumba ndani yake, upeleke haraka kwa watu, na ukafanye upatanisho kwao, kwa sababu hasira hii inatoka kwa BWANA. Tauni imeanza.”
And Moses said to Aaron, Take a censer, and put on it fire from the altar, and put incense on it, and carry it away quickly into the camp, and make atonement for them; for wrath is gone forth from the presence of the Lord, it has begun to destroy the people.
47 Kwa hiyo Haruni akafanya kama alivyoelekezwa na Musa. Akakimbia kati ya watu. na Tauni ilikuwa imeanza kuenea kati ya watu, kwa hiyo akaweka ndani yake uvumba na akafanya upatanisho wa watu.
And Aaron took as Moses spoke to him, and ran among the congregation, for already the plague had begun among the people; and he put on incense, and made an atonement for the people.
48 Haruni akasimama kati kati ya zile maiti na watu hai; na kwa njia hii ile tauni ikazuiwa.
And he stood between the dead and the living, and the plague ceased.
49 Idadi ya wale waliokuwa wamekufa kwa tauni walikuwa 14, 000, nje na wale waliokufa kutokana na swala la Kora.
And they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides those that died on account of Core.
50 Haruni akarudi kwa Musa kwenye lango la hema ya kukutania, na ile tauni ikakoma.
And Aaron returned to Moses to the door of the tabernacle of witness, and the plague ceased.

< Hesabu 16 >