< Mathayo 13 >

1 Katika siku hiyo Yesu aliondoka nyumbani na kukaa kando ya bahari.
Later that day Jesus left the house, and sat down to teach beside the lake.
2 Umati mkubwa ulikusanyika kwa kumzunguka, aliingia ndani ya mtumbwi na kukaa ndani yake. Umati wote walisimama kando ya bahari.
So many people gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat down there to teach, while all the crowds stood on the beach.
3 Kisha Yesu alisema maneno mengi kwa mifano, Alisema, “Tazama, mpanzi alienda kupanda.
He explained many things to them, using stories as illustrations. “The sower went out to sow,” he began.
4 Alipokuwa akipanda baadhi ya mbegu zilianguka kando ya njia na ndege walikuja wakazidonoa.
“As he was sowing, some of the seeds fell on the path. The birds came and ate them up.
5 Mbegu zingine zilianguka juu ya mwamba, ambapo hazikupata udongo wa kutosha. Ghafla zilichipuka kwa sababu udongo haukuwa na kina.
Other seeds fell on stony ground where there wasn't much earth where they sprouted quickly.
6 Lakini jua lilipo chomoza zilichomwa kwa sababu hazikuwa na mizizi, na zilikauka.
The sun rose and scorched them and they withered because they had no roots.
7 Mbengu zingine zilianguka kati ya miti yenye miiba. Miti yenye miiba ilirefuka juu ikaisonga.
Other seeds fell among thorns that grew up and choked them.
8 Mbegu zingine zilianguka kwenye udongo mzuri na kuzaa mbegu, zingine mara mia moja zaidi, zingine sitini na zingine thelathini
Still other seeds fell on good soil. They produced a harvest—some one hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times what had been planted.
9 Aliye na masikio na asikie.
Anybody who has ears should be listening!”
10 Wanafunzi walikuja na kumwambia Yesu, “Kwa nini unazungumza na makutano kwa mifano?”
The disciples came to Jesus and asked him, “Why do you use illustrations when you speak to the people?”
11 Yesu alijibu kuwaambia, “Mmepewa upendeleo wa kufahamu siri za ufalme wa mbinguni, bali kwao hawajapewa.
“You're privileged to have revealed to you the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but they're not given such insights,” Jesus replied.
12 Lakini yeyote aliyenacho, kwake yeye ataongezewa zaidi, na atapata faida kubwa. Ilasiye nacho hata kile alichonacho atanyang'anywa.
“Those who already have will have more given to them, more than enough. But those who don't have, whatever they have will be taken away from them.
13 Hivyo naongea nao kwa mifano kwa sababu ingawa wanaona, wasione kweli. Na ingawa wanasikia wasisikie wala kufahamu.
That's why I speak to them in illustrations. For even though they see, they do not see; and even though they hear, they do not hear; nor do they understand.
14 Unabii wa Isaya umetimia kwao, ule usemao, “Msikiapo msikie, lakini kwa namna yoyote hamtaelewa; wakati mwonapo muweze kuona, lakini kwa namna yeyote ile msijue.
The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled in them: ‘Even though you hear, you won't understand, and even though you see, you won't perceive.
15 Na mioyo ya watu hawa imekuwa giza, ni vigumu kusikia, na wamefumba macho yao, ili wasiweze kuona kwa macho yao, au kusikia kwa masikio yao, au kufahamu kwa mioyo yao, hivyo wangenigeukia tena, na ningewaponya.'
They have a hard-hearted attitude, they don't want to listen, and they've closed their eyes. If they didn't they might be able to see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and understand in their minds. Then they could return to me and I would heal them.’
16 Bali macho yenu yamebarikiwa, kwa kuwa yanaona, na masikio yenu kwa kuwa yanasikia.
Your eyes are blessed, for they see. Your ears are blessed too, for they hear.
17 Hakika nawaambia manabii wengi na watu wenye haki walikuwa na hamu ya kuyaona mambo yale myaonayo, na hawakuweza kuyaona. Walitamani kusikia mambo yale mnayosikia, hawakuyasikia.
I'm telling you, many prophets and good people longed to see what you're seeing, but didn't see it. They longed to hear what you're hearing, but didn't hear it.
18 . Sasa sikilizeni mfano wa mpanzi.
So listen to the story of the sower.
19 Wakati yeyote asikiapo neno la ufalme na asilifahamu, ndipo mwovu huja na kukinyakua kilichokwisha kupandwa ndani ya moyo wake. Hii ni mbegu ile iliyopandwa kando ya njia.
When people hear the message about the kingdom and don't understand it, the evil one comes along and rips out what was sown in them. This is what happens to the seeds sown on the path.
20 Yeye aliyepandwa katika miamba ni yule asikiaye neno na kulipokea haraka kwa furaha.
The seeds sown on stony ground are people who hear the message and happily accept it straight away.
21 Bado hana mizizi ndani yake, ila huvumilia kwa kitambo kifupi. Wakati matatizo au mateso yanapotokea kwa sababu ya neno hujikwaa ghafla.
They last for a while, but because they don't have roots, when problems and troubles come, they quickly fall away.
22 Aliyepandwa kati ya miti ya miiba, huyu ni yule alisikiaye neno lakini masumbuko ya ulimwengu na udaganyifu wa utajiri hulisonga lile neno lisije likazaa matunda. (aiōn g165)
The seeds sown among thorns are people who hear the message, but then life's worries and the temptation of money choke the message so that they become fruitless. (aiōn g165)
23 Aliyepandwa kwenye udongo mzuri, huyu ni yule asikiaye neno na kulifahamu. Huyu ni yule azaaye matunda na kuendelea kuzaa moja zaidi ya mara mia, nyingine sitini, nyingine thelathini.''
The seeds sown on good soil are people who hear the message, and understand it, and who produce a good harvest—some one hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times what was sown.”
24 Yesu aliwapa mfano mwingine. Akisema, “Ufalme wa mbinguni unafananishwa na mtu aliye panda mbengu nzuri katika shamba lake
Then he told them another illustrated story: “The kingdom of heaven is like a farmer who sowed good seeds in his field.
25 Lakini watu waliposinzia, adui wake akaja pia akapanda magugu katikati ya ngano kisha akaenda zake.
But while his workers were sleeping, an enemy came and sowed weed seeds on top of the wheat. Then they left.
26 Baadaye ngano ilipoota na kutoa mazao yake, ndipo magugu yalitokea pia.
So when the wheat grew and produced ears of grain, the weeds also grew up.
27 Na watumishi wa mwenye shamba walikuja wakamwambia, 'Bwana, hukupanda mbengu nzuri katika shamba lako? Imekuwaje sasa lina magugu?
The farmer's workers came and asked him, ‘Sir, didn't you sow good seeds in your field? Where did the weeds come from?’
28 Akawaambia, Adui ametenda hili.' Watumishi walimwambia, “Kwa hiyo unataka twende tukayang'oe?”
‘Some enemy has done this,’ he replied. ‘Do you want us to go and pull up the weeds?’ they asked him.
29 Mwenye shamba akisema, 'Hapana, wakati mnayang'oa magugu mtang'oa pamoja na ngano.
‘No,’ he answered, ‘as you pull up the weeds, you might uproot the wheat too.
30 Yaacheni yakue pamoja mpaka wakati wa mavuno. Wakati wa mavuno nitasema kwa wavunaji, 'Kwanza yang'oeri magugu na yafungeni matita matita na kuyachoma, lakini kusanyeni ngano katika ghala langu.''''
Let them both grow until harvest, and then at harvest-time I'll tell the reapers to first gather the weeds, tie them up into bundles and burn them, and then gather the wheat and store it in my barn.’”
31 Kisha Yesu aliwatolea mfano mwingine. Akasema, “Ufalme wa mbinguni unafanana na mbegu ya haradali ambayo mtu aliichukua na kuipanda katika shamba lake.
He gave them another illustration: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a farmer sowed in his field.
32 Mbegu hii kwa hakika ni ndogo kuliko mbegu zingine zote. Lakini imeapo huwa kubwa kuliko mimea yote ya bustani, huwa mti, kiasi kwamba ndege wa angani huja na kujenga viota katika matawi yake.”
Even though it's the tiniest of seeds it grows much bigger than other plants. In fact it grows into a tree big enough for birds to roost in its branches.”
33 Akawaambia mfano mwingine tena.”Ufalme wa mbinguni ni kama chachu ile iliyo twaliwa na mwanamke na kuichanganya kwa vipimo vitatu kwa unga mpaka viumuke.
He told them another illustrated story: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman mixed with a large quantity of flour, until all the dough was raised.”
34 Hayo yote Yesu aliyasema kwenye umati kwa mifano. Na pasipo mifano hakusema chochote kwao.
Jesus explained all these things to the crowds using illustrated stories—in fact he didn't speak to them without using stories.
35 Hii ilikuwa kwamba kile kilichokwisha semwa kupitia kwa nabii kiweze kutimia, pale aliposema, “Nitafumbua kinywa changu katika mifano. Nitasema mambo yale yaliyokuwa yamefichwa tangu misingi ya ulimwengu”.
This fulfilled the prophet's words: “I will speak using stories, and I will explain things hidden from the creation of the world.”
36 Kisha Yesu aliwaacha makutano na kwenda nyumbani. Wanafunzi wake walimwendea na kusema, “Tufafanulie mfano wa magugu ya shambani.''
Then he left the crowds and went into a house. His disciples came over to him, and asked him, “Please explain to us the story about the weeds in the field.”
37 Yesu alijibu na kusema, “Apandae mbegu nzuri ni Mwana wa Adamu.
“The one who sows the good seed is the Son of man,” Jesus explained.
38 Shamba ni ulimwengu; na mbegu nzuri, hawa ni wana wa ufalme. Magugu ni wana wa yule mwovu, na adui aliye zipanda ni ibilisi.
“The field is the world. The good seeds are the children of the kingdom. The weed seeds are the children of the evil one.
39 Na mavuno ni mwisho wa ulimwengu, na wavunaji ni malaika. (aiōn g165)
The enemy that sowed the weed seeds is the devil. The harvest is the end of the world. The reapers are angels. (aiōn g165)
40 Kama vile magugu yanavyo kusanywa na kuchomwa moto, hivyo ndivyo itakavyo kuwa mwisho wa ulimwengu. (aiōn g165)
Just as the weeds are harvested and burned so it will be at the end of the world. (aiōn g165)
41 Mwana wa Adamu atatuma malaika wake, na kukusanya kutoka katika ufalme wake mambo yote yaliyosababisha dhambi na wale watendao maasi.
The Son of man will send out his angels, and they will gather up every sinful thing and everyone who does evil,
42 Watawatupa wote katika tanuru la moto, ambako kutakuwa na kilio na kusaga meno.
and will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
43 Ndipo watu wenye haki watakapong'aa kama jua katika Ufalme wa Baba yao. Yeye aliye na masikio na sikie.
Then those who live right will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their father. Anybody with ears should be listening!
44 Ufalme wa mbinguni ni kama hazina iliyofichwa shambani. Mtu akaiona na kuificha. Katika furaha yake akaenda kuuza vyote alivyokuwa navyo, na kulinunua shamba.
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. A man found it, reburied it, and then full of joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 Tena, ufalme wa mbinguni ni kama mtu anayefanya biashara atafutaye lulu yenye thamani.
The kingdom of heaven is also like a trader looking for good pearls.
46 Wakati alipoiona ile yenye thamani, alienda akauza kila kitu alichokuwa nacho na akainunua.
When he found the most expensive pearl ever he went and sold all he had and bought it.
47 Ufalme wa mbinguni ni kama nyavu iliyo ndani ya bahari, na kwamba hukusanya viumbe vya kila aina.
Once more, the kingdom of heaven is like a fishing net thrown into the sea that caught all kinds of fish.
48 Ulipojaa wavuvi waliuvuta ufukweni. Kisha wakakaa chini wakakusanya vitu vyema ndani ya vyombo, lakini visivyo na thamani vilitupwa mbali.
When it was full it was dragged ashore. The good fish were put into baskets while the bad ones were thrown away.
49 Itakuwa namna hii katika mwisho wa dunia. Malaika watakuja na kuwatenga watu waovu kutoka miongoni mwa wenye haki. (aiōn g165)
That's the way it will be when the end of the world comes. The angels will go out and separate the evil people from the good, (aiōn g165)
50 Na kuwatupa ndani ya tanuru ya moto, ambako kutakuwa na maombolezo na kusaga meno.
and throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
51 Mmefahamu mambo yote haya? Wanafunzi walimjibu, ''Ndiyo.''
Now do you understood everything?” “Yes,” they replied.
52 Kisha Yesu akawambia, ''Kila mwandishi ambaye amekuwa mwanafunzi wa ufalme anafanana na mwenye nyumba atoaye katika hazina yake vitu vipya na vya kale.''
“Every religious teacher who's learned about the kingdom of heaven is like a house-owner who brings out from his storeroom both new and old treasures,” Jesus said.
53 IkawaYesu alipomaliza mifano yote hiyo, akaondoka katika sehemu hiyo.
After Jesus finished telling these stories, he left.
54 Kisha Yesu akafika katika mkoa wake na akawafundisha watu katika sinagogi. Matokeo yake ni kuwa walishangaa na kusema, “Ni wapi mtu huyu alipopata hekima hii na miujiza hii?
He went back to his home town and taught in the synagogue there. People were amazed, and asked, “Where does he get his wisdom and miracles from?
55 Mtu huyu siyo mwana wa seremala? Mariamu siyo mamaye? Na ndugu zake siyo Yakobo, Yusuph, Simoni na Yuda?
Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother's name Mary, and his brothers James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
56 Na dada zake tunao hapa petu? Basi mtu huyu ameyapata wapi haya yote?”.
Don't his sisters live here among us? So where does he get all this from?”
57 Aliwachukiza. Lakini Yesu aliwambia, “Nabii hakosi kuwa na heshima isipokuwa kwao na katika nchi yao.
And so they refused to believe in him. “A prophet is honored everywhere except in his homeland and in his family,” Jesus told them.
58 Na hakuweza kufanya miujiza mingi kwa sababu hawakuwa na imani naye.
Since they failed to trust in him, he did not do many miracles there.

< Mathayo 13 >