< Marko 14 >
1 Ilikuwa siku mbili tu baada ya sikukuu ya Pasaka na ya Mikate Isiyotiwa Chachu. Makuhani wakuu na waandishi walikuwa wakitafuta namna ya kumkamata Yesu kwa hila na kumuua.
It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might seize him by deception and kill him.
2 Kwa kuwa walisema, “Sio wakati huu wa sikukuu, watu wasije wakafanya ghasia.”
For they said, “Not during the feast, because there might be a riot among the people.”
3 Wakati Yesu alipokuwa Bethania nyumbani kwa Simoni mkoma, na alipokuwa akielekea mezani, mwanamke mmoja alikuja kwake akiwa na chupa ya marashi ya nardo safi yenye gharama kubwa sana, aliivunja chupa na kuimimina juu ya kichwa chake.
While he was at Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster jar of ointment of pure nard—very costly. She broke the jar and poured it over his head.
4 Lakini kulikuwa na baadhi yao waliokasirika. Waliambiana wao kwa wao wakisema, “Ni nini sababu ya upotevu huu?
But there were some who were indignant among themselves, saying, “Why has this ointment been wasted?
5 Manukato haya yangeweza kuuzwa kwa zaidi ya dinari mia tatu, na wakapewa maskini.” Nao walimkemea.
For this might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” So they grumbled against her.
6 Lakini Yesu alisema, “Mwacheni peke yake. Kwa nini mnamsumbua? Amefanya jambo zuri kwangu.
But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for me.
7 Siku zote maskini mnao, na wakati wowote mnapotamani mnaweza kufanya mazuri kwao, lakini hamtakuwa nami wakati wote.
For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want to, you can do them good; but you will not always have me.
8 Amefanya kile anachoweza: ameupaka mwili wangu mafuta kwa ajili ya maziko.
She has done what she could. She has anointed my body beforehand for the burying.
9 Kweli nawaambia, kila mahali injili inapohubiriwa katika ulimwengu wote, kile alichofanya mwanamke huyu kitazungumzwa kwa ukumbusho wake.
Most certainly I tell you, wherever this Good News may be preached throughout the whole world, that which this woman has done will also be spoken of for a memorial of her.”
10 Kisha Yuda Iskariote, mmoja wa wale kumi na wawili, alikwenda kwa wakuu wa makuhani ili kwamba apate kumkabidhi kwao.
Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went away to the chief priests, that he might deliver him to them.
11 Wakati wakuu wa Makuhani waliposikia hivyo, walifurahi na wakaahidi kumpa fedha. Alianza kutafuta nafasi ya kumkabidhi kwao.
They, when they heard it, were glad, and promised to give him money. He sought how he might conveniently deliver him.
12 Katika siku ya kwanza ya mkate usiotiwa chachu, wakati walipotoa mwanakondoo wa pasaka, wanafunzi wake walimwambia, “Unataka twende wapi tukaandae ili upate kula mlo wa Pasaka?”
On the first day of unleavened bread, when they sacrificed the Passover, his disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare that you may eat the Passover?”
13 Aliwatuma wanafuzi wake wawili na kuwaambia, “Nendeni mjini, na mwanamume ambaye amebeba mtungi ataonana nanyi. Mfuateni.
He sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the city, and there a man carrying a pitcher of water will meet you. Follow him,
14 Nyumba atakayoingia, mfuateni na mmwambie mwenye nyumba hiyo, 'Mwalimu asema, “Kiko wapi chumba cha wageni mahali nitakapokula Pasaka na wanafunzi wangu?”
and wherever he enters in, tell the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says, “Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?”’
15 Atawaonesha chumba cha juu kikubwa chenye samani ambacho kiko tayari. Fanyeni maandalizi kwa ajili yetu pale.”
He will himself show you a large upper room furnished and ready. Get ready for us there.”
16 Wanafunzi waliondoka wakaenda mjini; walikuta kila kitu kama alivyokuwa amewaambia, na wakaandaa mlo wa Pasaka.
His disciples went out, and came into the city, and found things as he had said to them, and they prepared the Passover.
17 Wakati ilipokuwa jioni, alikuja na wale Kumi na wawili.
When it was evening he came with the twelve.
18 Na walipokuwa wakiikaribia meza na kula, Yesu alisema, “Kweli nawaambia, mmoja kati yenu anayekula pamoja nami atanisaliti.”
As they sat and were eating, Jesus said, “Most certainly I tell you, one of you will betray me—he who eats with me.”
19 Wote walisikitika, na mmoja baada ya mwingine walimwambia, “Hakika siyo mimi?”
They began to be sorrowful, and to ask him one by one, “Surely not I?” And another said, “Surely not I?”
20 Yesu alijibu na kuwaambia, “Ni mmoja wa Kumi na wawili kati yenu, mmoja ambaye sasa anachovya tonge katika bakuli pamoja nami.
He answered them, “It is one of the twelve, he who dips with me in the dish.
21 Kwa kuwa Mwana wa Adamu atakwenda kama vile maandiko yasemavyo juu yake. Lakini ole wake mtu yule ambaye kupitia yeye Mwana wa Adamu atasalitiwa! Ingekuwa vizuri zaidi kwake kama mtu yule asingezaliwa.”
For the Son of Man goes as it is written about him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would be better for that man if he had not been born.”
22 Na walipokuwa wakila, Yesu alichukua mkate, akaubariki, na kuumega. Aliwapa akisema, “Chukueni. Huu ni mwili wangu.”
As they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had blessed it, he broke it and gave to them, and said, “Take, eat. This is my body.”
23 Alichukua kikombe, akashukuru, na akawapatia, na wote wakakinywea.
He took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave to them. They all drank of it.
24 Aliwaambia, “Hii ni damu yangu ya agano, damu imwagikayo kwa ajili ya wengi.
He said to them, “This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many.
25 Kweli nawaambia, sitakunywa tena katika zao hili la mzabibu mpaka siku ile nitakapokunywa mpya katika ufalme wa Mungu.”
Most certainly I tell you, I will no more drink of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in God’s Kingdom.”
26 Walipokwisha kuimba wimbo, walikwenda nje katika Mlima wa Mizeituni.
When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
27 Yesu aliwaaambia, “Ninyi nyote mtajitenga mbali kwa sababu yangu, kwa kuwa imeandikwa, 'Nitampiga mchungaji na kondoo watatawanyika.'
Jesus said to them, “All of you will be made to stumble because of me tonight, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’
28 Lakini baada ya kufufuka kwangu, nitawatangulia mbele yenu Galilaya.”
However, after I am raised up, I will go before you into Galilee.”
29 Petro alimwambia, “Hata kama wote watakuacha, mimi sitakuacha.”
But Peter said to him, “Although all will be offended, yet I will not.”
30 Yesu alimwambia, “Kweli nakuambia, usiku huu, kabla jogoo hajawika mara mbili, utakuwa umenikana mara tatu.”
Jesus said to him, “Most certainly I tell you that you today, even this night, before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.”
31 Lakini Petro alisema, “Hata itanilazimu kufa pamoja nawe, sitakukana.” Wote walitoa ahadi ile ile.
But he spoke all the more, “If I must die with you, I will not deny you.” They all said the same thing.
32 Walikuja kwenye eneo lililoitwa Gethsemane, na Yesu akawaambia wanafunzi wake, “Kaeni hapa wakati nasali.”
They came to a place which was named Gethsemane. He said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.”
33 Aliwachukua Petro, Yakobo, na Yohana pamoja naye, akaanza kuhuzunika na kutaabika sana.
He took with him Peter, James, and John, and began to be greatly troubled and distressed.
34 Aliwaambia, “Nafsi yangu ina huzuni sana, hata kufa. Bakini hapa na mkeshe.”
He said to them, “My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch.”
35 Yesu alienda mbele kidogo, akaanguka chini, akaomba, kama ingewezekana, kwamba saa hii ingemwepuka.
He went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass away from him.
36 Alisema, “Aba, Baba, Mambo yote kwako yanawezekana. Niondolee kikombe hiki. Lakini siyo kwa mapenzi yangu, bali mapenzi yako.”
He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Please remove this cup from me. However, not what I desire, but what you desire.”
37 Alirudi na kuwakuta wamelala, na akamwambia Petro, “Simoni, je umelala? Hukuweza kukesha hata saa moja?
He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Could not you watch one hour?
38 Kesheni na muombe kwamba msije mkaingia katika majaribu. Hakika roho i radhi, lakini mwili ni dhaifu.”
Watch and pray, that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
39 Alienda tena na kuomba, na alitumia maneno yaleyale.
Again he went away and prayed, saying the same words.
40 Alikuja tena akawakuta wamelala, kwa kuwa macho yao yalikuwa mazito na hawakujua nini cha kumwambia.
Again he returned and found them sleeping, for their eyes were very heavy; and they did not know what to answer him.
41 Alikuja mara ya tatu na kuwaambia, “Bado mmelala na kupumzika? Yatosha! Saa imefika. Tazama! Mwana wa Adamu atasalitiwa mikononi mwa wenye dhambi.
He came the third time and said to them, “Sleep on now, and take your rest. It is enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
42 Amkeni, twendeni. Tazama, yule anayenisaliti yuko karibu.”
Arise! Let’s get going. Behold, he who betrays me is at hand.”
43 Mara tu alipokuwa bado anaongea, Yuda, mmoja wa wale kumi na wawili, alifika, na kundi kubwa kutoka kwa wakuu wa makuhani, waandishi na wazee wenye mapanga na marungu.
Immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, came—and with him a multitude with swords and clubs, from the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders.
44 Wakati huo msaliti wake alikuwa amewapa ishara, akisema, Yule nitakayembusu, ndiye. Mkamateni na kumpeleka chini ya ulinzi.”
Now he who betrayed him had given them a sign, saying, “Whomever I will kiss, that is he. Seize him, and lead him away safely.”
45 Wakati Yuda alipofika, moja kwa moja alienda kwa Yesu na kusema, “Mwalimu!” Na akambusu.
When he had come, immediately he came to him and said, “Rabbi! Rabbi!” and kissed him.
46 Kisha wakumtia chini ya ulinzi na kumkamata.
They laid their hands on him and seized him.
47 Lakini mmoja kati yao aliyesimama karibu naye alichomoa upanga wake akampiga mtumishi wa kuhani mkuu na kumkata sikio.
But a certain one of those who stood by drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
48 Yesu aliwaambia, “Mmekuja kunikamata kwa mapanga na marungu kama mnyang'anyi?
Jesus answered them, “Have you come out, as against a robber, with swords and clubs to seize me?
49 Wakati kila siku nilikuwa nanyi na nikifundisha hekaluni, hamkunikamata. Lakini hili limefanyika ili maandiko yatimie.
I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and you did not arrest me. But this is so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled.”
50 Na wale wote waliokuwa na Yesu walimwacha na kukimbia.
They all left him, and fled.
51 Kijana mmoja alimfuata, aliyekuwa amevaa shuka tu aliyokuwa amejifunika kumzunguka; walimkamata lakini
A certain young man followed him, having a linen cloth thrown around himself over his naked body. The young men grabbed him,
52 aliwaponyoka akaiacha shuka pale akakimbia uchi.
but he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked.
53 Walimwongoza Yesu kwa kuhani mkuu. Pale walikusanyika pamoja naye makuhani wakuu wote, wazee, na waandishi.
They led Jesus away to the high priest. All the chief priests, the elders, and the scribes came together with him.
54 Petro naye alimfuata Yesu kwa mbali, kuelekea kwenye ua wa kuhani mkuu. Aliketi pamoja na walinzi, waliokuwa karibu na moto wakiota ili kupata joto.
Peter had followed him from a distance, until he came into the court of the high priest. He was sitting with the officers, and warming himself in the light of the fire.
55 Wakati huo makuhani wakuu wote na Baraza lote walikuwa wakitafuta ushahidi dhidi ya Yesu ili wapate kumwua. Lakini hawakuupata.
Now the chief priests and the whole council sought witnesses against Jesus to put him to death, and found none.
56 Kwa kuwa watu wengi walileta ushuhuda wa uongo dhidi yake, lakini hata ushahidi wao haukufanana.
For many gave false testimony against him, and their testimony did not agree with each other.
57 Baadhi walisimama na kuleta ushahidi wa uongo dhidi yake; wakisema,
Some stood up and gave false testimony against him, saying,
58 “Tulimsikia akisema, 'Nitaliharibu hekalu hili lililotengenezwa kwa mikono, na ndani siku tatu nitajenga lingine lisilotengenezwa kwa mikono.'”
“We heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and in three days I will build another made without hands.’”
59 Lakini hata ushahidi wao haukufanana.
Even so, their testimony did not agree.
60 Kuhani mkuu alisimama katikati yao na akamwuliza Yesu, “Je, huna jibu? Watu hawa wanashuhudia nini dhidi yako?”
The high priest stood up in the middle, and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer? What is it which these testify against you?”
61 Lakini alikaa kimya na hakujibu chochote. Mara Kuhani mkuu alimwuliza tena, “Je wewe ni Kristo, mwana wa Mbarikiwa?”
But he stayed quiet, and answered nothing. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?”
62 Yesu alisema, “Mimi ndiye. Na utamwona Mwana wa Adamu ameketi mkono wa kulia wa nguvu akija na mawingu ya mbinguni.”
Jesus said, “I am. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of the sky.”
63 Kuhani mkuu alirarua mavazi yake na kusema, “Je, bado tunahitaji mashahidi?
The high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need have we of witnesses?
64 Mmesikia kufuru. Uamuzi wenu ni upi?” Na wote walimhukumu kama mmoja aliyestahili kifo.
You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?” They all condemned him to be worthy of death.
65 Baadhi wakaanza kumtemea mate na kumfunika uso na kumpiga na kumwambia, “Tabiri!” Maafisa walimchukua na kumpiga.
Some began to spit on him, and to cover his face, and to beat him with fists, and to tell him, “Prophesy!” The officers struck him with the palms of their hands.
66 Na Petro alipokuwa bado yuko chini uani, mtumishi mmoja wa wasichana wa kuhani mkuu alikuja kwake.
As Peter was in the courtyard below, one of the maids of the high priest came,
67 Alimwona Petro alipokuwa amesimama akiota moto, na alimtazama kwa kumkaribia. Kisha alisema, “Nawe pia ulikuwa na Mnazareti, Yesu”.
and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, “You were also with the Nazarene, Jesus!”
68 Lakini alikataa, akisema, “Sijui wala sielewi kuhusu kile unachosema!” Kisha alitoka akaenda nje uani. (Zingatia; Mstari huu, “Na jogoo akawika” haumo kwenye nakala za kale).
But he denied it, saying, “I neither know nor understand what you are saying.” He went out on the porch, and the rooster crowed.
69 Lakini mtumishi wa kike pale, alimwona na alianza kuwaambia tena wale ambao walikuwa wamesimama pale, “Mtu huyu ni mmoja wao!”
The maid saw him and began again to tell those who stood by, “This is one of them.”
70 Lakini alikana tena. Baadaye kidogo wale waliokuwa wamesimama pale walikuwa wakimwambia Petro, “Hakika wewe ni mmoja wao, kwa maana wewe pia ni Mgalilaya.”
But he again denied it. After a little while again those who stood by said to Peter, “You truly are one of them, for you are a Galilean, and your speech shows it.”
71 Lakini alianza kujiweka mwenyewe chini ya laana na kuapa, “Simjui mtu huyu mnayemsema.”
But he began to curse and to swear, “I do not know this man of whom you speak!”
72 Kisha jogoo aliwika mara ya pili. Kisha Petro alikumbuka maneno ambayo Yesu aliyokuwa amemwambia: “Kabla jogoo hajawika mara mbili, utanikana mara tatu.” Na alianguka chini na kulia.
The rooster crowed the second time. Peter remembered the words that Jesus said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” When he thought about that, he wept.