< Luka 8 >
1 Ilitokea muda mfupi baadaye kwamba Yesu alianza kusafiri katika miji na jiji mbalimbali, akihubiri na kutangaza habari njema ya ufalme wa Mungu na wale kumi wawili walikwenda pamoja naye,
It happened shortly afterwards that he began to go from town to town and village to village, preaching and telling the good news of the kingdom of God.
2 vilevile wanawake fulani waliokuwa wameponywa kutoka kwa roho wachafu na magonjwa mbalimbali. Walikuwa ni Mariamu aliyeitwa Magdalena ambaye alikuwa ametolewa pepo saba.
The twelve were with him, and certain women whom he had delivered from evil spirits and various diseases. Mary of Magdala, out of whom seven demons have been driven,
3 Yoana mke wa Kuza na meneja wa Herode, Susana, na wanawake wengine wengi, waliotoa mali vyao kwa ajili yao wenyewe.
and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many other women, who used to minister to him out of their substance.
4 Nabaada ya umati wa watu kukusanyika pamoja, wakiwemo na watu waliokuja kwake kutoka miji mbalimbali, akazungumza nao kwa kutumia mifano.
As a great crowd was gathering, and men of town after town kept restoring to him, he spoke a parable to them.
5 “mpandaji alienda kupanda mbegu, alipokuwa apanda, baadhi ya mbegu hizo ziliangukia kando ya njia zikakanyagwa chini ya miguu, na ndege wa angani wakazila.
"A sower went out to sow his seed, and as he sowed some fell by the wayside, and was trodden under foot, and the wild birds ate it up.
6 Mbegu zingine zilianguka juu ya udongo wa miamba na zilipoota na kuwa miche zilipooza kwa sababu hakukuwa na unyevunyevu.
"Some other seed dropped on the rock, as soon as it grew it withered away, because it had no moisture.
7 Mbegu zingine ziliangukia kwenye miti ya miiba, nayo hiyo miti ya miiba ikakua pamoja na zile mbegu na zikasongwa.
"Another part fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew with it and choked it.
8 Lakini mbegu zingine ziliangukia kwenye udongo unaofaa na zikazaa mazao mara mia zaidi. “Baada ya Yesu kusema mambo haya, alipaza sauti,”Yeyote aliye na masikio ya kusikia na asikie.”
"But some fell on good soil, and grew up, and brought forth fruit, a hundredfold." When he said this, he called out, "Whoever has ears to hear with, let him listen."
9 Tena wanafunzi wake wakamuuliza maana ya mfano huo,
Then his disciples began to interrupt him, saying, "What does this parable mean?"
10 Yesu akawaambia, “Mmepewa upendeleo wa kujua siri ya ufalme wa Mungu, lakini watu wengine watafundishwa tu kwa mifano, ili kwamba 'wakiona wasione na wakisikia wasielewe.'
He answered. "To you it is given to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God; But all others are taught in parables so that seeing they shall not see, and hearing they shall not hear.
11 Na hii ndiyo maana ya mfano huu. Mbegu ni neno la Mungu.
"This is the meaning of the parable. The seed is the word of God.
12 Mbegu zile zilizoanguka kando kando ya njia ndiyo wale watu wanaolisikia neno, na baadaye mwovu shetani hulichukua mbali kutoka moyoni, ili kwamba wasiamini na kuokolewa.
"Those by the wayside are people who hear, but then comes the devil and carries off the word from their heart, so that they may not believe and not be saved.
13 Kisha na zile zilizoangukia kwenye mwamba ni watu wale wanaosikia neno na kulipokea kwa furaha lakini hawana mizizi yeyote, wanaamini tu kwa muda mfupi, na wakati wa majaribu huanguka.
"Those on the rock are people who, upon hearing, receive the word with joy; but they have no root. For a time indeed they all believe, but in time of temptation they fall away.
14 Na mbegu zile zilizoangukia kwenye miiba ni watu wanaosikia neno, lakini wanapoendelea kukua husongwa na huduma na utajiri na ubora wa maisha haya na hawazai matunda.
"And that which fell upon thorns is those who have heard, but as they go on their way of word is choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of life; so they bring no fruit of perfection.
15 Lakini zile mbegu zilizoangukia kwenye udongo mzuri ni wale watu, ambao ni wanyeyekevu na mioyo mizuri, baada ya kulisikia neno hulishikilia na likawa salama na kuazaa matunda ya uvumilivu.
"And that in the good soil is those who have listened to the message and, in an honest and good heart, hold fast, and bring forth fruit with patience.
16 Sasa, hakuna hata mmoja, anayewasha taa na kuifunika kwa bakuli au kuiweka chini ya kitanda. Badala ya kuiweka kwenye kinara cha taa ili kwamba kila mmoja anayeingia apate kuiona.
"When he lights a lamp no one covers it with a vase or hides it under a bed; he puts it on a lamp-stand so whoever may behold the light.
17 Kwa kuwa hakuna kitakachojificha ambacho hakitajulikana, au chochote kilicho sirini ambacho hakitajulikana kikiwa kwenye mwanga.
"For is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed; there is nothing secret which shall not be made known and come to the light.
18 kwa hiyo kuwa makini unapokuwa unasikiliza. Kwa sababu aliye nacho, kwake ataongezewa zaidi, lakini asiye nacho hata kile kidogo alicho nacho kitachukuliwa.”
"Take heed, then, how you listen. for he who has, to him shall it be given, but from him who has not, shall be taken away even what he has."
19 baadaye mama yake Yesu na ndugu zake wakaja kwake hawakaribia kwa sababu ya umati wa watu.
There came to him his mother and his brothers, and they could not reach him because of the crowd.
20 Na akataarifiwa, “Mama yako na ndugu zako wako pale nje wanahitaji kukuona wewe.
But some one told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, desiring to see you."
21 Lakini, Yesu akajibu akasema “Mama yangu na ndugu zangu ni wale wanaolisikia neno la Mungu na kulitii.”
"My mother and brothers," he answered, "are those who listen to the word of God and obey it."
22 Ilitokea siku moja kati ya siku zile Yesu na wanafunzi wake alipanda kwenye mtumbwi, na akawaambia, “Na tuvuke ng'ambo ya pili ya ziwa.” Wakaandaa mashua yao.
Now it happened that one of these days he got into a boat, And him his disciples, and he said to them, "Let us cross to the other side of the lake."
23 Lakini walipoanza kuondoka, Yesu akalala usingizi, na dhoruba kali yenye upepo, na mashua yao ikaanza kujaa maji na walikuwa kwenye katika kubwa sana.
So they set sail. While they were sailing he fell asleep. And there fell on the lake a squall of wind, so that the boat began to fill, and they to be in deadly peril.
24 baadaye wanafunzi wake wakaja kwake na kumwamsha, wakisema, “Bwana mkubwa! Bwana mkubwa! tuko karibu kufa!” Akaamka na akaukemea upepo na mawimbi ya maji vikatulia na kukawa na utulivu.
Then they came to him and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we are lost!" Then he awoke, and rebuked the winds and the raging of the sea. They ceased, and there was a calm.
25 Tena akawaambia, “Imani yenu iko wapi?” Wakaogopa, Walishangaa, wakasemezana kia mmoja na mwenzake,”Huyu ni nani, kiasi kwamba anaamuru hata upepo, na maji na humtii?”
"Where is your faith?" he asked them, In their terror they were filled with amazement, and said to one another, "Who is this who commands even the winds and the sea, and they obey him?"
26 Wakafika kwenye mji wa Gerasini iliyo upande wa nyuma ya Galilaya.
Then they put in at the country of Gadarenes, which is across from Galilee.
27 Yesu aliposhuka na kukanya kwenye ardhi, mtu fulani kutoka mjini, akakutana naye, na huyu mtu alikuwa na nguvu za giza. Kwa muda mrefu alikuwa havai nguo, na alikuwa haishi kwenye Nyumba, lakini aliishi kwenye makaburi.
When he landed here he was met by a certain townsman who was possessed by demons. For a long time he had worn no clothes and nor lived in any house, but in tombs.
28 Alipomwona Yesu akalia kwa sauti, na akaanguka chini mbele yake. kwa sauti kubwa akisema, Nimefanya nini kwako, Yesu mwana wa Mungu aliye juu? Nakusihi, Usiniadhibu mimi”
When he saw Jesus he cried out, and fell down before him, and in a loud voice exclaimed. "What have we to do with you, Jesus, you son of God Most High? I implore you to torment me not!"
29 Yesu akaamuru roho chafu imtoke mtu yule, kwa kuwa mara nyingi amepamgaa. hata kama alikuwa amefungwa minyororo na kubanwa na kuwekwa chini ya ulinzi, alivunja vifungo na kuendeshwa na mapepo mpaka jangwani.
For Jesus was already commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For many times it had seized him and held him, and they again and again kept him under guard, and put him in chains and fetters. But he would break his bonds asunder, as he was driven by the demon in to the desert.
30 Yesu akamwuliza, “Jina lako nani?” akajibu akisema, “Legioni” Kwa maana mapepo mengi yameingia kwake.
So Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" And he answered, "Legion" (for many demons had entered into him).
31 Wakaendelea kumsihi usituamuru twende kwenye shimo. (Abyssos )
So they besought Jesus not to command them to go away into the abyss. (Abyssos )
32 Kundi la Nguruwe lilikuwa likichunga juu ya kilima, wakamsihi awaruhusu wakaingie kwa hao nguruwe. Na akawaruhusu kufanya hivyo.
Now there was a great herd of swine feeding on the hillside, and the demons begged him to give them leave to enter them. He gave them leave.
33 kwa hiyo wale mapepo wakamtoka mtu yule na kuingia kwa wale nguruwe, na lile kundi likakimbia kwenye mwinuko wa mlima mpaka ziwani na wakazama humo.
The demons came out of the man, and entered into the swine; the herd rushed violently down over the cliff into the lake.
34 wale watu waliokuwa wanachunga wale nguruwe walipoona kilichotokea, wakakimbia na wakatoa taarifa pale mjini na nje katika miji iliyowazunguka.
And those who saw what had happened fled and reported it in the town and the villages.
35 Watu waliposikia hayo walienda kuona kilichotokea, na wakaja kwa Yesu na wakamwona mtu ambaye mapepo yalikuwa yamemtoka. alikuwa amevaa vizuri na mwenye akili timamu, amekaa kwenye miguu ya Yesu, na waliogopa.
Then the people came out to see what had happened, and came to Jesus, and found the man out of whom the demons had gone sitting clothed and in his right mind, at the feet of Jesus. And they were terrified.
36 ndipo mmoja wao aliyeona kilichotokea alianza kuwasimlia wengine jinsi huyu mtu aliyekuwa anaongozwa na mapepo alivyoponywa.
Then those who had seen it told them how the demon-possessed man had been saved.
37 Watu wote wa mkoa wa Wagerasi na maeneo yaliyozunguka walimwomba Yesu aondoke kwao kwa sababu walikuwa na hofu kuu. Na aliingia kwenye mtumbwi ili arudi.
And the whole populace of Gadarenes and the surrounding territory besought Jesus to go away from them; for they were terror-stricken. So he entered a boat and returned.
38 Mtu yule aliyetokwa na pepo alimsihi Yesu kwenda naye, lakini Yesu alimwambia aende na kusema,
But the man out of whom the demons had gone kept begging him that he might be with him. But Jesus sent him away saying,
39 “Rudi kwenye nyumba yako na uhesabu yale yote ambayo Mungu amekutendea” Huyu mtu aliondoka, akitangaza pote katika mji wote yale yote ambayo Yesu aliyofanya kwa ajili yake.
"Return to your home, and tell them all that God has done for you." So he went away and throughout the whole city he published how much Jesus had done for him.
40 Na Yesu akarudi, makutano wakamkaribisha, kwa sababu wote walikuwa wanamngoja.
And as Jesus returned the crowd welcomed him;
41 Tazama akaja mtu mmoja anaitwa Yairo ni mmoja kati ya viongozi katika sinagogi. Yairo akaanguka miguuni pa Yesu na kumsihi aende nyumbani kwake,
for they were all waiting for him. Just then there came a man named Jarius, and he was ruler in the synagogue. He fell down at Jesus’ feet and begged him to come into his house;
42 kwa sababu alikuwa na mtoto msichana mmoja tu, mwenye umri wa miaka kumi na wibili, na alikuwa katika hali ya kufa. Na alipokuwa akienda, makutano walikuwa wakisongama dhidi yake.
for he had only one daughter, about twelve years of age, and she lay dying. But as he went the crowds continued to press in on him.
43 Mwanamke mwenye kutokwa damu kwa miaka kumi na miwili alikuwa pale na alitumia pesa zote kwa waganga, lakini hakuna aliyemponya hata mmoja,
And a woman who for twelve years had had a hemorrhage, and had spent on doctors all that she had, but none had cured her,
44 alikuja nyuma ya yesu na kugusa pindo la vazi lake, na ghafla kutokwa damu kukakoma.
came close behind him, and touched the hem of his garment; and instantly the hemorrhage ceased.
45 Yesu akasema, “Nani ambaye kanigusa?” Walipokataa wote, Petro akasema, Bwana Mkubwa, umati wa watu wanakusukuma na wanakusonga.”
"Who is that touched me?" said Jesus and when everybody denied it, Peter said, "Master, the crowds are hemming you in and pressing upon you."
46 Lakini Yesu akasema, “Mtu mmoja alinigusa, maana nilijua nguvu zimetoka kwangu.”
But Jesus said. "Some one did touch me; for I perceived that the power was proceeding out of me."
47 Mwanamke alipoona ya kuwa hawezi kuficha alichokifanya, akaanza kutetemeka, akaanguka chini mbele za Yesu alitangaza mbele ya watu wote sababu zilizofanya amguse na vile alivyoponywa gafla.
Then the woman, who saw that she had not escaped notice, came trembling, and falling down before him, stated before the people for what reason she had touched him, and how she had been instantly healed.
48 Kisha akasema kwake, “Binti, imani yako imekufanya uwe mzima. Enenda kwa Amani.”
"Daughter," he said "your faith has made you well, go on into peace."
49 Alipokuwa akiendelea kusema, mtu mmoja akaja kutoka kwenye nyumba ya kiongozi wa sinagogi, akisema, “Binti yako amefariki. Usimsumbue mwalimu.”
As he was speaking some one came from the house of the synagogue, saying. "Your daughter is dead! Do not trouble the Master."
50 Lakini Yesu aliposikia hivyo, alimjibu, “Usiogope. Amini tu, na ataokolewa.”
But Jesus heard and answered. "Have no fear. Only believe, and she shall be restored."
51 Kisha alipoingia kwenye hiyo nyumba, hakuruhusu mtu yeyote kuingia pamoja naye, isipokuwa Petro, Yohana na Yakobo, baba yake binti, na mama yake.
So he came to the house, and would not permit anyone to go in with him except Peter and Johnand James, and the father and Mother of the little girl.
52 Sasa watu wote walikuwa wanaomboleza na kutoa sauti kwa ajili yake, lakini akasema, “Msipige kelele, hajafa, lakini amelala tu.”
The people were weeping and bewailing her, but he said. "Stop your wailing; for she is not dead, but asleep."
53 Lakini wakamcheka kwa dharau, wakijua kuwa amekufa.
They began to laugh him to scorn, because they knew well that she was dead.
54 Lakini Yeye, akimshika binti mkono, akaita kwa sauti, akisema, “Mtoto, inuka”
But he took her by the hand and called to her, "Little daughter, rise!"
55 roho yake ikamrudia, na akainuka wakati huohuo. Akaamrisha kwamba, apewe kitu furani kwa ili ale.
And her spirit returned and instantly she stood up.
56 Wazazi wake wakashangaa, lakini aliwaamuru wasimwambie mtu kilichokuwa kimetokea.
He bade them to get her some food. Her parents were amazed; but he forbade them to tell any one what had been done.