< Luka 7 >
1 Baada ya Yesu kumaliza kila kitu alichokuwa anasema kwa watu waliomsikiliza, akaingia Kapernaumu.
When he had ended all his sainges in the audience of the people he entred into Capernau
2 Mtumwa fulani wa akida, aliyekuwa wa thamani sana kwake, alikuwa mgonjwa sana na alikuwa karibu ya kufa.
And a certayne Centurions seruaunte was sicke and redy to dye whom he made moche of.
3 Lakini akiwa amesikia kuhusu Yesu, yule Akida alimtuma kiongozi wa kiyahudi, kumwomba aje kumwokoa mtumwa wake ili asife.
And when he hearde of Iesu he sent vnto him the elders of the Iewes besechinge him yt he wolde come and heale his servaunt.
4 Walipofika karibu na Yesu, walimsihi kwa bidii na kusema, “anastahili kwamba unapaswa kufanya hivi kwa ajili yake,
And they came to Iesus and besought him instantly sayinge: He is worthi that thou shuldest do this for him.
5 kwa sababu analipenda taifa letu, na ndiye aliyejenga sinagogi kwa ajili yetu”.
For he loveth oure nacion and hath bilt vs a sinagoge
6 Yesu akaendelea na safari yake pamoja nao. lakini kabla hajaenda mbali na nyumba, afisa mmoja aliwatuma marafiki zake kuzungumza naye. “Bwana, usijichoshe mwenyewe kwa sababu mimi sistahili wewe kuingia kwenye dari yangu.
And Iesus went with them. And when he was not farre fro the housse the Centurio sent frendes to him sayinge vnto him: Lorde trouble not thy silfe: for I am not worthy yt thou shuldest enter vnder my roffe.
7 Kwa sababu hii sikufikiria hata mimi mwenyewe kuwa ninafaa kuja kwako, lakini sema neno tu na mtumishi wangu atapona.
Wherfore I thought not my silfe worthy to come vnto the: but saye the worde and my servaunt shalbe whoole.
8 Kwani mimi pia ni mtu niliyewekwa kwenye mamlaka na nina askari chini yangu. Husema kwa huyu “Nenda” na huenda, na kwa mwingine, “Njoo” naye huja, na kwa mtumishi wangu 'Fanya hiki', na yeye hufanya”.
For I lyke wyse am a man vnder power and have vnder me soudiers and I saye vnto won goo: and he goeth. And to another come: and he cometh. And to my servaunt do this: and he doeth it.
9 Yesu aliposikia haya alishangaa, na kuwageukia makutano waliokuwa wanamfuata na kusema.”Nawaambia, hata katika Israeli, sijawahi kuona mtu mwenye imani kuu kama huyu.
When Iesus herde this he merveyled at him and turned him about and sayd to the people that folowed him: I saye vnto you I have not founde so greate faith noo not in Israel.
10 Kisha wale waliokuwa wametumwa walirudi nyumbani na kumkuta mtumishi akiwa mzima.
And they yt were sent turned backe home agayne and founde the servaunt that was sicke whoole.
11 fulani baada ya haya, ilitokea kuwa Yesu alikuwa anasafiri kwenda mji ulioitwa Naini. wanafunzi wake wakaenda pamoja naye wakiambana na umati wa watu.
And it fortuned after that that he went into a cite called Naim and many of his disciples went wt him and moche people.
12 Alipofika karibu na Lango la jiji tazama, mtu aliyekufa alikuwa amebebwa, na ni mtoto wa pekee kwa mama yake. aliyekuwa mjane, na umati wa wawakilishi kutoka kwenye jiji walikuwa pamoja naye.
When he came nye to the gate of the cite: beholde ther was a deed man caried out which was ye only sonne of his mother and she was a widowe and moche people of the cite was with her.
13 Alipomwona, Bwana akamsogelea kwa huruma kubwa sana juu yake na akamwambia, “Usilie”.
And when ye lorde sawe her he had compassion on her and sayde vnto her: wepe not.
14 Kisha akasogea mbele akaligusa jeneza ambalo walibebea mwili, na wale waliobeba wakasimama akasema “Kijana nasema amka”
And he went and touched the coffyn and they yt bare him stode still. And he sayde: Yonge man I saye vnto the aryse.
15 Mfu akainuka na kukaa chini na akaanza kuongea. Kisha Yesu akamkabidhi kwa mama yake.
And ye deed sate vp and beganne to speake. And he delyvered him to his mother.
16 Kisha hofu ikawajaa wote. wakaendelea kumtukuza Mungu wakisema “Nabii mkuu ameinuliwa miongoni mwetu” na “Mungu amewaangalia watu wake”
And ther ca a feare on the all. And they glorified god sayinge: a greate prophet is rysen amoge vs and god hath visited his people
17 Hizi habari njema za Yesu zilienea Yudea yote na kwa mikoa yote ya jirani.
And this rumor of him wet forthe throughout all Iurie and thorowout all the regions which lye rounde about.
18 Wanafunzi wa Yohana walimwamwambia mambo haya yote.
And ye disciples of Iohn shewed him of all these thinges.
19 Ndipo Yohana akawaita wawili wa wanafunzi wake na kuwatuma kwa Bwana kusema “Wewe ndiye yule ajaye, au kuna mtu mwingine tumtazamie?
And Iohn called vnto him. ii. of his disciples and sent the to Iesus sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we loke for another?
20 Walipofika karibu na Yesu hawa wakasema, “Yohana mbatizaji ametutuma kwako kusema, 'Wewe ni yule ajaye au kuna mtu mwingine tumtazamie?”
When the men were come vnto him they sayde: Iohn baptiste sent vs vnto ye sayinge: Arte thou he that shall come: or shall we wayte for another?
21 kwa wakati huo aliowaponya watu wengi kutoka katika magonjwa na mateso, kutoka kwa roho wachafu, na kwa watu wenye upofu aliwapa kuona.
And at yt same tyme he cured many of their infirmites and plages and of evyll spretes and vnto many that were blynde he gave sight
22 Yesu akajibu na kusema kwao. “Baada ya kuwa mmekwenda mlikotoka mtamjulisha Yohana mlichokiona na kukisikia. Wenye upofu wanapokea kuona na viwete wanatembea, wenye ukoma wanatakasika, viziwi wanasikia, wafu wanafufuliwa na kuwa hai tena, masikini wanaambiwa habari njema.
And Iesus answered and sayd vnto them: Goo youre wayes and shewe Iohn what thinges ye have sene and harde: how yt the blynde se the halt goo the lepers are clensed the deafe heare the deed aryse to the poore is the glad tydinges preached
23 Na mtu ambaye hataacha kuniamini mimi kwa sababu ya matendo yangu amebarikiwa”.
and happy is he that is not offended by me.
24 Baada ya wale waliotumwa na Yohana kurudi walikotoka, Yesu akaanza kusema kwa makutano juu ya Yohana, “Mlikwenda nje kuona nini, mwanzi ukiwa unatikiswa na upepo?
When ye messengers of Iohn were departed he began to speake vnto ye people of Iohn What wet ye oute into ye wildernes for to se? went ye to se arede shaken wt ye wynde?
25 lakini mlikwenda nje kuona nini, mtu aliyevaa vizuri? tazama watu wale wanaovaa mavazi ya kifalme na kuishi maisha ya starehe wako kwenye nafasi za wafalme.
But what went ye out for tose? A ma clothed in soofte rayment? Beholde they which are gorgeously apparelled and lyve delicatly are in kynges courtes.
26 lakini mnakwenda nje kuona nini, Nabii? Ndiyo, ninasema kwenu na zaidi sana kuliko nabii.
But what went ye forth to se? A prophete? Ye I saye to you and moare then a prophete
27 Huyu ndiye aliyeandikiwa, “Tazama, namtuma mjumbe wangu mbele ya macho yenu, atakeyeandaa njia kwa ajili yangu,
This is he of who it is wrytte: Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face to prepare thy waye before the.
28 Nasema kwenu, kati ya wale waliozaliwa na mwanamke, hakuna mkuu kama Yohana, lakini mtu asiye muhimu sana atakayeishi na Mungu mahali alipo yeye, atakuwa mkuu kuliko Yohana.”
For I saye vnto you: a greater prophete then Iohn amoge wemes chyldre is ther none. Neverthelesse one yt is lesse in ye kyngdo of god is greater the he
29 Na watu wote waliposikia haya pamoja na watoza ushuru, walitangaza kuwa Mungu ni mwenye Haki. Walikuwepo kati yao wale waliobatizwa kwa ubatizo wa Yohana.
And all the people that hearde and the publicans iustified God and were baptised with the baptim of Iohn.
30 Lakini mafarisayo na wataalamu wa sheria za kiyahudi, ambao hawakubatizwa na yeye walikataa hekima za Mungu kwa ajili yao wenyewe.
But the pharises and scribes despised ye counsell of god agaynst them selves and were not baptised of him.
31 Tena naweza kuwalinganisha na nini watu wa kizazi hiki? Wakoje hasai?
And ye lorde sayd: Wher vnto shall I lyke the men of this generacion and what thinge are they lyke?
32 Wanafanana na watoto wanaocheza kwenye eneo la soko, wanaokaa na kuitana mmoja baada wa mwingine wakisema, 'Tumepuliza filimbi kwa ajili yenu, na hamkucheza. tumeomboleza na hamkulia.'
They are lyke vnto chyldre sittynge in ye market place and cryinge one to another and sayinge: We have pyped vnto you and ye hahave not daunsed: we have mourned to you and ye have not wept.
33 Yohana mbatizaji alikuja hakula mkate wala hakunywa divai, na mkasema “Ana pepo.
For Iohn baptist cam nether eatynge breed ner drinkynge wyne and ye saye: he hath the devyll.
34 Mwana wa Mtu amekuja amekula na kunywa na mkasema, “Angali ni mlafi na mlevi, rafiki wa watoza ushuru na wenye dhambi!
The sonne of man is come and eateth and drinketh and ye saye: beholde a man which is a glotton and a drinker of wyne a frende of publicans and synners.
35 Lakini hekima imetambulika kuwa ina haki kwa watoto wake wote.”
Yet is wysdome iustified of all her chyldren.
36 Mmoja wa mafarisayo alimwomba Yesu aende kula pamoja naye. Baada ya Yesu kuingia kwenye nyumba ya farisayo, aliegemea kwenye meza ili ale.
And one of the pharises desyred him that he wolde eate with him. And he went into ye pharises housse and sate doune to meate.
37 Tazama kulikuwa na mwanamke mmoja katika jiji hilo aliyekuwa na dhambi. Akagundua kuwa alikuwa amekaa kwa Farisayo, akaleta chupa ya manukato.
And beholde a woman in that cite which was a synner assone as she knewe that. Iesus sate at meate in the pharises housse she brought an alablaster boxe of oyntmet
38 Alisimama nyuma yake karibu na miguu yake huku akilia. Tena alianza kulowanisha miguu yake kwa machozi, na kuifuta kwa nywele za kichwa chake, akiibusu miguu yake na kuipaka manukato.
and she stode at his fete behynde him wepynge and beganne to wesshe his fete with teares and dyd wipe the with the heares of her heed and kyssed his fete and anoynted them with oyntment.
39 Na yule farisayo aliyekuwa amemwalika Yesu alipoona hivyo, akawaza mwenyewe akisema, “Kama huyu mtu angekuwa nabii, angejua huyu ni nani na ni aina gani ya mwanamke anayemgusa, ya kuwa ni mwenye dhambi.
When the pharise which bade him sawe that he spake with in him sylfe sayinge: If this man were a prophete he wolde surely have knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him for she is a synner.
40 Yesu akajibu na kumwambia, “Simoni nina kitu cha kukuambia. “Akasema” “Kiseme tu mwalimu!”
And Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Simon I have some what to saye vnto ye. And he sayd master saye on.
41 Yesu akasema “Kulikuwa na wadaiwa wawili kwa mkopeshaji mmoja. Mmoja alikuwa anadaiwa dinari mia tano na wa pili alidaiwa dinari hamsini.
There was a certayne lender which had two detters ye one ought five hondred pence and the other fyfty.
42 Na walipokuwa hawana pesa ya kumlipa aliwasamehe wote. Sasa ni nani atampenda zaidi?
When they had nothinge to paye he forgave the boothe. Which of them tell me will love him moost?
43 Simoni akamjibu na kusema, “Nadhani aliyesamehewa zaidi.”Yesu akamwambia, “Umehukumu kwa usahihi.”
Simon answered and sayde: I suppose that he to whom he forgave moost. And he sayde vnto him: Thou hast truly iudged.
44 Yesu akamgeukia mwanamke na kusema kwa Simoni, “Unamwona huyu mwanamke. Nimeingia kwenye Nyumba yako. Hukunipa maji kwa ajili ya miguu yangu, lakini huyu, kwa machozi yake, alilowanisha miguu yangu na kuifuta kwa nywele zake.
And he turned to the woman and sayde vnto Simon: Seist thou this woman? I entred into thy housse and thou gavest me noo water to my fete but she hath wesshed my fete with teares and wiped the with the heeres of her heed.
45 Hukunibusu, lakini yeye, tangu alipoingia humu hakuacha kunibusu miguu yangu.
Thou gavest me no kysse: but she sence ye tyme I came in hath not ceased to kysse my fete
46 Hukuipaka miguu yangu kwa mafuta, lakini ameipaka miguu yangu kwa manukato.
Myne heed wt oyle thou dydest not anoynte: but she hath annoynted my fete wt oyntmet.
47 Kwa jambo hili, nakwambia kwamba alikuwa na dhambi nyingi na amesamehewa zaidi, na pia alipenda zaidi. Lakini aliyesamehewa kidogo, hupenda kidogo tu.”
Wherefore I saye vnto the: many synnes are forgeve her for she loved moche. To whom lesse is forgeven the same doeth lesse love.
48 Baadaye akamwambia mwanamke, “Dhambi zako zimesamehewa”
And he sayde vnto her thy synnes are forgeven ye
49 Wale waliokaa mezani pamoja naye wakaanza kusemezana wao kwa wao, “Huyu ni nani mpaka anasamehe dhambi?”
And they yt sate at meate with him beganne to saye within them selves: Who is this which forgeveth synnes also?
50 Na Yesu akamwambia mwanamke, “Imani yako imekuokoa. Enenda kwa amani”
And he sayde to ye woman: Thy faith hath saved the Goo in peace.