< Luka 1 >
1 Wengi wamejitahidi kuweka katika mpangilio simulizi kuhusu masuala ambayo yametimizwa kati yetu,
Seeing that many have taken it in hand to draw up an account of those matters which have been fully established among us,
2 kama walivyotupatia sisi, ambao tangu mwanzo ni mashahidi wa macho na watumishi wa ujumbe.
just as they reported them to us, who were from beginning eye- witnesses and ministers of the word,
3 Hivyo nami pia, baada ya kuchuguza kwa uangalifu chanzo cha mambo haya yote tokea mwanzo - nimeona ni vema kwangu pia kukuandikia katika mpangilio wake - mheshimiwa sana Theofilo.
it seemed good to me also accurately, from the very beginning, to write them to you in order, most excellent Theophilus,
4 Ili kwamba uweze kujua ukweli wa mambo uliyofundishwa.
so that you may know the certainty of the story which you have been taught by the word of mouth.
5 Katika siku za Herode, mfalme wa Yudea, palikuwa na kuhani fulani aliyeitwa Zekaria, wa ukoo wa Abiya. Mke wake alitoka kwa binti za Haruni, na jina lake aliitwa Elizabeti.
In the reign of Herod, King of Judea, there was a certain priest, named Zachariah, belonging to the class of Abijah. He had a wife named Elizabeth,
6 Wote walikuwa wenye haki mbele za Mungu; walitembea bila lawama katika amri zote na maagizo ya Bwana.
who was a descendant of Aaron. They were both righteous in the sight of the Lord, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the law, blameless.
7 Lakini hawakuwa na mtoto, kwasababu Elizabethi alikuwa tasa, na kwa wakati huu wote wawili walikuwa wazee sana.
Now they had no child, for Elizabeth was barren, and both were far advanced in years.
8 Sasa ilitokea kwamba Zakaria alikuwa katika uwepo wa Mungu, akiendelea na wajibu wa kikuhani katika utaratibu wa zamu yake.
Now while Zachariah was acting as priest before God in the due course of his class, it fell to his lot, according to the custom of priesthood,
9 Kulingana na desturi ya kuchagua ni kuhani yupi atakayehudumu, alikuwa amechaguliwa kwa kura kuingia katika hekalu la Bwana na hivyo angefukiza uvumba.
to enter into the sanctuary of the Lord and to burn incense.
10 Kundi lote la watu lilikuwa likiomba nje wakati wa kufukizwa kwa ufumba.
And the whole multitude of the people were without, praying at the hour of incense.
11 Sasa malaika wa Bwana alimtokea na kasimama upande wa kulia wa madhabahu ya kufukizia.
Then there appeared to him an angel of the Lord, standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
12 Zakaria alitishika alipomuona; hofu ikamwangukia.
And as he saw him Zachariah was troubled, and fear fell upon him.
13 Lakini malaika akamwambia, “Usiogope Zakaria, kwasababu maombi yako yamesikika. Mke wako Elizabeth atakuzalia mwana. Jina lake utamwita Yohana.
But the Angel said to him. "Do not be afraid, Zachariah, because your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you are to call him John.
14 Utakuwa na furaha na uchangamfu, na wengi watakufurahia kuzaliwa kwake.
"And he shall be to you a joy and an exultation, and many shall rejoice over his birth.
15 Kwa kuwa atakuwa mkuu mbele ya macho ya Bwana. Hatakunywa divai au kinywaji kikali, na atakuwa amejazwa na Roho Mtakatifu tangu tumboni mwa mama yake.
"For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, "He shall drink neither wine nor strong drink, "He shall be filled with the Holy Spirit from the hour of his birth,
16 Na watu wengi wa Israel watageuzwa kwa Bwana Mungu wao.
"And shall win many of the sons of Israel to the Lord, their God.
17 Atakwenda mbele za uso wa Bwana katika roho na nguvu ya Eliya. Atafanya hivi ili kurejesha mioyo ya baba kwa watoto, ili kwamba wasiotii wataenenda katika hekima ya wenye haki. Atafanya hivi kuweka tayari kwa Bwana watu ambao wameandaliwa kwa ajili yake.”
"He shall go before Him in the wisdom and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous, and so to make ready for the Lord a people prepared for him."
18 Zakaria akamwambia malaika, “Nitawezaje kujua hili? Kwasababu mimi ni mzee na mke wangu miaka yake imekuwa mingi sana.”
"How shall I be sure of this?" said Zachariah to the Angel. "For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years."
19 Malaika akajibu na kumwambia, “Mimi ni Gabrieli, ambaye husimama mbele za Mungu. Nilitumwa kukwambia, kukuletea habari hii njema.
"I am Gabriel," answered the angel, "who stand in the presence of God; and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring and to bring you this good news.
20 Na tazama, hutaongea, utakuwa kimya, hutaweza kuongea mpaka siku ile mambo haya yatakapotokea. Hii ni kwasababu ulishindwa kuamini maneno yangu ambayo yatatimizwa kwa wakati mwafaka.”
"And now you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day the day when this has taken place; because you did not believe my words - Words which will be fulfilled at their appointed time."
21 Sasa watu walikuwa wakimsubiri Zakaria. Walishangazwa kwamba alikuwa anatumia muda mwingi hekaluni.
Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zachariah and wondering why he stayed so long in the sanctuary.
22 Lakini alipotoka nje, hakuweza kuongea nao. Wakatambua kwamba alikuwa amepata maono alipokuwa hekaluni. Aliendelea kuonesha ishara na alibaki kimya.
And when he came out he could not speak to them, and then they knew that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary. He kept making signs to them and remained dumb.
23 Ikatokea kwamba siku za huduma yake zilipokwisha aliondoka kurudi nyumbani kwake.
As soon as his term of priestly service was ended he went home;
24 Baada ya Zakaria kurudi nyumbani kutoka kwenye huduma yake hekaluni, mke wake akawa mjamzito. Naye hakutoka nyumbani mwake kwa muda wa miezi mitano. Akasema,
and after those days Elizabeth, his wife, Conceived, and she hid herself five months, saying.
25 “Hili ndilo amabalo Bwana amefanya kwangu aliponitazama kwa upendeleo ili kuiondoa aibu yangu mbele za watu.”
"This has the Lord done for me. He has now deigned to take the away my reproach among men."
26 Sasa, katika mwezi wa sita wa mimba ya Elizabeti, Mungu alimwambia malaika Gabrieli kwenda kwenye mji wa Galilaya uitwao Nazareti,
Six months later the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee, called Nazareth,
27 kwa bikra aliyekuwa ameposwa na mwanaume ambaye jina lake lilikuwa Yusufu. Yeye alikuwa wa ukoo wa Daudi, na jina la bikra huyo lilikuwa Mariamu.
to a maiden betrothed to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. Her name was Mary.
28 Akaja kwake na akasema, “Salaam, wewe uliyepokea neema kuu! Bwana amependezwa nawe.”
The angel went in and said to her. "Joy to you, highly favored one! "The Lord is with you."
29 Lakini maneno ya malaika yalimchanganya na hakuelewa kwa nini malaika alisema salaam hii ya ajabu kwake.
Mary was greatly agitated at his word, and was revolving in her mind what this salutation could mean.
30 Malaika akamwambia, “Usiogope, Mariamu, maana umepata neema kutoka kwa Mungu.
when the angel said to her. "Fear not Mary, for you have found grace with God.
31 Na tazama, utabeba mimba katika tumbo lako na utazaa mwana. Nawe utamwita jina lake 'Yesu.'
"And behold, you shall conceive in your womb and bear a son; and you shall call his name Jesus.
32 Atakuwa mkuu na ataitwa Mwana wa Aliye Juu Sana. Bwana Mungu atampa kiti cha enzi cha Daudi baba yake.
"He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. "And the Lord God will give him the throne of his forefather David,
33 Atatawala juu ya ukoo wa Yakobo milele na ufalme wake hautakuwa na mwisho. (aiōn )
"and he shall reign over the House of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end." (aiōn )
34 Mariamu akamwambia malaika, hili litatokea kwa namna gani, maana sijawahi kulala na mwanaume yeyote?
And Mary said to the angel. "How can this be? For I have no husband?"
35 Malaika akajibu na akamwambia, “Roho Mtakatifu atakujia juu yako, na nguvu ya Aliye Juu Sana itakuja juu yako. Kwa hiyo, mtakatifu atakayezaliwa ataitwa Mwana wa Mungu.
"The Holy Spirit shall come upon you," said the angel, "and the power of the most High shall overshadow you, and therefore the holy offspring which is born, shall be called the son of God.
36 Na tazama, ndugu yako Elizabeti anaujauzito wa mwana kwenye umri wake wa uzee. Huu ni mwezi wa sita kwake, ambaye alikuwa anaitwa mgumba.
"And behold your kinswoman, Elizabeth, she also has conceived a son in her old age, and this was the sixth month with her that was called barren.
37 Maana hakuna lisilowezekana kwa Mungu.”
"For no word of God shall be void of power."
38 Mariamu akasema, “Tazama, mimi ni mtumishi wa kike wa Bwana. Acha iwe hivyo kwangu sawa sawa na ujumbe wako.” Kisha malaika akamwacha.
Then Mary said. "Behold I am Lord’s slave. Let it be to me as you have said." Then the angel departed from her.
39 Ndipo katika siku hizo Mariamu aliondoka na kwa haraka alikwenda katika nchi ya vilima, kwenye mji katika nchi ya Yudea.
Soon after this Mary set out and hastened unto the hill-country to a town in Judah;
40 Alikwenda nyumbani mwa Zekaria na akamsalimia Elizabeti.
and there she came into the house of Zachariah, and greeted Elizabeth.
41 Sasa, ilitokea kwamba Elizabeti aliposikia salamu ya Mariamu, mtoto tumboni mwake akaruka, na Elizabeti akajazwa na Roho Mtakatifu.
And when Elizabeth heard her salutation, the babe leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth herself was filled with the Holy Spirit,
42 Akapaza sauti yake na kusema kwa sauti kuu, “umebarikiwa wewe zaidi miongoni mwa wanawake, na mtoto aliyemo tumboni mwako amebarikiwa.
and called out with a loud cry. "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is your unborn child!
43 Na imekuwaje kwangu kwamba, mama wa Bwana wangu ilipasa aje kwangu?
"But why is this honor done me, that the mother of my Lord should come me?
44 Kwa kuwa tazama, iliposikika masikoni mwangu sauti ya kusalimia kwako, mtoto tumboni mwangu akaruka kwa furaha.
"For behold when the sound of your salutation reached my ears, the babe leaped with joy within my womb.
45 Na amebarikiwe mwanamke yule ambaye aliamini ya kwamba ungetokea ukamilifu wa mambo yale aliyoambiwa kutoka kwa Bwana.”
"And blessed is she who believed that the Lord’s words spoken to her would be fulfilled."
46 Mariamu akasema, nafsi yangu inamsifu Bwana,
And Mary said. "My soul doth magnify the Lord,
47 na roho yangu imefurahi katika Mungu Mwokozi wangu.
"My spirit exults in the God, who is my Saviour,
48 Kwa maana ameiangalia hali ya chini ya mtumishi wake wa kike. Tazama, tangu sasa katika vizazi vyote wataniita mbarikiwa.
"For he has regarded the humiliation of his slave, And from this hour all ages will count me blessed.
49 Kwa maana yeye aliyemweza amefanya mambo makubwa kwangu, na jina lake ni takatifu.
"For he who is mighty has done great things for me; And holy is his name.
50 Rehema yake inadumu toka kizazi hata kizazi kwa wale wanao mheshimu yeye.
"His mercy is unto generations and generations on those who reverence him.
51 Ameonesha nguvu kwa mkono wake; amewatawanya wale ambao walijivuna juu ya mawazo ya mioyo yao.
"He has showed strength with his arm. "He has scattered proud in the imagination of their hearts;
52 Amewashusha chini wana wa wafalme toka katika viti vyao vya enzi na kuwainua juu walio na hali ya chini.
"he has put down princes from their thrones, and has exalted those of low degree.
53 Aliwashibisha wenye njaa kwa vitu vizuri, bali matajiri amewafukuza mikono mitupu.
"The hungry he has filled with good things, But the rich he has sent empty away.
54 Ametoa msaada kwa Israeli mtumishi wake, ili kukumbuka kuonesha rehema
"He has helped Israel, his servant, that he might remember mercy,
55 (kama alivyosema kwa baba zetu) kwa Abrahamu na uzao wake milele.” (aiōn )
"As he spoke to our forefathers, to Abraham and his offspring forever." (aiōn )
56 Mariamu alikaa na Elizabeti yapata miezi mitatu hivi ndipo akarudi nyumbani kwake.
So Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months and returned home.
57 Sasa wakati ulikuwa umewadia kwa Elizabeti kujifungua mtoto wake na akajifungua mtoto wa kiume.
Now when the time of Elizabeth’s delivery was come, she gave birth to a son;
58 Jirani zake na ndugu zake walisikia jinsi Bwana alivyoikuza rehema kwake, na wakafurahi pamoja naye.
and her neighbors and kinsfolk heard that the Lord had magnified his mercy toward her; and they rejoiced with her,
59 Sasa ilitokea siku ya nane kwamnba walikuja kumtahiri mtoto. Ingewapasa kumwita jina lake, “Zekaria,” kwa kuzingatia jina la baba yake,
and came on the eighth day to circumcise the child. They were about to call him "Zachariah," after his father,
60 Lakini mama yake akajibu na kusema, “Hapana; ataitwa Yohana.”
when his mother said, "No, he is to be called John."
61 Wakamwambia, hakuna hata mmoja katika ndugu zako anayeitwa kwa jina hili.”
Said they, "You have no relatives of that name!"
62 Wakamfanyia ishara baba yake kuashiria yeye alitaka jina aitwe nani.
Then they asked his father by signs what he wished to call the child.
63 Baba yake akahitaji kibao cha kuandikia, na akaandika, “Jina lake ni Yohana.” Wote wakashangazwa na hili.
So he asked for a writing tablet and wrote down, "His name is John."
64 Ghafla mdomo wake ukafunguliwa na ulimi wake ukawa huru. Akaongea na kumsifu Mungu.
Every one was surprised, and at once his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, blessing God.
65 Hofu ikawajia wote walioishi karibu nao. Mambo haya yakaenea katika nchi yote ya vilima vya Yudea.
And there came a great fear upon all in the neighborhood; and throughout the hill country of Judea all these sayings were much talked about.
66 Na wote walioyasikia wakayatunza mioyoni mwao, wakisema, “Mtoto huyu kuwa wa namna gani?” Kwasababu mkono wa Bwana ulikuwa pamoja naye.
All the story laid it up in their hearts, saying "What, then, will this child be?" For the Lord’s hands was with him.
67 Baba yake Zekaria alijazwa na Roho Mtakatifu na akatoa unabii, akisema,
And his father, Zachariah, was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying.
68 “Asifiwe Bwana, Mungu wa Israeli, kwa sababu amesaidia na alishughulikia wokovu kwa watu wake.
"Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, For he has visited and redeemed his people,
69 Ametuinulia pembe ya wokovu katika nyumba ya mtumishi wake Daudi, kutoka miongoi mwa mwa ukoo wa mtumishi wake Daudi,
"And has raised up a mighty Deliverer for us In the house of his servant David,
70 kama alivyosema kwa kinywa cha manabii wake waliokuweko katika nyakati za kale. (aiōn )
"As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets Which have been since the world began (aiōn )
71 Atatuoka kutoka kwa adui zetu na kutoka mikononi mwa wote wanaotuchukia.
To deliver us from our enemies, and from the power Of all who hate us.
72 Atafanya hivi kuonesha rehema kwa baba zetu, na kukumbuka agano lake takatifu,
"He showed mercy to our forefathers, He remembered his holy covenant,
73 kiapo alichokisema kwa Abrahamu baba yetu.
"The oath which he swore to Abraham, our forefather,
74 Aliapa kuthibitha kwamba ingewezekana kumtumikia Yeye bila hofu, baada ya kuokolewa kutoka katika mikononi ya adui zetu.
"That he we should be delivered out of the Hand of our enemies, And should serve him without fear,
75 katika utakatifu na haki mbele zake siku zetu zote.
"In holiness and righteousness before him All our days.
76 Ndiyo, na wewe mtoto, utaitwa nabii wa Aliye Juu Sana, kwa kuwa utaenenda mbele za uso wa Bwana ili kumwandalia njia, kuwaandaa watu kwa ajili ya ujio wake,
"And thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Most High, For thou shalt go before the Lord to prepare the way
77 kuwafahamisha watu wake kwamba, wataokolewa kwa njia ya kusamehewa dhambi zao.
"To give to his people a knowledge of salvation Through the remission of their sins,
78 Hili litatokea kwa sababu ya huruma ya Mungu wetu, sababu ambayo jua tokea juu litatujia,
"Through the heart of mercy of our God, Whereby the Dayspring from on high shall visit us,
79 kuangaza kwao wakaao gizani na katika uvuli wa mauti. Atafanya hivi kuiongoza miguu yetu kwenye njia ya amani.”
"To give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, And to guide our feet into the paths of peace."
80 Sasa, yule mtoto akakua na kuwa mwenye nguvu rohoni na alikaa nyikani mpaka siku ya kujitokeza kwake kwa Israeli.
And the child grew, and became strong in the Spirit, and remained in the desert till the day of his showing to Israel.