< Mambo ya Walawi 8 >

1 Yahweh akazungumza na Musa, akisema,
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
2 “Walete Aroni na wanawe pamoja naye, mavazi na mafuta ya upako, fahali kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi, kondoo dume wawili, na kikapu cha mkate usio na hamira.
“Bring Aaron and his sons, and bring their (special clothes/clothes [that they will wear while they do the work of priests)], the oil for anointing them, the bull to be offered to cause them to become forgiven for the sins they have committed, the two rams [to be slaughtered], and the basket containing bread made without yeast.
3 Ita kusanyiko lote kwenye ingilio la hema la kukutania.”
Then gather all the people at the entrance to the Sacred Tent.”
4 Kwa hiyo Musa akafanya kama Yahweh alivyomwamru, nalo kusanyiko lilikuja pamoja mbele ya ingilio la hema la kukutania. Kisha Musa akaliambia kusanyiko,
Moses/I did what Yahweh told him/me to do, and all the people gathered there.
5 “Hivi ndivyo alivyotuamru Yahweh tutende.”
Then Moses/I said to the people, “This is what Yahweh has commanded us to do.”
6 Musa akamleta Aroni na wanawe na kuwaosha kwa maji.
Then he/I brought Aaron and his sons forward and washed them.
7 Akamvika Aroni kanzu ya ndani yenye urefu wa kufika magotini na kumfunga ukumbuu kiunoni mwake, akamvika joho la nje lenye mikono mirefu na kumvika kile kizibao chenye vipande viwili tumboni na mgongoni na kukifunga kuzunguka kiunoni mwake kwa mshipi uliosokotwa kwa ustadi na kukikaza mwilini mwake.
He/I put the special tunic/shirt on Aaron, tied the sash/waistband around him, put on him the special robe, and put on him the sacred vest/apron. He/I fastened the sacred vest/apron around him, using the skillfully woven sash.
8 Kisha Musa akaweka kifuko kifuani mwa Aroni, na ndani ya kifuko hicho akaweka Urimu na Thumimu.
He/I put the sacred pouch on his chest and put into it the two stones for him to use to find out what God wants.
9 Na kisha akamfunga kiremba kichwani, na juu ya kiremba kwa mbele, akaweka bamba la dhahabu; liwe taji takatifu, kama Yahweh alivyomwamru yeye.
Then he/I wrapped the turban around Aaron’s head, and fastened on the front of it the gold ornament, the object that showed that he was dedicated to God, like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
10 Musa akayatwaa hayo mafuta ya upako, akalipaka lile hema la kukutania na kila kitu kilichokuwamo ndani yake na kuvitenga kwa ajili ya Yahweh.
Then Moses/I took the olive oil and anointed the sacred tent and everything in it, and dedicated them [to Yahweh].
11 Akayanyunyiza hayo mafuta juu ya madhabahu mara saba, na kisha akaipaka mafuta hiyo madhabahu na vyombo vyake vyote, na sinia la kunawia na kitako chake ili kuvitenga wa ajili ya Yahweh.
He/I sprinkled some of the oil on the altar seven times. He/I anointed the altar and all the things used with it, and its huge washbasin and its stand, to dedicate them to Yahweh.
12 Akamimina sehemu ya mafuta ya upako juu ya kichwa cha Aroni na kisha akampaka mafuta ili kumtenga.
He/I poured some of the oil on Aaron’s head and anointed him to dedicate him to Yahweh.
13 Musa akawaleta wana wa Aroni na kuwavika kila mmoja kanzu ya ndani yenye urefu wa kufika magotini. Kila mmoja wao akamfunga kwa ukumbuu kiunoni mwake na kuwafunga vitambaa vya kitani kichwani pao, kama vile Yahweh alivyokuwa amemru Musa.
Then he/I brought forward Aaron’s sons. He/I put tunics/shirts on them, tied sashes/waistbands around them, and wrapped turbans around their heads, like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
14 Musa akamleta huyo fahali kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi, naye Aroni na wanawe wakaweka mikono yao juu ya kichwa cha fahali ambaye wamemelete kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi.
Then he/I brought the bull for the offering to cause people to be forgiven for the sins that have committed. Then Aaron and his sons put their hands on the bull’s head.
15 Musa akamchinja, na kisha akachukua sehemu ya damu yake kwa kidole chake na kuiweka juu ya mpembe za madhabahu, akaitakasa hiyo madhabahu, na kuitenga kwa Mungu, ambapo kwa kufanya hivyo, aliisababisha madhabahu kuwa sehemu ya kufaa kwa kufanyia upatanisho.
Then Moses/I slaughtered the bull, [caught some of its blood in a bowl], and with his/my finger put some of that blood on the projections at the corners of the altar, to purify the altar. He/I poured the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. By doing that, he/I caused it to be a suitable place for burning sacrifices for sin.
16 Akachukua mafuta yote yaliyokuwa sehemu za ndani, kile kiwambo cha ini, zile figo mbili pamoja na mafuta yake, Musa akaichoma hiyo nyama yote juu ya madhabahu.
Moses/I took all the fat that covers the inner parts of the animal, including the liver and kidneys, and burned them on the altar.
17 Lakini yule fahali, ngozi yake, nyama yake na kinyesi chake, akavichoma nje ya kambi, kama vile Yehweh alivyokuwa amemwamru yeye.
He/I took the rest of the bull, including the hide and intestines, and burned them outside the camp, like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
18 Musa akamleta yule konndoo dume kwa ajili ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa, naye Aroni na wanawe wakaweka mikono yao juu ya kichwa cha huyo kondoo.
Then he/I brought the ram for the offering that would be completely burned [on the altar], and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
19 Musa akamchinja kondoo na kuinyunyizia damu yake kila upande wa madhabahu.
Then Moses/I slaughtered the ram and sprinkled its blood on all sides of the altar.
20 Naye akamkatakata kondoo vipande vipande na akakiteketeza kichwa chake pamoja na vile vipande na mafuta.
He/I cut the ram into pieces and washed the inner parts and hind legs. Then he/I put the head, the fat, and the other parts of the ram on the altar. As it burned, the aroma of the smoke was pleasing to Yahweh. It was an offering to Yahweh that was burned, as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
21 Akaziosha kwa maji zile sehemu za ndani pamoja na miguu na akamteketeza kandoo mzima juu ya madhabahu. Ilikuwa ni dhabihu ya kuteketezwa na ilitoa harufu ya kupendeza, sadaka iliyofanywa kwa Yahweh kwa moto kama vile Yahweh alivyokuwa amemwamru Musa.
22 Kisha Musa akamleta yule kondoo dume mwingine, kondoo wa kuwekwa wakfu, naye Aroni na wanawe wakaweka mikono yao juu ya kichwa cha kondoo.
Then he/I brought the other ram, the one for consecrating the priests, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
23 Aroni akamchinja, naye Musa akachukua sehemu ya damu na kuiweka kwenye ncha ya sikio la Aroni la kulia, juu ya dole gumba la mkono wake wa kulia, na kwenye kidole kikumbwa cha mguu wake wa kulia.
Moses/I slaughtered that ram, [drained some of its blood in a bowl], and put some of that blood on the lobes of the right ears, the thumbs of the right hands, and the big toes of the right feet of Aaron and his sons [to indicate that what they listened to and what they did and where they went should be directed by Yahweh].
24 Akawaleta wana wa Aroni, naye akaweka sehemu ya damu ya kondoo yule kwenye ncha ya sikio lao la kulia, kwenye dole gumba lao cha mkono wa kulia na kwenye kidole chao kikubwa cha mguu wa kulia. Kisha Musa akainyunyiza damu ya huyo kila upande wa madhabahu
25 Naye akayatwaa yale mafuta, mafuta ya mkiani, mafuta liyolikuwa sehemu za ndani, na mafuta yafunikayo ini, zile figo mbili pamoja na mafuta yake na paja la kulia.
He/I picked up all the fat of the ram, its fat tail, the fat that covered the inner parts, including the fat that covered the liver and kidneys, and the right thigh of the ram.
26 Akachukua mkate mmoja kutoka kwenye kikapu cha mikate isiyo na hamira ambayoo ilikuwa mbele za Yahweh, akatwaa mkate moja usio na hamira, na mkate mmoja ulioandaliwa kwa mafuta, na mkate mwemba wa kaki na akaiweka juu ya mafuta na juu ya paja la kulia la kondoo.
Then from the basket containing the bread that was made without yeast, the bread which had been dedicated to Yahweh, he/I picked up one loaf of bread [made without olive oil], and one loaf that was [made by mixing the flour] with olive oil, and one wafer. He/I put those on top of the portions of fat, and put them into the hands of Aaron and his sons. Then they lifted them up in the presence of Yahweh [to indicate that it was an offering that belonged to him].
27 Akaiweka yote mikoni mwa Aroni na katika mikono ya wanawe na kuitikisa mbele za Yahweh kuwa sadaka ya kutikiswa
28 Kisha Musa akaichukua mikate hiyo kutoka mikononi mwao na kuiteketeza juu ya madhabahu kwa ajili ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa. Zilikuwa ni sadaka ya kuwekwa wakfu na ilitoa harufu ya kupendeza. Ilikuwa sadaka iliyofanywa kwa Yahweh kwa moto.
Then Moses/I took those things from their hands and burned them on the altar. That was the offering that was burned to appoint Aaron and his sons as priests. And the aroma while it burned was pleasing to Yahweh.
29 Musa akakichukua kidari na kukitikisa kuwa sadaka ya kutikiswa kwa Yahweh. Ilikuwa ni mgao wa Musa wa kondoo wa kuwekewa mikono kwa makuhani, Kama vile Yahweh alivyokuwa amemwamuru yeye.
Moses/I also took the breast of the second ram and lifted it up, as Yahweh had commanded. The breast was Moses’/my share of the ram that was sacrificed to dedicate the priests.
30 Musa akatwaa sehemu ya mafuta ya upako na damu iliyokuwa juu ya madhabahu; naye akayanyunyiza haya juu ya nguo za Aroni, juu ya nguo zake mwenyewe na juu ya nguo za wana wa Aruni waliokua pamoja naye. Kwa njia hii alimtenga Aroni na nguo zake, na wanawe na nguo zao kwa ajili ya Yahweh.
Then Moses/I took some of the olive oil for anointing [Aaron and his sons], and some of the blood that was on the altar and sprinkled it on Aaron and his sons and on their clothes. By doing that, he/I consecrated Aaron and his sons and their clothes.
31 Kwa hiyo Musa akawambia Aruni na wanawe, “Ipikeni nyama mbele ya ingilio la hema la kukutania, na hapo mtaila pamoja na mkate ulio kwenye kikapu cha kuwekwa wakfu, kama ilivyoamriwa, kusema, 'Aroni na wanawe wataila.'
Then Moses/I said to Aaron and his sons, “Boil the meat [of the second ram] at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and eat it there with the bread that is in the basket, like I told you to do.
32 Masalio yoyote ya nyama na mikate utayateketeza kwa moto.
Burn up any of the meat and bread that remains.
33 Na hamtatoka kwenye ingilio la hema la kukutania kwa muda wa siku saba, hata zitakapotimia siku za kuwekwa mikono kwenu. Kwa kuwa kwa muda wa siku saba, Yahweh atawaweka wakfu.
The time for you to be set apart as priests will be seven days, so do not leave the entrance of the Sacred Tent for seven days.
34 Kilichotendeka siku hii— Yahweh ndiye amekiamru kitendekeke ili kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yenu.
What we have done today is what Yahweh commanded to cause that you will be forgiven for your sins.
35 Mtakaa kwenye ingilio la hema la kukutania mchana na usiku siku saba, nanyi ishikeni amri ya Yahweh ili msije mkafa, kwa sababu hivi ndivyo ilivyoamriwa.
You must stay at the entrance of the Sacred Tent for seven days and seven nights and do what Yahweh requires, in order that you will not die [because of disobeying him. I am telling you that] because that is what Yahweh has commanded me to tell you.”
36 Kwa hiyo Aroni na wanawe wakafanya mambo yote ambayo Yahweh alikuwa amewaamru kwa kinywa cha Musa.
So Aaron and his sons did everything that Yahweh told Moses/me to tell them.

< Mambo ya Walawi 8 >