< Mambo ya Walawi 25 >

1 Yahweh akazungumza na Musa kwenye Mlima wa Sinai, akisema,
And Jehovah spoke to Moses in mount Sinai, saying,
2 “Zungumza na watu wa Israeli na uwaambie, “Mtakapoingia katika nchi ambayo ninawapa, kisha hiyo nchi lazima ifanywe iwe ya kuishika Sabato kwa ajili ya Yahweh.
Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, When ye come into the land that I will give you, the land shall celebrate a sabbath to Jehovah.
3 Ni lazima mtapanda mazao yenu kwa miaka sita, na kwa miaka sita mtaikatia matawi mizabibu yenu na kukusanya mazao yake.
Six years shalt thou sow thy field, and six years shalt thou prune thy vineyard, and gather in the produce thereof,
4 Lakini katika mwaka wa saba, Sabato ya pumziko la utulivu kwa nchi itashikwa, ni Sabato kwa Yahweh. Hamtapanda mashamba yenu wala kuikatia mizabibu yenu matawi yake.
but in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of rest for the land, a sabbath to Jehovah. Thy field shalt thou not sow, and thy vineyard shalt thou not prune.
5 Hamtasimamia mavuno yoyote ya mazao ya mizabibu iliyojiotesha yenyewe katika mashamba yenu ya mizabibu isiyokatiwa matawi. Huu utakuwa mwaka wa pumziko lenye utulivu kwa ardhi.
That which springeth up from the scattered seed of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, and the grapes of thine undressed vines thou shalt not gather: a year of rest shall it be for the land.
6 Chochote ardhi isiyofanyiwa kazi itakachotoa wakati wa Sabato ndicho kitakuwa chakula chako. Wewe mwenyewe, watumwa wako wa kiume na wa kike, watumishi wako wa kuajiriwa na wageni wanaoishi pamoja nawe mnaweza kujikusanyia chakula.
And the sabbath of the land shall be for food for you, for thee, and for thy bondman, and for thy handmaid, and for thy hired servant, and for him that dwelleth as a sojourner with thee, and for thy cattle,
7 Na wnyama wako wa kufugwa na wanyama pori waweze kula chochote ardhi itoacho.
and for the beasts that are in thy land: all the produce thereof shall be for food.
8 Ni lazima kwenu kuhesabu Sabato saba za miaka, yaani, saba mara miaka saba, ikifanya jumla ya miaka arobaini na tisa.
And thou shalt count seven sabbaths of years, seven times seven years; so that the days of the seven sabbaths of years be unto thee forty-nine years.
9 Kisha mtapiga sauti ya tarumbeta kila mahali katika siku ya kumi ya mwezi wa saba. Katika Siku ya Upatanisho ni lazima mtapiga tarumbeta katika nchi yenu yote.
Then shalt thou cause the loud sound of the trumpet to go forth in the seventh month, on the tenth of the month; on the day of atonement shall ye cause the trumpet to go forth throughout your land.
10 Nanyi mtautenga mwaka wa hamsini kwa ajili ya Yahweh na mtatangaza uhuru katika nchi yote kwa wakazi wote. Kutakuwa na Yubile kwa ajili yenu, ambayo kwayo mali na watumwa ni lazima warejeshwe kwa familia zao.
And ye shall hallow the year of the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty in the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; a [year of] jubilee shall it be unto you, and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family;
11 Mwaka wa saba kutakuwa na Yubile kwenu. Hamtapanda wala kusimamia mavuno ya kijioteshacho chenyewe, na kukusanya kichipukacho kwenye mizabibu isiyokatiwa matawi.
a year of jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you: ye shall not sow, neither reap its aftergrowth, nor gather [the fruit of] its undressed vines.
12 Kwa sababu hiyo ni Yubile takatifu kwenu. Nanyi mtakula mazao yanayokua yenyewe kutoka mashambani.
For it is the jubilee; it shall be holy unto you; out of the field shall ye eat its produce.
13 Ni lazima muwarejeshe kila mmoja kwenye miliki yake katika mwaka huu wa Yubile.
In this year of the jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession.
14 Iwapo utauza ardhi yoyote ya jirani yako au kununua ardhi yake, ni shrti msipunjane au kutendeana kwa hila.
And if ye sell ought unto your neighbour, or buy of your neighbour's hand, ye shall not overreach one another.
15 Iwapo unanunua ardhi kutoka kwa jirani yako, zingatia idadi ya miaka na mazao ambayo yaweza kuvunwa mpaka mwaka wa Yubile nyingine. Jirani yako anayeuza ardhi ni lazima aihesabu miaka hiyo pia.
According to the number of years since the jubilee, thou shalt buy of thy neighbour; according to the number of years of the produce, he shall sell unto thee.
16 Miaka inapoongezeka mpaka Yubile nyingine, ataongeza thamani ya ardhi, na miaka inapokuwa michache kufikia Yubile nyingine atashusha thamani, kwa sababu idadi ya mavuno inahusiana na idadi ya miaka kabla ya Yubile nyingine.
According to the greater number of the years, thou shalt increase the price thereof; and according to the fewness of years, thou shalt diminish the price of it; for it is the number of crops that he selleth unto thee.
17 Msipunjane au kutendeana kwa hila, badala yake, yawapasa kumheshi Yahweh Mungu wenu.
And ye shall not oppress one another; but thou shalt fear thy God; for I am Jehovah your God.
18 Kwa hiyo basi, ni lazima muyatii maagiza, kuzitunza sheria zangu na kuzitekeleza. Nanyi mtaishi katika nchi katika usalama.
And ye shall do my statutes, and observe mine ordinances and do them: thus shall ye dwell in your land securely.
19 Nayo nchi itawapa mavuno yake, nanyi mtakula matunda yenu na mtaishi humo salama.
And the land shall yield its fruit, and ye shall eat and be satisfied, and dwell therein securely.
20 Labda mtasema, Tutakula nini katika mwaka wa saba? Tazama, hatuwezi kupanda wala kukusanya mazao yetu.”
And if ye say, What shall we eat in the seventh year? behold, we may not sow, nor gather in our produce;
21 Nitaiamru baraaka yangu ije juu yenu katika mwaka wa sita, nayo itatoa mavuno ya kutosha kwa miaka mitatu.
then I will command my blessing upon you in the sixth year, that it may bring forth produce for three years;
22 Mtapanda katika mwaka wa nane na mtaendelea kula mazao ya miaka iliyopita na kutoka kwenye ghala la chakula. Mpaka mavuno ya mwaka wa tisa yatakapofika, mtaweza kula kutoka kwenye riziki iliyohifadhiwa katika miaka iliyopita
and ye shall sow in the eighth year, and ye shall eat of the old fruit until the ninth year; until her produce come in, ye shall eat the old.
23 Ardhi haitauzwa kwa mmiliki mpya wa kudumu, kwa sababu ardhi ni mali yangu. Ninyi nyote mu wageni na wakazi wa muda juu ya ardhi yangu.
And the land shall not be sold for ever; for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
24 Ni lazima muitunze haki ya ukombozi kwa ajili ya ardhi yote mtakayoimiliki; itawapasa kuruhusu ardhi inunuliwe tena na familia ambayo wewe uliinunua hiyo ardhi kutoka kwao.
And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.
25 Iwapo Mwisraeli mwenzako anakuwa masikini na kwa sababu hiyo anauza baadhi ya miliki yake, kisha jamaa yake wa karibu anaweza kuja na kuikomboa hiyo miliki ambayo jamaa yake kaiuza kwako.
If thy brother grow poor, and sell of his possession, then shall his redeemer, his nearest relation, come and redeem that which his brother sold.
26 Iwapo mtu hana jamaa wa kuikomboa mali yake, lakini ikiwa kafanikiwa na anao uwezo wa kuikomboa,
And if the man have no one having right of redemption, and his hand have acquired and found what sufficeth for its redemption,
27 kisha atahesabu miaka tangu ardhi hiyo ilipouzwa na kurejesha kwa mtu aliyemuuzia fedha iliyosalia. Naye anaweza kuerejea kwenye miliki yake mwenyewe.
then shall he reckon the years since the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; and so return unto his possession.
28 Lakini ikiwa hawezi kuirejesha kwake ardhi aliyoiuza, nayo hiyo ardhi aliyoiuza itabaki katika umiliki wa yule aliyeinunua mpaka mwaka wa Yubile. Kwenye mwaka wa Yubile, ardhi itarejeshwa kwa mtu aliyeiuza, naye mmiliki wa asili atarejea kwenye mali yake.
And if his hand have not found what sufficeth for him to restore it to him, then that which is sold shall remain in the hand of the purchaser, until the year of jubilee; and in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return unto his possession.
29 Ikiwa mtu anauza nyumba iliyo kwenye mji uliozungushiwa ukuta, naye anaweza kuinunua tena ndani ya mwaka baada ya kuuzwa. kwa kuwa, kwa mwaka mzima atakuwa na haki ya ukombozi.
And if any one sell a dwelling-house in a walled city, then he shall have the right of redemption up to the end of the year of the sale thereof; for a full year shall he have the right of redemption.
30 Kama nyumba hiyo haitakombolewa kabla ya mwaka mzima, ndipo hiyo nyumba iliyoko kwenye mji uliozungushiwa ukuta itakuwa mali ya kudumu ya yule aliyeinunua, katika vizazi vyote vya uzao wake. Nyumba hiyo haitakuwa ya kurejeshwa katika mwaka wa Yubile.
But if it be not redeemed until a whole year is complete, then the house that is in the walled city shall be established for ever to him that bought it, throughout his generations: it shall not go out in the jubilee.
31 Lakini nyumba za vijijini zisizokuwa na ukuta kuzizunguuka, zitahesabiwa kuwa shamba la nchi. Zaweza kukombolewa, na ni lazima zirejeshwe katika mwaka wa Yubile.
But the houses in villages that have no wall round about them shall be reckoned as the fields of the country: they may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the jubilee.
32 Hata hivyo, nyumba zinazomilikiwa na makuhani katika miji yao zaweza kukombelewa wakati wowote.
But as to the cities of the Levites, the houses in the cities of their possession, the Levites shall have a perpetual right of redemption.
33 Iwapo mmoja wa makuhani haikombowi nyumba iliyozwa, kisha nyumba hiyo iliyouzwa katika miji ilimo, ni lazima irejeshwe katika mwaka wa Yubile, kwa kuwa nyumba za miji ya makuhani ni mali yao miongoni mwa watu wa Israeli.
And if any one redeem from one of the Levites, then the house that was sold, in the city of his possession, shall go out in the jubilee; for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.
34 Lakini yale mashamba yanayozunguka miji yao hayataweza kuuzwa kwa sababu hiyo ni mali ya kudumu ya Makuhani.
And the field of the suburbs of their cities shall not be sold; for it is their perpetual possession.
35 Ikiwa mwananchi mwenzako anakuwa masikini, kiasi kwamba hawezi kujihudumia, nawe utalazimika kumsaidia kama vile ungemsaidia mgeni au mwingine yeyote kutoka nje aishie miongoni mwenu.
And if thy brother grow poor, and he be fallen into decay beside thee, then thou shalt relieve him, [be he] stranger or sojourner, that he may live beside thee.
36 Usimtoze riba au kujaribu kunufaika kutoka kwake katika njia yoyote, bali mheshimu Mungu wako ili kwamba ndugu yako aendelee kuishi nawe.
Thou shalt take no usury nor increase of him; and thou shalt fear thy God; that thy brother may live beside thee.
37 Hutampa mkopo wa fedha na kumtoza riba, wala hutamuuzia chakula chako ili kupata faida.
Thy money shalt thou not give him upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.
38 Mimi ndimi Yahweh Mungu wako, aliye kuleta wewe kutoka nchi ya Misri, ili kwamba Nikupe nchi ya Kanaani, na kwamba niwe Mungu wako.
I am Jehovah your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, to be your God.
39 Iwapo mwananchi mwenzako atakuwa masikini na kujiuza mwenyewe kwako, hutamfanyisha kazi kama mtumwa.
And if thy brother grow poor beside thee, and be sold unto thee, thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bondservant:
40 Mtendee kama mtumishi wa kuajiriwa. Ni lazima awe kama yule ahudumuye nawe kwa muda mpaka mwaka wa Yubile.
as a hired servant, as a sojourner, shall he be with thee; until the year of jubilee shall he serve thee.
41 Kisha ataondoka kwako, yeye mwenyewe na watoto wake pamoja naye, na atarejea kwenye familia yake mwenyewe na kwenye miliki ya baba yake.
Then shall he depart from thee, he and his children with him, and shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return.
42 Kwa sababu wao ni watumishi wangu niliowaleta kutoka katika nchi ya Misri. Hawatauzwa kama watumwa.
For they are my bondmen, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: they shall not be sold as [men] sell bondmen.
43 Usitawale juu yao kwa ukatili, bali yakupasa kumheshimu Mungu wako.
Thou shalt not rule over him with rigour; and thou shalt fear thy God.
44 Kwa upande wa watumwa wako wakiume na watumwa wako wa kike, unaowezao kuwapata kutok kwa mataifa yanayokuzunguka, waweza kununua watumwa kutoka kwao.
And as for thy bondman and thy handmaid whom thou shalt have — of the nations that are round about you, of them shall ye buy bondmen and handmaids.
45 Unaweza pia kununua watumwa kutoka kwa wageni wanaoishi miongoni mwenu, yaani, kutoka familia zao waliopamoja nawe, wale wtoto waliozaliwa katika nchi yako. Wanaweza kuwa mali yako.
Moreover of the children of them that dwell as sojourners with you, of them may ye buy, and of their family that is with you, which they beget in your land, and they shall be your possession.
46 Unaweza kuzalisha watumwa hao kama urithi kwa watoto wako baada yako, ili kuwamiliki kama mali. Kutoka kwao waweza kununua watumwa daima, lakini hamtawezi kutawala kwa ukali juu ya ndugu zenu walio miogoni mwa watu wa Israeli.
And ye shall leave them as an inheritance to your children after you, to inherit them as a possession: these may ye make your bondmen for ever; but as for your brethren, the children of Israel, ye shall not rule over one another with rigour.
47 Iwapo mgeni anayeishi nawe kwa muda anakuwa tajiri, na ikiwa mmoja wa Waisraeli amekuwa masikini na kujuza mwenyewe kwa familia ya mgeni, au kwa mtu fulani katika familia,
And if a stranger or sojourner become wealthy beside thee, and thy brother beside him grow poor, and sell himself unto the stranger, who is settled by thee, or to a scion of the stranger's family,
48 baada ya Mwisraeli mwenzako kuwa amenunuliwa. Anaweza kurejeshwa kwa maliopo. Iwapo anaweza kurejeshwa. Mtu fulani katika familia yake anaweza kumkomboa.
after that he is sold there shall be right of redemption for him; one of his brethren may redeem him.
49 Anaweza kuwa mjomba wake, au mjomba wa mwanawe, anayemkomboa yeye, au yeyote aliye ndugu yake wa karibu kutoka kwa ukoo wake. Au, iwapo ni mwenye mafanikio, anaweza kujikomboa mwenyewe.
Either his uncle or his uncle's son may redeem him, or one of his next relations of his family may redeem him; or if his means be sufficient, he may redeem himself.
50 Ni lazima apatane na mtu aliyemnunua, itawapasa kuhesabu miaka tangu mwaka aliojiuza kwa mnunuzi wake mpaka mwaka wa Yubile. Ile thamani ya ukombozi wake ihesabiwe kulingana na kiwango cha mshahara anaolipwa mtumishi aliyeajiriwa, kwa idadi ya miaka ambayo angeweza kuendelea kufanya kazi kwa yule aliyemnunua.
And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he was sold to him unto the year of jubilee; and the price of his sale shall be according to the number of the years, according to the days of a hired servant shall he be with him.
51 Endapo kutakuwa kungali na miaka mingi iliyobaki mpaka mwaka wa Yubile, atalazimika kulipa fungu kubwa la fedha kwa ajili ya ukombozi ambao ni uwino wa idadi ya miaka hiyo.
If there are yet many years, according unto them shall he return his redemption [money] out of the money that he was bought for;
52 Iwapo kuna miaka michache tu iliyobaki mpaka mwaka wa Yubile, atapatana na aliyemnunua ili kuipitia idadi ya miaka iliyobaki mpaka Yubile, naye atalazimika kulipia ukombozi wake kulingana na idadi ya miaka.
and if there remain but few years unto the year of jubilee, then he shall reckon with him; according unto his [remaining] years [of service] shall he give him back his redemption [money].
53 Naye atatendewa kama mtu aliyeajiriwa mwaka kwa mwaka. Utahakikisha kwamba hatendewi kwa ukali.
As a hired servant shall he be with him year by year; [his master] shall not rule with rigour over him before thine eyes.
54 Iwapo hakukombolewa katika njia hizi, basi atatumika mpaka mwaka wa Yubile, yeye pamoja na watoto wake.
And if he be not redeemed in this manner, then he shall go out in the year of jubilee, he and his children with him.
55 Kwangu mimi watu wa Israeli ni watumishi. Wao ni watumishi wangu ambao Niliwatoa katika nchi ya Misri. Mimi ndimi Yahweh Mungu wenu.
For the children of Israel are servants unto me; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am Jehovah your God.

< Mambo ya Walawi 25 >