< Mambo ya Walawi 23 >

1 Yahweh akamwambia Musa:
The Lord told Moses,
2 “Zungumza na watu wa Israeli, na uwaambie, 'Hizi ndizo sikukuu zilizoamriwa kwa ajili ya Yahweh, ambazo ni lazima mzitangaze kuwa makusanyiko matakatifu, ni sikukuu zangu za mara kwa mara.
“Tell the Israelites that these are my religious festivals, the festivals of the Lord that you are to call as the holy times when we meet together.
3 Mnaweza kufanya kazi kwa siku sita, lakini siku ya saba ni Sabato ya kupumzika kabisa. Usifanye kazi kwa sababu ni Sabato kwa ajili ya Yahweh mahali pote mnaposhi.
You have six days to work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy day of meeting together. Don't do any work. It is the Lord's Sabbath everywhere you live.
4 Hizi ndizo sikukuu za Yahweh zilizoamriwa, Makusanyiko matakatifu mtakayoyatangaza kwa nyakati zilioamriwa:
These are the Lord's religious festivals, the holy meetings that you ate to announce at their specific times.
5 Katika mwenzi wa kwanza, siku ya kumi na nne ya mwezi kwenye mwanga hafifu wa machweo ya jua, ni Pasaka ya Yahweh.
The Lord's Passover starts on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month.
6 Siku ya kumi na tano ya mwezi ule ule ni sikukuu ya mikate isiotiwa hamira kwa ajili ya Yahweh. Kwa muda wa siku saba mtakula mikate isiotiwa hamira.
The Lord's Festival of Unleavened Bread begins on the fifteenth day of the first month. For seven days the bread you eat must be made without yeast.
7 Siku ya kwanza ni lazima mjitenge kwa pamoja, hamtafanya kazi ya kawaida.
On the first day you are hold a holy meeting. You must not do any of your usual work.
8 Kwa siku saba mtamletea Yahweh matoleo ya chakula. Siku ya saba ni ya kusanyiko takatifu lililotengwa kwa ajili ya Yahweh, nanyi katika siku hiyo hamtafanya kazi yoyote ya kawaida.”
For seven days you shall present food offerings to the Lord. There is to be a holy meeting on the seventh day. You must not do any of your usual work.”
9 Yahweh akamwambia Musa, akisema,
The Lord told Moses,
10 “Sema na watu wa Israeli uwaambie, 'mtakapika kwenye nchi nitakayowapa nyinyi, na mtakapovuna mazao yake, nanyi yawapasa kumletea kuhani fungu la masuke ya nafaka ya matunda yake ya kwanza.
“Tell the Israelites that when you enter the land that I'm giving you and you harvest your crops, take a stack of grain from the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest.
11 Naye ataliinua hilo fungu la masuke ya nafaka mbele za Yahweh na kulileta kwake, kwa kuwa litakubalika kwa niaba yenu. Nalo litaletwa siku baada ya Sabato ili kwamba kuhani ataliinua na kulileta kwangu.
He will wave the stack of grain before the Lord so that it may be accepted on your behalf. The priest is to do this the day following the Sabbath.
12 Siku ile mtakapoliinua lile fungu la masuke ya nafaka na kulileta kwangu, itawabidi kutoa mwana—kondoo dume wa mwaka mmoja na asiye na dosari awe sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa Yahweh.
When you wave the stack of grain, you are to present a one-year-old lamb without defects as a burnt offering to the Lord,
13 Matoleo ya nafaka yatakuwa sehemu za kumi za efa za unga laini uliochanganywa na mafuta, uwe matoleo yaliyofanywa kwa moto kwa Yahweh, ili kutoa harufu nzuri ya kupendeza, pamoja na hiyo kutakuwa na matoleo ya kinywaji ya divai, moja ya nne ya hini.
together with its grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of best flour mixed with olive oil (a food offering to the Lord to be accepted by him) and its drink offering of a quarter of a hin of wine.
14 Hamtakula mkate, wala nafaka iliyokaangwa au nafaka mpya hata siku ile mliyoleta matoleo haya kwa Mungu wenu. Hii itakuwa amri ya kudumu katika vizazi vyote vya watu wenu, popote pale mnapoishi.
Don't eat any bread, roasted grain, or new grain until the time you bring this offering to your God. This regulation is for all time and for future generations everywhere you live.
15 Tangu siku iliyofuata baada ya Sabato—hiyo ilikuwa siku mlipolileta lie fungu la nafaka la matoleo ya kutikiswa—hesabuni majuma saba kamili.
Count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath—the day you brought the stack of grain as a wave offering.
16 Mtahesabu siku hamsini, ambazo zingekuwa siku baada ya Sabato ya saba. Kisha mtaleta matoleo ya nafaka mpya kwa Yahweh.
Count fifty days until the day after the seventh Sabbath, and on that day present an offering of new grain to the Lord.
17 Mtaleta kutoka nyumbani mwenu mikate miwili iliyotengenezwa kutokana na mbili za kumi za efa. Ni lazima ifanywe kwa unga laini na uliochanganywa na hamira; zitakuwa matoleo ya kutikiswa ya malimbuko ya kwanza kwa Yahweh.
Bring two loaves of bread from your homes as a wave offering. Make them from two-tenths of an ephah of best flour, baked with yeast, as the firstfruits to the Lord.
18 Mtaileta hiyo mikate pamoja na wana—kondoo saba wa mwaka mmoja na wasiokuwa na dosari, fahali mmoja mchanga na dume wa kondoo wawili. Watakuwa matoleo ya kuteketezwa kwa moto kwa Yahweh, pamoja na matoleo yao ya nafaka na matoleo ya kinywaji, matoleo yaliyofanywa kwa moto na kutoa harufu nzuri ya kupendeza kwa Yahweh.
As well as the bread, present seven one-year-old male lambs a year old without defects, one young bull, and two rams. They will be a burnt offering to the Lord, as well as their grain offerings and drink offerings, a food offering to the Lord to be accepted by him.
19 Ni lazima mtowe mbuzi dume mmoja kwa ajili ya matoleo ya dhambi, na wana—kondoo dume wawili wa mwaka mmoja kwa ajili ya dhabihu, wawe matoleo ya ushirika.
Present one male goat as a sin offering and two one-year-old male lambs a year old as a peace offering.
20 Ni lazima kuhani azitikise pamoja na mkate wa malimbuko ya kwanza mbele za Yahweh na kuzileta kwake kuwa matoleo pamoja na kondoo dume wawili. Watakuwa sadaka takatifu kwa Yahweh kwa ajili ya kuhani.
The priest will wave the lambs as a wave offering before the Lord, along with the bread of the firstfruits. The bread and the two lambs are holy to the Lord and belong to the priest.
21 Mtatoa tangazo siku iyo hiyo. Kutakuwa na kusanyiko takatifu, na hamtafanya kazi za kawaida. Hii itakuwa amri ya kudumu katika vizazi vya watu wenu mahali pote mnapoishi.
That same day you are to announce a holy meeting, and you must not to do any of your usual work. This regulation is for all time and for future generations everywhere you live.
22 Mtakapovuna mazao ya nchi yenu, Msivune kabisa kabisa pembeni mwa mashamba yenu, wala msivune mazazo ya mavuno yenu. Inawapasa kuyaacha kwa ajili ya masikini na mgeni. Mimi ndimi Yahweh Mungu wenu.”
When you harvest the crops grown on your land, don't harvest right up to the edges of your field, or collect what has been missed. Leave them for the poor people and foreigners. I am the Lord your God.”
23 Yahweh akazungumza na Musa, akisema,
The Lord told Moses,
24 “Zungumza na watu wa Israeli na uwaambie, “Siku ya kwanza ya mwezi wa kwanza itakuwa siku ya pumzika makini kwa ajili yenu, kumbukumbu pamoja na kupigwa kwa tarumbeta na kusanyiko takatifu,
“Tell the Israelites that on the first day of the seventh month you are to have a special Sabbath of complete rest, a holy meeting that is announced by the sound of trumpets.
25 Hamtafanya kazi ya kawaida, na ni lazima mtoe dhabihu inayofanywa kwa moto kwa Yahweh.”
Don't do any of your usual work; instead you are to present a food offering to the Lord.”
26 Kisha Yahweh akamwambia Musa, akisema,
The Lord told Moses,
27 “Sasa, siku ya kumi ya mwezi huu wa saba, ni Siku ya Upatanisho. Kutakuwa na kusanyiko takatifu, na ni lazima mjinyenyekeze na kuleta kwa Yahweh matoleo kwa moto.
“The Day of Atonement is on the tenth day of this seventh month. You are to have a holy meeting, deny yourselves, and present a food offering to the Lord
28 Hamtafanya kazi katika siku hiyo kwa sababu ni Siku ya Upatanisho, ili kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yenu mbele za Yahweh Mungu wenu.
On this day you must not do any of your usual work because it is the Day of Atonement, when things are made right for you before the Lord your God.
29 Yeyote asiyejinyenyekeza siku hiyo lazima akatiliwe mbali na watu wake.
Anyone who does not practice self-denial on this day must be expelled from their people.
30 Yeye afanyaye kazi yoyote katika siku hiyo, Mimi, Yahweh, nitamwangamiza atoke miongoni mwa watu wake.
I will destroy anyone of you who does any work on this day.
31 Msifanye kazi ya aina yoyote katika siku hiyo. Hii itakuwa amri ya kudumu katika vizazi vyote vya watu wenu mahali pote mnapoishi.
Don't do any kind of work at all. This regulation is for all time and for future generations everywhere you live.
32 Siku hii itakuwa Sabato ya pumziko lenye utlivu, na ni lzima siku ya tisa ya mwezi mjinyenyekeze katika majira ya jioni. Tangu jioni hata jioni mtaishika Sabato yenu.”
It is to be a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you shall practice self-denial. You are to observe your Sabbath from the evening of the ninth day of the month until evening the next day.”
33 Yahweh akazungumza na Musa, akisema,
The Lord told Moses,
34 “Zungumza na watu ISraeli, uwaambie 'Katika siku ya kumi na tano ya mwezi wa saba kutakuwa na Sikukuu ya vibanda kwa Yahweh. nayo itadumu siku saba.
“Tell the Israelites that the Feast of Tabernacles to honor the Lord begins on the fifteenth day of the seventh month and lasts for seven days.
35 Siku ya kwanza kutakuwa na kusanyiko takatifu. Hamtafanya kazi ya kawaida.
On the first day have a holy meeting. You must not do any of your usual work.
36 Kwa muda wa siku saba mtatoa dhabihu iliyofanywa kwa moto kwa Yahweh. Siku ya nane kutakuwa na kusanyiko takatifu, nanyi mtato dhabihu iliyofanywa kwa moto kwa Yahweh. Hili ni kusanyiko lenye utulivu, nanyi msifanye kazi yoyote ya kawaida.
For seven days you shall present food offerings to the Lord. On the eighth day you are to have another holy meeting and present a food offering to the Lord. It is a meeting for worship. You must not do any of your usual work.
37 Hizi ndizo sikukuu zilizoamriwa kwa ajili ya Yahweh, ambazo mnapaswa kuzitangaza kuwa ni makusanyiko matakatifu ya kutoa dhabihu kwa moto kwa Yahweh, matoleo ya kuteketezwa na matoleo ya nafaka, dhabihu na matoleo ya vinywaji, kila moja kwa siku yake.
(These are the Lord's holy festivals, which you are to announce as holy meetings for presenting food offerings to the Lord. These include burnt offerings, grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings, each according to the specific day.
38 Sikukuu hizi zitakuwa nyongeza kwa Sabato za Yahweh na zawadi zenu, viapo vyenu vyote, na sadaka zenu zote za hiari mzitoazo kwa Yahweh.
All of these offerings are in addition to those for the Lord's Sabbaths. They are also in addition to your gifts, to all your offerings to fulfill promises, and to all the freewill offerings you present to the Lord.)
39 Kuhusu Sikukuu ya vibanda, siku ya kumi na tano ya mwezi wa saba, mtakapokuwa mmeyakusanya ndani matunda ya nchi, ni lazima muitunze sikukuu hii ya Yehweh kwa muda wa siku saba. Siku ya kwanza itakuwa ya pumziko lenye utulivu, na siku ya nane pia itakuwa ya pumziko lenye utulivu.
You shall celebrate a feast to honor the Lord for seven days on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, once you have harvested your crops. The first day and the eighth day are Sabbaths of complete rest.
40 Siku ya kwanza mtachuma tunda lililobora kutoka kwenye miti, mtakata makuti ya mtende, na matawi ya miti minene yenye majani mengi, na majani ya mierebi kutoka chemchemi za maji, nanyi mtashangilia mbele za Yahweh Mungu wenu kwa siku saba.
On the first day you are to gather branches from large trees, from palm trees, from leafy trees and of river willows, and celebrate before the Lord your God for seven days.
41 Kwa muda wa siku saba kila mwaka, mtaisherehekea sikukuu hii kwa Yahweh. Hii itakuwa amri ya kudumu katika vizazi vyote vya watu wenu mahali potepote mtakapoishi. Mtaisherehekea sikukuu hii katika mwezi wa saba.
You are to hold this festival to honor the Lord for seven days every year. This regulation is for all time and for all future generations.
42 Mtaishi kwenye vibanda vidogovidogo kwa siku saba. Waisraeli wenyeji wa kuzaliwa wote itawapasa kuishi katika vibanda vidogovidogo kwa siku saba,
You are to live in temporary shelters for seven days. Every Israelite born in the country must live in shelters,
43 ili kwamba wazao wenu, kizazi baada ya kizazi, waweze kujifunza nilivyowafanya wana wa Israeli kuishi kwenye vibanda kama hivi nilipowaongoza kutoka katika nchi ya Misri. Mimi ndimi Yahweh Mungu wenu.'”
so that your descendants will remember that I made the Israelites live in shelters when I led them out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.”
44 Katika njia hii Musa akazitangaza kwa watu wa ISraeli sikukuu zilizoamria kwa ajili ya Yahweh.
So Moses told the Israelites all about the Lord's festivals.

< Mambo ya Walawi 23 >