< Maombolezo 4 >

1 Dhahabu imechakaa; jinsi gani dhahabu safi imebadilika! Mawe matakatifu yamezagaa katika kila njia ya mtaa.
How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! The hallowed stones are cast forth at the head of every street.
2 Wana wa dhamani wa Sayuni walikuwa na dhamani ya uzito wa dhahabu safi, lakini sasa hawana dhamani zaidi ya majagi ya udogo, kazi ya mikono ya mfinyazi!
The noble sons of Zion, comparable to fine gold, How are they esteemed as earthen pitchers, the work of the hands of the potter!
3 Ata mbwa wa mitaani wanatoa maziwa yao kuwanyonyesha watoto wao, lakini binti wa watu wangu amekuwa katili, kama mbuni katika jangwa.
The very jackals reach forth the breast; they suckle their young; But the daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches of the desert.
4 Ulimi wa mtoto mchanga anaye nyonya unagota juu mdomo wake kwa kiu; watoto wanaomba chakula, lakini hakuna kwa ajili yao.
The tongue of the sucking child cleaveth to the roof of his mouth for thirst; Young children ask for bread, and no man breaketh it for them.
5 Wao walizoea kula chakula cha gharama sasa wana shinda njaa mitaani; wao walio lelewa kwa kuvaa nguo za zambarau, sasa wamelala katika majalala.
Those that fed on dainties are desolate in the streets; Those that have been brought up in scarlet embrace the dunghill.
6 Hukumu ya binti wa watu wangu ni kubwa kuliko hiyo ya Sodoma, na ilipinduliwa kwa dakika na hakuna aliye yanyua mkono kumsaidia.
The punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of Sodom, Which was overthrown in a moment, though no hands came against her.
7 Viongozi wake walikuwa wasafi kuliko theluji, weupe kuliko maziwa; miili yao ilikuwa imara kuliko jiwe, mwili wao ulikuwa kama yakuti samawi.
Her princes were purer than snow, whiter than milk; More ruddy than coral was their body; Their visage was of sapphire.
8 Muonekano wao umekuwa mweusi kama giza; hawatambuliki mitaani. Ngozi zao zimesinya kwenye mifupa yao; imekuwa kavu kama kuni.
Now darker than a coal is their countenance; they are not known in the streets. Their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is become dry, like wood.
9 Hao walio uawa kwa upanga walikuwa na furaha zaidi kuliko hao walio kufa kwa njaa, walio potea, wakatobolewa kwa ukosefu wa mavuno shambani.
More fortunate are the slain by the sword than the slain by famine; For these pine away, stricken through for want of the fruits of the field.
10 Mikono ya wanawake wenye huruma imewachemsha watoto wao; wamekuwa chakula chao wakati ambapo binti wa watu wangu alipo kuwa akiharibiwa.
The hands of tender-hearted women cooked their own children; They were their food, in the destruction of the daughter of my people.
11 Yahweh alionyesha gadhabu yake yote; alimwaga hasira yake kali. Aliwasha moto Sayuni uliteketeza misingi yake.
Jehovah hath spent upon them his fury; he hath poured out his fierce anger; He hath kindled a fire in Zion, which hath devoured its foundations.
12 Wafalme wa dunia hawaku amini, wala wakazi wa dunia, kwamba maadui au wapinzani waliweza kuingia malangoni ya Yerusalemu.
The kings of the earth believed not, nor all the inhabitants of the world, That the adversary would enter, and the enemy, within the gates of Jerusalem.
13 Haya yalitokea kwasababu ya dhambi za manabii na na maasi ya makuhani walio mwaga damu ya wenye haki mbele zake.
It was on account of the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, Who shed in the midst of her the blood of the righteous.
14 Walitanga, kwa upofu, mitaani. Walikuwa wamejitia unajisi kwa damu hiyo ambapo hakuna aliye ruhusiwa kushika nguo zao.
They stumbled like blind men through the streets, polluted with blood, So that men could not touch their garments.
15 “Kaa mbali! Wewe mnajisi!” Watu waliwapazia sauti. “Kaa mbali! Kaa mbali! Usiguse!” Hivyo wakatanga; watu walisema miongoni mwa mataifa, “Hawawezi kukaa hapa tena.”
“Depart! unclean!” men cried to them. “Depart, depart, touch not!” As they fled, they stumbled; men said among the nations, “They shall dwell there no more.”
16 Yahweh mwenyewe akawatawanyisha; hawatazami tena. Hawa waheshimu makuhani, na hawaonyeshi upendeleo kwa wazee.
The anger of Jehovah hath scattered them; he will no more care for them; They paid no regard to the priests, they had no compassion for the elders.
17 Macho yetu yalikwama, yakitazama bure kwa msaada; kutoka minara yetu ya ulinzi tulitazama taifa lisilo weza tuokoa.
Still did our eyes fail, looking for help in vain; On our watch-tower did we watch for a nation that could not save us.
18 Walifuata hatua zetu, hatukuweza kutembea mitaani mwetu. Mwisho wetu ulikuwa karibu na siku zetu zilihesabiwa, mwisho wetu ulifika.
They laid snares for our steps, so that we could not go in our streets; Our end is near; our days are accomplished, yea, our end is come!
19 Walio tukimbiza walikuwa wepesi kuliko tai wa aangani. Walitukimbiza kwenye milima na kutuwinda nyikani.
Swifter were our pursuers than the eagles of heaven; They chased us upon the mountains; they laid wait for us in the wilderness.
20 Pumzi katika pua zetu - mpakwa mafuta wa Yahweh - ndiye aliye kamatwa katika shimo; ambaye ndiye aliye semewa, “Chini ya kivuli chake tutaishi miongoni mwa mataifa.”
The breath of our nostrils, the anointed of Jehovah, was taken in their pits, Under whose shadow we said that we should live among the nations.
21 Shangilia na ufurahi, binti wa Edomu, wewe unaye ishi nchi ya Uzi. Lakini kwako pia kikombe kitapitishwa; utalewa na kuvua nguo.
Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz! Yet to thee also shall the cup come! thou shalt be drunken, and shalt expose thy nakedness.
22 Binti wa Sayuni, hukumu yako itafika mwisho, hataongeza mateka yako lakini binti wa Edomu, ata muhadhibu; ata funua dhambi zako.
Thy punishment is at an end, O daughter of Zion! no more will he carry thee into captivity; But thine iniquity will he punish, O daughter of Edom! he will uncover thy sins.

< Maombolezo 4 >