< Isaya 61 >

1 Roho ya Bwana Yahwe i juu yangu, maana Yahwe amenipaka mafuta mimi kuhiubiri habari njema kwa wenye taabu. Amenituma mimi kuwaponywa waliopondeka mioyo, kutangaza uhuru kwa wafungwa, na kufungua gereza ili waliofungwa waweze kutoka.
“[The] Spirit of Lord YHWH [is] on Me, Because YHWH anointed Me To proclaim tidings to the humble, He sent Me to bind the broken of heart, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And an opening of bands to [those] bound.
2 Amenituma mimi kuutangaza mwaka wa Yahwe uliokubalika, siku ya kisasi cha Mungu wetu, na kuwafariji wale wote wanaomboleza.
To proclaim the year of the favor of YHWH, And the day of vengeance of our God, To comfort all mourners.
3 Amenituma mimi - kuwapa wale waoombolezao katika Sayuni -kuwapa wao kilemba cha majivu, mafuta ya furaha badala ya kuomboleza, vazi la kusifu katika eneo la roho ya ubutu, kuwaita mialoni ya haki, iliyooteshwa na Yahwe, ili aweze kutukuzwa.
To appoint to mourners in Zion, To give to them beauty instead of ashes, The oil of joy instead of mourning, A covering of praise for a faded spirit, And He is calling to them, Trees of righteousness, The planting of YHWH—to be beautified.”
4 Wataijenga tena mahali pa kale palipohaibiwa; wataparejesha mahali palipokuwa na ukiwa. Watairejesha miji iliyoharibiwa, Mahali penye ukiwa kutoka vizazi vingi vilivyopita.
And they have built the ancient ruins, They raise up the desolations of the ancients, And they have renewed ruined cities, The desolations of generation and generation.
5 Wageni watasimama na kulisha makumdi yako, na watoto wa wageni watafanya kazi kwenye mashamba yako na mizabu.
And strangers have stood and fed your flock, And the sons of a foreigner [Are] your farmers and your vinedressers.
6 Mtaitwa makuhani wa Yahwe; watawaita watumishi wa Mungu wetu. Mtakula utajiri wa mataifa, na utajivuinia katika utajiri wake.
And you are called priests of YHWH, It is said of you [that you are] ministers of our God, You consume the strength of nations, And you boast yourselves in their glory.
7 Badala yake aibu yenu itaongezeka; na badala ya fedhea walifurahia juu ya sehemu yao. Hivyo basi sehemu yao itaongezeka mara mbili katika nchi na furaha ya milele itakuwa yao.
Instead of your shame—double [honor], And [instead of] confusion, They rejoice in their portion, Therefore they take possession in their land a second time, Continuous joy [is] for them.
8 Maana Mimi, Yahwe, ninapenda haki, na ninachukia wizi na vurugu zisizo za haki. Nitawalipa wao kataka haki na Nitafanya agano la milele na wao.
“For I [am] YHWH, loving judgment, Hating plunder for a burnt-offering, And I have given their wage in truth, And I make a perpetual covenant for them.
9 Uzao wao utajulikana miongoni mwa mataifa, na watoto wao miongoni mwa watu. Wote watakaowaona watawakubali wao, kwamba ni watu wangu ambao Yahwe amewabariki.
And their seed has been known among the nations, And their offspring in the midst of the peoples, All their beholders acknowledge them, For they [are] a seed YHWH has blessed.”
10 Nitafurahia sana katika Yahwe; Katika Mungu nitafurahia. Maana amenivika mimi kwa vazi la wokovu; amenivika mimi kwa vazi la haki, kama bwana harusi aliyejipamba mwenywe kwa kilemba, na kama bibi harusi aliyejipamba kwa vito.
I greatly rejoice in YHWH, My soul rejoices in my God, For He clothed me with garments of salvation, [And] covered me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom prepares ornaments, And as a bride puts on her jewels.
11 Maana kama nchi inavyozalisha miti inayochipukia na kama bustani inavyofanya miti yake ikuie, hivyo Bwana atasasbabisha haki na sifa kuchipukia mbele ya mataifa yote.
For as the earth brings forth her shoots, And as a garden causes its sown things to shoot up, So Lord YHWH causes righteousness and praise To shoot up before all the nations!

< Isaya 61 >