< Isaya 60 >
1 Nyanyuka, uangaze; maana mwanga wako umekuja, na utukufu wa Yahwe umekuja kwako.
Arise, O Ierusalem: be bright, for thy light is come, and the glorie of the Lord is risen vpon thee.
2 Japokuwa giza litatanda katika nchi, na giza nene katika mataifa; Lakini Yahwe atakuja juu yenu, na utukufu wake utaonekana kwenu.
For beholde, darkenesse shall couer the earth, and grosse darkenesse the people: but the Lord shall arise vpon thee, and his glory shall be seene vpon thee.
3 Mataifa yatakuja kwenye mwanga wako, na wafalme katika mwanga wako mkali uliokuja
And the Gentiles shall walke in thy light, and Kings at the brightnesse of thy rising vp.
4 Tazama na angalia pande zote. Wamekusanyika wao wenyewe kwa pamoja na wanakuja kwako. Watoto wako watatoka mbali, na binti zao watabebwa katika mikono yenu.
Lift vp thine eyes round about, and beholde: all these are gathered, and come to thee: thy sonnes shall come from farre, and thy daughters shalbe nourished at thy side.
5 Halafu wataangalia na kuwa furaha, na moyo wako utafurahia na kufurika, maana wingi wa maji utamwagwa juu yenu, utajiri wa mataifa utakuja kwenu.
Then thou shalt see and shine: thine heart shall be astonied and enlarged, because the multitude of the sea shalbe conuerted vnto thee, and the riches of the Gentiles shall come vnto thee.
6 Msafara wa ngamia utawafunika ninyi, na ngamia wa Midiani na Efa; wote watakuja kutoka Sheba; wataleta dhahabu na ubani, wataimba sifa kwa Yahwe.
The multitude of camels shall couer thee: and the dromedaries of Midian and of Ephah: all they of Sheba shall come: they shall bring golde and incense, and shewe foorth the prayses of the Lord.
7 Makundi yote ya Kedari yatakusanika kwa pamoja kwako, kondoo wa Nebaioti watabeba mahitaji yako; watakubalika kutolewa sadaka katika madhebau yangu; na nitaitukuza nyumba yangu takatifu.
All the sheepe of Kedar shall be gathered vnto thee: the rammes of Nebaioth shall serue thee: they shall come vp to bee accepted vpon mine altar: and I will beautifie the house of my glorie.
8 Ni nani hawa wanopaa wenyewe kama mawingu, na kama njiwa kwenye makazi yao?
Who are these that flee like a cloude, and as the doues to their windowes?
9 Pwani itanitafuta mimi, na meli ya Tarshishi huwaongoza, huwaleta watoto wenu kutoka mbali, pamoja na fedha zao na dhahabu zao, maana jina la Yahwe Mungu wenu, na Mtakatifu wa Israeli, maana amekuheshimu wewe.
Surely the yles shall waite for mee, and the shippes of Tarshish, as at the beginning, that they may bring thy sonnes from farre, and their siluer, and their golde with them, vnto the Name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy one of Israel, because he hath glorified thee.
10 Watoto wa wageni watajenga tena kuta zenu, n awafalme wao watawatumikia ninyi; japo katika laana yangu nimewaadhibu ninyi, lakini kwa neema yangu nitawahurumia ninyi.
And the sonnes of strangers shall builde vp thy walles, and their Kings shall minister vnto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my mercie I had compassion on thee.
11 Milango yenu itaendelea kuwa wazi; haitafungwa mchana au usiku, hivyo utajiri wa mataifa ili uweze kuletwa, pamoja na viongozi wanowaongoza.
Therefore thy gates shalbe open continually: neither day nor night shall they be shutte, that men may bring vnto thee the riches of the Gentiles, and that their Kings may be brought.
12 Kweli, mataifa na falme ambayo hayatakutumikia wewe yatatoweka; mataifa hayo yataangamizwa kabisa.
For the nation and the kingdome, that will not serue thee, shall perish: and those nations shalbe vtterly destroyed.
13 Utukufu wa Lebanoni utakuja kwako, mti wa msonobari, mtidhari, pamoja na msonobari ili kupamba madhebau yangu; na Nitalitukuza eneo la miguu yangu.
The glory of Lebanon shall come vnto thee, the firre tree, the elme and the boxe tree together, to beautifie the place of my Sanctuarie: for I will glorifie the place of my feete.
14 Watakuja kwako kukusujudia wewe, watoto wa wale wanaokunyenyekea wewe; wataisujudia miguu yako; watakuita wewe mji wa Yahwe, sayani ya Mtakatifu wa Israeli.
The sonnes also of them that afflicted thee, shall come and bowe vnto thee: and all they that despised thee, shall fall downe at the soles of thy feete: and they shall call thee, The citie of the Lord, Zion of the Holy one of Israel.
15 Badala yake uwepo wenu umetelekezwa na kuchukiwa, kwa kuwa hakuna hata mmoja anayepita ndani yenu, nitawafanya kuwa kitu cha kiburi milele, furaha kutoka kizazi hata kizazi.
Where as thou hast bene forsaken and hated: so that no man went by thee, I will make thee an eternall glorie, and a ioye from generation to generation.
16 Pia utakunywa maziwa ya mataifa, utatunzwa katika kifua cha wafalme; utajua kwamba Mimi Yahwe, Mimi ni mwokozi na mkombozi wenu, aliye Mkuu wa Israeli.
Thou shalt also sucke ye milke of the Gentiles, and shalt sucke the breastes of Kings: and thou shalt know, that I the Lord am thy Sauiour, and thy Redeemer, the mightie one of Iaakob.
17 Badala ya shaba Nitaleta dhahabu, badaia ya chuma nitaleta fedha; badala ya mbao, shabana badala ya jiwe, chuma. Nitachagua amani kwa kiongozi wenu, na haki kiongozi wenu.
For brasse will I bring golde, and for yron will I bring siluer, and for wood brasse, and for stones yron. I will also make thy gouernement peace, and thine exactours righteousnesse.
18 Vurugu hazitasikika katika aridhi yenu, uharibifu wala uvunjaji katika mipaka yenu; lakini mtaita kuta zenu wokovu, na malngo yenu mtayaita sifa.
Violence shall no more be heard of in thy land, neither desolation, nor destruction within thy borders: but thou shalt call saluation, thy walles, and praise, thy gates.
19 Jua halitakuwa mwanga wenu wakati wa mchana, wala mwanga wa mwenzi wakati wa usiku hautawawakia ninyi; Lakini Yahwe atakuwa mwanga wenu wa milele, na Mungu wenu na utukufu wenu.
Thou shalt haue no more sunne to shine by day, neither shall the brightnesse of the moone shine vnto thee: for the Lord shall be thine euerlasting light, and thy God, thy glorie.
20 Jua lenu halitakuewepo wala mweni utaondoshwa na kutoweka; maana Yahwe atakuwa mwanga wenu daima, na siku za maombolezo zitakwisha.
Thy sunne shall neuer goe downe, neither shall thy moone be hid: for the Lord shalbe thine euerlasting light, and the dayes of thy sorowe shalbe ended.
21 Watu wako wote watakuwa wenye haki; watachukuwa urithi wa nchi kwa mda wote, tawi la mazao yangu, kazi ya mikono yangu, ili niweze kuitukuza.
Thy people also shalbe all righteous: they shall possesse the land for euer, the grasse of my planting shalbe the worke of mine handes, that I may be glorified.
22 Mtoto atakuwa maelfu, na mdogo atakuwa taifa la wenye nguvu; Mimi Yahwe Nitayatimiza hayo mda utakapowadia.
A litle one shall become as a thousande, and a small one as a strong nation: I the Lord wil hasten it in due time.