< Isaya 37 >

1 Ikawa siku hiyo mfalme Hezekia aliposika taarifa zao, alichana mavazi yake, na kujifunika nguo za magunia, na akaenda kwenye nyumba ya Yahwe.
And it was don, whanne kyng Ezechie hadde herd, he to-rente hise clothis, and he was wlappid in a sak, and entride in to the hous of the Lord.
2 Na alimtuma Eliakimu, ambae ni kiongozi wa kaya na Shebna mwandishi, na wazee wa makuhani, wote walijifunika nguo za magunia, kwa Isaya mtoto wa Amozi, nabii.
And he sente Eliachym, that was on the hous, and Sobna, the scryuen, and the eldre men of prestis, hilid with sackis, to Isaie, the prophete, the sone of Amos.
3 Wakamwambia yeye, Hezekia akasema hivi, 'Siku hii ni siku ya dhiki, kukemewa, na aibu, ni kama mtoto aliye tayari kuzaliwa lakini mama yake hana nguvu za kumsukuma mtoto.
And thei seiden to hym, Ezechie seith these thingis, A dai of tribulacioun, and of angwisch, and of chastisyng, and of blasfemye is this dai; for children camen `til to childberyng, and vertu of childberyng is not.
4 Itakuwa Yahwe Mungu wenu atasikia maneno ya kamanda mkuu, ambao mfalme wa Asira Bwana wake alimtuma kumpinga Mungu anayeishi, na atakemea maneno ambayo Yahwe Mungu wenu ameyasikia. Sasa inueni maombi yenu juu mabaki yaliyoobakia hapa.''
Therfor reise thou preier for the relifs that ben foundun, if in ony maner thi Lord God here the wordis of Rapsaces, whom the king of Assiriens, his lord, sente, for to blasfeme lyuynge God, and to dispise bi the wordis, whiche thi Lord God herde.
5 Sasa watumishi wa mfalme Hezekia walikuja kwa Isaya,
And the seruauntis of kyng Esechie camen to Isaie;
6 na Isaya akawambia, ''Mwambieni Bwana wenu: 'Yahwe amesma, ''Msiogope kwa maneno mliyoyasikia, maneno ambayo mfalme wa Asiria amenitusi mimi.
and Isaie seide to hem, Ye schulen seie these thingis to youre lord, The Lord seith these thingis, Drede thou not of the face of wordis whiche thou herdist, bi whiche the children of the kyng of Assiriens blasfemyden me.
7 Tazama nitaiweka roho yangu ndani yake na atasikiliiza taarifa fulani na atarudi kwenye nchi yake mwenyewe. Na nitamfanya anguke kwa upanga katika nchi yake mwenyewe.''
Lo! Y schal yyue to hym a spirit, and he schal here a messanger; and he schal turne ayen to his londe, and Y schal make hym to falle doun bi swerd in his lond.
8 Basi kamanda mkuu alirudi na kumkuta mfalme wa Asira anapigana dhidi ya Libna, Maana aliskia kwamba mfalme amekwenda mbali kutoka Lachishi.
Forsothe Rapsaces turnede ayen, and foond the kyng of Assiriens fiytynge ayens Lobna; for he hadde herd, that the kyng was gon fro Lachis.
9 Halafu Sennacheribi alisikia kwamba Tirkhaka mfalme wa Ethiopia na Misri wamehamasishana kupigna dhidi yake. Hivyo akamtuma mjumbe mara nyingine kwa Hezekia apeleke ujumbe:
And the kyng herde messangeris seiynge of Theracha, kyng of Ethiopiens, He is gon out to fiyte ayens thee. And whanne he hadde herd this thing, he sente messangeris to Ezechie, and seide, Ye schulen seie,
10 ''Mwambie Hezekia, mfalme wa Yuda, 'Usimruhusu Mungu unayemwamini akudanganye, ''Yerusalemu haitatiwa mikononi mwa mfalme wa Asiria.''
spekynge these thingis to Ezechye, kyng of Juda, Thi God disseyue not thee, in whom thou tristist, and seist, Jerusalem schal not be youun in to the hond of the kyng of Assiriens.
11 umesikia kitu ambacho mfalme wa Asiria alichokifanya kwa nchi yote kwa kuiangamiza kabisa. Je utawaokoa?
Lo! thou herdist alle thingis whiche the kynges of Assiriens diden to alle londis whiche thei distrieden; and maist thou be delyuered?
12 Je miungu ya mataifa imewakomboa? taifa ambalo baba yangu aliliangamiza: Gozani, Harani, Rezefi na watu wa Edeni katika Telassari?
Whethir the goddis of folkis delyuereden hem, whiche my fadris distrieden; Gosan, and Aran, and Reseph, and the sones of Eden, that weren in Thalasar?
13 Yuko wapi mfalme wa Hamathi, mfalme wa Arpadi, mfalme wa miji ya Sefarvaaimi, wa Hema na Ivva?''
Where is the kyng of Emath, and the kyng of Arphath, and the kyng of the citee of Sepharuaym, and of Ana, and of Aua?
14 Hezekia alipokea barua hii kutoka mikononi mwa mjumbe na kisoma. Halafu akaenda juu kwenye nyumba ya Yahwe na kuusoma mbele yake.
And Ezechie took the bookis fro the hond of messangeris, and redde tho; and he stiede in to the hous of the Lord, and spredde abrood tho bifore the Lord;
15 Hezekia alimuomba Mungu:
and preiede to the Lord,
16 Yahwe wa majeshi, Mungu wa Israeli, wewe ambae uko juu ya makerubi, wewe ni Mungu mwenywe juu falme zote za dunia. umezifanya mbingu na nchi.
and seide, Lord of oostis, God of Israel, that sittist on cherubyn, thou art God aloone of alle the rewmes of erthe; thou madist heuene and erthe.
17 Jeuza masikio yako, Yahwe, na sikiliza. Fungua macho yako, Ee Yahwe na uone, na usikilize maneno ya Sanacheribi, ambayo ameyatuma kumfanyia mzadha Mungu anayeishi.
Lord, bowe doun thin eere, and here; Lord, open thin iyen, and se; and here thou alle the wordis of Sennacherib, whiche he sente for to blasfeme lyuynge God.
18 Ni kweli Yahwe, mfalme wa Asiria ameangamiza mataifa yote na aridhi yao.
For verili, Lord, the kyngis of Assiriens maden londis dissert, and the cuntreis of tho, and yauen the goddis of tho to fier;
19 Wameiweka miungu yao katika moto, maana haikuwa miungu lakini kazi ya mikono ya wanadamu, ni kuni na jiwe tu.
for thei weren not goddis, but the werkis of mennus hondis, trees and stoonys; and thei al to-braken tho goddis.
20 Hivyo Waasira wameawaangamiza wao. hivyo saa Yahwe Mungu wetu, tuokoe kwa nguvu zako, ili falme zote za duniani zijue kwamba wewe ni Yahwe peke yako.''
And now, oure Lord God, saue thou vs fro the hond of hym; and alle rewmes of erthe knowe, that thou art Lord God aloone.
21 Basi Isaya mtoto wa Amozi alituma ujumbe kwa Hezekia, na kusema, Yahwe Mungu wa Israeli amesema, Kwa sababu umeomba kwangu kuhusu Sannacheribi mfalme wa Asiria,
And Isaie, the sone of Amos, sente to Ezechie, and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, For whiche thingis thou preidist me of Sennacherib, the kyng of Assiriens,
22 Haya ndiyo maneno ambayo Yahwe amezungumza kuhusu yeye, ''Binti bikira wa Sayuni wanakudharau na kukucheka kwa dharau; mabinti wa Yerusalemu wanatingisha vichwa vyao kwa ajili yako.
this is the word which the Lord spak on hym, Thou virgyn, the douyter of Sion, he dispiside thee, he scornede thee; thou virgyn, the douyter of Jerusalem, he moued his heed aftir thee.
23 Ni nani unayempinga na kumtusi? na dhidi ya nani unayenyanyua sauti yako na kunyanyua macho yako kwa kiburi? dhidi ya mtakatifu wa Israeli.
Whom despisist thou, and whom blasfemedist thou? and on whom reisidist thou thi vois, and reisidist the hiynesse of thin iyen?
24 Kwa kupitia watumishi wako umempinga Bwana na amesema, 'Kwa wingi wa gari nimepanda juu kwenye kilele cha milima, katika kilele cha mwuinuko wa Lebanoni. Nitaikata mierezi yake na kuchagua miti ya miseprasi pale, ni msitu uzao sana.
To the hooli of Israel. Bi the hond of thi seruauntis thou dispisidist the Lord, and seidist, In the multitude of my cartis Y stiede on the hiynesses of hillis, on the yockis of Liban; and Y schal kitte doun the hiy thingis of cedris therof, and the chosun beechis therof; and Y schal entre in to the hiynesse of the cop therof, in to the forest of Carmele therof.
25 Nimechimba kisima na kunywa maji; nimechimba mito yote ya Misri chini ya nyayo za miguu yangu.'
Y diggide, and drank watir; and Y made drie with the step of my foot all the strondis of feeldis.
26 Je haujasikia jinsi nilivyoamua toka siku nyingi na nimelifanyia kazi toka kipindi cha kale? ninayaleta sasa ili yaweze kutimia. Mko hapa kuhiaribu miji imara na yenye ulinzi wa kutosha na kuwa chungu cha uharibifu.
Whether thou, Sennacherib, herdist not what thingis Y dide sum tyme? Fro elde daies Y fourmyde that thing, and now Y haue brouyt; and it is maad in to drawyng vp bi the roote of litle hillis fiytynge togidere, and of strong citees.
27 Wakazi wake, waliowadhaifu, waliokata tamaa na wenye aibu. Wanaotesha shambani, majani mabichi, majani juu paa au kwenye shamba kabla ya upepo wa mashariki.
The dwelleris of tho citees trembliden togidere with hond maad schort, and ben aschamed; thei ben maad as hei of the feeld, and the gras of lesewe, and as erbe of roouys, that driede vp bifore that it wexide ripe.
28 Lakini najua kukaa kwenu chini, kutoka kwenu nje, mnapoingia ndani, na mnapokuwa wakali dhidi yangu.
Y knew thi dwellyng, and thi goyng out, and thin entryng, and thi woodnesse ayens me.
29 Kwa sababu mnakuwa wakali dhidi yangu, maana kiburi chenu kimeyafikia masikio yangu, Nitaweka ndoano katika pua zenu, na sauti katika midomo yenu; Nitawageuza nyuma kwenye njia mliyokuja nayo.
Whanne thou were wood ayens me, thi pride stiede in to myn eeris; therfor Y schal sette a ryng in thi nosethirlis, and a bridil in thi lippis; and Y schal lede thee ayen in to the weie, bi which thou camest.
30 Hii itakuwa wimbo kwenu: mwaka huu mtakula kinachoota porini na mwaka pili mtakula kinachoota hapo hapo. Lakini mwaka wa tatu lazima mpande na mvune, pandeni mizabibu na mle matunda yake.
Forsothe to thee, Ezechie, this schal be a signe; ete thou in this yeer tho thingis that growen bi her fre wille, and in the secunde yeer ete thou applis; but in the thridde yeer sowe ye, and repe ye, and plaunte ye vyneris, and ete ye the fruyt of tho.
31 Mabaki ya nyumba ya Yuda ambao wanaishi watachukua mzizi tena na kuzalisha matunda.
And that that is sauyd of the hous of Juda, and that, that is left, schal sende roote bynethe, and schal make fruyt aboue;
32 Maana katika Yerusalemu waliobaki watatoka; Kutoka kwenye mlima Sayuni waliobaki watakuja. Bidii ya Yahwe wa majeshi itafanikisha hili.''
for whi relifs schulen go out of Jerusalem, and saluacioun fro the hil of Sion; the feruent loue of the Lord of oostis schal do this thing.
33 Hivyo basi Yahwe asema hivi kuhusu Asiria: ''Atakuja katika miji, wala kurusha mkuki hapa. Wala atakuja hapa mbele kwa ngao au kujenga uzio njia panda dhidi yao.
Therfor the Lord seith these thingis of the kyng of Assiriens, He schal not entre in to this citee, and he schal not schete there an arowe; and a scheeld schal not ocupie it, and he schal not sende erthe in the cumpas therof.
34 Njia atakayojia itakuwa njia hiyo hiyo atakayorudia; ataingia katika mji huu. Hili ni Tamko ya Yahwe.
In the weie in which he cam, he schal turne ayen bi it; and he schal not entre in to this citee, seith the Lord.
35 Maana nitaulinda huu mji na kuuokoa, kwa niaba yangu mimi mwenyewe na kwa niaba Daudi mtumishi wangu.''
And Y schal defende this citee, that Y saue it, for me, and for Dauid, my seruaunt.
36 Halafu malaika wa Yahwe alienda nje na kuvamia kambi ya Waasiria, na kuwauwa askari 185, 000. Watu walipoamka asubuhi na mapema, miili iliyokufa imelala kila mahali.
Forsothe the aungel of the Lord yede out, and killide an hundride thousynde and fourscoor and fyue thousynde in the tentis of Assiriens; and thei risen eerli, and lo! alle men weren careyns of deed men.
37 Hivyo Sennacheribi mfalme wa Asiria aliiacha Israeli na kwenda nyumbani na akakaa Ninewi.
And Sennacherib yede out of Jude, and wente awei. And Sennacherib, the kyng of Assiriens, turnede ayen, and dwellide in Nynyue.
38 Baadaye, na alipokuwa anabudu katika nyumba ya Nisrochi mungu wake, mtoto wake Adramaleki na Shareza alimuua kwa upanga. Halafu wakakimbilia kwenye nchi ya Ararati. Halafu Esarhadoni mtoto wake akatawala katika sehemu ya baba yake.
And it was don, whanne he worschipide Mesrach, his god, in the temple, Aramalech and Sarasar, hise sones, killiden hym with swerd, and fledden in to the lond of Ararath; and Asaradon, his sone, regnyde for hym.

< Isaya 37 >