< Isaya 30 >

1 Ole wa watoto waasi, ''Hili ni tamko la Yahwe. ''Wataweka mipango, lakini haitatoka kwangu; wataungana na mataifa mengine, lakini hawakuongozwa na Roho wangu, hivyo wanongeza dhambi baada ya dhambi.
Yahweh says, “Terrible things will happen to you, my people who rebel against me. You make plans, but what you plan is not what I want. You have made an alliance [with the rulers of Egypt], but you did not ask my Spirit [if that was what you should do]. By doing that, you have increased the number of your sins.
2 Wanapanga kushuka chini Misri, lakini hawajaniomba niwaelekeze. Wanatafuta ulinzi kutoka kwa Farao kuchukua kimbilio katika kivuli cha Misri.
You went to Egypt [to ask their rulers for help], without asking for my advice. You have trusted in [the army of] the king of Egypt to protect you; you have [trusted in them] [like] people sit in the shade [to protect themselves from the sun] [MET].
3 Hivyo basi ulinzi wa Farao utakuwa aibu yenu, na kimbilio lenu katika kivuli cha Misri, kitakuwa udhalilishaji wenu,
[But] the result of your trusting in the king of Egypt is that you will be [disappointed and] disgraced; because of trusting in him, you will be humiliated.
4 japo wakuu wako Sayuni, na wajumbe wao wamekuja Hanesi.
Officials/ambassadors [from Judah] have gone to Zoan and Hanes [cities in Egypt to make treaties],
5 Watahaibika kwa sababu ya watu ambao hawawezi kuwasaidia, wala kuwa na faida, lakini ni aibu, na fedheha.
but all those [who trust in the King of Egypt] will be humiliated, because that nation will not be able to help you; the treaty that you have made [requesting help from them] will be useless; instead, the result will be that you will be humiliated and disgraced [DOU].”
6 Tamko kuhusu mnyama wa Negevi: kupitia kwenye mlango wa mateso na hatari, wa simba jike na simba dume, nyoka na nyoka wa moto aneyepaa, wamebeba utajiri wao kwenye mgongo wa punda, na hazina yao katika mabega ya ngamia, kwa watu ambao hawana msaada kwao.
[I received from Yahweh] this message about the animals in the southern part of Judah: That area is one where [people experience a lot of] troubles and difficulties, an area where there are male and female lions and various kinds of poisonous snakes. Caravans go through that area taking donkeys and camels loaded with valuable goods. [They are taking them] to Egypt to seek for protection [by the army of Egypt], [but] it will be useless.
7 Maana msaada Misri hauna maana; hivyo basi nimemwita Rahabu, aliyekaa bado.
The promises made by [the king of] Egypt are worthless; therefore I call Egypt ‘the sea monster/dragon that does nothing’.
8 Sasa nenda, andika hili mbele yao juu ya meza, na uyaandike katika kitabu, iliyaifadhiwe kwa mda mrefu kama ushuhuda.
Yahweh told me to write on a scroll a message, in order that it would be a witness [to the people of Judah] that would endure forever.
9 Maana ni watu waasi, watoto waongo, watoto ambao hawaskilizi maelekezo ya Yahwe.
[It would remind them] that they are deceitful and always rebelling against Yahweh; they refuse to pay attention to what he tells/teaches them.
10 Wanawambia waonaji, ''msiangalie; na kwa manabii, ''msitabiri yaliyoyakweli kwetu; zungumza maneno ya kujipendeza kwetu, tabiri udanganyifu. Geukeni katika njia,
They tell the people who see/receive visions [from Yahweh], “Stop seeing visions!” They tell the prophets, “Do not reveal to us what is right! Tell us pleasant things; do not tell us visions about things that are true!
11 ondokeni kwenye njia; maana Mtakatifu wa Israeli amesitisha kuongea mbele ya uso wetu.
Stop doing what you have been doing [DOU]; stop telling us what the Holy One of Israel [says to us]!”
12 Hivyo basi mtakatifu wa Israeli asema, ''Kwa sababu umekataa maneno haya na kujifunza ukandamizaji na udanganyifu,
Therefore, this is what the Holy One of Israel says: “You have rejected my message, and you are relying on those who oppress and deceive others.
13 hivyo dhambi hii itakuwa kwenu kama kitu kilichovunjika tayari kwa kuanguka, kama kitu katika ukuta mrefu ambao anguko lake linakaribia, papo kwa hapo.''
Therefore, the result of your sin [of rejecting me] will be that you will [suddenly experience disasters]; what will happen to you will be like [SIM] a cracked wall that suddenly collapses [DOU].
14 Atavunja kama chombo cha mfinyanyanzi kivunjavyo, hivyo basi hakitabaki kitu, hivyo hakuna vipande vyovyote vya kigae kitoshacho kutwaa moto jikoni, kuchota maji kisimani.
You will be smashed like a clay jar is smashed [when it is dropped], and it shatters completely, with the result that there is not one piece big enough to carry some coals from a stove or to carry a little bit of water from a well.”
15 Maana Bwana Yahwe, Mtakatifu wa Israeli asema hivi, ''Kwa kurudi na kwa kupumzika mtaokolewa; katika utulivu na imani itakuwa ni nguvu zako, Lakini hamkuwa tayari.
Yahweh, [our] God, the Holy One of Israel, [also] says this: “You will be rescued [from your enemies only] if you repent and trust [in what I will do for you]; you will be strong [only] if you quit worrying and trust in me. But you do not want [to do that].
16 Amesema, 'Hapana, maana kukimbia kwa farasi; hivyo tutakimbia; tutakimbia kwa kutumia farasi mwepesi; hivyo basi watakaojingiza watakuwa wepesi.
You said, ‘No, we will escape on horses [that the army of Egypt will give us]!’ So, you will [try to] flee. You said, ‘We will [escape from the army of Assyria] by riding on swift horses!’ [But] those who pursue you will [also ride] swiftly.
17 Watu eflu moja watakimbia kwa kumuhofia mtu mmoja; kwa vitisho vya watu watano mtakimbia mpaka mtakuwa kama nguzu ya bendera iliyoko juu ya mlima, au kama bendera kwenye kilima.''
[As a result], 1,000 [of you] will flee when [only] one of them pursues you! When only five [of their soldiers] threaten [to kill you], [all of] will flee. [Only a few of] you will be left, like [SIM] a [single] flagpole on top of a mountain with one signal flag on the pole.”
18 Lakini Bwana anawasubiri ili awape neema yake, Hivyo basi yuko tayari kuwaonyesha huruma. Maana Yahwe na Mungu wa haki; Huwabarikiwe wale wanaomsubiri yeye.
[But] wants to be kind to you; he desires to show you that he is merciful. [Do not forget that] Yahweh is a God who acts justly; he is pleased with those who patiently trust in him.
19 Maana watu wataishi Sayuni, na Yerusalemu na hawatalia tena. Hakika atakuwa neema kwenu kwa sauti ya kilio chenu. Atakaposikia tu, atawajibu ninyi.
You people who live in Jerusalem [DOU], [some day] you will not cry any more. Yahweh will be kind to you when you call out to him for help. He will answer/help you as soon as he hears you call.
20 Kupitia Yahwe tunapata mkate wa shida na maji ya mateso, hata sasa, mwalimu wako hatajifisha mwenyewe tena, lakini utamuona mwalimu wako kwa macho yako mwenyewe.
Although [now] Yahweh has caused you to [daily] experience [MET] great troubles and suffer much, [he], your teacher, will not hide himself from you. He [SYN] will teach you many things clearly.
21 Masikio yako yatasikia maneno yanayosemwa nyuma, Hii ndio njia, pitia hii, ''utakapogeuka upande wa kulia au utakageuka upande wa kushoto.
And you will hear him speak to you to guide you. [Right] behind you he will say, “This is the road on which you should walk; walk on this road!”
22 Mtakinajisi kifuniko chenu mlichokiweka juu ya pesa na dhahabu na kukitupa. Mtakitupa mbali kama hedhi kali, '''utawambia wao, ''Ondokeni hapa.''
When that happens, you will destroy [all] your idols that are covered with silver or gold. You will throw them away like you throw away a filthy rag, and you will say to them, “We do not need you any more!”
23 Naye atatoa mvua kwanye mbegu zenu mtakapopanda kwenye aridhi, na mkate utakuwa kwa wingi kutoka kwenye aridhi na mazao yatazaa kwa wingi. Katika siku hizo ng'ombe zako zitachungwa katika eneo kubwa.
[If you do that], Yahweh will bless you by giving you good rain at the time that you plant your crops. You will have good harvests, and plenty of pasture with grass for your cattle to eat.
24 Ng'ombe na punda, wanaolima kwenye aridhi, watakula chakula cha majira kilicho tawnywa kwa koleo na uma.
After the wind [blows away the chaff], the oxen and donkeys that [pull the plow to] plow your ground will have good grain to eat.
25 Juu ya mlima mrefu na juu ya kilima kirefu, kutapitasha vijito na mifereji ya maji, katika siku siku ya machinjio makuu pale minara yote itakapoanguka.
At that time, when [your enemies] have been slaughtered and their towers have (collapsed/been destroyed), there will be streams flowing down every hill and mountain [in Judah].
26 Mwanga wa mwenzi utakuwa kama mwanga wa jua, na mwanga wa jua utang'aa mara saba, kama mwanga wa siku saba. Yahwe atakapofunga kuvujwa kwa watu wake na kuyaponya majeraha waliyoyapata.
The moon will seem to shine as brightly as the sun, and the sun will seem to shine seven times as brightly as previously. That is what it will be like when Yahweh causes [the suffering of] his people [to cease; it will be as though] [MET] he will be putting bandages on their wounds and healing them.
27 jina la Yahwe limekuja kutoka sehemu ya mbali, Linawaka kwa hasira yake na katika moshi mnene. Midomo yake imejaa hasira, na lugha yake nia kama moto unaoangamiza.
[It is as though] we see Yahweh coming from far away; he is extremely angry, and there are thick clouds of smoke around him. By what he says [MTY] he shows that he is angry; what he says is like [SIM] a devastating/destructive fire.
28 Punzi yake ni kama maji yaliyojaa yanayofika mpaka katikati ya shingo, kwa ajili kuchuja mataifa kwa kuhamasisha uharibifu. Pumzi yake ni mzabuni katika taya za watu wanowasababisha kutangatanga mbali.
His breath is like [SIM] a flood that covers [his enemies] up to their necks. He will separate [MET] the nations in order to destroy [some of them]; [it is as though] he will put hooks in their mouths and take them away.
29 Utakuwa na wimbo kama usiku pale sherehe takatifu itakapofanyika, na moyo wenye furaha, pindi mmoja atakopo kwenda na katika mlima wa Yahwe, katika mwamba wa Israeli.
But [his people] will sing joyfully like they sing during the nights when they celebrate a holy festival. They will be very joyful, like [SIM] [a large group of his people] are joyful when they go up to Zion Hill in Jerusalem, along with men playing flutes [when they are all going there to worship Yahweh]. He is [like] [MET] a huge rock under which [we] Israeli people [are safe].
30 Yahwe atafanya mapambo ya sauti yake inayosikika na atawaonyesha jinsi mkono wake ushukavyo na dhouba ya hasira yake na moto uwakao, pamoja na upepo mkubwa, mvua kubwa, na mvua ya mawe.
And Yahweh will enable [us] to hear him speaking powerfully/majestically. He will show us that he [SYN] is very powerful. [We] will see him [SYN] smash [his enemies]. Being very angry, he will descend with a big rainstorm and thunder and hail [to punish them].
31 Maana kwa sauti ya Yahwe, Asiria itanyamazishwa; atahiaribu kwa fimbo.
[The soldiers of] Assyria will be terrified when they hear the voice of Yahweh and when he strikes them with his rod.
32 Na kila adhabu iliyochaguliwa amechagua fimbo ambayo Yahwe ataiweka juu yao na wakisidikizwa na mziki wa kigoma na kinubi kama wataanzisha vita na kupgana nao.
And while Yahweh strikes them to punish them, [his people] will [celebrate by] playing tambourines and harps. [It will be as though] Yahweh will lift up his powerful hand/arm and defeat the Assyrian army in battle.
33 Maana sehemu ya kuchoma iliandaliwa toka zamani. kweli, imeandaliwa kwa mfalme, na Mungu amelifanya kuwa na kina na upana. Rundo liko tayari kwa moto na kuni za kutosha. Punzi ya Yahwe, ni kama mkondo kiberiti, na utawsha moto.
[The valley of] Topheth [outside Jerusalem] has been prepared for a long time; it is ready for the king [of Assyria]; the (funeral pyre/pile of wood) [for burning his body] is wide and high, and [it will be as though] Yahweh will light the fire with his breath, which will come out like a stream of burning sulfur.

< Isaya 30 >