< Mwanzo 8 >
1 Mungu akamtazama Nuhu, wanyama wote wa mwitu, na wanyama wote wa kufugwa ambao walikuwa pamoja naye kwenye safina. Mungu akafanya upepo uvume juu ya nchi, na maji yakaanza kuzama chini.
Now God remembred Noah and euery beast, and all the cattell that was with him in the Arke: therefore God made a winde to passe vpon the earth, and the waters ceased.
2 Chemichemi za vilindi pamoja na madirisha ya mbingu vikafungwa, na mvua ikakoma kunyesha.
The fountaines also of the deepe and the windowes of heauen were stopped and the raine from heauen was restrained,
3 Maji ya gharika yakaanza kuzama kidogo kidogo katika nchi. na mwisho wa siku miamoja na hamsini maji yakawa yamezama chini.
And the waters returned from aboue the earth, going and returning: and after the ende of the hundreth and fiftieth day the waters abated.
4 safina ikatulia katika mwezi wa saba, siku ya kumi na saba ya mwezi, juu ya milima ya Ararati.
And in the seuenth moneth, in the seuenteenth day of the moneth, the Arke rested vpon the mountaines of Ararat.
5 Maji yakaendelea kuzama chini hadi mwezi wa kumi. Siku ya kwanza ya mwezi, vilele vya milima vikaonekana.
And the waters were going and decreasing vntill the tenth moneth: in the tenth moneth, and in the first day of the moneth were the toppes of the mountaines seene.
6 Ikatokea kwamba baada ya siku arobaini Nuhu alifungua dirisha la safina ambayo aliitengeneza.
So after fourtie dayes, Noah opened the windowe of the Arke, which he had made,
7 Akatuma kunguru na akaruka hadi maji yalipo kauka katika nchi.
And sent forth a rauen, which went out going forth and returning, vntill the waters were dried vp vpon the earth.
8 Kisha akatuma njiwa kuona kama maji yamezama chini kutoka kwenye uso wa nchi,
Againe he sent a doue from him, that he might see if the waters were diminished from off the earth.
9 lakini njiwa hakuona sehemu ya kutua unyayo wake, na akarudi kwake ndani ya safina, kwa kuwa maji yalikuwa bado yamefunika nchi yote. Akanyoosha mkono wake, akamchukua na kumuweka ndani ya safina pamoja naye.
But the doue found no rest for the sole of her foote: therefore she returned vnto him into the Arke (for the waters were vpon the whole earth) and he put forth his hand, and receiued her, and tooke her to him into the Arke.
10 Akasubiri siku saba zingine akatuma tena njiwa kutoka kwenye safina.
And he abode yet other seuen dayes, and againe he sent forth the doue out of the Arke.
11 Njiwa akarudi kwake jioni. Tazama! katika mdomo wake kulikuwa na jani bichi la mzeituni lililochumwa. Kwa hiyo Nuhu akatambua kuwa maji yamekwisha zama chini ya nchi.
And the doue came to him in ye euening, and loe, in her mouth was an oliue leafe that she had pluckt: whereby Noah knewe that the waters were abated from off the earth.
12 Akasubiri siku saba zingine na akamtuma njiwa tena. Njiwa hakurudi kwake tena.
Notwithstanding he wayted yet other seuen dayes, and sent forth the doue, which returned not againe vnto him any more.
13 Ikawa kwamba katika mwaka wa mia sita na moja, katika mwezi wa kwanza, siku ya kwanza ya mwezi, maji yalikuwa yamekauka katika nchi. Nuhu akaondoa kifuniko cha safina, akatazama nje, na akaona kwamba, Tazama, uso wa nchi ulikuwa umekauka.
And in the sixe hundreth and one yeere, in the first day of the first moneth the waters were dryed vp from off the earth: and Noah remoued the couering of the Arke and looked, and beholde, the vpper part of the ground was drie.
14 Katika mwezi wa pili, siku ya ishirini na saba ya mwezi, nchi ilikuwa imekauka.
And in the second moneth, in the seuen and twentieth day of the moneth was the earth drie.
15 Mungu akamwambia Nuhu,
Then God spake to Noah, saying,
16 “Toka nje ya safina, wewe, mke wako, wanao wa kiume, na wake wa wanao pamoja nawe.
Goe forth of the Arke, thou and thy wife, and thy sonnes and thy sonnes wiues with thee.
17 Wachukuwe utoke nje pamoja nao kila kiumbe hai chenye mwili ambacho kiko nawe - ndege, wanyama wa kufugwa, na kila kitambaacho ambacho hutambaa juu ya nchi - ili kwamba viweze kukua na kuwa na idadi kubwa zaidi ya viumbe hai katika nchi yote, kwa kuzaliana na kuongezeka juu ya nchi.”
Bring forth with thee euery beast that is with thee, of all flesh, both foule and cattell, and euery thing that creepeth and moueth vpon the earth, that they may breede abundantly in ye earth, and bring forth fruite and increase vpon ye earth.
18 Kwa hiyo Nuhu akatoka nje pamoja na watoto wake wa kiume, mke wake, na wake wa wa wanawe pamoja naye.
So Noah came forth, and his sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes wiues with him.
19 Kila kiumbe hai, kila kitambaacho, na kila ndege, na kila kiendacho juu ya nchi, kwa kabila zao, wakaiacha safina.
Euery beast, euery creeping thing, and euery foule, all that moueth vpon the earth after their kindes went out of the Arke.
20 Nuhu akajenga madhabahu kwa Yahwe. Akachukua baadhi ya wanyama walio safi na baadhi ya ndege walio safi, na kutoa sadaka ya kuteketezwa juu ya madhabahu.
Then Noah built an altar to the Lord and tooke of euery cleane beast, and of euery cleane foule, and offered burnt offerings vpon the altar.
21 Yahwe akanusa harufu nzuri ya kuridhisha na akasema moyoni mwake, “Sita laani tena ardhi kwa sababu ya mwanadamu, ingawa nia za mioyo yao ni mbaya tokea utoto. Wala sita haribu kilakitu chenye uhai, kama nilivyo fanya.
And the Lord smellled a sauour of rest, and the Lord said in his heart, I will hencefoorth curse the ground no more for mans cause: for the imagination of mans heart is euill, euen from his youth: neither will I smite any more all things liuing, as I haue done.
22 Wakati nchi isaliapo, majira ya kupanda mbegu na mavuno, baridi na joto, kiangazi na majira ya baridi, mchana na usiku havitakoma.”
Hereafter seede time and haruest, and colde and heate, and sommer and winter, and day and night shall not cease, so long as ye earth remaineth.