< Mwanzo 40 >

1 Ikawa baada ya mambo haya, mnyweshaji wa mfalme wa Misri na mwokaji wa mfalime walimkosa bwana wao, mfalme wa Misri.
And it came to pass after these things, that the butler of the king of Egypt, and his baker, offended their lord the king of Egypt.
2 Farao akawakasirikia hawa maafsa wawili, mkuu wa wanyweshaji na mkuu wa waokaji.
And Pharaoh was angry against his two officers, against the chief of the butlers, and against the chief of the bakers.
3 Akawaweka katika lindo katika nyumba ya kapteni wa walinzi, katika gereza lile Yusufu alimofungwa.
And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard, into the prison, the place where Joseph was bound.
4 Kapteni wa walinzi akamweka Yusufu kuwa mtumishi wao. Walikaa kifungoni kwa muda fulani.
And the captain of the guard charged Joseph with them, and he ministered to them. And they continued a season in ward.
5 Wote wakaota ndoto - mnyweshaji na mwokaji wa mfalme wa Misri waliokuwa wamefungwa gerezani - kila mmoja akaota ndoto usiku huo huo, na kila ndoto ilikuwa na tafsiri yake.
And they dreamed a dream both of them, each man his dream, in one night, each man according to the interpretation of his dream, the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, who were bound in the prison.
6 Yusufu akaja kwao asubuhi na kuwaona. Tazama, walikuwa na uzuni.
And Joseph came in to them in the morning, and saw them, and, behold, they were sad.
7 Akawauliza maafsa wa Farao waliokuwa pamoja naye kifungoni katika nyumba ya bwana wake, kusema, “Kwa nini leo mnaoneka wenye uzuni?”
And he asked Pharaoh's officers who were with him in ward in his master's house, saying, Why do ye look so sad today?
8 Wakamwambia, Sisi wote tumeota ndoto na hakuna wakuitafsiri.” Yusufu akawambia, “Je tafsiri haitoki kwa Mungu? Niambieni, tafadhari.”
And they said to him, We have dreamed a dream, and there is no man who can interpret it. And Joseph said to them, Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell it to me, I pray you.
9 Mkuu wa wanyweshaji akamwambia Yusufu ndoto yake. Akamwambia, “Katika ndoto yangu, tazama, kulikuwa na mzabibu mbele yangu.
And the chief butler told his dream to Joseph, and said to him, In my dream, behold, a vine was before me.
10 Na kulikuwa na matawi matatu katika mzabibu huo. Ulipochipua, ukachanua maua na kuzaa vichala vya zabibu.
And in the vine were three branches. And it was as though it budded, and its blossoms shot forth, and the clusters of it brought forth ripe grapes.
11 Kikombe cha Farao kilikuwa mkononi mwangu. Nikachukua zabibu na kuzikamua katika kikombe cha Farao, na kukiweka kikombe katika mkono wa Farao.”
And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand, and I took the grapes, and pressed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.
12 Yusufu akamwambia, “Tafsiri yake ni hii. Yale matawi matatu ni siku tatu.
And Joseph said to him, This is the interpretation of it: The three branches are three days.
13 Ndani ya siku tatu Farao atakiinua kichwa chako na kukurudisha katika nafasi yako. Utakiweka kikombe cha Farao katika mkono wake, kama ulivyokuwa ulipokuwa mnyweshaji wake.
Within yet three days Pharaoh shall lift up thy head, and restore thee to thine office. And thou shall give Pharaoh's cup into his hand, after the former manner when thou was his butler.
14 Lakini unikumbuke ukifanikiwa, na unionesha wema. Unitaje kwa Farao na kuniondoa hapa gerezani.
But have me in thy remembrance when it shall be well with thee, and show kindness, I pray thee, to me, and make mention of me to Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house.
15 Maana hakika nilitekwa kutoka katika nchi ya Waebrania. Na hapa sijafanya chochote kinachonipasa niwekwe gerezani.”
For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews, and here also I have done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.
16 Mkuu wa waokaji alipoona kwamba tafsiri ilikuwa ya kuvutia, akamwambia Yusufu, “Mimi pia niliota ndoto, na tazama, vikapu vitatu vya mikate vilikuwa juu ya kichwa changu.
When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good, he said to Joseph, I also was in my dream, and, behold, three baskets of white bread were on my head.
17 Katika kikapu cha juu kulikuwa na kila aina za bidhaa ya kuokwa kwa Farao, lakini ndege wakavila ndani ya kikapu juu ya kichwa changu.”
And in the uppermost basket there was of all manner of baked food for Pharaoh, and the birds ate them out of the basket upon my head.
18 Yusufu akajibu na kusema, “Tafsiri ni hii. Vikapu vitatu ni siku tatu.
And Joseph answered and said, This is the interpretation of it: The three baskets are three days.
19 Ndani ya siku tatu Fareao atakiinua kichwa chako kutoka kwako na atakutundika juu ya mtu. Ndege watakula mwili wako.”
Within yet three days Pharaoh shall lift up thy head from off thee, and shall hang thee on a tree, and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee.
20 Ikawa siku ya tatu ambayo ilikuwa ni siku ya kuzaliwa kwa Farao. Akafanya sherehe kwa watumishi wake wote. “Akakiinua juu” kichwa cha mkuu wa wanyweshaji na kichwa cha mkuu wa waokaji, kati ya watumishi wake.
And it came to pass the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, that he made a feast to all his servants. And he lifted up the head of the chief butler and the head of the chief baker among his servants.
21 Akamrudisha mkuu wa wanyweshaji katika majukumu yake, na akakiweka tena kikombe katika mkono wa Farao.
And he restored the chief butler to his butlership again, and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand,
22 Lakini akamtundika mkuu wa waokaji, kama Yusufu alivyokuwa amewatafsiria.
but he hanged the chief baker, as Joseph had interpreted to them.
23 Hata hivyo mkuu wa wanyweshaji hakukumbuka kumsaidia Yusufu. Badala yake, alimsahau.
Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.

< Mwanzo 40 >