< Mwanzo 24 >

1 Basi Abraham alikuwa mzee sana na Yahwe akawa amembariki katika mambo yote.
And Abraham [is] old, he hath entered into days, and Jehovah hath blessed Abraham in all [things];
2 Abraham akamwambia mtumwa wake, ambaye alikuwa mkubwa kuliko wote wa nyumbani mwake na mkuu wa vyote alivyo kuwa navyo.”Weka mkono wako chini ya paja langu
and Abraham saith unto his servant, the eldest of his house, who is ruling over all that he hath, 'Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh,
3 na nitakufanya uape kwa Yahwe, Mungu wa Mbingu na nchi, kwamba hutampatia mwanangu mke kutoka kwa mabinti wa Wakanaani, miongoni mwao wale nikaao kati yao.
and I cause thee to swear by Jehovah, God of the heavens, and God of the earth, that thou dost not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanite, in the midst of whom I am dwelling;
4 Lakini utakwenda kwenye nchi yangu, na kwa ndugu zangu, na kumtafutia mwanangu Isaka mke.”
but unto my land and unto my kindred dost thou go, and hast taken a wife for my son, for Isaac.'
5 Yule mtumwa wake akamwambia, “Itakuwaje ikiwa mwanamke hatakuwa tayari kufuatana nami hadi katika nchi hii? Je nitamrudisha mwanao katika nchi ambayo ulitoka?”
And the servant saith unto him, 'It may be the woman is not willing to come after me unto this land; do I at all cause thy son to turn back unto the land from whence thou camest out?'
6 Abraham akamwambia, “Hakikisha kwamba hutamrudisha mwanangu kule!
And Abraham saith unto him, 'Take heed to thyself, lest thou cause my son to turn back thither;
7 Yahwe, Mungu wa mbingu, ambaye alinitoa mimi kutoka katika nyumba ya baba yangu na kutoka katika nchi ya ndugu zangu, na ambaye aliniahidia kwa kiapo maalumu akisema, 'Nitawapa uzao wako nchi hii,' atatuma malaika wake mbele yako, na utapata mke kwa ajili ya mwanangu kutoka huko.
Jehovah, God of the heavens, who hath taken me from the house of my father, and from the land of my birth, and who hath spoken to me, and who hath sworn to me, saying, To thy seed I give this land, He doth send His messenger before thee, and thou hast taken a wife for my son from thence;
8 Lakini ikiwa mwanamke hatakuwa tayari, ndipo utakuwa huru katika hiki kiapo changu. Cha muhimu tu ni kwamba usije ukamrudisha mwanangu huko.”
and if the woman be not willing to come after thee, then thou hast been acquitted from this mine oath: only my son thou dost not cause to turn back thither.'
9 Kwa hiyo mtumwa akaweka mkono wake jini ya paja la Abraham bwana wake, na akaapa kuhusiana na jambo hili.
And the servant putteth his hand under the thigh of Abraham his lord, and sweareth to him concerning this matter.
10 Mtumwa akachukua ngamia kumi wa bwana wake na akaondoka. Akachukua pia aina zote za zawadi kutoka kwa bwana wake. Akaondoka na kwenda katika mkoa wa Aramu Naharaimu, mji wa Nahori.
And the servant taketh ten camels of the camels of his lord and goeth, also of all the goods of his lord in his hand, and he riseth, and goeth unto Aram-Naharaim, unto the city of Nahor;
11 Akawapigisha magoti ngamia nje ya mji karibu na kisima cha maji. Ilikuwa jioni wakati ambao wanawake huenda kuchota maji.
and he causeth the camels to kneel at the outside of the city, at the well of water, at even-time, at the time of the coming out of the women who draw water.
12 Kisha akasema, “Yahwe, Mungu wa bwana wangu Abraham, anijalie kufanikiwa leo na aoneshe agano la uaminifu kwa bwana wangu Abraham.
And he saith, 'Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, cause to meet, I pray Thee, before me this day — (and do kindness with my lord Abraham;
13 Tazama, nimesimama hapa karibu na chemchemi ya maji na binti za watu wa mji wanakuja kuteka maji.
lo, I am standing by the fountain of water, and daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water;
14 Na itokee hivi kwamba. Nikimwambia msichana, tafadhari tua mtungi wako ili niweze kunywa maji,' na akiniambia, 'Kunywa, na kwamba nitawanywesha ngamia wako pia,' huyo ndiye awe ambaye umemchagulia mtumwa wako Isaka. Kwa njia hii nitajua kuwa umeonesha agano la uaminifu kwa bwana wangu.”
and it hath been, the young person unto whom I say, Incline, I pray thee, thy pitcher, and I drink, and she hath said, Drink, and I water also thy camels) — her Thou hast decided for Thy servant, for Isaac; and by it I know that Thou hast done kindness with my lord.'
15 Ikawa kwamba hata kabla hajamaliza kuzungumza, tazama, Rebeka akaja akiwa na mtungi wake wa maji begani mwake. Rebeka alizaliwa na Bethueli mwana wa Milka, mke wa Nahori, ndugu yake na Abraham.
And it cometh to pass, before he hath finished speaking, that lo, Rebekah (who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, wife of Nahor, brother of Abraham) is coming out, and her pitcher on her shoulder,
16 Msichana huyu alikuwa mzuri na alikuwa bikira. Hapana mwanaume aliye kuwa amekwisha lala naye. Akashuka kisimani na kuujaza mtungi wake, na kupanda juu.
and the young person [is] of very good appearance, a virgin, and a man hath not known her; and she goeth down to the fountain, and filleth her pitcher, and cometh up.
17 Kisha mtumwa yule akakimbia kumlaki yule msichana, na kusema, “Tafadhari nipatie maji kidogo ya kunywa kutoka katika mtungi wako.”
And the servant runneth to meet her, and saith, 'Let me swallow, I pray thee, a little water from thy pitcher;'
18 Akasema, “kunywa tafadhari bwana wangu,” na kwa haraka akatua mtungi wake juu ya mkono wake, na akampatia maji ya kunywa.
and she saith, 'Drink, my lord;' and she hasteth, and letteth down her pitcher upon her hand, and giveth him drink.
19 Alipokuwa amemaliza kumpatia maji, akasema, “Nitachota maji kwa ajili ya ngamia wako pia, mpaka watakapomaliza kunywa.”
And she finisheth giving him drink, and saith, 'Also for thy camels I draw till they have finished drinking;'
20 Hivyo akaharakisha akamwaga maji yaliyokuwa mtungini kwenye chombo cha kunywshea mifugo, kisha akakimbia tena kisimani kuchota maji, na kuwanywesha ngamia wake wote.
and she hasteth, and emptieth her pitcher into the drinking-trough, and runneth again unto the well to draw, and draweth for all his camels.
21 Yule mtu akamtazama msichana akiwa kimya kuona kama Yahwe amefanikisha njia yake au la.
And the man, wondering at her, remaineth silent, to know whether Jehovah hath made his way prosperous or not.
22 Ngamia walipomaliza kunywa maji, yule mtu akaleta pete ya pua ya dhahabu yenye uzito wa nusu shekeli, na bangili mbili za dhahabu kwa ajili ya mikono yake zenye uzito wa shekeli kumi,
And it cometh to pass when the camels have finished drinking, that the man taketh a golden ring (whose weight [is] a bekah), and two bracelets for her hands (whose weight [is] ten [bekahs] of gold),
23 akamuuliza, “wewe ni binti wa nani? Niambie tafadhali, Je kuna nafasi nyumbani mwa baba yako kwa ajili yetu kupumzika usiku?”
and saith, 'Whose daughter [art] thou? declare to me, I pray thee, is the house of thy father a place for us to lodge in?'
24 Akamwambia, “Mimi ni binti wa Bethueli mwana wa Milka, ambaye alimzaa kwa Nahori.”
And she saith unto him, 'I [am] daughter of Bethuel, son of Milcah, whom she hath borne to Nahor.'
25 Akasema pia, “Tunayo malisho tele na chakula, na iko nafasi kwa ajili yako kulala usiku.”
She saith also unto him, 'Both straw and provender [are] abundant with us, also a place to lodge in.'
26 Kisha yume mtu akainama chini na kumwabudu Yahwe.
And the man boweth, and doth obeisance to Jehovah,
27 Akasema, “Abarikiwe Yahwe, Mungu wa bwana wangu Abraham, ambaye hakuacha agano lake la uaminifu na kweli yake mbele ya bwana wangu. Kwa vile Yahwe ameniongoza moja kwa moja kwenye nyumba ya ndugu zake bwana wangu.”
and saith, 'Blessed [is] Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, who hath not left off His kindness and His truth with my lord; — I [being] in the way, Jehovah hath led me to the house of my lord's brethren.'
28 Kisha yule msichana akakimbia na kwenda kuwaeleza watu wa nyumba ya mama yake juu ya mambo yote haya.
And the young person runneth, and declareth to the house of her mother according to these words.
29 Na sasa Rebeka alikuwa na kaka yake, jina lake aliitwa Labani. Labani akakimbia kwa yule mtu aliye kuwa nje barabarani karibu na kisima.
And Rebekah hath a brother, and his name [is] Laban, and Laban runneth unto the man who [is] without, unto the fountain;
30 Akisha kuona hereni ya puani pamoja na zile bangili kwenye mikono ya dada yake, na kusikia maneno ya Rebeka dada yake, “Hivi ndivyo yule mtu alicho niambia,” alikwenda kwa yule mtu, na, Tazama, alikuwa amesimama karibu na ngamia pale kisimani.
yea, it cometh to pass, when he seeth the ring, and the bracelets on the hands of his sister, and when he heareth the words of Rebekah his sister, saying, 'Thus hath the man spoken unto me,' that he cometh in unto the man, and lo, he is standing by the camels by the fountain.
31 Labani akasema, “Njoo, wewe uliye barikiwa na Yahwe. Kwa nini umesimama nje? nimekwisha andaa nyumba, pamoja na mahali kwa ajili ya ngamia.”
And he saith, 'Come in, O blessed one of Jehovah, why standest thou without, and I — I have prepared the house and place for the camels!'
32 Kwa hiyo yule mtu akaingia ndani ya nyumba na akashusha mizigo kutoka kwa wale ngamia. Ngamia wakapatiwa malisho na chakula, na maji yakatolewa kuosha miguu yake pamoja na miguu ya wale watu aliokuwa pamoja nao.
And he bringeth in the man into the house, and looseth the camels, and giveth straw and provender for the camels, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the men who [are] with him:
33 Wakaandaa chakula mbele yake ale, lakini akasema, “Sitakula mpaka niseme kile ninacho paswa kusema.” Kwa hiyo Labani akmwambia, “Sema.”
and setteth before him to eat; but he saith, 'I do not eat till I have spoken my word;' and he saith, 'Speak.'
34 Akasema, “Mimi ni mtumwa wa Abraham.
And he saith, 'I [am] Abraham's servant;
35 Yahwe amembariki sana bwana wangu na amekuwa mtu mkuu. Amempatia mifugo na makundi ya wanyama, fedha, dhahabu, watumwa wa kiume na watumwa wa kike, pamoja na ngamia na punda.
and Jehovah hath blessed my lord exceedingly, and he is great; and He giveth to him flock, and herd, and silver, and gold, and men-servants, and maid-servants, and camels, and asses;
36 Sara, mke wa bwana wangu, alimzalia mwana bwana wangu alipokuwa mzee, na amempatia mwanawe kila kitu anachomiliki.
and Sarah, my lord's wife, beareth a son to my lord, after she hath been aged, and he giveth to him all that he hath.
37 Bwana wangu aliniapisha, akisema, “Usije ukampatia mwanangu mke kutoka kwa mabinti wa Wakanaani, ambao kwao nimefanya makazi.
'And my lord causeth me to swear, saying, Thou dost not take a wife to my son from the daughters of the Canaanite, in whose land I am dwelling.
38 Badala yake, lazima uende kwa familia ya baba yangu, na kwa ndugu zangu, na kupata mke kwa ajili ya mwanangu.'
If not — unto the house of my father thou dost go, and unto my family, and thou hast taken a wife for my son.
39 Nikamwambia bwana wangu, pengine mwanamke huyo asikubali kufuatana nami.'
'And I say unto my lord, It may be the woman doth not come after me;
40 Lakini akaniambia, Yahwe, ambaye ninakwenda mbele yake, atatuma malaika wake pamoja nawe na atakufanikisha njia yako, kwamba utapata mke kwa ajili ya mwangu kutoka miongoni mwa ndugu zangu na kutoka katika ukoo wa baba yangu.
and he saith unto me, Jehovah, before whom I have walked habitually, doth send His messenger with thee, and hath prospered thy way, and thou hast taken a wife for my son from my family, and from the house of my father;
41 Lakini utakuwa huru katika kiapo changu ikiwa utafika kwa ndugu zangu na wasikuruhusu kuja naye. Ndipo utakuwa huru katika kiapo changu.
then art thou acquitted from my oath, when thou comest unto my family, and if they give not [one] to thee; then thou hast been acquitted from my oath.
42 Hivyo nimefika leo kisimani, na nikasema, 'O Yahwe, Mungu wa bwana wangu Abraham, tafadhari, ikiwa kweli umekusudia kuifanya safari yangu kuwa yenye kufanikiwa -
'And I come to-day unto the fountain, and I say, Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, if Thou art, I pray Thee, making prosperous my way in which I am going —
43 tazama niko hapa nimesimama karibu na kisima cha maji - na iwe kwamba binti ajaye kuchota maji, nitakaye mwambia, “Tafadhari unipatie maji kidoka kutoka kwenye mtungi wako ninywe,” mwanamke atakaye niabia,
(lo, I am standing by the fountain of water), then the virgin who is coming out to draw, and I have said unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee, a little water from thy pitcher,
44 “Kunywa, na nitakuchotea pia maji kwa ajili ya ngamia wako” - na awe ndiye ambaye wewe Yahwe, umemchagulia mtoto wa bwana wangu.”
and she hath said unto me, Both drink thou, and also for thy camels I draw — she is the woman whom Jehovah hath decided for my lord's son.
45 Ikawa hata kabla sijamaliza kuzungumza moyoni mwangu, Tazama, Rebeka akaja na mtungi wake juu ya bega lake akashuka chini kisimani akachota maji. Hivyo nikamwambia, 'Tafadhari nipatie maji ninywe.'
'Before I finish speaking unto my heart, then lo, Rebekah is coming out, and her pitcher on her shoulder, and she goeth down to the fountain, and draweth; and I say unto her, Let me drink, I pray thee,
46 Ndipo kwa haraka alipoushusha mtungi wake begani mwake na akasema, 'Kunywa, na pia nitawapatia maji ngamia wak.' Kwa hiyo nikanywa, na akawanywesha ngamia pia.
and she hasteth and letteth down her pitcher from off her and saith, Drink, and thy camels also I water; and I drink, and the camels also she hath watered.
47 Nikamuuliza na kusema, 'Wewe ni binti wa nani?' Akasema, 'Binti wa Bethueli, Mwana wa Nahori, ambaye Milka alizaa kwake.' Kisha nikamwekea pete puani mwake pamoja na bangili mikononi mwake.
'And I ask her, and say, Whose daughter [art] thou? and she saith, Daughter of Bethuel, son of Nahor, whom Milcah hath borne to him, and I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her hands,
48 Kisha nikainama chini nikamwabudu Yahwe, na kumbariki Yahwe, Mungu wa bwana wangu Abraham, ambaye ameniongoza katika njia sahihi kumpata binti wa ndugu za bwana wangu kwa ajili ya mwanawe.
and I bow, and do obeisance before Jehovah, and I bless Jehovah, God of my lord Abraham, who hath led me in the true way to receive the daughter of my lord's brother for his son.
49 Kwa hiyo, ikiwa mko tayari kumfanyia rehema na kweli, niambieni. Lakini kama sivyo, niambieni, ili kwamba niweze kwenda upande wa kulia, au kushoto.”
'And now, if ye are dealing kindly and truly with my lord, declare to me; and if not, declare to me; and I turn unto the right or unto the left.'
50 Ndipo Labani na Bethueli wakajibu na kusema, “Jambo hili limetoka kwa Yahwe; hatuwezi kusema kwako aidha neno baya au zuri.
And Laban answereth — Bethuel also — and they say, 'The thing hath gone out from Jehovah; we are not able to speak unto thee bad or good;
51 Tazama, Rebeka yu mbele yako. Mchukue na uende, ili awe mke wa mtoto wa bwana wako, kama Yahwe alivyosema.”
lo, Rebekah [is] before thee, take and go, and she is a wife to thy lord's son, as Jehovah hath spoken.'
52 Mtumwa wa Abraham aliposikia maneno yao, akainama mwenyewe chini ardhini kwa Yahwe.
And it cometh to pass, when the servant of Abraham hath heard their words, that he boweth himself towards the earth before Jehovah;
53 Mtumwa akaleta vipande vya fedha na vipande vya dhahabu, na nguo, akampatia Rebeka. Akampatia pia kaka yake na mama yake zawadi zenye thamani.
and the servant taketh out vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and garments, and giveth to Rebekah; precious things also he hath given to her brother and to her mother.
54 Kisha yeye na watu aliokuwa nao wakala na kunywa. wakakaa pale mpaka usiku, na walipoamka asubuhi, akasema, Niruhusuni niende kwa bwana wangu.”
And they eat and drink, he and the men who [are] with him, and lodge all night; and they rise in the morning, and he saith, 'Send me to my lord;'
55 Kaka yake na mama yake wakasema, mwache binti abaki nasi kwa siku chache zingine, angalau siku kumi. baada ya hapo anaweza kwenda.”
and her brother saith — her mother also — 'Let the young person abide with us a week or ten days, afterwards doth she go.'
56 Lakini akawambia, msinizuie, kwa kuwa Yahwe amefanikisha njia yangu. Niruhusuni niende kwa bwana wangu.”
And he saith unto them, 'Do not delay me, seeing Jehovah hath prospered my way; send me away, and I go to my lord;'
57 Wakasema, “Tutamwita binti na kumuuliza.”
and they say, 'Let us call for the young person, and ask at her mouth;'
58 Kwa hiyo wakamwita Rebeka na kumuuliza, “Je utakwenda na mtu huyu?” Akajibu, “Nitakwenda.”
and they call for Rebekah, and say unto her, 'Dost thou go with this man?' and she saith, 'I go.'
59 Kwa hiyo wakampeleka dada yao Rebeka, pamoja na watumishi wake wa kike, kwenda njiani pamoja na mtumishi wa Abraham na watu wake.
And they send away Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and Abraham's servant, and his men;
60 Wakambarikia Rebeka, na wakamwambia, “Ndugu yetu, na uwe mama wa maelfu na wa makumi elfu, uzao wako upate kumiliki lango la wale wanao wachukia.”
and they bless Rebekah, and say to her, 'Thou [art] our sister; become thou thousands of myriads, and thy seed doth possess the gate of those hating it.'
61 Kisha Rebeka akasimama, yeye na watumishi wake kwa hesabu ya ngamia, na wakamfuata yule mtu. Hivyo watumishi wakamchukua Rebeka, na wakaenda zao.
And Rebekah and her young women arise, and ride on the camels, and go after the man; and the servant taketh Rebekah and goeth.
62 Nyakati hizo Isaka alikuwa anakaa katika Negebu, na alikuwa tu amerejea kutoka Beerlahairoi.
And Isaac hath come in from the entrance of the Well of the Living One, my Beholder; and he is dwelling in the land of the south,
63 Isaka akaenda kutafakari shambani jioni. Alipotazama akaona, natazama, kulikuwa na ngamia wakija!
and Isaac goeth out to meditate in the field, at the turning of the evening, and he lifteth up his eyes, and looketh, and lo, camels are coming.
64 Rebeka akatazama na alipomwona Isaka, akaruka kutoka kwenye ngamia.
And Rebekah lifteth up her eyes, and seeth Isaac, and alighteth from off the camel;
65 Akamwambia mtumwa, “mtu huyo ni nani anaye tembea shambani akija kutupokea?” Mtumwa akasema, “Ni bwana wangu.” Hivyo Rebeka akachukua shela yake akajifunika.
and she saith unto the servant, 'Who [is] this man who is walking in the field to meet us?' and the servant saith, 'It [is] my lord;' and she taketh the veil, and covereth herself.
66 Mtumwa akamwambia Isaka mambo yote ambayo amefanya.
And the servant recounteth to Isaac all the things that he hath done,
67 Kisha Isaka akamleta katika hema ya Sara mama yake na akamchukua Rebeka, na akawa mke wake, na akampenda. Kwa hiyo Isaka akafarijika baada ya kifo cha mama yake.
and Isaac bringeth her in unto the tent of Sarah his mother, and he taketh Rebekah, and she becometh his wife, and he loveth her, and Isaac is comforted after [the death of] his mother.

< Mwanzo 24 >