< Ezekieli 45 >

1 Wakati mtakapogawanya nchi kama urithi, mtafanya sadakwa kwa Yahwe; sadaka hiyo itakuwa sehemu takatifu ya nchi, dhiraa elfu ishirini na tano urefu, na dhiraa elfu kumi upana. Patakuwa patakatifu, ndani ya mipaka yake yote.
And when make fall you the land an inheritance you will offer up a contribution to Yahweh - a holy portion from the land [the] length [will be] five and twenty thousand [cubits] [the] length and [the] breadth [will be] ten thousand [cubits] [will be] a holy place it in all territory its all around.
2 Kutoka hapa kutakuwa na dhiraa mia tano kwa dhiraa mia tano za mraba kuzunguka mahali patakatifu, kwa kuuzunguka mpaka dhiraa hamsini upana.
It will be some of this to the holy place five hundred [cubits] by five hundred [cubits] square all around and fifty cubit[s] open land [will belong] to it all around.
3 Kutoka hili eneo utapima fungu ambalo ni dhiraa elfu ishirini na tano urefu na elfu kumi upana; patakuwa patakatifu; mahali patakatifu palipo tukuka.
And from the measured area this you will measure a length (five *Q(K)*) and twenty thousand [cubits] and a breadth ten thousand [cubits] and in it it will be the sanctuary a holy place of holy places.
4 Patakuwa patakatifu katika nchi kwa ajili ya makuhani wanaomtumikia Yahwe, ajaye kwa Yahwe kumtumikia. Patakuwa mahali kwa ajili ya nyumba na eneo takatifu kwa ajili mahali patakatifu.
[will be] a holy portion From the land it to the priests [who] serve the sanctuary it will belong approaching to serve Yahweh and it will be for them a place for houses and a holy place for the sanctuary.
5 Hivyo itakuwa dhiraa elfu ishirini na tano urefu na elfu kumi upana, patakuwa kwa ajili ya miji ya Walawi wanaotumika kwenye nyumba.
And five and twenty thousand [cubits] length and ten thousand [cubits] breadth (and it will belong *Q(K)*) to the Levites [who] serve the house of them to a possession twenty rooms.
6 Mtadhihirisha eneo moja kwa ajili ya mji, dhiraa elfu tano na urefu ishirini na tano, hapo patakuwa kando kando ya eneo lililohifadhiwa kwa ajili ya mahali patakatifu; huu mji utakuwa wa mali ya nyumba yote ya Israeli.
And [the] possession of the city you will give five thousand [cubits] breadth and length five and twenty thousand [cubits] close to [the] contribution of holiness to all [the] house of Israel it will belong.
7 Nchi ya mwana mfalme itakuwa kwa pande zote za eneo lililohifadhiwa kwa ajili ya mahali patakatifu na mji. Patakuwa kwa upande wao wa magaharibi na upande wa mashariki. Urefu utalingana na urefu wa moja ya hayo mafungu, kutoka magaribi hata mashariki.
And [will belong] to the prince from this and from this of [the] contribution of holiness and of [the] possession of the city to [the] face of [the] contribution of holiness and to [the] face of [the] possession of the city from [the] side of [the] west west-ward and from [the] side of east-ward east-ward and length corresponding to one of the portions from [the] border of [the] west to [the] border of east-ward.
8 Hii nchi itakuwa mali ya mwana mfalme katika Isaraeli. Wana wafalme hawatawakandamiza watu wangu; badala yake, watawapatia nchi kwa nyumba ya Israeli, kwa ajili ya makabila yao.
To the land it will belong to him to a possession in Israel and not they will oppress again princes my people my and the land they will give to [the] house of Israel to tribes their.
9 Bwana Yahwe asema hivi: Inatosha kwa ajili yenu, mwana mfalme wa Israeli! Ondoa dhuluma na mgogoro; fanya hukumu na haki! Usiwafukuze wapangaji wa watu wangu! -hivi ndivyo Bwana Yahwe asemavyo.
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh enough for you O princes of Israel injustice and violence remove and justice and righteousness do remove eviction your from on people my [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
10 Mtakuwa na mzani sahihi, efa sahihi, na bathi sahihi!
Balances of righteousness and an ephah of righteousness and a bath of righteousness let it be to you.
11 Efa na bathi zitakuwa kiasi kile kile, ili kwamba bathi iwe zaka ya homeri; efa itakuwa zaka ya hamori moja. Vipimo vyao vitakuwa vinafanana na homeri.
The ephah and the bath measurement one it will be [is] to carry [the] tenth part of the homer the bath and [the] tenth [part] of the homer the ephah to the homer it will be measurement its.
12 Shekeli zitakuwa gera ishirini, shekeli sita zitakuwa mane yenu.
And the shekel [will be] twenty gerah[s] twenty shekels five and twenty shekels ten and five shekel[s] the mina it will be for you.
13 Hili ndilo toleo mtakalotoa: efa sita kwa kila homeri ya ngano, na mtatoa efa sita kwa kila homeri ya shayiri.
This [will be] the contribution which you will offer up [the] sixth [part] of the ephah from [the] homer of the wheat and you will give a sixth part of the ephah from [the] homer of the barley.
14 Sadaka ya kawaida ya mafuta itakuwa zaka ya bathi kwa kila kori (ambazo ni bathi), au kwa kila hamori, kwa kuwa hamori moja ni bathi kumi pia.
And [the] prescribed portion of the oil the bath the oil [will be] [the] tenth part of the bath from the cor [the] ten the baths [are] a homer for ten the baths [are] a homer.
15 Kondoo mmoja au mbuzi kutoka mifugo kwa kila wanyama mia mbili kutoka malisho ya maji ya mikoa ya Israeli yatatumika kwa sadaka ya kuteketezwa yoyote au sadaka ya amani kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili ya watu-hivi ndivyo Bwana Yahwe asemavyo.
And a sheep one from the flock from the two hundred from [the] well-watered land of Israel to a grain offering and to a burnt offering and to peace offerings to make atonement on them [the] utterance of [the] Lord Yahweh.
16 Watu wote wa nchi watatoa hii sadaka kwa mwana mfalme wa Israeli.
All the people of the land they will be to the contribution this for the prince in Israel.
17 Utakuwa wajibu wa mwana mfalme kutoa wanyama kwa ajili ya sadaka za kuteketezwa, sadaka ya unga, sadaka ya kinywaji, katika siku za sikukuu na sherehe za mwezi mpya, na katika siku za Sabato-sikukuu zote za kudumu za nyumba ya Israeli. Ataandaa kwa ajili ya sadaka za dhambi, sadaka za unga, sadaka za kuteketezwa, na sadaka za amani kwa ajili ya upatanisho badala ya nyumba ya Israeli.
And on the prince it will be the burnt offerings and the grain offering and the drink offering at the festivals and at the new moons and on the sabbaths at all [the] appointed times of [the] house of Israel he he will provide the sin offering and the grain offering and the burnt offering and the peace offerings to make atonement for [the] house of Israel.
18 Bwana Yahwe asema hivi: Katika mwezi wa kwanza, siku ya kwanza ya mwezi, utachukua ng'ombe mmoja asiyekuwa na dosari kutoka kwenye kundi na kufanya sadaka ya dhambi kwa ajili ya patakatifu.
Thus he says [the] Lord Yahweh in the first [month] on [day] one of the month you will take a young bull a young one of cattle unblemished and you will cleanse from sin the sanctuary.
19 Kuhani atachukua baadhi ya damu ya sadaka ya dhambi na kuiweka juu ya miimo ya mlango na kwenye pembe nne za mpaka wa madhabahu, na miimo ya lango la uzio wa ndani.
And he will take the priest some of [the] blood of the sin offering and he will put [it] to [the] doorpost of the house and to [the] four [the] corners of the ledge of the altar and on [the] doorpost of [the] gate of the courtyard inner.
20 Utafanya hivyo siku ya saba ya mwezi kwa dhambi ya kila mtu kwa ajali au ujinga; katika njia hii mtaipatanisha hekalu.
And thus you will do on [day] seven in the month from anyone [who] errs and from a simple person and you will make atonement for the house.
21 Katika siku ya mwezi siku ya kumi na nne ya mwezi, mtakuwa na sikukuu, sikukuu ya siku saba. Matakula makate usiotiwa chachu.
In the first [month] on four-teen day of the month it will be for you the passover a festival weeks days unleavened bread it will be eaten.
22 Siku hiyo, mwana mfalme ataandaa ng'ombe kwa ajili yake na kwa ajili ya watu wote wa nchi kama sadaka ya dhambi.
And he will provide the prince on the day that for himself and for all [the] people of the land a young bull a sin offering.
23 Kwa siku saba za sikukuu, mwana wa mfalme ataandaa sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya Yahwe: ng'ombe saba na kondoo dume saba zisizokuwa na dosari kila siku kwa mda wa siku saba, na mbuzi dume kila siku kama sadaka ya dhambi.
And [the] seven [the] days of the festival he will provide a burnt offering to Yahweh seven young bulls and seven rams unblemished to the day [the] seven the days and a sin offering a male goat of goats to the day.
24 Kisha mwana mfalme atatengeneza sadaka ya chakula ya efa moja kwa kila ng'ombe na efa moja kwa kila kondoo dume pamoja na hini ya mafuta kwa kila efa.
And a grain offering an ephah to the young bull and an ephah to the ram he will provide and oil a hin to the ephah.
25 Katika siku ya saba ya mwezi siku ya kumi na tano ya mwezi, katika sikukuu, mwana wa mfalme atafanya matoleo katika siku hizi saba: sadaka za dhambi, sadaka za kuteketezwa, sadaka za chakula, na sadaka za mafuta.
In the seventh [month] on fif-teen day of the month at the festival he will provide like these [things] [the] seven the days like the sin offering like the burnt offering and like the grain offering and like the oil.

< Ezekieli 45 >