< Kutoka 21 >

1 Sasa hizi ni amri utakazoweka kabla yao:
“Here are some [other] instructions to give to [the Israeli people]:
2 'kama mtanunua mtumishi wa kiebrania, atatumikia kwa miaka sita, na mwaka wa saba ataachiwa huru bila kilipwa chochote.
When/If you buy a Hebrew slave, he is to serve you for [only] six years. In the seventh year you must free him [from being your slave], and he is not required to pay you anything [for setting him free].
3 Kama alikuja mwenyewe, ataenda huru kwa ridhaa yake;
If he was not married before he became your slave, and if he marries [someone while he is your slave], his wife is not to be set free [with him]. But if he was married before he became your slave, you must free both him and his wife.
4 kama bwana wake atampa mke na kumzalia mwana na binti, mke pamoja na watoto wake watabaki mali ya bwana wake, na ataenda zake huru.
If a slave’s master gives him a wife, and she gives birth to sons or daughters [while her husband is a slave], only the man is to be freed. His wife and children will continue to be slaves of their master.
5 Lakini kama mtumishi atasema waziwazi, “Nampenda bwana wangu, mke wangu, na watoto; sitaenda nje,”
But when it is time for the slave to be set free, if the slave says, ‘I love my master and my wife and my children, and I do not want to be set free,’
6 “kisha bwana wake atapaswa kumleta kwa Mungu. Bwana wake atapaswa kumleta katika mlango au katika muhimili wa mlango, na bwana wake atatoboa sikio lake na sindano. Kisha mtumishi wake atamtumikia kwa maisha yake yote.
then his master must take him to [the place where they worship] God (OR, to [the owner’s] house). There he must make the slave stand against the door or the doorpost. Then the master will use an (awl/pointed metal rod) to make a hole in the slave’s ear. Then [he will fasten a tag to the slave’s ear to indicate that] (he will own that slave for the rest of his life/he will own the slave as long as the slave lives).
7 Kama mwanaume ata muuza binti wake kama mtumishi wa kike, ata weza kwenda huru kama watumishi wa kiume wanavyo enda.
If a man sells his daughter to become a slave, she should not be set free [after six years], as the male slaves are.
8 Kama hamridhishi bwana wake, aliye mtenga kwa ajili yake, kisha lazima amnunue tena. Hana ruhusa ya kumuuza kwa watu wengine wa kigeni. Hana ruhusa hiyo, sababu amemtendea kwa hila.
If the man who bought her wanted her to be his wife, but if [later] he is not pleased with her, he must sell her back to her father. He must not sell her to a foreigner, because that would be breaking the contract/agreement [he made with the girl’s father].
9 Ikiwa bwana wake atamposa awe mke wa mwanae, atamtendea kama desturi zipasavyo sawa na binti zake.
If the man who buys her wants her to be a wife for his son, he must then treat her as though she were his own daughter.
10 Ikiwa atajitwalia mke mwingine, asimpunguzie huyo chakula chake, nguo na haki zake za unyumba.
If the master takes another slave girl to be another wife for himself, he must continue to give the first slave wife the same amount of food and clothing that he gave to her before, and he must continue to have sex [EUP] with her as before.
11 Lakini asipofanyiwa mambo haya matatu, basi anaweza kwenda bure pasipo kutolewa mali.
If he does not do all these three things for her, he must free her [from being a slave], and she is not required to pay anything [for being set free].
12 Mtu awaye yote ampigaye mtu hata akafa, inampasa mtu huyo auawe pia.
You must execute anyone who strikes another person with the result that the person who is struck dies.
13 Lakini kama hakumvizia, ila kwa bahati mbaya, basi nitamfanyia mahali pa kukimbilia.
But if the one who struck the other did not intend to kill that person, the one who struck him can escape to a place that I will choose for you, [and he will be safe there].
14 Lakini mtu akimwendea mwenzake kwa kujikinai, kusudi apate kumwua kwa hila; huyo utamwondoa hata kama ni madhabahuni pangu, ili auawe.
But if someone gets angry with another person and kills him, even if the murderer runs to the altar, [a place that God designated as a place to be safe], you must execute him.
15 Yeyote atakaye mpiga baba au mama yake lazima auawe.
Anyone who strikes his father or mother must surely be executed.
16 Yeyote atakaye mteka mtu na kumuuza, au mtu amekutwa kama mali yake, huyo mtekaji lazima auawe.
Anyone who kidnaps another person, either in order to sell that person or to keep him as a slave, must be executed.
17 Yeyote atakaye mlaani baba au mama yake lazima auawe.
Anyone who reviles/curses his father or his mother must be executed.
18 Kama wanaume watapigana na mmoja akimpiga mwengine kwa jiwe au ngumi, na huyo mtu asife, lakini alazwe kitandani;
Suppose two people fight, and one strikes the other with a stone or with his fist. And suppose the person he strikes does not die but is injured and has to stay in bed [for a while],
19 kisha akapona na anaweza kutembea kwa gongo lake, yeye aliye mpiga lazima alipe muda aliye mpotezea; na lazima alipe matibabu yake yote. Lakini huyo mtu hana hatia ya mauaji.
and later he is able to walk outside using a cane. Then the person who struck him does not have to be punished. However, he must pay the injured person the money he could not earn [while he was recovering], and he must also pay the injured person’s medical expenses until that person is well.
20 Kama mwanaume akimpiga mtumishi wake wa kiume au wa kike kwa gongo, na kama mtumishi huyo akifa kwa madhara ya pigo, kisha huyo mtu lazima ahadhibiwe.
If someone strikes his male or female slave with a stick, if the slave dies (immediately/as a result) [IDM], the one who struck him must be punished.
21 Walakini, mtumishi huyo akiishi siku moja au mbili, bwana aruhusiwi kuadhibiwa, kwa kuwa atateseka kupoteza mtumishi huyo.
But if the slave lives for a day or two after he is struck [and then dies], you must not punish the one who struck him. Not having that slave to be able to work for him any longer is enough punishment.
22 Kama wanaume wakipigana pamoja na wakamuumiza wanamke mwenye mimba na kuiharibu, lakini hakuna majeraha mengine kwake, kisha huyo mwanaume mwenye hatia lazima alipe kama mme wa mwanamke anavyo taka kwake, na kulipa kama hakimu anavyo kusudia.
Suppose two people are fighting and they hurt a pregnant woman with the result that (she has a miscarriage/her baby is born prematurely and dies). If the woman is not harmed in any other way, the one who injured her must pay a fine. He must pay whatever the woman’s husband demands, after a judge approves of the fine.
23 Lakini kama kuna majeraha makubwa, lazima utoe uhai kwa uhai, jicho kwa jicho,
But if the woman is injured in some additional way, the one who injured her must be caused to suffer in exactly the same way [that he caused her to suffer]. If she dies, he must be executed.
24 jino kwa jino, mkono kwa mkono, mguu kwa mguu,
If her eye is injured or destroyed, or if he knocks out one of her teeth, or her hand or foot is injured, or if she is burned or bruised, the one who injured her must be injured in the same way.
25 kuchoma kwa kuchoma, jeraha kwa jeraha, au mkwaruzo kwa mkwaruzo.
26 Kama mwanaume akipiga jicho la mtumishi wake kiume au mtumishi wake wa kike na kuliharibu, kisha lazima amuache mtumishi aende pasipo fidia ya jicho.
If the owner of a slave strikes the eye of his male or female slave and ruins it, he must free that slave because of [what he did to] the slave’s eye.
27 Kama akitoa jino la mtumishi wake wa kiume au mtumishi wake wa kike, lazima amuache mtumishi kwenda huru kama fidia ya jino.
If someone knocks out one of his slave’s teeth, he must free the slave because of [what he did to] the slave’s tooth.
28 Kama ng'ombe akimpiga mwanaume au mwanamke akafa, ng'ombe lazima apigwe mawe, na nyama yake hairuhusiwi kuliwa; lakini mmiliki wa ng'ombe lazima awe huru kwa hatia.
If a bull gores a man or woman with the result that the person dies, you [must kill the bull by] throwing stones at it, but you must not punish the owner of the bull.
29 Lakini kama ng'ombe alikuwa na tabia ya kupiga hapo awali, na mmiliki wake alionywa lakini hakumzuia, na ng'ombe ameua mwanaume au mwanamke, huyo ng'ombe lazima apigwe mawe, na mmiliki wake lazima auawe pia.
But suppose the bull had attacked people several times before, and its owner had been warned, but he did not keep the bull inside a fence. Then you [must kill the bull by] throwing stones at it, but you must also execute its owner.
30 Kama malipo ya uhai yanaitajika, lazima alipe chochote anachotakiwa kulipa.
However, if the owner of the bull is allowed to pay a fine (to save his own life/in order not to be executed), he must pay the full amount that the judges say that he must pay.
31 Kama ng'ombe amempiga mwana wa mwanaume au binti wake, mmiliki wa ng'ombe anapaswa kufanya kama masharti yanavyo mlazimu.
If someone’s bull attacks and gores another person’s son or daughter, you must treat the bull’s owner according to that same rule.
32 Kama ng'ombe akimpiga mtumishi wa kiume au wakike, mmiliki wa ngombe lazima alipe shekeli thelathini za fedha, na ng'ombe lazima apigwe mawe.
If a bull attacks and gores a male or female slave, its owner must pay to the slave’s owner 30 pieces of silver. Then you must [kill the bull by] throwing stones at it.
33 Kama mwanaume akifungua shimo, au kama mwanume akichimba shimo na asifunike, na ng'ombe au punda akaanguka ndani,
Suppose someone has a pit/cistern and does not keep it covered, and someone’s bull or donkey falls into it [and dies].
34 mmiliki wa shimo lazima alipe madhara. Lazima atoe hela kwa mmiliki wa mnyama aliye kufa, na mnyama aliye kufa atakuwa wake.
Then the owner of the pit/cistern must pay for the animal that died. He must give the money to the animal’s owner, but then he can take away the animal that died and [do whatever he wants to with it].
35 Kama ng'ombe wa mwanaume akimuumiza ng'ombe wa mwanume mwengine hadi kufa, kisha lazima wamuuze ng'ombe aliye hai na kugawana gharama, na pia lazima wagawane ng'ombe aliye kufa.
If someone’s bull hurts another person’s bull with the result that it dies, the owners of both bulls must sell the bull that is living, and they must divide [between them] the money [that they receive] for it. They must also divide [between them the meat of] the animal that died.
36 Lakini kama ilijulikana kama ng'ombe alikuwa na tabia ya kupiga hapo awali, na mmiliki wake hakumfunga ndani, hakika lazima alipe ng'ombe kwa ng'ombe, na mnyama aliye kufa atakuwa wake.
However, if people know that the bull often attacked other animals previously, and its owner did not keep it inside a fence, then the owner of that bull must give the owner of the bull that died one of his own bulls, but he can take away the animal that died [and do with it whatever he wants to do].”

< Kutoka 21 >