< Mhubiri 10 >

1 Kama nzi walio kufa husababisha manukato kutoa harufu ya uozo, hivyo hivyo upumbavu kidogo hushinda hekima na heshima.
Dead flies cause to stinke, and putrifie the ointment of the apoticarie: so doeth a litle follie him that is in estimation for wisedome, and for glorie.
2 Moyo wa mtu mwenye hekima huelekea kulia, lakini moyo wa mpumbavu huelekea kushoto.
The heart of a wise man is at his right hand: but the heart of a foole is at his left hand.
3 Wakati mpumbavu anapotembea barabarani, fikira zake zina upungufu, ikithibitisha kwa kila mtu kwamba ni mpumbavu.
And also when the foole goeth by the way, his heart faileth, and he telleth vnto all that he is a foole.
4 Kama jaziba za mtawala zikiinuka kinyume na wewe, usiache kazi yako. Utulivu unaweza kutuliza ukatili mkubwa.
If the spirite of him that ruleth, rise vp against thee, leaue not thy place: for gentlenes pacifieth great sinnes.
5 Kuna uovu niliouona chini ya jua, aina ya kosa ambalo huja kutoka kwa mtawala:
There is an euil that I haue seene vnder the sunne, as an errour that proceedeth from the face of him that ruleth.
6 Wapumbavu wanapewa nafasi za uongozi, wakati watu walio faulu wanapewa nafasi za chini.
Follie is set in great excellencie, and the riche set in the lowe place.
7 Nimewaona watumwa wakipanda farasi, na watu walio faulu wakitembea kama watumwa juu ya ardhi.
I haue seene seruants on horses, and princes walking as seruants on the ground.
8 Yeyote anayechimba shimo anaweza kutumbukia yake, na popote mtu anayevunja ukuja, nyoka anaweza kumuuma.
He that diggeth a pit, shall fal into it, and he that breaketh the hedge, a serpent shall bite him.
9 Yeyote achongaye mwawe, anaweza kuumizwa nayo. Na mtu achongaye mbao, anaweza kujihatarisha kwa hiyo.
He that remooueth stones, shall hurt himselfe thereby, and hee that cutteth wood, shall be in danger thereby.
10 Kama chuma bapa kisicho na makali, na mtu hainoi, kisha ni lazima atumie nguvu nyingi, lakini hekima hutoa faida kwa ufaulu.
If the yron be blunt, and one hath not whet the edge, he must then put to more strength: but the excellencie to direct a thing is wisedome.
11 Kama nyoka akiuma kabla hajafurahi, hivyo hakuna faida kwa mfurahishaji.
If the serpent bite, when he is not charmed: no better is a babbler.
12 Maneno ya kinywa cha mtu mwenye hekima yana huruma. Lakini midomo ya mpumbavu humumeza mwenyewe.
The words of ye mouth of a wise man haue grace: but the lippes of a foole deuoure himselfe.
13 Kama maneno yanavyo anza kutiririka mdomoni mwa mpumbavu, ujinga hutoka, na mwisho mdomo wake hutiririka wazimu mbaya.
The beginning of the wordes of his mouth is foolishnesse, and the latter ende of his mouth is wicked madnesse.
14 Mpumbavu huongeza maneno, lakini hakuna ajuaye kinachokuja. Ni nani ajuaye baada yake?
For the foole multiplieth woordes, saying, Man knoweth not what shall be: and who can tell him what shall be after him?
15 Jasho la wapumbavu huwavaa wao, hivyo hawajui hata barabara ya kwenda mjini.
The labour of the foolish doeth wearie him: for he knoweth not to goe into the citie.
16 Ole wako ardhi kama mfalme wako ni kijana mdogo, na kama viongozi wako huanza karamu ahsubuhi!
Woe to thee, O lande, when thy King is a childe, and thy princes eate in the morning.
17 Lakini umebarikiwa ardhi kama mfalme wako ni mwana wa waungwana, na kama vingozi wako hula wakati muafaka, kwa nguvu, na sio kwa ulevi.
Blessed art thou, O land, when thy King is the sonne of nobles, and thy princes eate in time, for strength and not for drunkennesse.
18 Kwa sababu ya uvivu paa huanguka. Na kwa sababu isiyo fanya kazi nyumba hupata ufa.
By slouthfulnes the roofe of the house goeth to decaie, and by the ydlenesse of the handes the house droppeth through.
19 Watu huandaa chakula kwa kicheko, divai huleta furaha maishani, na fedha hutimiza hitaji kwa kila kitu.
They prepare bread for laughter, and wine comforteth the liuing, but siluer answereth to all.
20 Usimlaani mfalme, hata katika akili, na usiwalaani wenye mali katika chumba chako cha kulala. Kwa kuwa ndege wa angani inaweza kuchukua maneno yako. Chochote kilicho na mabawa kinaweza kusambaza jambo.
Curse not the King, no not in thy thought, neither curse the rich in thy bed chamber: for the foule of the heauen shall carie the voice, and that which hath wings, shall declare the matter.

< Mhubiri 10 >