< Torati 14 >

1 Ninyi ni watu wa Yahwe Mungu wenu. Msijikate wenyewe, wala kunyoa sehemu za nyuso zenu kwa ajili ya wafu.
Ye are the children of the Lord your God. Ye shall not cut yourselues, nor make you any baldnesse betweene your eyes for the dead.
2 Kwa kuwa mu taifa lilowekwa wakfu kwa Yahwe Mungu wenu, na Yahwe amewachagua kuwa watu kwa ajili ya urithi wake, zaidi kuliko watu wote walio juu ya uso wa dunia.
For thou art an holy people vnto ye Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a precious people vnto himselfe, aboue all the people that are vpon the earth.
3 Hampaswi kula kitu chochote kilicho chukizo.
Thou shalt eate no maner of abomination.
4 Hawa ni wanyama ambao mnaweza kula: ng'ombe, kondoo, mbuzi,
These are the beastes, which ye shall eate, the beefe, the sheepe, and the goate,
5 kulungu, paa, kulungu wa kiume, mbuzi wa mwituni, paa mweupe na pofu na kondoo wa mlimani
The hart, and the roe buck, and the bugle, and the wilde goate, and the vnicorne, and the wilde oxe, and the chamois.
6 Mnaweza kula wanyama wowote ambao wamegawanyika kwato, ambaye ana kwato zilizogawanyika mara mbili, na utafuna macheuo.
And euery beast that parteth ye hoofe, and cleaueth the clift into two clawes, and is of the beasts that cheweth the cudde, that shall ye eate.
7 Hata hivyo, hampaswi kula baadhi ya wanyama ambao utafuna macheuo au ambao wana kwato zilizogawanyika mara mbili: ngamia, sungura, pomono, kwa sababu watafuna macheuo lakini hawajagawanyika kwato, ni najisi kwenu.
But these ye shall not eate, of them that chew the cud, and of them that deuide and cleaue the hoofe onely: ye camell, nor the hare, nor the cony: for they chewe the cudde, but deuide not ye hoofe: therefore they shall be vncleane vnto you:
8 Nguruwe ni najisi kwenu pia kwa sababu amegawanyika kwato lakini hatafuni macheuo; ni najisi kwenu. Msile nyama ya nguruwe, na msiguse mizoga yao.
Also the swine, because he deuideth the hoofe, and cheweth not the cud, shalbe vncleane vnto you: ye shall not eate of their flesh, nor touch their dead carkeises.
9 Haya yaliyo ndani ya maji mnaweza kula: chochote kilicho na mapesi na magamba;
These ye shall eate, of all that are in the waters: all that haue finnes and scales shall ye eate.
10 lakini chochote kisichokuwa na mapesi na magamba msile; ni najisi kwenu.
And whatsoeuer hath no finnes nor scales, ye shall not eate: it shall be vncleane vnto you.
11 Ndege wote safi mnaweza kula.
Of all cleane birdes ye shall eate:
12 Lakini hawa ni ndege ambao hampaswi kula: tai, tumbusi, kipungu,
But these are they, whereof ye shall not eate: the eagle, nor the goshawke, nor the osprey,
13 mwewe mwekundu na mweusi, aina yoyote ya kipanga.
Nor the glead nor the kite, nor the vulture, after their kind,
14 Hampaswi kula aina yoyote ya kunguru,
Nor all kinde of rauens,
15 na mbuzi na mwewe wa usiku, Lanes ndege wa baharini, aina yoyote ya mwewe,
Nor the ostrich, nor the nightcrow, nor the semeaw, nor the hawke after her kinde,
16 bundi mdogo, bundi mkubwa, na bundi mweupe,
Neither the litle owle, nor the great owle, nor the redshanke,
17 Mwari, nyamafu ya tai, mnandio.
Nor the pellicane, nor the swanne, nor the cormorant:
18 Hampaswi kula korongo, aina yoyote ya kongoti, hudihudi, na popo.
The storke also, and the heron in his kinde, nor the lapwing, nor the backe.
19 Wote wenye mabawa; vitu vya utando ni najisi kwenu; havipaswi kuliwa.
And euery creeping thing that flieth, shall be vncleane vnto you: it shall not be eaten.
20 Mnaweza kula vitu vyote virukavyo.
But of all cleane foules ye may eate.
21 Hampaswi kula chochote kinachokufa chenyewe; mnaweza kumpa mgeni ambaye yuko katika mji wenu, kwamba anaweza kula au mnaweza kuuza kwa mgeni. Kwa kuwa mu taifa lilolowekwa wakfu kwa ajili ya Yahwe Mungu wenu. Hampaswi kumchemusha mbuzi kijana katika maziwa ya mama yake.
Ye shall eate of nothing that dieth alone, but thou shalt giue it vnto the stranger that is within thy gates, that he may eate it: or thou maiest sell it vnto a stranger: for thou art an holy people vnto the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothers milke.
22 Hakika mnapaswa kutoa fungu la kumi la mavuno ya mbegu zenu zote, ambazo huja kutoka kwenye shamba kila mwaka.
Thou shalt giue the tithe of all the increase of thy seede, that commeth foorth of the fielde yeere by yeere.
23 Mnapaswa kula mbele ya Yahwe Mungu wenu, katika eneo ambalo atachagua kama patakatifu pake, fungu la kumi la nafaka zenu, za mvinyo mpya, na mafuta yenu, na mzaliwa wa kwanza wa wanyama na mifugo, kwamba mnaweza kujifunza daima kumheshimu Yahwe Mungu wenu.
And thou shalt eate before the Lord thy God (in the place which he shall chose to cause his Name to dwell there) the tithe of thy corne, of thy wine, and of thine oyle, and the first borne of thy kine and of thy sheepe, that thou maiest learne to feare the Lord thy God alway.
24 Kama safari ni ndefu kwenu na kwamba hamwezi kuibeba, kwa sababu eneo ambalo Yahwe Mungu wenu atachagua kama patakatifu pake ni mbali kwenu, basi, wakati Yahwe Mngu anawabariki,
And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to cary it, because the place is farre from thee, where the Lord thy God shall chose to set his Name, when the Lord thy God shall blesse thee,
25 mtabadilisha sadaka katika pesa. Fungeni pesa kwenye mkono, na nendeni kwenye eneo ambalo Yahwe Mungu wenu atachagua.
Then shalt thou make it in money, and take the money in thine hand, and goe vnto the place which the Lord thy God shall chose.
26 Huko mtatumia pesa kwa chochote mnatamani kwa ng'ombe au kondoo, au kwa mvinyo, au kwa kinywaji imara, au kwa chochote mnatamani; mtakula hapo mbele ya Yahwe Mungu wenu, na mtafurahi, nyie na nyumba zenu.
And thou shalt bestowe the money for whatsoeuer thine heart desireth: whether it be oxe, or sheepe, or wine, or strong drinke, or whatsoeuer thine heart desireth: and shalt eate it there before the Lord thy God, and reioyce, both thou, and thine household.
27 Mlawi ambaye yuko malangoni mwenu- msimsahau, kwa kuwa hana sehemu wala urithi pamoja nanyi.
And the Leuite that is within thy gates, shalt thou not forsake: for he hath neither part nor inheritance with thee.
28 Mwisho mwa kila miaka mitatu mtawasilisha mafungu yote ya kumi ya mazao kwa mwaka huo huo, na mtatunza katika malango yenu;
At the end of three yeere thou shalt bring foorth all the tithes of thine increase of the same yeere, and lay it vp within thy gates.
29 na Mlawi, kwa sababu hana sehemu wala urithi pamoja nanyi, na mgeni, na yatima, na wajane walio ndani ya malango yenu, watakuja na kula na kurithika. Fanya hivyo kwa Yahwe Mungu wenu aweze kuwabariki katika kazi zote za mikono yenuo mnazofanya.
Then ye Leuite shall come, because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee, and the stranger, and the fatherlesse, and the widowe, which are within thy gates, and shall eate, and be filled, that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in al the worke of thine hand which thou doest.

< Torati 14 >