< Torati 12 >

1 Hizi ni amri na sheria ambazo mtazishika katika nchi ambayo, Yahwe Mungu wa baba zenu, amewapa kumiliki, siku zote mnazoishi kwenye ardhi.
These [are] the statutes and the judgments which you will take care! to observe in the land which he has given Yahweh [the] God of ancestors your to you to take possession of it all the days which you [are] alive on the land.
2 Hakika mtaharibu maeneo yote ambapo mataifa mtakayofukuza miungu yao walioabudu, kwenye milima mirefu, kwenye vilima, na chini ya kila mti wa kijani.
Certainly you will destroy! all the places where they have served there the nations whom you [are] about to dispossess them gods their on the mountains high and on the hills and under every tree luxuriant.
3 Na mtazivunja madhabahu zao chini, mtaharibu kwa vipandepande nguzo zao za mawe, na kuchoma ncha za Asherahi, mtazikata sanaa za kuchongwa za miungu yao na kuangamiza jina lao nje ya eneo hilo.
And you will break down altars their and you will shatter sacred pillars their and Asherah poles their you will burn! with fire and [the] images of gods their you will cut down! and you will destroy name their from the place that.
4 Hamtamwabudu Yahwe Mungu wenu kama hivyo.
Not you will do! thus to Yahweh God your.
5 Lakini kwa eneo ambalo Yahwe Mungu wenu atachagua kutoka makabila yenu kuweka jina lake, hapo patakuwa ni eneo analoishi na huko ndiyo mtaenda.
That except to the place where he will choose Yahweh God your from all tribes your to put name his there to dwelling its you will resort and you will go there towards.
6 Ni huko ndiko mtaleta sadaka ya kutekeketezwa, dhabihu zenu, zaka zenu, na sadaka zinazotolewa kwa mkono wenu, sadaka zenu za viapo, sadaka za utayari na mzao wa kwanza wa mifugo na wanyama.
And you will bring there towards burnt offerings your and sacrifices your and tithes your and [the] contribution of hand your and votive offerings your and freewill offerings your and [the] firstborn of herd[s] your and flock[s] your.
7 Ni huko mtakula mbele za Yahwe Mungu wenu na kufurahi kuhusu kila kitu ambacho mmeweka mkono, nyie na jamaa zenu, ambapo Yahwe Mungu wenu amewabariki.
And you will eat there before Yahweh God your and you will rejoice in every undertaking of hand your you and households your which he has blessed you Yahweh God your.
8 Hamtafanya mambo yote ambayo tunafanya hapa leo; sasa kila moja anafanya chochote kile kizuri machoni pake,
Not you must do! according to all that we [are] doing here this day everyone all the right in own eyes his.
9 kwa kuwa bado hamjapumzika, kwa urithi ambao Yahwe Mungu wenu anawapa.
For not you have come until now to the resting place and to the inheritance which Yahweh God your [is] about to give to you.
10 Lakini pindi mnaenda ng'ambo ya pili ya Yordani na kuishi ndani ya nchi ambayo Yahwe Mungu wenu anasababisha ninyi kurithi, na wakati awapa pumziko kutoka kwa maadui zenu wanaowazunga karibu, ili kusudi muishi kwa usalama,
And you will pass over the Jordan and you will dwell in the land which Yahweh God your [is] giving as an inheritance you and he will give rest to you from all enemies your from round about and you will dwell security.
11 kisha itakuwa eneo ambalo Yahwe Mungu wenu atachagua kusababisha jina lake kuishi, huko mtaleta yote ninayowaamuru; sadaka za kuteketezwa, dhabihu zenu, zaka zenu, sadaka zilizotolewa kwa mkono wenu, na sadaka za chaguo lenu kwa ajili ya nadhiri mtakazotoa kwa Yahwe.
And it will be the place which he will choose Yahweh God your it to cause to dwell name his there there towards you will bring all that I [am] commanding you burnt offerings your and sacrifices your tithes your and [the] contribution of hand your and all [the] choicest of votive offerings your which you will vow to Yahweh.
12 Mtafurahi mbele za Yahwe Mungu wenu-nyie, watoto wenu, binti zenu, wajakazi wa kiume, wajakazi wa kike, na Walawi walio ndani ya lango lenu, kwa sababu hana sehemu au urithi miongoni mwenu.
And you will rejoice before Yahweh God your you and sons your and daughters your and [male] servants your and female servants your and the Levite who [is] in gates your for not [belongs] to him a portion and an inheritance with you.
13 Uwe makini mwenyewe kwamba usitoe sadaka zako za kuteketezwa kila eneo unaloona;
Take heed to yourself lest you should offer up burnt offerings your in every place which you will see.
14 lakini ni katika eneo hilo ambalo Yahwe atawachagua miongoni moja kati ya makabila yenu ambalo litatoa sadaka ya kuteketezwa, na huko mtafanya kila kitu ninachokuamuru.
That except in the place which he will choose Yahweh in one of tribes your there you will offer up burnt offerings your and there you will do all that I [am] commanding you.
15 Hata hivyo, mtaweza kuua na kula wanyama ndani ya malango yenu, kama mnavyotaka, kupokea baraka ya Yahwe Mungu wenu kwa ajili ya yote amewapa; na watu wasio safi na safi wote wanaweza kula, wanyama kama vile paa na kulungu.
Only in all [the] desire of self your you will slaughter - and you will eat meat according to [the] blessing of Yahweh God your which he has given to you in all gates your the unclean and the clean he will eat it like gazelle and like deer.
16 Lakini hamtakula damu, mtaimwaga kwenye ardhi kama maji.
Only the blood not you must eat on the ground you will pour out it like water.
17 Mnaweza msile ndani ya malango kutoka kwenye zaka ya nafaka zenu, mvinyo wenu mpya, mafuta yenu au mzao wa kwanza wa mifugo au wanyama; na mnaweza msile nyama yoyote mnayoitoa dhabihu pamoja na viapo vyovyote vyenu mnafanya, wala sadaka yenu ya utayari, wala sadaka mnayotoa kwa mkono wenu.
Not you will be able to eat in gates your [the] tithe of grain your and new wine your and fresh oil your and [the] firstborn of herd your and flock your and all votive offerings your which you will vow and freewill offerings your and [the] contribution of hand your.
18 Badala yake, mtakula mbele ya Yahwe Mugu wenu katika eneo ambalo Yahwe Mungu atachagua- nyie, mtoto wenu, binti yenu, mjakazi wa kiume, mjakazi wa kike, na Mlawi aliye malangoni mwenu; mtafurahi mbele ya Yahwe Mungu wenu kuhusu kila kitu ambacho mnaweka mkono wenu.
That except before Yahweh God your you will eat it in the place which he will choose Yahweh God your it you and son your and daughter your and [male] servant your and female servant your and the Levite who [is] in gates your and you will rejoice before Yahweh God your in every undertaking of hand your.
19 Muwe makini wenyewe ili kwamba msimwache Mlawi maadamu mnaishi kwenye nchi yenu.
Take heed to yourself lest you should neglect the Levite all days your on land your.
20 Wakati Yahwe Mungu wenu apanua mipaka yenu, kama alivyowaahidi, na kusema, “Nitakula nyama,” kwa sababu ya tamaa zenu mnakula nyama, mnaweza kula nyama, kama tanmaa za roho zenu.
If he will enlarge Yahweh God your territory your just as he spoke to you and you will say I want to eat meat for it will desire appetite your to eat meat in all [the] desire appetite your you will eat meat.
21 Kama eneo ambalo Yahwe Mungu wenu achagua kuliweka jina lake ni mbali kutoka kwenu, basi mtaua baadhi ya mifugo yenu na wanyama wenu ambao Yahwe amewapa, kama nilivyowaamuru: hivyo mnaweza kula ndani ya malango yenu, kama tamaa za roho zenu.
If it will be [too] far for you the place where he will choose Yahweh God your to put name his there and you will slaughter some of herd your and some of flock your which he has given Yahweh to you just as I commanded you and you will eat in gates your in all [the] desire of self your.
22 Kama paa na Kulungu wanaliwa, hivyo mtakula watu wasio safi na wasafi wanaweze kula kadhalika.
Surely just as it is eaten the gazelle and the deer so you will eat it the unclean and the clean alike he will eat it.
23 Lakini muwe na uhakika kwamba hamtumii damu, kwa kuwa damu ni uhai, hamtakula uhai pamoja na nyama.
Only be strong to not to eat the blood for the blood it [is] the life and not you must eat the life with the meat.
24 Hamtakula, mtaimwaga nje kwenye ardhi kama maji.
Not you must eat it on the ground you will pour out it like water.
25 Hamtakula, ili kwamba iweze kuwa vizur kwenu, na watoto wenu baada yenu, wakati mtafanya kile kilicho sahihi machoni pa Yahwe.
Not you must eat it so that it may go well for you and for children your after you for you will do the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
26 Lakini mambo ambayo ni ya Yahwe ambayo mnayo na sadaka za viapo vyenu-mtachukua hizi na kwenda eneo ambalo Yahwe achagua.
Only holy things your which they will belong to you and votive offerings your you will take and you will go to the place which he will choose Yahweh.
27 Hapo mtatoa sadaka ya kuteketekezwa, nyama na damu, kwenye madhabahu ya Yahwe Mungu wenu, damu ya dhabihu zenu itamwangwa nje kwenye madhabahu ya Yahwe Mungu wenu, na mtakula nyama.
And you will make burnt offerings your the flesh and the blood on [the] altar of Yahweh God your and [the] blood of sacrifices your it will be poured out on [the] altar of Yahweh God your and the flesh you will eat.
28 Mchunguze na msikilize haya maneno yote ambayo - ninawaamuru, ili iwe uzuri kwenu na watoto wenu baada yenu milele, wakati mnafanya kile kilicho kizuri na sawa machoni pa Yahwe Mungu wenu.
Take care and you will hear all the words these which I [am] commanding you so that it may go well for you and for children your after you until perpetuity for you will do the good [thing] and the right in [the] eyes of Yahweh God your.
29 Wakati Yahwe Mungu wenu anapunguza mataifa kutoka kwenu, wakati mnaingia kuwafukuza, na mnawafukuza na kuishi katika nchi yao,
If he will cut off Yahweh God your the nations where you [are] about to go there towards by dispossessing them from before you and you will dispossess them and you will dwell in land their.
30 muwe makini wenyewe ili kwamba msinaswe kwa kuwafuata, baada ya kuangamizwa kutoka kwenu kunaswa katika kuchunguza miungu yao, katika kuuliza, “Kwa namna gani haya mataifa yanaabudu muingu yao? Nitafanya hivyo hivyo.
Take heed to yourself lest you should be ensnared after them after have been destroyed they from before you and lest you should enquire of gods their saying how? do they serve the nations these gods their so I may do thus also I.
31 Hautafanya hivyo katika kumheshimu Yahwe Mungu wako, kwa kuwa kila kitu ambacho ni chukizo kwa Yahwe, mambo ambayo anayachukia- wamefanya haya na miungu yao, hata mnateketeza vijana wao na binti zao kwenye moto kwa ajili ya miungu yao.
Not you will do thus to Yahweh God your for every abomination of Yahweh which he hates they have done to gods their for also sons their and daughters their they burn with fire to gods their.
32 Chochote ninakuamuru, chunguza. Usiongeze juu yake au kupunguza.
Every word which I [am] commanding you it you will take care to do not you must add to it and not you must diminish from it.

< Torati 12 >