< Danieli 4 >
1 Mfalme Nebukadneza aliituma amri hii kwa watu wote, mataifa, na lugha walioishi katika nchi: “Na amani yenu na iongezeke.
Nebuchad-nezzar King vnto all people, nations and languages, that dwell in all the world, Peace be multiplied vnto you:
2 Imeonekana vizuri kwangu kuwaambia juu ya ishara na maajabu ambayo Mungu Mkuu Aliye juu amenifanyia.
I thought it good to declare the signes and wonders, that the hie God hath wrought toward me.
3 Ni kwa namna gani Ishara zake ni kubwa, na ni kwa namna gani maajabu yake yana nguvu! Ufalme wake ni ufalme unaodumu milele, na utawala wake hudumu kizazi hadi kizazi.”
How great are his signes, and how mightie are his wonders! his kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome, and his dominion is from generation to generation.
4 Mimi, Nebukadneza, nilikuwa ninaishi kwa furaha katika nyumba yangu, na nilikuwa nikifurahia mafanikio katika ikulu yangu.
I Nebuchad-nezzar being at rest in mine house, and flourishing in my palace,
5 Lakini ndoto niliyoiota ilifanya niogope. Nilipokuwa nimejilaza pale, taswira niliyoiona na maono katika akili yangu yalinitaabisha.
Saw a dreame, which made me afraide, and the thoughtes vpon my bed, and the visions of mine head troubled me.
6 Basi nilitoa agizo la kuwaleta mbele yangu watu wote wa Babeli waliokuwa na hekima ili kwamba waweze kunitafsiria ndoto.
Therefore made I a decree, that they should bring all the wise men of Babel before mee, that they might declare vnto me the interpretation of the dreame.
7 Kisha walikuja wachawi, wale ambao hudai kuzungumza na wafu, watu wenye hekima, na wasoma nyota. Niliwaambia juu ya ndoto, lakini hawakuweza kunitafsiria.
So came the inchanters, the astrologians, the Caldeans and the sothsayers, to whom I tolde the dreame, but they could not shew me the interpretation thereof,
8 Bali mwishoni Danieli aliingia ndani - yeye ambaye huitwa Belteshaza jina la mungu wangu, na ambaye ndani yake kuna roho ya miungu mitakatifu - na nilimwambia juu ya ndoto.
Till at the last Daniel came before mee, (whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, which hath the spirite of the holy gods in him) and before him I tolde the dreame, saying,
9 “Belteshaza, mkuu wa wachawi, ninajua kuwa roho ya miungu watakatifu iko ndani yako na ya kwamba hakuna siri iliyo ngumu kwako. Niambie kile nilichokiona katika ndoto yangu na nini maana yake.
O Belteshazzar, chiefe of the enchanters, because I know, that the spirit of the holy gods is in thee, and no secret troubleth thee, tell mee the visions of my dreame, that I haue seene and the interpretation thereof.
10 Haya ndiyo niliyoyaona katika akili zangu nilipokuwa nimejilaza katika kitanda changu: Nilitazama, na kulikuwa na mti katikati ya dunia, na urefu wake ulikuwa ni mkubwa sana.
Thus were the visions of mine head in my bed. And beholde, I sawe a tree in the middes of the earth and the height thereof was great:
11 Mti ulikua na ukawa wenye nguvu. Na sehemu ya juu yake ilifika mbinguni, uliweza kuonekana kutoka miisho ya dunia yote.
A great tree and strong, and the height thereof reached vnto heauen, and the sight thereof to the endes of all the earth.
12 Majani yake yalikuwa mazuri, matunda yake yalikuwa ni mengi, na juu yake kulikuwa na chakula kwa ajili ya wote. Wanyama wa mwituni walipata kivuli chini yake, na ndege wa angani waliisha katika matawi yake. Viumbe vyote hai vililishwa katika mti huo.
The boughes thereof were faire and the fruite thereof much, and in it was meate for all: it made a shadow vnder it for the beastes of the fielde, and the foules of the heauen dwelt in the boughes thereof, and all flesh fedde of it.
13 Nilipokuwa nimelala kitandani kwangu, niliona katika akili zangu, mjumbe mtakatifu alishuka kutoka mbinguni.
I sawe in the visions of mine head vpon my bed, and beholde, a watchman and an holy one came downe from heauen,
14 Alipiga kelele na kusema, 'Ukateni mti na yafyekeni matawi yake, yapukutisheni majani yake, na kuyasambaza matunda yake. Wanyama na wakimbie kutoka chini yake na ndege wapae mbali kutoka katika matawi yake.
And cried aloude, and said thus, Hew downe the tree, and breake off his branches: shake off his leaues, and scatter his fruite, that the beastes may flee from vnder it, and the foules from his branches.
15 Mkiache kisiki cha mizizi yake katika nchi, mkifunge na fungu la chuma na shaba, katikati ya mche mororo wa shambani. Na kilowanishwe na umande wa kutoka mbinguni. Kiacheni kiishi na wanyama kati ya mimea ya ardhini.
Neuerthelesse leaue the stumpe of his rootes in the earth, and with a band of yron and brasse binde it among the grasse of the fielde, and let it be wet with the dewe of heauen, and let his portion be with the beastes among the grasse of the fielde.
16 Akili yake na ibadilishwe kutoka akili ya kibinadamu, na apewe akili ya mnyama mpaka ipite miaka saba.
Let his heart be changed from mans nature, and let a beasts heart be giuen vnto him, and let seuen times be passed ouer him.
17 Uamuzi huu ni kutokana na amri iliyotolewa na mjumbe. Ni uamuzi uliofanya na yeye aliye mtakatifu ili kwamba hao walio hai wajue kwamba Mungu aliye juu sana anatawala juu ya falme za watu na huwapa kwa kila mmoja apendaye kumweka juu yao, hata kwa watu wale wanyenyekevu sana.'
The sentence is according to the decree of the watchmen, and according to the word of the holy ones: the demaunde was answered, to the intent that liuing men may knowe, that the most High hath power ouer the kingdome of men, and giueth it to whomsoeuer he will, and appointeth ouer it the most abiect among men.
18 Mimi, Mfalme Nebukadneza nilipata ndoto hii. Sasa, wewe Belteshaza, niambie tafsiri yake, kwasababu hakuna mtu mwenye hekima katika ufalme wangu anayeweza kunitafsiria. Lakini wewe unaweza kufanya hivyo, kwa kuwa roho ya miungu watakatifu iko ndani yako.”
This is the dreame, that I King Nebuchad-nezzar haue seene: therefore thou, O Belteshazzar, declare the interpretation thereof: for all the wisemen of my kingdome are not able to shewe mee the interpretation: but thou art able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.
19 Ndipo Danieli aliyeitwa pia Belteshaza, alihuzunishwa kwa muda, na mawazo yake yalimshitua. Mfalme akasema, “Belteshaza, usifadhaishwe na ndoto au tafsiri yake.” Belteshaza akajibu, “Bwana wangu, ndoto hii na iwe kwa ajili ya watu wanaokuchukia, na tafsiri yake na iwe kwa ajili ya adui zako.
Then Daniel (whose name was Belteshazzar) held his peace by the space of one houre, and his thoughts troubled him, and the King spake and said, Belteshazzar, let neither the dreame, nor the interpretation thereof trouble thee. Belteshazzar answered and saide, My lord, the dreame be to them that hate thee, and the interpretation thereof to thine enemies.
20 Mti ule uliouona - uliokua na ukawa na wenye nguvu, na ambao sehemu yake ya juu ilifika hata mbinguni, na ambao waweza kuonekana kutoka miisho ya dunia yote -
The tree that thou sawest, which was great and mightie, whose height reached vnto the heauen, and the sight thereof through all the world,
21 ambao majani yake ni mazuri, na matunda yake yalikuwa ni mengi, ili kwamba ndani yake kulikuwa na chakula cha wote, na chini yake wanyama wa mwituni walipata kivuli, na ndani yake ndege wa angani waliishi -
Whose leaues were faire and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meate for all, vnder the which the beastes of the fielde dwelt, and vpon whose branches the foules of the heauen did sit,
22 huu mti ni wewe, mfalme, wewe uliyekua na kuwa na nguvu. Ukuu wako umeongezeka na kufika mbinguni, na mamlaka yako yamefika hata miisho ya dunia.
It is thou, O King, that art great and mightie: for thy greatnesse is growen, and reacheth vnto heauen, and thy dominion to the endes of the earth.
23 Ewe mfalme, ulimwona mjumbe akishuka kutoka mbinguni na akisema, “Ukateni mti na uteketezeni, lakni kiacheni kisiki cha mizizi yake katika nchi, kifungeni kwa ukanda wa chuma na shaba, katikati ya mche mororo katika shamba. Na kilowanishwe na umande kutoka mbinguni. Kiache kiishi katika wanyama wa mwituni katika mashamba mpaka ipite miaka saba.'
Where as the King sawe a watchman, and an holy one, that came downe from heauen, and said, Hew downe the tree and destroy it, yet leaue the stumpe of the rootes thereof in the earth, and with a bande of yron and brasse binde it among the grasse of the fielde, and let it be wette with the dewe of heauen, and let his portion be with the beastes of the fielde, till seuen times passe ouer him,
24 Mfalme, hii ni tafsiri yake. Ni agizo la Yeye Aliye Juu ambalo limekufikia, bwana wangu mfalme.
This is the interpretation, O King, and it is the decree of the most High, which is come vpon my lord the King,
25 Utafukuzwa utoke miongoni mwa watu, na utaishi pamoja na wanyama wa mwituni huko mashambani. Utafanywa uwe unakula majani kama ng'ombe, na utalowanishwa na umande wa kutoka mbinguni, miaka saba itapita mpaka pale utakapokiri kwamba Mungu Aliye Juu anatawala juu ya falme zote za watu na ya kwamba yeye humpa falme hizo mtu yeyote amtakaye.
That they shall driue thee from men, and thy dwelling shalbe with the beasts of the fielde: they shall make thee to eate grasse as the oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dewe of heauen: and seuen times shall passe ouer thee, till thou knowe, that the most High beareth rule ouer the kingdome of men, and giueth it to whom so euer he will.
26 Kama ilivyoamriwa kwamba kukiacha kisiki cha mizizi ya mti, kwa njia hii ufalme wako utarudishiwa katika kipindi ambacho utajifunza kwamba mbingu inatawala.
Where as they sayd, that one should leaue the stumpe of the tree rootes, thy kingdome shall remaine vnto thee: after that, thou shalt knowe, that the heauens haue the rule.
27 Hivyo basi, mfalme, ushauri wangu na ukubalike kwako. Acha kutenda dhambi na utende haki. Geuka uache uovu wako wa kuonesha huruma kwa walionewa, na itakuwa kwamba mafanikio yako yataongezwa.”
Wherefore, O King, let my counsell be acceptable vnto thee, and breake off thy sinnes by righteousnes, and thine iniquities by mercy toward the poore: lo, let there be an healing of thine errour.
28 Vitu hivi vyote vilitokea kwa mfalme Nebukadneza.
All these things shall come vpon the King Nebuchad-nezzar.
29 Baada ya miezi wa kumi na miwili alipokuwa akitembea juu ya dari la ikulu ya kifalme katika Babeli,
At the end of twelue moneths, he walked in the royall palace of Babel.
30 na alisema, “Je hii si Babeli kuu, ambayo nimeijenga kwa ajili ya makao yangu ya kifalme, kwa ajili ya utukufu wa enzi yangu?”
And the King spake and sayde, Is not this great Babel, that I haue built for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power, and for the honour of my maiestie?
31 Wakati maneno yakali katika midomo ya mfalme, sauti ilisikika kutoka mbinguni: “Mfalme Nebukadneza, imetangazwa kwako kwamba ufalme huu umeondolewa kutoka kwako.
While the worde was in the Kings mouth, a voyce came downe from heauen, saying, O King Nebuchad-nezzar, to thee be it spoken, Thy kingdome is departed from thee,
32 Utafukuziwa mbali kutoka miongoni mwa watu, na makao yao yatakuwa pamoja na wanyama wa mwitu katika mashamba. Utafanywa kulamajani kama ng'ombe. Miaka saba itapita mpaka pale utakapokiri kwamba Mungu Aliye Juu anatawala juu ya falme za watu na humpa falme mtu yeyote amtakaye.”
And they shall driue thee from men, and thy dwelling shalbe with the beastes of the fielde: they shall make thee to eate grasse, as the oxen, and seuen times shall passe ouer thee, vntill thou knowest, that the most High beareth rule ouer the kingdome of men, and giueth it vnto whomsoeuer he will.
33 Agizo hili kinyume na Nebukadneza lilitekelezwa ghafla. Aliondolewa miongoni mwa watu. Alikula majani kama ng'ombe, na mwili wake ulilowa kwa umande wa kutoka mbinguni. Nywele zake zilirefuka kama manyoa ya tai, na makucha yake yalikuwa kama makucha ya ndege.
The very same houre was this thing fulfilled vpon Nebuchad-nezzar, and hee was driuen from men, and did eate grasse as the oxen, and his body was wet with the dewe of heauen, till his heares were growen as eagles feathers, and his nailes like birds clawes.
34 Na katika mwisho wa siku, mimi, Nebukadneza niliinua macho yangu kuelekea mbinguni, utimamu wa akili nilirudishiwa. “Nilimsifu Mungu Aliye Juu sana, na nilimheshimu na kumtukuza yeye aishiye milele. Kwa kuwa utawala wake ni wa milele, na ufalme wake unadumu katoka katika vizazi vyote hadi vizazi vyote.
And at the ende of these dayes I Nebuchad-nezzar lift vp mine eyes vnto heauen, and mine vnderstanding was restored vnto me, and I gaue thankes vnto the most High, and I praysed and honoured him that liueth for euer, whose power is an euerlasting power, and his kingdome is from generation to generation.
35 Wenyeji wote wa duniani huhesabiwa na yeye kuwa bure; hufanya lolote limpendezalo miongoni mwa jeshi la mbinguni na wakazi wa dunia. Hakuna hata mmoja awezaye kumzuia au kumpa changamoto. Hakuna hata mmoja awezaye kumwambia, “Mbona umefanya hivi?”
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and according to his will he worketh in the armie of heauen, and in the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, nor say vnto him, What doest thou?
36 Kwa wakati ule ule utimamu wa akili zangu uliponirudia, utukufu wangu na fahari yangu ilinirudia kwa ajili ya utukufu wa ufalme wangu. Washauri wangu na watu wenye heshima walitafuta msaada wangu. Nilirudishwa kwenye kiti changu cha enzi, na nilipewa ukuu zaidi.
At the same time was mine vnderstanding restored vnto me, and I returned to the honour of my kingdome: my glory and my beautie was restored vnto me, and my counsellours and my princes sought vnto me, and I was established in my kingdome, and my glory was augmented toward me.
37 Sasa basi, mimi Nebukadneza, ninamsifu, ninamtukuza na kumheshimu mfalme wa mbinguni, kwa kuwa matendo yake yote ni ya haki, na njia zake ni za adili. Anaweza kuwashusha wale wanaotembea katika kiburi chao wenyewe.
Now therefore I Nebuchad-nezzar prayse and extoll and magnifie the King of heauen, whose workes are all trueth, and his wayes iudgement, and those that walke in pride, he is able to abase.