< Danieli 2 >

1 Katika mwaka wa pili wa utawala wa Nebukadneza, alikuwa na ndoto. Akili yake ilisumbuka, na hakuweza kulala.
In the second year of the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuchadnezzar had dreams; and his spirit was troubled and his sleep went from him.
2 Ndipo mfalme alipowaita waganga na wale wenye kuongea na wafu. Lakini pia aliwaita wachawi na watu wenye hekima. Aliwataka wamwambie juu ya ndoto zake. Basi walikuja na kusimama mbele za mfalme.
Then the king gave orders that the wonder-workers, and the users of secret arts, and those who made use of evil powers, and the Chaldaeans, were to be sent for to make clear to the king his dreams. So they came and took their places before the king.
3 Mfalme akawambia, “Nilikuwa na ndoto, na akili yangu ina mashaka nataka kujua ndoto hiyo nini maana yake.”
And the king said to them, I have had a dream, and my spirit is troubled by the desire to have the dream made clear to me.
4 Kisha watu wenye hekima wakamwambia mfalme katika Kiaramaiki, “Mfalme, aishi milele! Twambie sisi ndoto, watumishi wako, nasi tutaifunua maana yake.”
Then the Chaldaeans said to the king in the Aramaean language, O King, have life for ever: give your servants an account of your dream, and we will make clear to you the sense of it.
5 Mfalme akawajibu watu wenye hekima, “Jambo hili limeshamalizika. Kama hamtaweza kuiweka wazi ndoto kwangu na kuitafsiri, miili yenu itakatwa vipande vipande na nyumba zenu zitafanywa kuwa vichuguu vya uchafu.
The king made answer and said to the Chaldaeans, This is my decision: if you do not make clear to me the dream and the sense of it, you will be cut in bits and your houses made waste.
6 Lakini kama mtaniambia ndoto na maana yake, mtapokea zawadi kutoka kwangu, thawabu, na heshima kubwa. Basi niambie ndoto na maana yake.”
But if you make clear the dream and the sense of it, you will have from me offerings and rewards and great honour: so make clear to me the dream and the sense of it.
7 Wakamjibu tena na kusema, “Mfalme na atuambie, watumishi wake, ndoto nasi tukwambia maana yake.”
A second time they said in answer, Let the king give his servants an account of his dream, and we will make clear the sense.
8 Mfalme akawajibu, “Ninajua kwa hakika mnahitaji muda zaidi kwasababu mmeona maamuzi yangu ni magumu kuhusu jambo hili.
The king made answer and said, I am certain that you are attempting to get more time, because you see that my decision is fixed;
9 Lakini kama hamtaweza kuniambia ndoto, kuna sentensi moja tu kwa ajili yenu. Mmeamua kuandaa uongo na maneno ya kudanganya ambayo mmekubaliana kwa pamoja kuniambia mpaka pale nitakapobadili akili zangu. Basi, niambieni ndoto, na kisha nitajua kuwa mnaweza kuitafsiri kwa ajili yangu.”
That if you do not make my dream clear to me there is only one fate for you: for you have made ready false and evil words to say before me till the times are changed: so give me an account of the dream, and I will be certain that you are able to make the sense of it clear.
10 Watu wenye hekima wakamjibu mfalme, “Hakuna mtu katika dunia anayeweza kutimiza matakwa ya mfalme. Hakuna mfalme yoyote mkuu na mwenye nguvu ambaye alishataka jambo kama hilo kutoka kwa wachawi, wala wenye kuongea na wafu, wala mwenye hekima.
Then the Chaldaeans said to the king in answer, There is not a man on earth able to make clear the king's business; for no king, however great his power, has ever made such a request to any wonder-worker or user of secret arts or Chaldaean.
11 Kile anachokitaka mfalme ni kigumu, na hakuna yeyote awezaye kumwambia mfalme isipokuwa miungu, ambayo haishi miongoni mwa watu.”
The king's request is a very hard one, and there is no other who is able to make it clear to the king, but the gods, whose living-place is not with flesh.
12 Jambo hili lilimfanya mfalme akasirike na kughadhabika sana, na alitoa amri kuwaangamiza wale wote waliojulikana kuwa ni wenye hekima zao katika Babeli.
Because of this the king was angry and full of wrath, and gave orders for the destruction of all the wise men of Babylon.
13 Hivyo, amri ilitoka kwamba wale wote waliojulikana kwa hekima yao ni lazima wauawe. Na kwa sababu ya amri hii, walimtafuta Daniel na rafiki zake ili kwamba wauawe.
So the order went out that the wise men were to be put to death; and they were looking for Daniel and his friends to put them to death.
14 Ndipo Daniel alipomjibu kwa busara na umakini, Arioki, kamanda wa walinzi wa mfalme, ambaye alikuwa amekuja kuwaua wale wote waliojulikana kuwa na hekima katika Babeli.
Then Daniel gave an answer with wisdom and good sense to Arioch, the captain of the king's armed men, who had gone out to put to death the wise men of Babylon;
15 Danieli alimwuliza kamanda wa mfalme, “Kwanini amri ya mfalme ni ya haraka hivyo?” Hivyo, Arioki akamwambia Danieli kile kilichotokea.
He made answer and said to Arioch, O captain of the king, why is the king's order so cruel? Then Arioch gave Daniel an account of the business.
16 Ndipo Danieli aliingia ndani na akaomba ahadi ya muda wa kuonana na mfalme ili kwamba aweze kuwasilisha tafsiri kwa mfalme.
And Daniel went in and made a request to the king to give him time and he would make clear the sense of his dream to the king.
17 Kisha Danieli aliingia ndani ya nyumba na aliwaelezea Hanania, Mishaeli, na Azaria, kile kilichotokea.
And Daniel went to his house and gave his friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah the news:
18 Aliwasihi kutafuta rehema kutoka kwa Mungu wa mbinguni kuhusiana na siri hii ili kwamba yeye na wao wasije wakauawa pamoja na watu wengine waliosalia waliojulikana kuwa na hekima katika Babeli.
So that they might make a request for the mercy of the God of heaven in the question of this secret; so that Daniel and his friends might not come to destruction with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.
19 Usiku ule siri ilifunuliwa kwa Danieli katika maono. Kisha Danieli akamtukuza Mungu wa mbinguni
Then the secret was made clear to Daniel in a vision of the night. And Daniel gave blessing to the God of heaven.
20 na kusema, “Litukuzwa jina la Mungu milele na milele; kwa kuwa hekima na nguvu ni zake.
And Daniel said in answer, May the name of God be praised for ever and ever: for wisdom and strength are his:
21 Anabadili wakati na majira; anaondoa wafalme na kuweka wafalme katika viti vyao vya enzi. Anawapa hekima wenye hekima na ufahamu kwa wenye weledi.
By him times and years are changed: by him kings are taken away and kings are lifted up: he gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those whose minds are awake:
22 Hufunua vitu vya chini na vilifichika kwa sababu anajua kile kilicho gizani, naye anaishi pamoja na mwanga.
He is the unveiler of deep and secret things: he has knowledge of what is in the dark, and the light has its living-place with him.
23 Mungu wa baba zetu, ninakushukuru na kukutukuza wewe kwa ajili ya hekima na nguvu uliyonipa. Sasa umeyafanya yawe wazi kwetu yale tuliyokuomba; umetujulisha mambo yamhusuyo mfalme.”
I give you praise and worship, O God of my fathers, who have given me wisdom and strength, and have now made clear to me what we were requesting from you: for you have given us knowledge of the king's business.
24 Ndipo Danieli alienda kumwona Arioki ( yule ambaye mfalme alimchagua kuua kila mtu aliyekuwa na hekima katika Babeli). Alimwendea na kumwambia, “Usiwauwe watu wenye hekima katika Babeli. Nipeleke kwa mfalme na nitamwonesha mfalme tafsiri ya ndoto yake.”
For this reason Daniel went to Arioch, to whom the king had given orders for the destruction of the wise men of Babylon, and said to him, Do not put to death the wise men of Babylon: take me in before the king and I will make clear to him the sense of the dream.
25 Kisha Arioki kwa haraka alimleta Danieli mbele za mfalme na kusema, “Nimempata miongoni wa watu wa mateka wa Yuda mtu ambaye atafunua maana ya ndoto ya mfalme.”
Then Arioch quickly took Daniel in before the king, and said to him, Here is a man from among the prisoners of Judah, who will make clear to the king the sense of the dream.
26 Mfalme akamwambia Danieli (ambaye alikuwa akiitwa Beliteshaza), “Je unaweza kunimbia ndoto niliyoiona na maana yake?”
The king made answer and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Are you able to make clear to me the dream which I saw and its sense?
27 Danieli alimjibu mfalme na kusema, “Siri ambayo mfalme ameiomba haiwezi kufunuliwa na watu wenye hekima, wala wale wenye kuongea na wafu, wala wachawi, na wala wataalamu wa nyota.
Then Daniel said in answer to the king, No wise men, or users of secret arts, or wonder-workers, or readers of signs, are able to make clear to the king the secret he is searching for;
28 Isipokuwa kuna Mungu ambaye anaishi mbinguni, ambaye hufunua siri, na amekwisha kukujulisha wewe, mfalme Nebukadneza, kile kitakachotokea katika siku zijazo. Hizi ndizo Ndoto na maono ya akili zako uliyoyaona wakati ulipokuwa umelala kitandani mwako.
But there is a God in heaven, the unveiler of secrets, and he has given to King Nebuchadnezzar knowledge of what will take place in the last days. Your dreams and the visions of your head on your bed are these:
29 Na kwako Wewe, mfalme, mawazo yako kitandani mwako yalikuwa ni juu ya mambo yajayo, na yule afichuaye siri ameifanya ijulikane kwako kuhusu kile kilicho karibu kutokea.
As for you, O King, the thoughts which came to you on your bed were of what will come about after this: and the unveiler of secrets has made clear to you what is to come.
30 Na kuhusu mimi, siri hii haikufunuliwa kwangu kwa sababu ya hekima yoyote niliyo nayo zaidi ya mtu yoyote anayeishi. Siri hii imefunliwa kwangu ili kwamba wewe, mfalme, uweze kufahamu maana, na ili kwamba ujuwe mawazo yaliyo ndani mwako.
As for me, this secret is not made clear to me because of any wisdom which I have more than any living man, but in order that the sense of the dream may be made clear to the king, and that you may have knowledge of the thoughts of your heart.
31 Mfalme, uliangalia juu na ukaona sanamu kubwa. Sanamu hii ambayo ilikuwa yenye nguvu na yenye kung'aa, ilisimama mbele yako. Mng'ao wake ulikuwa unatisha.
You, O King, were looking, and a great image was there. This image, which was very great, and whose glory was very bright, was placed before you: its form sent fear into the heart.
32 Kichwa cha sanamu kilikuwa kimetengenezwa kwa dhahabu safi. Matiti yake na mikono ilikuwa ya fedha. Sehemu ya katikati na mapaja yake yalikuwa yametengenezwa kwa shaba,
As for this image, its head was made of the best gold, its breast and its arms were of silver, its middle and its sides were of brass,
33 na miguu yake ilikuwa imetengenezwa kwa chuma. Miguu yake ilikuwa ilitengenezwa kwa sehemu chuma na sehemu kwa udongo.
Its legs of iron, its feet were in part of iron and in part of potter's earth.
34 Ulitazama juu, na jiwe lilikuwa limechongwa, ingawa si kwa mikono ya wanadamu, na liliipiga sanamu katika miguu yake ya chuma na udongo, na ponda ponda.
While you were looking at it, a stone was cut out, but not by hands, and it gave the image a blow on its feet, which were of iron and earth, and they were broken in bits.
35 Kisha chuma, udongo, fedha, na dhahabu zilivunjwa katika vipande vipande kwa wakati mmoja na yakawa kama makapi yaliyo katika sakafu za kupuria kipindi cha kiangazi. Upepo huyapeperushia mbali na hakuna alama inayoachwa. Lakini jiwe lililoipiga sanammu likawa mlima mkubwa na kuijaza dunia yote.
Then the iron and the earth, the brass and the silver and the gold, were smashed together, and became like the dust on the floors where grain is crushed in summer; and the wind took them away so that no sign of them was to be seen: and the stone which gave the image a blow became a great mountain, covering all the earth.
36 Hii ndiyo ilikuwa ndotoyako. Na sasa tutamwambia mfalme maana yake.
This is the dream; and we will make clear to the king the sense of it.
37 Wewe, mfalme, ni mfalme wa wafalme kwa wale ambao Mungu wa mbinguni amekupa ufalme, nguvu, uweza na heshima.
You, O King, king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given the kingdom, the power, and the strength, and the glory,
38 Amevitia mkononi mwako sehemu ambazo binadamu huishi. Amekupa wanyama wa mwituni na ndege wa angani katika mkono wako, na amekufanya wewe utawale juu yao wote. Wewe u kichwa cha dhahabu cha sanamu.
Wherever the children of men are living; into whose hands he has given the beasts of the field and the birds of heaven, and has made you ruler over them all, you are the head of gold.
39 Baada yako, ufalme mwingine utainuka ambao ni mdogo kwako, na hata ufalme wa tatu wa shaba utatawala juu ya dunia yote.
And after you another kingdom, lower than you, will come to power; and a third kingdom, of brass, ruling over all the earth.
40 Kutakuwa na ufalme wa tatu, wenye nguvu kama chuma, kwa kuwa chuma huvunja vipande vipande vitu vingine na kuponda ponda kila kitu. Itaviharibu vitu hivi vyote na kuvisaga.
And the fourth kingdom will be strong as iron: because, as all things are broken and overcome by iron, so it will have the power of crushing and smashing down all the earth.
41 Kama vile ulivyoona, miguu na vidole vilikuwa kwa sehemu vimetengenezwa kwa udongo na kwa sehemu vimefanywa kwa chuma, hivyo utakuwa ni ufalme uliogawanyika; baadhi ya nguvu za chuma zitakuwa ndani yake, kama tu ulivyoona kuwa chuma kimechanganyikana na udongo laini.
And as you saw the feet and toes, part of potter's work and part of iron, there will be a division in the kingdom; but there will be some of the strength of iron in it, because you saw the iron mixed with the potter's earth.
42 Kama vile vidole vya miguuni vilivyokuwa kwa sehemu vimetengenezwa kwa chuma na kwa sehemu vimetengenezwa kwa udongo, ndivyo ufalme utakuwa kwa sehemu una nguvu na kwa sehemu utakuwa dhaifu.
And as the toes of the feet were in part of iron and in part of earth, so part of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will readily be broken.
43 Kama ulivyoona chuma kimechanganywa na udongo laini, na hivyo na watu watakuwa wamechanganyikana; hawakaa kwa pamoja, kama vile chuma kisivyoweza kushikamana na udongo
And as you saw the iron mixed with earth, they will give their daughters to one another as wives: but they will not be united one with another, even as iron is not mixed with earth.
44 Katika siku za wafalme hao, Mungu wa mbinguni ataanzisha ufalme ambao hautaweza kuangushwa, wala kushindwa na watu wengine. Utazivunja falme zingine vipande vipande na kuzikomesha zote, nao utadumu milele.
And in the days of those kings, the God of heaven will put up a kingdom which will never come to destruction, and its power will never be given into the hands of another people, and all these kingdoms will be broken and overcome by it, but it will keep its place for ever.
45 Kama tu ulivyoona, jiwe lilichongwa kutoka katika mlima, lakini si kwa mikono ya wanadamu. Lilivunja vunja chuma, shaba, udongo, fedha, na dhahabu katika vipande vipande. Mungu mkuu amekujulisha wewe, mfalme, kile kitakachotokea baada ya haya. Ndoto ni ya kweli na tafsiri yake ni ya kuaminika.
Because you saw that a stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that by it the iron and the brass and the earth and the silver and the gold were broken to bits, a great God has given the king knowledge of what is to take place in the future: the dream is fixed, and its sense is certain.
46 Mfalme Nebukadneza alianguka kifudifudi mbele ya Daniel na alimweshimu; aliamuru kwamba sadaka zitolewe na manukato yatolewe kwake.
Then King Nebuchadnezzar, falling down on his face, gave worship to Daniel, and gave orders for an offering and spices to be given to him;
47 Mfalme alimwambia Danieli, “Hakika Mungu wako ni Mungu wa miungu, Bwana wa wafalme, na ambaye hufunua mafumbo, kwa kuwa umekuwa ukiweza kufumbua mafumbo haya.”
And the king made answer to Daniel and said, Truly, your God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings, and an unveiler of secrets, for you have been able to make this secret clear.
48 Ndipo mfalme alimfanya Danieli kuwa wa kuheshiwa sana na alimpa zawadi nyingi nzuri. Alimfanya kuwa mtawala juu ya jimbo lote la Babeli. Danieli akawa liwali mkuu juu watu wenye hekima wa Babeli.
Then the king made Daniel great, and gave him offerings in great number, and made him ruler over all the land of Babylon, and chief over all the wise men of Babylon.
49 Danieli alipeleka ombi kwa mfalme, na mfalme aliwateua Shadraka, Meshaki na Abedinego kuwa watawala juu ya jimbo la Babeli. Lakini Danieli alisalia katika ikulu ya mfalme.
And at Daniel's request, the king gave Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego authority over the business of the land of Babylon: but Daniel was kept near the king's person.

< Danieli 2 >