< Matendo 14 >
1 Ikatokea ndani ya Ikonio kwamba Paulo na Barnaba waliingia pamoja ndani ya sinagogi la Wayahudi nakuongea namna ambayo kundi kubwa la watu Wayahudi na Wayunani waliamini.
In Iconium, they entered together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spoke that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.
2 Lakini wayahudi wasiotii waliwachochea akili wamataifa na kuwafanya kuwa wabaya dhidi ya ndugu.
But the disbelieving Jews stirred up and embittered the souls of the Gentiles against the brothers.
3 Kwa hiyo walikaa huko kwa muda mrefu, wakiongea kwa ujasiri kwa nguvu ya Bwana, huku akitoa uthibitisho kuhusu ujumbe wa neema yake. Alifanya hivi kwa kutoa ishara na majaabu vifanywe kwa mikono ya Paulo na Barnaba.
Therefore they stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who testified to the word of his grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.
4 Lakini eneo kubwa la mji liligawanyika: baadhi ya watu walikuwa pamoja na Wayahudi, na baadhi pamoja na mitume.
But the multitude of the city was divided. Part sided with the Jews and part with the apostles.
5 Wakati wamataifa na Wayahudi walipojaribu kuwashawishi viongozi wao kuwatendea vibaya na kuwaponda mawe Paulo na Barnaba,
When some of both the Gentiles and the Jews, with their rulers, made a violent attempt to mistreat and stone them,
6 wakalitambua hilo na kukimbilia katika miji ya Likaonia, Listra na Derbe, na maeneo yanayozunguka pale,
they became aware of it and fled to the cities of Lycaonia, Lystra, Derbe, and the surrounding region.
7 na huko waliihubiri injili.
There they preached the Good News.
8 Na huko Listra palikuwa na mtu mmoja aliyekaa, hakuwa na nguvu miguuni mwake, kilema kutoka tumboni mwa mama yake, hajawahi kutembea.
At Lystra a certain man sat, impotent in his feet, a cripple from his mother’s womb, who never had walked.
9 Mtu huyu alimsikia Paulo akiongea. Paulo alimkazia macho na akaona kwamba alikuwa na imani ya kuponywa.
He was listening to Paul speaking, who, fastening eyes on him and seeing that he had faith to be made whole,
10 Hivyo alisema kwake kwa sauti ya juu, “Simama kwa miguu yako.” Na yule mtu aliruka juu na kuanza kutembea.
said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet!” He leapt up and walked.
11 Umati ulipoona alichokifanya Paulo, waliinua sauti zao, wakisema katika lahaja ya Kilikaonio, “miungu imetushukia kwa namna ya binadamu.”
When the multitude saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voice, saying in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men!”
12 Walimwita Barnaba “Zeu,” na Paulo “Herme” kwa sababu alikuwa msemaji mkuu.
They called Barnabas “Jupiter”, and Paul “Mercury”, because he was the chief speaker.
13 Kuhani wa Zeu, ambaye hekalu lake lilikuwa nje ya mji, alileta fahari la ng'ombe na mtungo wa maua mpaka kwenye lango la mji, yeye na umati walitaka kutoa sadaka.
The priest of Jupiter, whose temple was in front of their city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and would have made a sacrifice along with the multitudes.
14 Lakini mitume, Barnaba na Paulo, walipolisikia hili, walirarua mavazi yao na kwa haraka walikwenda nje kwenye umati, wakilia
But when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of it, they tore their clothes and sprang into the multitude, crying out,
15 na kusema, “Enyi watu, kwanini mnafanya mambo haya? Na sisi pia ni binadamu wenye hisia kama za kwenu. Tunawaletea habari njema, kwamba mgeuke kutoka kwenye vitu hivi visivyofaa na kumwelekea Mungu aliye hai, aliyeumba mbingu, dunia na bahari na kila kitu kilichomo.
“Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men of the same nature as you, and bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to the living God, who made the sky, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them;
16 Katika nyakati zilizopita, aliwaruhusu mataifa kutembea katika njia zao wenyewe.
who in the generations gone by allowed all the nations to walk in their own ways.
17 Lakini bado, hakuondoka pasipo shahidi, katika hilo alifanya vizuri na akawapatia mvua kutoka mbinguni na nyakati za mazao, akiwajaza mioyo yenu kwa vyakula na furaha”
Yet he didn’t leave himself without witness, in that he did good and gave you rains from the sky and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”
18 Hata kwa maneno haya, Paulo na Barnaba kwa shida waliuzuia umati kuwatolea sadaka.
Even saying these things, they hardly stopped the multitudes from making a sacrifice to them.
19 Lakini baadhi ya Wayahudi kutoka Antiokia na Ikonio walikuja kuushawishi umati. Wakampiga mawe Paulo na kumburuta hadi nje ya mji, wakidhani alikuwa amekufa.
But some Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there, and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing that he was dead.
20 Hata hivyo wanafunzi walikuwa wamesimama karibu naye, aliamka, wakaingia mjini. Siku ya pili, aliende Derbe na Barnaba.
But as the disciples stood around him, he rose up, and entered into the city. On the next day he went out with Barnabas to Derbe.
21 Baada ya kufundisha injili katika mji ule na kuwafanya wanafunzi wengi, walirudi Listra, hadi Ikoniamu, na hadi Antiokia.
When they had preached the Good News to that city and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,
22 Waliendelea kuimarisha nafsi za wanafunzi na kutiwa moyo kuendelea katika imani, akasema, “Lazima tuingie katika ufalme wa Mungu kwa kupitia mateso mengi.”
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that through many afflictions we must enter into God’s Kingdom.
23 Walipo wateua kwa ajili yao wazee wa kila kusanyiko la waaminio, na wakiwa wameomba na kufunga, waliwakabidhi kwa Bwana, ambaye wao walimwamini.
When they had appointed elders for them in every assembly, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord on whom they had believed.
24 Kisha walipita katika Pisidia, walifika Pamfilia.
They passed through Pisidia and came to Pamphylia.
25 Wakati walipoongea maneno katika Perga, waliteremka kwenda Atalia.
When they had spoken the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia.
26 Kutoka huko walipanda meli hadi Antiokia ambako walikuwa wamejitoa kwa neema ya Mungu kwa ajili ya kazi ambayo sasa walikuwa wameikamilisha.
From there they sailed to Antioch, from where they had been committed to the grace of God for the work which they had fulfilled.
27 Walipofika huko Antiokia, na kulikusanya kusanyiko la pamoja, wakatoa taarifa ya mambo ambayo Mungu amefanya kwao, na jinsi alivyowafungulia mlango wa imani kwa watu wa Mataifa.
When they had arrived and had gathered the assembly together, they reported all the things that God had done with them, and that he had opened a door of faith to the nations.
28 Walikaa kwa muda mrefu na wanafunzi.
They stayed there with the disciples for a long time.