< 2 Wafalme 4 >

1 Ndipo mke wa mmoja wa watoto wa manbii alipokuja kwa Elisha akilia, akisema, “Mtumishi wako mme wangu amukufa, na unajua kwamba mtumishi wako alikuwa anamcha Yahwe. Basi aliyemuwia amekuja kuwachukua watoto wangu wawili kwenda kuwa watumwa.”
One day the widow of one of [Yahweh’s] prophets came to Elisha and cried out to him, “My husband, who worked with you, is dead. You know that he revered Yahweh [very much]. But now a man to whom he owed a lot of money has come to me. [And because I cannot pay back the money, he is threatening] to take away my two sons to be his slaves [as payment for what I owe him]!”
2 Hivyo Elisha akamwambia, “Nikusaidie nini? Niambie una nini kwenye nyumba yako?” Akamwambia “Mtumishi wako hana kitu kwenye nyumba, isipokuwa chupa ya mafuta.”
Elisha replied, “What can I do to help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” She replied, “We have only a container of [olive] oil; we have nothing else.”
3 Kisha Elisha akasema, “Nenda kaazime vyombo kwa majirani zako, vyombo vitupu. Azima vyombo vingi uwezavyo.
Elisha said, “Go to your neighbors and borrow from them as many empty jars as you can.
4 Kisha lazima uende ndani na kujifungia mlango wewe na watoto wako, na kumiminia mafuta vyombo vyote; vile vilivyojaa ukavitenge.”
Then take the jars into your house with your sons. Shut the door. Then pour olive oil from your container into the other jars. When each jar is full, set it aside [and fill another jar. Keep doing that until all the jars are full].”
5 Basi akamuacha Elisha na kujifungia mlango yeye na watoto wake. Wakavileta vile vyombo kwake, na akivijaza kwa mafuta.
[So she did what Elisha told her to do]. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she kept filling them.
6 Ikawa vyombo vilipojaa, akamwambia mtoto wake, “Niletee chombo kingine.” Ila akamwambia, “Hakuna vyombo vingine.” Kisha mafuta yakakoma kutoka.
Soon all the jars were full. So she said to one of her sons, “Bring me another jar!” But he replied, “There are no more jars!” And then the olive oil stopped flowing.
7 Ndipo akaja na kumwambia mtu wa Mungu. Akasema, “Nenda kauze mafuta; lipa deni lako, na yatakayobaki waachie watoto wako.”
When she told Elijah [what had happened], he said to her, “Now sell the jars of oil. And [with the money you get, ] pay what you owe, and there will be enough extra money to keep buying food for yourself and your sons.” [So she did that].
8 Siku moja Elisha alitembea Shunemu ambapo mwanamke muhimu aliishi; alimsihi ale chakula pamoja naye. Ikawa alipopita mara nyingi, angeweza kusimama pale na kula.
One day Elisha went to Shunem [town]. There was a wealthy woman who lived there [with her husband]. One day she invited Elisha to her house for a meal. [Elisha went there and] from then on, every time Elisha was in Shunem, he went to their house to eat a meal.
9 Huyo mwanamke akamwambia mme wake, “Ona, sasa nadhani kwamba huyu ni mtu mtakatifu wa Mungu ambaye hupita siku zote.
One day the woman said to her husband, “I am sure that this man who often comes here is a prophet [who brings messages] from God.
10 Ngoja tutengeneze chumba kidogo kwenye paa kwa ajili ya Elisha, na tuweke kitanda juu ya hicho chumba, meza, na taa. Kisha atakapokuwa anakuja kwetu, atakuwa anakaa hapo.”
I think we should make a small room for him on our [flat] roof, and put a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp in it. If we do that, whenever he comes here, he will have a place to stay.” [So they did that].
11 Ikawa siku moja akaja tena kwamba Elisha akasimama pale, akakaa kwenye hicho chumba na kupumzika hapo.
One day Elisha returned to Shunem, and he went up to that room to rest.
12 Elisha akamwambia Gehazi mtumishi wake, “Mwite huyu Mshunami.” Wakati alipomuita, alisimama mbele yake.
He said to his servant Gehazi, “Tell the woman that I want to speak to her.” [So the servant went and told her]. When she came [to the doorway of Elisha’s room],
13 Elisha akamwambia, “Mwambie, 'Umetusumbukia kwa kutujali. Nini kifanyike kwa ajili yako? Tunaweza kukuombea kwa mfalme au amri jeshi?”” Akajibu, “Ninaishi miongoni mwa watu wangu.”
Elisha said to Gehazi, “Tell her that we both appreciate all the kind things that she has done for us. Then ask her what we can do for her. Ask, ‘Do you want [me to go to] the king or the army commander, to request something for you?’” [Gehazi told her, ] and she replied, “No, [he does not need to do that, because] my family/relatives are able to give me what I need.”
14 Kisha Elisha akajibu, “Tumfanyie nini kwa ajili yake, sasa?” Gehazi akajibu, “Kweli hana mtoto, na mume wake ni
[Later, ] Elisha asked Gehazi, “What do you think that we can do for that woman?” He replied, “She does not have a son, and her husband is an old man. [So maybe we should ask Yahweh to enable her to have a son].”
15 mzee.” Hivyo Elisha akajibu, “Mwite.” Wakati alipomuita, akasimama kwenye mlango.
Elisha told Gehazi, “Call her back again.” [So Gehazi went and called her]. And when the woman returned, as she stood in the doorway,
16 Elisha akasema, “Katika kipindi kama hiki mwakani, katika kipindi cha mwaka mmoja, utakuwa ukimkumbatia mtoto.” Akasema “Hapana, bwana wangu na mtu wa Mungu, usidanganye kwa mtumishi wako.”
Elisha said to her, “About this time next year you will be holding your [infant] son in your arms.” But she protested, “O, sir, you are a prophet [who brings messages] from God, so please do not deceive/lie to me by saying things like that!”
17 Lakini yule mwanamke akabeba mimba na kujifungua mtoto wakume kipindi hicho hicho katika mwaka uliofuata, kama Elisha alivyokuwa amemwambia.
But a few months later, the woman became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son at that time the following year, just like Elisha had predicted.
18 Wakati mtoto alipokuwa mkubwa, akaenda kwa baba yake siku moja, ambaye alikuwa na watu wanaovuna.
When the child was older, one day he went out to the fields to see his father, who was [working] with the men who were harvesting [grain].
19 Akamwambia baba yake, “Kichwa changu, kichwa changu.” Baba yake akamwambia mtumishi wake, “Mbebe mpeleke kwa mama yake.”
[Suddenly] the boy exclaimed, “My head [hurts]! My head [hurts a lot]!” His father said to one of the servants, “Carry him home to his mother!”
20 Wakati mtumishi alipombeba kumrudisha kwa mama yake, yule mtoto alikaa kwenye magoti yake hadi mchana na baada ya hapo mtoto alikufa.
So the servant carried him home, and his mother held him on her lap. But at noontime the boy died.
21 Hivyo yule mwanamke akambeba na kumlaza kwenye kile kitanda cha mtu wa Mungu, akafunga mlango, na kutoka nje.
She carried him up [the steps] to the prophet’s room and laid him on the bed. She left him there and went out and shut the door.
22 Akamwita mume wake, na kusema, “Tafadhali nitumie mmoja wa watumishi wako na moja ya punda wako ili niweze kuwahi kwa mtu wa Mungu ili niweze kurudi.”
She then called out to her husband, saying, “Send to me one of the servants and a donkey, so that I can ride [on it] quickly to the prophet, and then come back!” [But she did not tell her husband that their son had died].
23 Mume wake akasema, “Kwa nini unataka kwenda kwake leo? Sio mwezi mpya wala Sabato.” alijibu, “Itakuwa sawa.”
Her husband [called out to her and] said, “Why [do you want to go] today? This is not the day when we celebrate the Festival of the New Moon, and it is not a Sabbath day!” But she only replied, “[Just do what I requested and] everything will be all right.”
24 Ndipo akatandika kwenye punda na kumwambia mtumishi wake, “Mwendeshe haraka; usinipunguzie mwendo hadi nitakapokwambia ufanye hivyo.”
So she [told the servant to] put saddles on [two] donkeys, and as they left, she said, “Hurry! Do not slow down unless t tell you to do that!”
25 Hivyo alienda na kuja na mtu wa Mungu katika mlima Karmeli. Basi wakati mtu wa Mungu alipomuona kwa mbali, akamwambia Gehazi mtumishi wake, “Tazama, mwanamke Mshunami anakuja.
As they approached Carmel Mountain, where Elisha was, Elisha saw her in the distance. He said to Gehazi, “Look, the woman from Shunem is coming!
26 Tafadhali mkimbilie na umwambie, 'Hamjambo kwako pamoja na mume wako na mtoto wako?” Akajibu, “Hawajambo.”
Run to her, and ask her if everything is all right with her and her husband and with her child!” [So Gehazi ran to her and asked her, but she did not tell Gehazi anything.] She only said, “Yes, everything is fine.”
27 Baada ya kufika kwa huyo mtu wa Mungu katika mlima, alimkumbatia miguu yake. Gehazi akaja karibu ili kumuondoa lakini mtu wa Mungu akasema, “Muache, kwa kuwa amefadhaika sana. na Yahwe amenificha tatizo kwangu, na hajanambia kitu.”
But when she came to where Elisha was, she [prostrated herself on the ground in front of Elisha and] took hold of his feet. Gehazi started to push her away, but Elisha said, “(Do not push her away/Leave her alone)! Something is troubling her very much, but Yahweh has not told me what it is.”
28 Ndipo aksema, “Nilikuuliza mtoto wako, bwana wangu? Sikusema, 'Usinifiche'?
Then she said to Elisha, “O, sir, I did not ask you to enable me to give birth to a son [RHQ]. And I told you not to lie to me about that!” [RHQ]
29 Ndipo Elisha akamwambia Geahazi, “Vaa kwa ajili ya safari na uchukue fimbo yangu mkononi mwako. Nenda kwake. Kama ukimkuta mtu yeyote, usimsalimie, na kama mtu yeyote akikusalimia, usimjibu. Laza fimbo yangu kwenye uso wa mtoto.
Then Elisha [realized that something must have happened to her son. So he] said to Gehazi, “Get ready [to leave immediately]. Take my staff/walking stick and go [to her home]. Do not [stop to] talk to anyone on the way. Go quickly [to where her son is] and lay the staff on the child’s face. [If you do that, perhaps Yahweh will enable him to be well].”
30 Lakini mama yake na huyo mtoto akasema, “Kama Yahwe aishivyo, na kama uishivyo, sintokuacha.” Hivyo Elisha akainuka na kumfuata.
But the boy’s mother said, “Just [as certain] as Yahweh lives and you live, I will not go home if you do not go with me.” So Elisha returned with her [to her home].
31 Gehazi akawatangulia na kulaza ile fimbo kwneye uso wa yule mtoto, lakini yule mtoto hakuongea wala kusikia. Hivyo baada ya hapo Gehazi akarudi kuonana na Elisha na kumwambia akisema, “Mtoto hakuamka.”
Gehazi hurried quickly, and [when he got to the woman’s home, ] he laid the staff/walking stick on the child’s face, but the child did not move or say anything. So Gehazi returned to meet Elisha [along the road], and told him, “The child is still dead.”
32 Ndipo Elisha alipofika kwenye ile nyumba, yule mtoto alikuwa amekufa na alikuwa bado yupo kwenye kitanda.
When Elisha reached the house, he saw that the boy was lying dead on his bed.
33 Hivyo Elisha aliingia ndani na kufunga malango yeye mwenyewe na yule mtoto na kuomba kwa Yahwe.
Elisha went into the room by himself and shut the door and prayed to Yahweh.
34 Alipanda juu na kulala juu ya yule mtoto; aliweka mdomo wake kwenye mdomo wake, macho yake kweneye macho yake, na mikono yake kwenye mikono yake. Akajinyoosha yeye mwenyewe kwa yule kijna, na mwili wa yule mtoto ukaanza kupata joto.
Then he lay down on the boy’s body, and put his mouth on the boy’s mouth, and put his eyes on the boy’s eyes, and put his hands on the boy’s hands. Then the boy’s body started to become warm!
35 Baada ya hapo Elisha aliinuka na kuanza kutembea kuzunguka kile chumba na kurudi tena juu na kujinyoosha mwenyewe kwa yule kijana. Yule kijana alipiga chafya mara saba na kisha akafungua macho yake!
Elisha got up and walked back and forth in the room [several times]. Then he stretched his body on the boy’s body again. The boy sneezed seven times and opened his eyes!
36 Hivyo Elisha akamwita Gehazi na kumwambia, “Mwite yule Mshunami!” Hivyo akamwita, na wakati alipofika kwenye kile chumba, Elisha akasema, “Mchukue mtoto wako.”
Then Elisha summoned Gehazi. He said, “Call the boy’s mother!” [So Gehazi went and called her, ] and when she came in, Elisha said, “Here, take your son!”
37 Kisha akainamisha uso wake chini kwenye miguu yake na kusujudu, na kisha kumchukua mtoto wake na kuondoka.
She [gratefully] prostrated herself at Elisha’s feet. Then she picked up her son and carried him downstairs.
38 Kisha Elisha akarudi tena Gilgali. Kulikuwa na njaa katika nchi, na wana wa manabii walikuwa wamekaa mbele yake. Akamwambia mtumishi wake, “Weka sufuria kubwa kwenye moto na pika kwa ajili ya watoto wa manabii.”
Then Elisha returned to Gilgal. But at that time there was (a famine/very little food) in that area. One day as the group of prophets was sitting in front of Elisha [listening to what he was teaching], he said to his servant, “Put a large pot on [the stove] and make some stew for these men.”
39 Mmoja wao akaenda kwenye shamba kukusanya mboga mboga. Alikuta matango ya porini na kukusanya ya kutosha hadi alipojaza kwenye nguo yake. Walizikata na kuziweka kwenye sufuria, lakini hakujua zilikuwa za aina gani.
One of the prophets went out to the fields to gather some vegetables. But he gathered [only] some wild gourds and put them in his cloak and brought them back. He shredded them and put them in the pot, but he did not know that the gourds were poisonous.
40 Basi, wakawapakulia na kusambaziwa kwa watu kwa ajili ya kula. Baadae, kadiri walivyokuwa wakiendelea kula, walipiga kelele na kusema, “Mtu wa Mungu, kuna kifo kwenye sufuria!” Hivyo wasingeweza kula tena.
He served the stew to the prophets, but after the men had eaten only a couple bites, they cried out, “Elisha, there is something in the pot that will kill us!” So they would not eat it.
41 Lakini Elisha akasema, “Late unga.” Alitupia kwenye sufuria na kusema, “Pakua kwa watu kwa ajili ya kula, kwa hiyo wanaweza kula.” Kisha hapakuwa kitu chochote kibaya kwenye ile sufuria.
Elisha said, “Bring me some flour.” [They brought him some, and] he threw it in the pot and he said, “It is all right now. You can eat it.” And they ate it, and it did not harm them.
42 Akaja mtu kutoka Baal Shalisha kwa mtu wa Mungu na kumletea chakula cha kwanza cha mavuno yake mikate shirirni ya shayiri, na masuke mabichi kwenye gunia. Akasema, “Wape haya watu ili waweze kula.”
One day a man from Baal-Shalishah [town] brought to Elisha a sack of freshly cut grain and 20 loaves of barley bread, made from the first grain that they harvested [that year]. Elisha said [to his servant], “Give it to the group of prophets, so that they can eat it.”
43 Mtumishi wake akasema, “Je, niandae hii mbele ya watu mia moja?” Lakini Elisha akasema, “Wapeni hawa watu, ili waweze kula, kwa sabau Yahwe anasema, 'Watakula na kingine kitabaki.”'
But his servant exclaimed, “Do you think that we can feed 100 of us prophets with only that much?” [RHQ] But Elisha replied, “Give it to the prophets so that they can eat it, because Yahweh says that there will be plenty for all of them, and there will be some left over!”
44 Basi mtumishi wake akawaandalia mbele yao; wakala, na kuacha kingine kimebaki, kama neno la Yahwe lilivyokuwa limesema.
After his servant gave it to the prophets, they ate [all that they wanted], and there was food left over, just as Yahweh had promised.

< 2 Wafalme 4 >