< 1 Samweli 17 >

1 Basi Wafilisti walikusanya majeshi yao kwa ajili ya vita. Walikusanyika huko Soko, iliyoko Yuda. Nao wakapiga kambi kati ya Soko na Aseka katika Efesdamimu.
Now the Philistines gathered together their armies to battle, and were gathered together at Shochoh, which belongs to Judah, and pitched between Shochoh and Azekah, in Ephesdammim.
2 Sauli na watu wa Israeli alijikusanya na kuweka kambi katika bonde la Ela, na wakapanga vita kukutana na Wafilisti.
And Saul and the men of Israel were gathered together, and pitched by the valley of Elah, and set the battle in array against the Philistines.
3 Wafilisti walisimama juu ya mlima upande mmoja, na Iraeli nao walisimama juu ya mlima upande mwingine wakitenganishwa na bonde kati yao.
And the Philistines stood on a mountain on the one side, and Israel stood on a mountain on the other side: and there was a valley between them.
4 Mtu mmoja mwenye nguvu akatoka katika kambi ya Wafilisti, mtu huyo aliitwa Goliathi wa Gathi, kimo chake mikono sita na shubiri moja.
And there went out a champion out of the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.
5 Alikuwa na chepeo ya shaba kichwani mwake, na alivaa dirii ya chuma. Hiyo dirii ilikuwa na uzito wa shekeli elfu hamsini za shaba.
And he had an helmet of brass on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass.
6 Alikuwa na mabampa ya shaba kwenye miguu yake na mkuki wa shaba katikati ya mabega yake.
And he had greaves of brass on his legs, and a target of brass between his shoulders.
7 Ule mpini wa mkuki wake ulikuwa mkubwa, wenye kamba iliyo na kitanzi kwa ajili ya kuutupia kama kamba ya sindano ya mfumaji. Kichwa cha mkuki wake kilikuwa na uzito wa shekeli mia sita za chuma. Aliyembebea ngao alitembea mbele yake.
And the staff of his spear was like a weaver’s beam; and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron: and one bearing a shield went before him.
8 Alisimama akayapigia kelele majeshi ya Israeli, “Kwa nini mmekuja na mmejipanga kwa ajili ya vita? Mimi si Mfilisti, na ninyi si watumishi wa Sauli? Chagueni mtu kutoka kwenu ateremke na kuja kwangu.
And he stood and cried to the armies of Israel, and said to them, Why are you come out to set your battle in array? am not I a Philistine, and you servants to Saul? choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me.
9 Kama anaweza kupigana nami na kuniua, hapo ndipo tutakuwa watumwa wenu. Lakini kama nitamshinda na kumuua, basi mtakuwa watumwa wetu na kututumikia.”
If he be able to fight with me, and to kill me, then will we be your servants: but if I prevail against him, and kill him, then shall you be our servants, and serve us.
10 Mfilisti huyo akasema tena, “Leo ninayapa changamoto majeshi ya Israeli. Mnipe mtu ili tuweze kupigana naye.”
And the Philistine said, I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together.
11 Sauli na Israeli wote waliposikia alichosema Mfilisti huyo, walikata tamaa na kuogopa sana.
When Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly afraid.
12 Basi Daudi alikuwa mwana wa Mwefraimu wa Bethtelehemu ya Yuda, aliyeitwa Yese. Naye alikuwa na watoto wanane wa kiume. Yese alikuwa mtu mzee katika siku za Sauli, mwenye umri mkubwa kati ya watu.
Now David was the son of that Ephrathite of Bethlehemjudah, whose name was Jesse; and he had eight sons: and the man went among men for an old man in the days of Saul.
13 Watoto watatu wakubwa wa Yese walimfuata Sauli vitani. Majina ya watoto wake watatu waliokwenda vitani yalikwa ni Eliabu mzaliwa wa kwanza, aliyemfuata Abinadabu, na watatu aliitwa Shama.
And the three oldest sons of Jesse went and followed Saul to the battle: and the names of his three sons that went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn, and next to him Abinadab, and the third Shammah.
14 Daudi ndiye aliyekuwa mdogo kabisa. Hao wakubwa watatu walimfuata Sauli.
And David was the youngest: and the three oldest followed Saul.
15 Basi Daudi alikwenda na kurudi akipita kati ya majeshi ya Sauli akiwa na kondoo za baba yake huko Bethtelehemu, ili kuwachunga.
But David went and returned from Saul to feed his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.
16 Kwa muda wa siku arobaini yule Mfilisti mwenye nguvu alikuwa akijitokeza asubuhi na jioni kwa ajili ya vita.
And the Philistine drew near morning and evening, and presented himself forty days.
17 Kisha Yese akamwambia mwanawe Daudi, “Wapelekee kaka zako efa ya bisi na hii mikate kumi, na uzipeleke upesi kule kambini kwa ajili ya kaka zako.
And Jesse said to David his son, Take now for your brothers an ephah of this parched corn, and these ten loaves, and run to the camp of your brothers;
18 Pia peleka hizi jibini kumi kwa jemedari wa kikosi chao cha elfu. Ukawaangalie wako na hali gani kisha uniletee habari kuhusu wanavyoendelea vizuri.
And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and look how your brothers fare, and take their pledge.
19 Kaka zako wako pamoja na Sauli na watu wote wa Israeli katika bonde la Ela, wanapigana na Wafilisti.”
Now Saul, and they, and all the men of Israel, were in the valley of Elah, fighting with the Philistines.
20 Daudi aliamka asubuhi na mapema na kuliacha kundi chini ya uangalizi wa mchungaji. Akachukua vile vitu na kuondoka, kama Yese alivyomwamuru. Akafika kambini wakati jeshi linaondoka kwenda uwanja wa vita wakipiga kelele za vita.
And David rose up early in the morning, and left the sheep with a keeper, and took, and went, as Jesse had commanded him; and he came to the trench, as the host was going forth to the fight, and shouted for the battle.
21 Nao Israeli na Wafilisti walijipanga kivita, jeshi dhidi ya jeshi.
For Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in array, army against army.
22 Daudi aliviacha vitu vyake kwa mtunza mahitaji, akalikimbilia jeshi, na kuwasalimia kaka zake.
And David left his carriage in the hand of the keeper of the carriage, and ran into the army, and came and saluted his brothers.
23 Alipoongea nao, yule mtu mwenye nguvu, Mfilisti wa Gathi, jina lake Goliathi, akajitokeza kutoka majeshi ya Wafilisti, naye akasema maneno yaleyale kama hapo mwanzo. Naye Daudi akayasikia.
And as he talked with them, behold, there came up the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, out of the armies of the Philistines, and spoke according to the same words: and David heard them.
24 Watu wote wa Israeli walipomwona Goliathi, walimkimbia na waliogopa sana.
And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him, and were sore afraid.
25 Watu wa Israeli walisema, “Umemuona mtu huyu aliyejitokeza? Amekuja kuipa changamoto Israeli. Basi mfalme atampa mali nyingi mtu atakayemua, atamuozesha binti yake, na familia ya baba yake haitalipa kodi katika Israeli.”
And the men of Israel said, Have you seen this man that is come up? surely to defy Israel is he come up: and it shall be, that the man who kills him, the king will enrich him with great riches, and will give him his daughter, and make his father’s house free in Israel.
26 Daudi akawauliza watu waliosimama karibu naye, “Atafanyiwa nini mtu ambaye atamuua Mfilisti huyu na kuiondolea Israeli fedheha? Ni nani Mfilisti huyu asiyetahiriwa ayatukanaye majeshi ya Mungu aliye hai?”
And David spoke to the men that stood by him, saying, What shall be done to the man that kills this Philistine, and takes away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?
27 Ndipo watu wakarudia kile walichokuwa wamesema na kumwambia, “Ndivyo iitakavyofanyika kwa mtu atakayemuua.”
And the people answered him after this manner, saying, So shall it be done to the man that kills him.
28 Kaka yake mkubwa Eliabu, alisikia wakati akisema na watu. Hasira ya Eliabu ikawaka moto dhidi ya Daudi, naye akamuuliza, “Kwa nini umekuja hapa? Wale kondoo wachache umewaacha na nani huko nyikani? Nakijua kiburi chako, na utundu wa moyo wako; maana umekuja hapa ili uweze kuona mapigano.”
And Eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men; and Eliab’s anger was kindled against David, and he said, Why came you down here? and with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride, and the naughtiness of your heart; for you are come down that you might see the battle.
29 Naye Daudi akamjibu, “Nimefanya nini sasa? Mimi si nuliuliza swali tu?
And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?
30 Akamgeukia mtu mwingine na kumwacha huyo, na kusema vivyo hivyo. Nao watu wakajibu vilevile kama mwanzo.
And he turned from him toward another, and spoke after the same manner: and the people answered him again after the former manner.
31 Maneno aliyosema Daudi yaliposikika, askari waliyasema tena kwa Sauli, naye akawatuma kwa Daudi.
And when the words were heard which David spoke, they rehearsed them before Saul: and he sent for him.
32 Kisha Daudi akamwambia Sauli, “Pasiwepo moyo wa mtu atakayezimia kwa sababu ya Mfilisti huyo; Mtumishi wako atakwenda kupigana na Mfilisti huyu.”
And David said to Saul, Let no man’s heart fail because of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.
33 Sauli akamwambia Daudi, “Huwezi kumpinga Mfilisti ama kupigana naye; wewe ni kijana tu, na yeye amekuwa mtu wa vita tangu ujana wake.”
And Saul said to David, You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for you are but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.
34 Lakini Daudi akamwambia Sauli, “Mtumishi wako alikuwa akichunga kondoo za baba yake. Mara simba au dubu alikuja akamchukua mwana kondoo kutoka kundini,
And David said to Saul, Your servant kept his father’s sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock:
35 Nilimfukuza na kumshambulia na kumpokonya kutoka kinywani mwake. Na aliponirukia, nilimshika ndevu zake, nilimpiga, na kumuua.
And I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him.
36 Mtumishi wako amekwisha kmuua simba na dubu. N huyu Mfilisti asiyetahiriwa atakuwa kama mmoja wa wanyama hao, kwa kuwa ameyadharau majeshi ya Mungu aliye hai.”
Your servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.
37 Daudi akasema, “BWANA aliyeniokoa kutoka makucha ya simba na makucha ya dubu. Ataniokoa kutoka mkono wa Mfilisti huyu.” Kisha Sauli akamwambia Daudi, “Nenda, BWANA awe pamoja nawe.”
David said moreover, The LORD that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David, Go, and the LORD be with you.
38 Sauli akamvika Daudi vazi lake la vita. Akamvika chepeo ya shaba kichwani pake, na akamvika koti la chuma.
And Saul armed David with his armor, and he put an helmet of brass on his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail.
39 Daudi akaufunga upanga wake juu ya vazi la Sauli. Lakini hakuweza kutembea, kwa sababu hakupata mafunzo kwa mavazi hayo. Ndipo Daudi akamwambia Sauli, “Siwezi kwenda kupigana nikiwa na haya, maana sikupata mafunzo kwa haya.” Kwa hiyo Daudi akayavua.
And David girded his sword on his armor, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved it. And David said to Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved them. And David put them off him.
40 Akachukua fimbo mkononi mwake na akachagua mawe matano laini kutoka katika kijito; akayaweka kwenye mfuko wake wa kichungaji. Kombeo lake lilikuwa mkononi akawa anamsogelea yule Mfilisti.
And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag which he had, even in a money; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine.
41 Yule Mfilisti akaja na kumsogelea Daudi, mbeba ngao yake akiwa mbele yake.
And the Philistine came on and drew near to David; and the man that bore the shield went before him.
42 Mfilisti alipotazama kila upande na kumuona Daudi, akamdharau, maana alikuwa kijana tu, mwekundu, na umbo la kupendeza.
And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.
43 Ndipo Mfilisti akamuuliza Daudi, “Je, mimi ni mbwa, hata ukanijia na fimbo? Naye Mfilisti kwa miungu yake akamlaani Daudi.
And the Philistine said to David, Am I a dog, that you come to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
44 Huyo Mfilisti akamwambia Daudi, “Njoo kwangu, na nyama yako nitawatupia ndege wa angani na wanyama wa mwituni.”
And the Philistine said to David, Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the fowls of the air, and to the beasts of the field.
45 Daudi akamjibu Mfilisti, “Unaniijia kwa upanga, kwa mkuki na mkuki mdogo. Bali mimi nakuijia kwa jina la BWANA wa majeshi, Mungu wa Majeshi ya Israeli, uliyemdharau.
Then said David to the Philistine, You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.
46 Leo BWANA atanipa ushindi dhidi yako, na nitakuua na kukiondoa kichwa chako kwenye kiwiliwili. Leo nitawapa ndege wa angani na wanyama wa mwituni walioko duniani mizoga ya jeshi la Wafilisti, ili dunia yote ijue kwamba yupo Mungu katika Israeli,
This day will the LORD deliver you into my hand; and I will smite you, and take your head from you; and I will give the carcasses of the host of the Philistines this day to the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
47 na kusanyiko hili lote lijue kwamba BWANA hatoi ushindi kwa upanga wala kwa mkuki. Kwa kuwa vita ni ya BWANA, na atawaweka katika mkono wetu.”
And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands.
48 Mfilisti aliponyanyuka na kukaribia akutane na Daudi, ndipo Daudi akakimbia kwa haraka kuelekea jeshi la adui ili akutane naye.
And it came to pass, when the Philistine arose, and came, and drew near to meet David, that David hastened, and ran toward the army to meet the Philistine.
49 Daudi aliweka mkono wake mfukoni, akachukua jiwe kutoka humo, akalitupa kwa kombeo, na likampiga Mfilisti kwenye paji la uso, akaanguka chini kifudifudi.
And David put his hand in his bag, and took there a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sunk into his forehead; and he fell on his face to the earth.
50 Daudi alimshinda Mfilisti kwa kombeo na kwa jiwe moja. Alimpiga huyo Mfilisti na kumuua. Mkononi mwa Daudi hakukuwa na upanga.
So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David.
51 Ndipo Daudi akakimbia akasimama juu ya Mfilisti na kutwaa upanga wake, akauchomoa kutoka alani, akamuua, na kukata kichwa chake kwa upanga huo.
Therefore David ran, and stood on the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled.
52 Ndipo watu wa Israeli na wale wa Yuda wakaamka kwa kelele, na kuwafukuza Wafilisti kuvuka bonde na malango ya Ekroni. Na maiti za Wafilisti walilala katika njia iendayo Shaaraimu, na njia yote kuelekea Gathi na Ekroni.
And the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until you come to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim, even to Gath, and to Ekron.
53 Watu wa Israeli wakarejea kutoka kuwafukuza Wafilisti, na wakateka nyara kambi yao.
And the children of Israel returned from chasing after the Philistines, and they spoiled their tents.
54 Daudi akachukua kichwa cha Mfilisti na kukipeleka Yerusalemu, lakini akaliweka vazi la vita katika hema lake.
And David took the head of the Philistine, and brought it to Jerusalem; but he put his armor in his tent.
55 Sauli alipomuona Daudi akienda kukabiliana na yule Mfilisti, akamwambia Abneri, jemedari wa jeshi, “Abneri, kijana huyu ni mtoto wa nani? Abneri akasema, “Kama uishivyo, mfalme, mimi sijui.”
And when Saul saw David go forth against the Philistine, he said to Abner, the captain of the host, Abner, whose son is this youth? And Abner said, As your soul lives, O king, I cannot tell.
56 Naye mfalme akasema, “Waulize wanaoweza kufahamu, mvulana huyu ni kijana wa nani.”
And the king said, Inquire you whose son the stripling is.
57 Daudi aliporudi kutoka kumuua yule Mfilisti, Abneri alimchukuwa, na kumleta mbele ya Sauli akiwa na kichwa cha Mfilisti mkononi mwake.
And as David returned from the slaughter of the Philistine, Abner took him, and brought him before Saul with the head of the Philistine in his hand.
58 Sauli akamuuliza, “Kijana, wewe ni mtoto wa nani? Na Daudi akamjibu, “Mimi ni mtoto wa mtumishi wako Yese Mbethlehemu.”
And Saul said to him, Whose son are you, you young man? And David answered, I am the son of your servant Jesse the Bethlehemite.

< 1 Samweli 17 >