< 1 Wakorintho 1 >
1 Paulo, aliyeitwa na Kristo Yesu kuwa mtume kwa mapenzi ya Mungu, na Sosthene ndugu yetu,
To the church of God in Corinth, to those who have been consecrated by union with Christ Jesus and called to become his people, and also to all, wherever they may be, who invoke the name of our Lord Jesus Christ – their Master and ours,
2 kwa kanisa la Mungu lililoko Korintho, kwa wale ambao wamewekwa wakfu katika Yesu Kristo, ambao wameitwa kuwa watu watakatifu. Tunawaandikia pia wale wote wanaoliitia jina la Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo katika mahali pote, Bwana wao na wetu.
from Paul, who has been called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and from Sosthenes, our fellow follower of the Lord.
3 Neema na amani iwe kwenu kutoka kwa Mungu baba yetu na Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
May God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and give you peace.
4 Siku zote namshukru Mungu wangu kwa ajili yenu, kwa sababu ya neema ya Mungu ambayo Kristo Yesu aliwapa.
I always thank God for you. I thank him for the blessing bestowed on you in Christ Jesus.
5 Amewafanya kuwa matajiri katika kila njia, katika usemi na pamoja maarifa yote.
For through union with him you were enriched in every way – in your power to preach, and in your knowledge of the truth;
6 Amewafanya matajiri, kama ushuhuda kuhusu Kristo ya kwamba amethibitishwa kuwa kweli miongoni mwenu.
and so became yourselves a confirmation of my testimony to the Christ.
7 Kwa hiyo hampungukiwi karama za kiroho, kama mlivyo na hamu ya kusubiri ufunuo wa Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
There is no gift in which you are deficient, while waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed.
8 Atawaimarisha ninyi pia hadi mwisho, ili msilaumiwe siku ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
And God himself will strengthen you to the end, so that at the day of our Lord Jesus Christ you may be found blameless.
9 Mungu ni mwaminifu ambaye aliwaita ninyi katika ushirika wa mwana wake, Yesu Kristo Bwana wetu.
God will not fail you, and it is he who called you into communion with his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
10 Sasa nawasihi kaka na dada zangu, kupitia jina la Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, kwamba wote mkubali, na kwamba kusiwe na migawanyiko miongoni mwenu. Nawasihi kwamba muungane pamoja katika nia moja na katika kusudi moja.
But I appeal to you, my friends, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to agree in what you profess, and not to allow divisions to exist among you, but to be united – of one mind and of one opinion.
11 Kwani watu wa nyumba ya Kloe wamenitaarifu kuwa kuna mgawanyiko unaoendelea miongoni mwenu.
For I have been informed, my friends, by the members of Chloe’s household, that party feeling exists among you.
12 Nina maana hii: Kila mmoja wenu husema, “Mimi ni wa Paulo,” au “Mimi ni wa Apolo”, au “Mimi ni wa Kefa” au “Mimi ni wa Kristo”.
I mean this: that every one of you says either ‘I follow Paul,’ or ‘I Apollos,’ or ‘I Cephas,’ or ‘I Christ.’
13 Je! Kristo amegawanyika? Je! Paulo alisulubiwa kwa ajili yenu? Je! Mlibatizwa kwa jina la Paulo?
You have torn the Christ in pieces! Was it Paul who was crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
14 Namshukuru Mungu kuwa sikumbatiza yeyote, isipokuwa Krispo na Gayo.
I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius,
15 Hii ilikuwa kwamba hakuna yeyote angesema mlibatizwa kwa jina langu.
so that no one can say that you were baptized in my name.
16 (Pia niliwabatiza wa nyumba ya Stephania. Zaidi ya hapo, sijui kama nilimbatiza mtu mwingine yeyote).
I baptized also the household of Stephanas. I do not know that I baptized anyone else.
17 Kwa kuwa, Kristo hakunituma kubatiza bali kuhubiri injili. Hakunituma kuhubiri kwa maneno ya hekima ya kibinadamu, ili kwamba nguvu ya msalaba wa Kristo isiondolewe.
My mission from Christ was not to baptize, but to tell the good news; not, however, in the language of philosophy, in case the cross of the Christ should be robbed of its meaning.
18 Kwa kuwa ujumbe wa msalaba ni upuuzi kwa wale wanaokufa. Lakini kwa wale ambao Mungu anawaokoa, ni nguvu ya Mungu.
The message of the cross is indeed mere folly to those who are on the path to ruin, but to us who are on the path of salvation it is the power of God.
19 Kwa kuwa imeandikwa, “Nitaiharibu hekima ya wenye busara. Nitauharibu ufahamu wa wenye akili.”
For scripture says – ‘I will bring the philosophy of the philosophers to naught, and the shrewdness of the shrewd I will bring to nothing.’
20 Yuko wapi mtu mwenye busara? Yuko wapi mwenye elimu? Yuko wapi msemaji mshawishi wa dunia hii? Je, Mungu hakuigeuza hekima ya dunia hii kuwa ujinga? (aiōn )
Where is the philosopher? Where the teacher of the Law? Where the disputant of today? Has not God shown the world’s philosophy to be folly? (aiōn )
21 Tangu dunia imekuwa katika hekima yake haikumjua Mungu, ilimpendeza Mungu katika ujinga wao wa kuhubiri ili kuokoa wale wanaoamini.
For since the world, in God’s wisdom, did not by its philosophy learn to know God, God saw fit, by the ‘folly’ of our proclamation, to save those who believe in Christ!
22 Kwa Wayahudi huuliza ishara za miujiza na kwa Wayunani hutafuta hekima.
While Jews ask for miraculous signs, and Greeks study philosophy,
23 Lakini tunamhubiri Kristo aliyesulubiwa, aliye kikwazo kwa Wayahudi na ni ujinga kwa Wayunani.
we are proclaiming Christ crucified! – to the Jews an obstacle, to the Gentiles mere folly,
24 Lakini kwa wale ambao waliitwa na Mungu, Wayahudi na Wayunani, tunamhubiri Kristo kama nguvu na hekima ya Mungu.
but to those who have received the call, whether Jews or Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God!
25 Kwa kuwa ujinga wa Mungu una hekima kuliko ya wanadamu, na udhaifu wa Mungu una nguvu zaidi ya wanadamu.
For God’s ‘folly’ is wiser than people, and God’s ‘weakness’ is stronger than people.
26 Angalia wito wa Mungu juu yenu, kaka na dada zangu. Si wengi wenu mlikuwa na hekima katika viwango vya kibinadamu. Si wengi wenu mlikuwa na nguvu. Si wengi wenu mlizaliwa katika ukuu.
Look at the facts of your call, friends. There are not many among you who are wise, as people reckon wisdom, not many who are influential, not many who are high-born;
27 Lakini Mungu alichagua vitu vijinga vya dunia ili kuviaibisha vyenye hekima. Mungu alichagua kilicho dhaifu katika dunia kukiaibisha chenye nguvu.
but God chose what the world counts foolish to put its wise to shame, and God chose what the world counts weak to put its strong to shame,
28 Mungu alichagua kile kilicho cha hali ya chini na kilichodharauliwa katika dunia. Alichagua hata vitu ambavyo havikuhesabiwa kuwa kitu, kwa kuvifanya si kitu vitu vilivyo na thamani.
and God chose what the world counts poor and insignificant – things that to it are unreal – to bring its ‘realities’ to nothing,
29 Alifanya hivi ili asiwepo yeyote aliye na sababu ya kujivuna mbele zake.
so that in his presence no one should boast.
30 Kwa sababu ya kile Mungu alichofanya, sasa mko ndani ya Kristo Yesu, ambaye amefanyika hekima kwa ajili yetu kutoka kwa Mungu. Alikuwa haki yetu, utakatifu na ukombozi.
But you, by your union with Christ Jesus, belong to God; and Christ, by God’s will, became not only our wisdom, but also our righteousness, holiness, and deliverance,
31 Kama matokeo, kama andiko lisemavyo, “Anayejisifu, ajisifu katika Bwana.”
so that – in the words of scripture – ‘Whoever boasts should boast of the Lord!’