< 1 Nyakati 17 >

1 Ikawa baada ya mfalme kuwa katika nyumba yake, akasema kwa Nathani yule nabii, “Angalia, nina ishi katika nyumba iliyo jengwa na mierezi, lakini sanduku la agano la Yahweh lipo kwenye chini ya hema.”
Nowe afterward when Dauid dwelt in his house, he saide to Nathan the Prophet, Beholde, I dwell in an house of cedar trees, but the Arke of the Lordes couenant remaineth vnder curtaines.
2 Kisha Nathani akasema kwa Daudi, Nenda, fanya yalio moyoni mwako, kwa kuwa Mungu yupo nawe.”
Then Nathan said to Dauid, Do all that is in thine heart: for God is with thee.
3 Lakini usiku huo neno la Mungu lilimjia Nathani, nakusema,
And the same night euen the word of God came to Nathan, saying,
4 “Nenda umwambie Daudi mtumishi wangu, 'Hivi ndivyo Yahweh asemavyo: Hautanijengea nyumba ya kuishi.
Goe, and tell Dauid my seruant, Thus saith the Lord, Thou shalt not buylde me an house to dwell in:
5 Kwa kuwa sijaishi katika nyumba toka ile siku niliyo ileta Israeli hadi leo. Badala yake, nimeishi ndani ya hema, hema la kukusanyikia, sehemu mbali mbali.
For I haue dwelt in no house, since the day that I brought out the childre of Israel vnto this daye, but I haue bene from tent to tent, and from habitation to habitation.
6 Katika sehemu zote nilizo enda na Israeli, niliwai kusema lolote kwa viongozi wa Israeli niliyo wachagua kuwa chunga watu wangu, kwa kusema, “Kwa nini haujanijengea mimi nyumba ya mierezi?””
Wheresoeuer I haue walked with all Israel spake I one word to any of the iudges of Israel (whome I commanded to feede my people) saying, Why haue ye not built mee an house of cedar trees?
7 “Kisha sasa, mwambie mtumishi wangu Daudi, 'Hili ndilo Yahweh wa majeshi anasema: Nilikuchugua kutoka malishoni, kufuata kondoo, ilikwamba uwe mtawala wa watu wangu Waisraeli.
Nowe therefore thus shalt thou say vnto my seruant Dauid, Thus saith the Lord of hostes, I tooke thee from the sheepecoat and from following the sheepe, that thou shouldest bee a prince ouer my people Israel.
8 Nimekuwa nawe pote ulipo enda na nimewakata maadui zako wote, na na nitakufanyia jina, kama jina la wakuu wa dunia.
And I haue bene with thee whithersoeuer thou hast walked, and haue destroyed all thine enemies out of thy sight, and haue made thee a name, like the name of the great men that are in the earth.
9 Nitachagua sehemu ya watu wangu Israeli na nitawapanda hapo, iliwaishi sehemu yao na wasisumbuke tena. Watu wa ovu hawata watesa tena, kama walivyo fanya mwanzo,
(Also I will appoynt a place for my people Israel, and will plant it, that they may dwell in their place, and moue no more: neither shall the wicked people vexe them any more, as at the beginning,
10 kama walivyo kuwa wakifanya toka siku zile nilipo waamuru waamuzi kuwa juu ya watu wangu Waisraeli. Kisha nitawatiisha maadui zako wote. Zaidi sana nina kwambia kwamba mimi, Yahweh, nitakujengea nyumba.
And since the time that I commanded iudges ouer my people Israel) And I wil subdue all thine enemies: therefore I say vnto thee, that the Lord wil buylde thee an house.
11 Itakuja kuwa hapo siku zako zitapo timia za wewe kwenda kwa baba zako, nitainua uzao wako baada yako, na mmoja wa uzao wako nitaimarisha ufalme wake.
And when thy dayes shalbe fulfilled to go with thy fathers, then will I rayse vp thy seede after thee, which shalbe of thy sonnes, and will stablish his kingdome.
12 Yeye atanijengea nyumba, na nitaimarisha kiti chake cha enzi milele.
He shall builde me an house, and I will stablish his throne for euer.
13 Nitakuwa baba kwake, naye atakuwa mwana wangu. Sitaondoa uwaminifu wa Agano langu kwake, kama nilivyo ondoa kwa Sauli, aliye tawala kabla yako.
I wil be his father, and he shalbe my sonne, aud I will not take my mercie away from him, as I tooke it from him that was before thee.
14 Nitamweka juu ya nyumba yangu na katika ufalme wangu milele, na kiti chake cha enzi kitaimarishwa milele.”
But I wil establish him in mine house, and in my kingdome for euer, and his throne shalbe stablished for euer,
15 Nathani akanena haya kwa Daudi na kumtaarifu, na akamwambia kuhusu maono yote.
According to all these wordes, and according to al this vision. So Nathan spake to Dauid.
16 Kisha Daudi mfalme akaenda ndani na kuketi mbele za Yahweh; akasema, “Mimi ni nani, Yahweh Mungu, na familia yangu ni nini, hadi unilete umbali huu?
And Dauid the King went in and sate before the Lord and said, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is mine house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?
17 Hili lilikuwa jambo dogo machoni pako, Mungu. Umezungumzia familia ya mtumishi wako kwa muda mrefu ujao, na umenionyesha vizazi vijavyo, Yahweh Mungu.
Yet thou esteeming this a small thing, O God, hast also spoken concerning the house of thy seruaut for a great while, and hast regarded me according to the estate of a man of hie degree, O Lord God.
18 Nini zaidi mimi, Daudi, niseme? Umemheshimu mtumishi wako. Umemtambua kwa kipekee mtumishi wako.
What can Dauid desire more of thee for the honour of thy seruant? for thou knowest thy seruant.
19 Yahweh, kwa ajili ya mtumishi wako, na kutimiza kusudi lako, umefanya hili ilikudhihirisha matendo yako makuu.
O Lord, for thy seruantes sake, euen according to thine heart hast thou done all this great thing to declare all magnificence.
20 Yahweh, hakuna aliye kama wewe, na hakuna Mungu zaidi yako, kama tulivyo sikia mara zote.
Lord, there is none like thee, neither is there any God besides thee, according to all that we haue heard with our eares.
21 Ni taifa gani duniani kama watu wako Israeli, ambaye wewe, Mungu, uliwaokoa kutoka Misri iliwawe watu wako, kujifanyia jina lako kwa matendo makuu na yahajabu? Uliondoa mataifa mbele za watu wako, uliye waokoa kutoka Misri.
Moreouer what one nation in the earth is like thy people Israel, whose God went to redeeme them to be his people, and to make thy selfe a Name, and to doe great and terrible things by casting out nations from before thy people, whom thou hast deliuered out of Egypt?
22 Ulifanya Israeli watu wako milele, na wewe, Yahweh, ukawa Mungu wao.
For thou hast ordeined thy people Israel to be thine owne people for euer, and thou Lord art become their God.
23 Hivyo sasa, Yahweh, ile ahadi uliyo iweka kuhusu mtumishi wako na nyumba yake itimizwe milele. Fanya kama ulivyo nena.
Therefore nowe Lord, let the thing that thou hast spoken concerning thy seruant and concerning his house, be confirmed for euer, and doe as thou hast sayd,
24 Jina lako na litukuzwe milele na kuwa kuu, ili watu waseme, 'Yahweh wa majeshi ni Mungu wa Israeli,' na nyumba yangu, mimi Daudi, mtumishi wako ikiwa imeimarishwa mbele zako.
And let thy name be stable and magnified for euer, that it may be sayd, The Lord of hostes, God of Israel, is the God of Israel, and let the house of Dauid thy seruant bee stablished before thee.
25 Kwa kuwa wewe, Mungu wangu, umedhihirisha kwa mtumishi wako utamjengea nyumba. Hiyo ndio sababu, mimi mtumishi wako, nimepata ujasiri wa kuomba kwako.
For thou, O my God, hast reueiled vnto the eare of thy seruant, that thou wilt builde him an house: therefore thy seruant hath bene bolde to pray before thee.
26 Sasa, Yahweh, wewe ni Mungu, na umefanya hii ahadi nzuri kwa mtumishi wako:
Therefore nowe Lord (for thou art God, and hast spoken this goodnesse vnto thy seruant)
27 Sasa imekupendeza kubariki nyumba ya mtumishi wako, iliiendelee milele mbele zako. Wewe, Yahweh, umeibariki, na itabarikiwa milele.”
Now therfore, it hath pleased thee to blesse the house of thy seruant, that it may bee before thee for euer: for thou, O Lord, hast blessed it, and it shalbe blessed for euer.

< 1 Nyakati 17 >