< 1 Nyakati 16 >

1 Wakaleta ndani Sanduku la Mungu na kuweka katika ya hema ambalo Daudi aliandaa. Kisha wakatoa sadaka ya kuteketeza na sadaka ya ushirika mbele ya Mungu.
They brought the Sacred Chest [to Gibeon] and put it inside the Sacred Tent that David had [told his workers to] set up. Then they brought offerings to be completely burned [on the altar] and offerings to enable them to maintain fellowship [with God].
2 Daudi alipo maliza kutoa dhabiu ya kuteketeza na sadaka za ushirika, aliwabariki watu kwa jina la Yahweh.
When David had finished presenting all those offerings, he [asked Yahweh to] bless the people.
3 Alisambaza kwa kila Misraeli, mwanaume na mwanamke, kipande cha mkate, na kipande cha nyama, na keki ya mzabibu.
He gave a loaf of bread, some dates, and some raisins to every Israeli man and woman [who was there].
4 Daudi aliewapangia baadhi ya Walawi kutumika mbele ya sanduku la Yahweh, na kusheherekea, kushukuru na kumsifu Yahweh, Mungu wa Israeli.
Then David appointed some of the descendants of Levi to stand in front of [the Sacred Tent in which] the Sacred Chest [had been placed], to lead the people who worshiped and thanked and praised Yahweh, the God of the Israeli people.
5 Hawa Walawi walikuwa Asafu kiongozi, wa pili kutoka kwake Zekaria, Yeieli, Shemiramothi, Yehieli, Matithia, Eliabu, Benaia, Obedi Edomu, na Yeieli. Hawa walikuwa wacheze na vyombo vya uzi na vinubi. Asafu alikuwa apige upatu, kwa kelele.
Asaph, who played the cymbals, was their leader. Zechariah was his assistant. The other descendants of Levi [who helped Asaph] were Jaaziel, Shemiramoth, Jehiel, Mattithiah, Eliab, Benaiah, Obed-Edom, and Jeiel. They played lyres and harps.
6 Benaia na Yahazieli walikuwa wakupiga tarumbeta kila mara, mbele sanduku la agano la Mungu.
Benaiah and Jahaziel were priests who blew trumpets frequently in front of [the Sacred Tent in which was] the Sacred Chest.
7 Kisha katika hiyo siku Daudi akawachagua Asafu na kaka zake kuimba hii nyimbo ya shukurani kwa Yahweh.
On that day, David gave to Asaph and his helpers this psalm to praise Yahweh:
8 Mpeni shukurani Yahweh, liitieni jina lake; fahamisheni mataifa matendo yake.
Thank God, and pray to him [MTY]. Tell the people of all nations what he has done.
9 Mwiimbieni, imbeni sifa kwake; semeni matendo yake ya ajabu.
Sing to him; sing songs to praise him. Tell about all his miraculous deeds.
10 Jisifuni katika jina lake takatifu; mioyo ya wanao mtafuta Yahweh ishangilie.
Be glad that you belong to him [MTY]; those who want to know Yahweh better should rejoice.
11 Mtafute Yahweh na nguvu zake; tafuteni uwepo wake siku zote.
Trust in Yahweh and in his power; continually seek to get help from him.
12 Kumbukeni matendo aliyo ya fanya kwenu, miujiza yake na amri za kinywa chake,
Do not forget the wonderful things that he has done, the miracles and the just laws that he has given to us.
13 enyi uzao wa Israeli mtumishi wake, enyi watu wa Yakobo, wateule wake.
We people are the descendants of his servant Jacob; we are the people of Israel whom he has chosen.
14 Yeye ni Yahweh, Mungu wetu. Amri zake zipo duniani kote.
Yahweh is our God. His just/fair laws are known by people throughout the world.
15 Tunzeni agano lake akilini mwenu milele, neno alilo liamuru kwa vizazi elfu moja.
He never forgets the agreement that he has made: he made a promise that will last for 1,000 generations.
16 Anakumbuka agano alilo lifanya na Ibrahimu, na nadhiri yake kwake Isaka.
That is the agreement that he made with Abraham, and he repeated that agreement to Isaac.
17 Hili ndilo alilo lithibitisha kwa Yakobo kama amri maalumu, na kwa Israeli kama agano la milele.
It was an agreement for the Israeli people, and he wanted that agreement to endure forever.
18 Alisema, “Nitakupa nchi ya Kanani kama sehemu ya urithi wako.”
What he said was, “I will give the Canaan region to you, to belong to you [and your descendants forever].”
19 Nilisema hili mlipo kuwa wachache kwa idadi, wachache sana, mlipo kuwa wageni katika nchi.
[He said that to them] when there were only a few of them, a tiny group of people who were living in that land (like strangers/that belonged to other people);
20 Walienda taifa hadi taifa, kutoka ufalme mmoja hadi mwingine.
they continued to wander from one place to another, from one kingdom to another.
21 Hakuwaruhusu yeyote awatese; aliwahadhibu wafalme kwa ajili yao.
But he did not allow others to oppress them, and he warned kings by saying to them,
22 Alisema, “Msiwaguse wapakwa mafuta wangu, na msiwadhuru manabii wangu.”
“Do not harm the people whom I have chosen! Do not harm my prophets!”
23 Imbeni kwa Yahweh, dunia yote; tangazeni wokovu wake siku hadi siku.
You people throughout the world, sing to Yahweh. Every day proclaim [to others] that he has saved us.
24 Kirini utukufu wake kwa mataifa, matendo yake makuu kwa mataifa yote.
Tell the people of the nations that he is great; tell all the people-groups the marvelous things [that he has done].
25 Kwa kuwa Yahweh ni mkuu na ni wakusifiwa sana, na ni wakuogopewa kuliko miungu yote.
Yahweh is great, and he deserves to be praised very much. He should be revered more than all the gods,
26 Kwa kuwa miungu ya mataifa ni sanamu, lakini ni Yahweh aliye umba mbingu.
because all the gods that the [other] people-groups [worship] are only idols, but Yahweh [is truly great; he] created the skies.
27 Uzuri wa ajabu na utukufu upo uweponi mwake. Uwezo na furaha upo kwake.
He is glorious and majestic; his power and joy fill his Sacred Tent.
28 Mpeni sifa Yahweh, enyi koo za watu, mpeni sifa Yahweh utukufu na uwezo;
You people in nations all over the world, praise Yahweh! Praise Yahweh for his glorious power [HEN]!
29 Mpeni Yahweh utukufu upasao jina lake. Leta sadaka na mje kwake. Muinamieni Yahweh katika utakatifu wa uzuri wake.
Praise Yahweh like he [MTY] deserves to be praised. Bring an offering and come to his Sacred Tent. Worship Yahweh because he is holy.
30 Mtetemeke mbele zake, dunia yote. Dunia imeimarishwa; haiwezi kutikisika.
Everyone on the earth should tremble in front of Yahweh. He put the earth firmly [in its place]; and nothing ever will be able to move/shake it.
31 Mbingu nazo ziwe nafuraha, na dunia ifurahi; na wasema kwa mataifa yote, “Yahweh anatawala.”
Everything in the sky and on the earth should be happy. People [everywhere] should say, “Yahweh is our king!”
32 Bahari na ingurume, na inayo ijaza ipige kelele kwa furaha. Mashamba yawe na furaha tele, na vyote vilivyomo ndani yake.
The oceans and all the creatures that are in the oceans should shout to praise him; the fields and everything that is in them should rejoice.
33 Na miti iliyopo misituni ipige kelele kwa Yahweh, kwa kuwa anakuja kuhukumu dunia.
When they do that, [it will be as though] the trees in the forest will sing joyfully in front of Yahweh. That will happen when he comes to judge [everyone on] [MTY] the earth.
34 Toeni shukurani kwa Yahweh, kwa kuwa ni mwema, uaminifu wa agano lake la dumu ata milele.
Thank Yahweh, because [everything that he does is] good. He faithfully loves us forever.
35 Kisha sema, “Tuokoe, Mungu wa wokovu wetu. Tukusanye pamoja na utuokoe kutoka kwa mataifa mengine, ilikwamba tutoe shukurani kwa jina lako takatifu na tufurahi katika sifa zako.”
Say to him, “God, you are the one who rescues us, so gather us together and save us from [the armies of] other nations. When you do that, we will thank you [MTY], and we will be happy to praise you.”
36 Na Yahweh, Mungu wa Israeli, asifiwe kutoka milele na milele. Watu wote wakasema, “Amina” na wakamsifu Yahweh.
Praise Yahweh, the God of us Israeli people, He has always existed, and he will exist forever. After the people [finished singing that song], they all said, “(Amen/May it be so)!”, and they praised Yahweh.
37 Hivyo Daudi akamwacha Asafu na kaka zake pale mbele ya sanduku la Yahweh, kutumika daima mbele ya sanduku, kama kazi za kila siku zilivyo itaji. Obedi Edomu pamoja na ndugu sitini na nane walijumuishwa.
Then David left Asaph and the other members of his clan there in front of [the tent in which] Yahweh’s Sacred Chest [had been placed]. He told them that they must do their work there every day.
38 Obedi Edomu mwana wa Yeduthuni, pamoja na Hosa, walikuwa wawe walinzi wa lango.
David also left Obed-Edom and 68 other descendants of Levi to work with them. Hosah and Obed-Edom guarded [the entrances of the Sacred Tent].
39 Zadoki kuhani na makuhani wenzake walikuwa watumike mbele ya hema la Yahweh katika mahali pa juu huko Gibeoni.
David also told Zadok the [Supreme] Priest and the other priests who worked with him to remain in front of Yahweh’s Sacred Tent, which was still at the place where the Israeli people worshiped [God there] in Gibeon [city].
40 Walikuwa watoe sadaka za kuteketeza kwa Yahweh kwenye madhabahu ya sadaka za kuteketeza daima asubui na jioni, kwa mujibu wa yote yalio andikwa katika amri za Yahweh, aliyo wapa Waisraeli kama sheria.
Every morning and every evening they burned offerings on the altar, obeying the rules/laws that had been written [by Moses], rules/laws which Yahweh had given to the Israeli people.
41 Hemani na Yeduthuni walikuwa nao, pamoja na walio chaguliwa kwa jina, kumpa shukurani Yahweh, kwasababu uaminifu wa agano lake la dumu ata milele
With them were Heman and Jeduthun and other descendants of Levi. They [MTY] were chosen to sing songs to praise Yahweh because he faithfully loves his people forever.
42 Hemani na Yeduthuni walikuwa viongozi wa wao waliopiga tarumbeta, upatu, na vyombo vingine kwa muziki wa kumuabudu Mungu. Wana wa Yeduthuni walilinda lango.
Heman and Jeduthun were appointed to play the trumpets and cymbals when [the other descendants of Levi sang sacred songs]. The sons of Jeduthun were appointed to guard the gates [of the Sacred Tent].
43 Kisha watu wote walirudi nyumbani, na Daudi akarudi kubariki nyumba yake.
Then all the people left. They returned to their homes, and David returned home to [ask Yahweh to] bless his family.

< 1 Nyakati 16 >