< Zekaria 1 >

1 Katika mwezi wa nane wa mwaka wa pili wa utawala wa Mfalme Dario, neno la Bwana lilimjia nabii Zekaria mwana wa Berekia, mwana wa Ido, kusema:
In the month eighth in year two of Darius it came [the] word of Yahweh to Zechariah [the] son of Berekiah [the] son of Iddo the prophet saying.
2 “Bwana aliwakasirikia sana baba zako wa zamani.
He was angry Yahweh towards ancestors your anger.
3 Kwa hiyo waambie watu: Hivi ndivyo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote asemavyo: ‘Nirudieni mimi,’ asema Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote, ‘nami nitawarudia ninyi,’ asema Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote.
And you will say to them thus he says Yahweh of hosts return to me [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts so I may return to you he says Yahweh of hosts.
4 Msiwe kama baba zenu, ambao manabii waliotangulia waliwatangazia: Hivi ndivyo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote asemavyo: ‘Geukeni, mziache njia zenu mbaya na matendo yenu maovu.’ Lakini hawakunisikiliza wala kufuata maelekezo yangu, asema Bwana.
May not you be like ancestors your whom they proclaimed to them the prophets former saying thus he says Yahweh of hosts turn back please from ways your evil (and deeds your *Q(k)*) evil and not they listened and not they paid attention to me [the] utterance of Yahweh.
5 Wako wapi baba zako sasa? Nao manabii, je, wanaishi milele?
Ancestors your where? [are] they and the prophets ¿ to forever do they live.
6 Je, maneno yangu na amri zangu nilizowaagiza manabii watumishi wangu, hayakuwapata baba zenu?” “Kisha walitubu na kusema, ‘Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote ametutenda sawasawa na njia zetu na matendo yetu yalivyostahili, kama alivyokusudia kufanya.’”
Nevertheless - words my and statutes my which I commanded servants my the prophets ¿ not did they overtake ancestors your and they repented and they said just as he planned Yahweh of hosts to do to us according to ways our and according to deeds our so he has done with us.
7 Katika siku ya ishirini na nne ya mwezi wa kumi na moja, yaani mwezi uitwao Shebati, katika mwaka wa pili wa utawala wa Mfalme Dario, neno la Bwana lilimjia nabii Zekaria mwana wa Berekia mwana wa Ido.
On day twenty and four of one [plus] ten month it [was] [the] month of Shebat in year two of Darius it came [the] word of Yahweh to Zechariah [the] son of Berekiah [the] son of Iddo the prophet saying.
8 Wakati wa usiku nilipata maono, mbele yangu alikuwepo mtu akiendesha farasi mwekundu! Alikuwa amesimama katikati ya miti ya mihadasi kwenye bonde. Nyuma yake walikuwepo farasi wekundu, wa kikahawia na weupe.
I saw - the night and there! a man [was] riding on a horse red and he [was] standing between the myrtle trees which [were] in the hollow and [were] behind him horses red sorrel and white.
9 Nikauliza, “Hivi ni vitu gani bwana wangu?” Malaika aliyekuwa akizungumza na mimi akanijibu, “Nitakuonyesha kuwa ni nini.”
And I said what? [are] these O lord my and he said to me the angel who was speaking with me I I will show you what? they [are] these.
10 Kisha yule mtu aliyesimama katikati ya miti ya mihadasi akaeleza, “Ni wale ambao Bwana amewatuma waende duniani kote.”
And he answered the man who was standing between (the myrtle trees *LB(ah)*) and he said these [are those] whom he has sent Yahweh to go about on the earth.
11 Nao wakatoa taarifa kwa yule malaika wa Bwana, aliyekuwa amesimama katikati ya miti ya mihadasi, “Tumepita duniani kote na kukuta ulimwengu wote umepumzika kwa amani.”
And they answered [the] angel of Yahweh who was standing between the myrtle trees and they said we have gone about on the earth and there! all the earth [is] dwelling and [is] undisturbed.
12 Kisha malaika wa Bwana akasema, “Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote, utazuia mpaka lini rehema kutoka Yerusalemu na miji ya Yuda, ambayo umeikasirikia kwa miaka hii sabini?”
And he answered [the] angel of Yahweh and he said O Yahweh of hosts until when? you not will you have compassion on Jerusalem and [the] cities of Judah which you have been indignant this seventy year[s].
13 Kwa hiyo Bwana akazungumza maneno ya upole na ya kufariji kwa malaika aliyezungumza nami.
And he answered Yahweh the angel who was speaking with me words good words comfort.
14 Kisha malaika yule aliyekuwa akizungumza nami akasema, “Tangaza neno hili: Hili ndilo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote asemalo: ‘Nina wivu sana kwa ajili ya Yerusalemu na Sayuni,
And he said to me the angel who was speaking with me proclaim saying thus he says Yahweh of hosts I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion jealousy great.
15 lakini nimeyakasirikia sana mataifa yanayojisikia kuwa yako salama. Nilikuwa nimewakasirikia Israeli kidogo tu, lakini mataifa hayo yaliwazidishia maafa.’
And anger great I [am] angry towards the nations at ease which I I was angry a little and they they have helped for evil.
16 “Kwa hiyo, hivi ndivyo asemavyo Bwana: ‘Nitairudia Yerusalemu kwa rehema na huko nyumba yangu itajengwa tena. Nayo kamba ya kupimia itanyooshwa Yerusalemu,’ asema Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote.
Therefore thus he says Yahweh I have returned to Jerusalem with compassion house my it will be rebuilt in it [the] utterance of Yahweh of hosts (and a measuring-line *Q(K)*) it will be stretched out over Jerusalem.
17 “Endelea kutangaza zaidi kwamba: Hivi ndivyo asemavyo Bwana Mwenye Nguvu Zote: ‘Miji yangu itafurika tena ustawi na Bwana atamfariji tena Sayuni na kumchagua Yerusalemu.’”
Again - proclaim saying thus he says Yahweh of hosts again they will overflow cities my from good and he will comfort Yahweh again Zion and he will choose again Jerusalem.
18 Kisha nikatazama juu, na pale mbele yangu nikaona pembe nne!
And I lifted up eyes my and I saw and there! four horns.
19 Nikamuuliza yule malaika aliyekuwa akizungumza nami, “Ni nini hivi?” Akanijibu, “Hizi ni zile pembe zilizowatawanya Yuda, Israeli na Yerusalemu.”
And I said to the angel who was speaking with me what? [are] these and he said to me these [are] the horns which they scattered Judah Israel and Jerusalem.
20 Kisha Bwana akanionyesha mafundi wanne.
And he showed me Yahweh four craftsmen.
21 Nikauliza, “Hawa wanakuja kufanya nini?” Akanijibu, “Hizi ndizo pembe zilizowatawanya Yuda ili asiwepo atakayeweza kuinua kichwa chake, lakini mafundi wamekuja kuzitia hofu na kuzitupa chini hizi pembe za mataifa ambayo yaliinua pembe zao dhidi ya nchi ya Yuda na kuwatawanya watu wake.”
And I said what? [are] these coming to do and he said saying these [are] the horns which they scattered Judah according to [the] mouth of a man not he lifted up head his and they have come these [craftsmen] to terrify them to throw down [the] horns of the nations which lifted up a horn against [the] land of Judah to scatter it.

< Zekaria 1 >