< Zaburi 80 >

1 Kwa mwimbishaji. Mtindo wa “Yungiyungi za Agano.” Zaburi ya Asafu. Ee Mchungaji wa Israeli tusikie, wewe umwongozaye Yosefu kama kundi; wewe uketiye katika kiti cha enzi katikati ya makerubi, angaza
To him that excelleth on Shoshannim Eduth. A Psalme committed to Asaph. Heare, O thou Shepheard of Israel, thou that leadest Ioseph like sheepe: shewe thy brightnes, thou that sittest betweene the Cherubims.
2 mbele ya Efraimu, Benyamini na Manase. Uamshe nguvu zako, uje utuokoe.
Before Ephraim and Beniamin and Manasseh stirre vp thy strength, and come to helpe vs.
3 Ee Mungu, uturejeshe, utuangazie uso wako, ili tuweze kuokolewa.
Turne vs againe, O God, and cause thy face to shine that we may be saued.
4 Ee Bwana Mungu Mwenye Nguvu Zote, hata lini hasira yako itawaka na kufoka moshi dhidi ya maombi ya watu wako?
O Lord God of hostes, how long wilt thou be angrie against the prayer of thy people?
5 Umewalisha kwa mkate wa machozi, umewafanya wanywe machozi bakuli tele.
Thou hast fedde them with the bread of teares, and giuen them teares to drinke with great measure.
6 Tumekuwa chanzo cha ugomvi kwa jirani zetu, na adui zetu wanatudhihaki.
Thou hast made vs a strife vnto our neighbours, and our enemies laugh at vs among themselues.
7 Ee Mungu Mwenye Nguvu Zote, uturejeshe; utuangazie uso wako, nasi tuweze kuokolewa.
Turne vs againe, O God of hostes: cause thy face to shine, and we shalbe saued.
8 Ulileta mzabibu kutoka Misri, ukawafukuza mataifa, ukaupanda.
Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and planted it.
9 Uliandaa shamba kwa ajili yake, mizizi ikawa imara, ukajaza nchi.
Thou madest roume for it, and didest cause it to take roote, and it filled the land.
10 Milima ilifunikwa kwa kivuli chake, matawi yake yakafunika mierezi mikubwa.
The mountaines were couered with the shadowe of it, and the boughes thereof were like the goodly cedars.
11 Matawi yake yalienea mpaka Baharini, machipukizi yake mpaka kwenye Mto.
Shee stretched out her branches vnto the Sea, and her boughes vnto the Riuer.
12 Mbona umebomoa kuta zake ili wote wapitao karibu wazichume zabibu zake?
Why hast thou then broken downe her hedges, so that all they, which passe by the way, haue plucked her?
13 Nguruwe mwitu wanauharibu na wanyama wa kondeni hujilisha humo.
The wilde bore out of the wood hath destroyed it, and the wilde beastes of the fielde haue eaten it vp.
14 Turudie, Ee Mungu Mwenye Nguvu Zote! Tazama chini kutoka mbinguni na uone! Linda mzabibu huu,
Returne we beseech thee, O God of hostes: looke downe from heauen and beholde and visite this vine,
15 mche ulioupanda kwa mkono wako wa kuume, mwana uliyemlea kwa ajili yako mwenyewe.
And the vineyard, that thy right hand hath planted, and the young vine, which thou madest strong for thy selfe.
16 Mzabibu wako umekatwa, umechomwa moto, unapowakemea, watu wako huangamia.
It is burnt with fire and cut downe: and they perish at the rebuke of thy countenance.
17 Mkono wako na utulie juu ya mtu aliyeko mkono wako wa kuume, mwana wa mtu uliyemlea kwa ajili yako mwenyewe.
Let thine hande be vpon the man of thy right hande, and vpon the sonne of man, whome thou madest strong for thine owne selfe.
18 Ndipo hatutakuacha tena, utuhuishe, nasi tutaliitia jina lako.
So will not we goe backe from thee: reuiue thou vs, and we shall call vpon thy Name.
19 Ee Bwana Mungu Mwenye Nguvu Zote, uturejeshe; utuangazie uso wako, ili tuweze kuokolewa.
Turne vs againe, O Lord God of hostes: cause thy face to shine and we shalbe saued.

< Zaburi 80 >