< Zaburi 73 >
1 Zaburi ya Asafu. Hakika Mungu ni mwema kwa Israeli, kwa wale ambao mioyo yao ni safi.
BOOK III A Psalm of Asaph. Surely God is good to Israel, even to such as are pure in heart.
2 Bali kwangu mimi, miguu yangu ilikuwa karibu kuteleza; nilikuwa karibu mguu wangu kuachia uliposimama.
But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.
3 Kwa maana niliwaonea wivu wenye kujivuna nilipoona kufanikiwa kwa waovu.
For I was envious at the arrogant, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 Wao hawana taabu, miili yao ina afya na nguvu.
For there are no pangs at their death, and their body is sound.
5 Hawapati shida zinazowataabisha watu wengine, wala hawapati mapigo kama wanadamu wengine.
In the trouble of man they are not; neither are they plagued like men.
6 Kwa hiyo kiburi ni mkufu wao, wamejivika jeuri.
Therefore pride is as a chain about their neck; violence covereth them as a garment.
7 Uovu hutoka katika mioyo yao iliyokufa ganzi, majivuno maovu kutoka mioyoni mwao hauna kikomo.
Their eyes stand forth from fatness; they are gone beyond the imaginations of their heart.
8 Hudhihaki na kusema kwa ukorofi, katika majivuno yao wanatishia kutesa.
They scoff, and in wickedness utter oppression; they speak as if there were none on high.
9 Vinywa vyao huweka madai hata kwa mbingu, nazo ndimi zao humiliki duniani.
They have set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.
10 Kwa hiyo watu wao huwageukia na kunywa maji tele.
Therefore His people return hither; and waters of fullness are drained out by them.
11 Wanasema, “Mungu awezaje kujua? Je, Yeye Aliye Juu Sana anayo maarifa?”
And they say: 'How doth God know? And is there knowledge in the Most High?'
12 Hivi ndivyo walivyo waovu: siku zote hawajali, wanaongezeka katika utajiri.
Behold, such are the wicked; and they that are always at ease increase riches.
13 Hakika nimeuweka moyo wangu safi bure, ni bure nimenawa mikono yangu nisiwe na hatia.
Surely in vain have I cleansed my heart, and washed my hands in innocency;
14 Mchana kutwa nimetaabika, nimeadhibiwa kila asubuhi.
For all the day have I been plagued, and my chastisement came every morning.
15 Kama ningesema, “Nitasema hivi,” ningelikuwa nimewasaliti watoto wako.
If I had said: 'I will speak thus', behold, I had been faithless to the generation of Thy children.
16 Nilipojaribu kuelewa haya yote, yalikuwa magumu kwangu kuelewa.
And when I pondered how I might know this, it was wearisome in mine eyes;
17 Mpaka nilipoingia patakatifu pa Mungu, ndipo nilipotambua mwisho wao.
Until I entered into the sanctuary of God, and considered their end.
18 Hakika unawaweka mahali pa utelezi, unawaangusha chini kwa uharibifu.
Surely Thou settest them in slippery places; Thou hurlest them down to utter ruin.
19 Tazama jinsi wanavyoangamizwa ghafula, wanatoweshwa kabisa na vitisho!
How are they become a desolation in a moment! They are wholly consumed by terrors.
20 Kama ndoto mtu aamkapo, hivyo wakati uinukapo, Ee Bwana, utawatowesha kama ndoto.
As a dream when one awaketh, so, O Lord, when Thou arousest Thyself, Thou wilt despise their semblance.
21 Wakati moyo wangu ulipohuzunishwa, na roho yangu ilipotiwa uchungu,
For my heart was in a ferment, and I was pricked in my reins.
22 nilikuwa mpumbavu na mjinga, nilikuwa mnyama mkatili mbele yako.
But I was brutish, and ignorant; I was as a beast before Thee.
23 Hata hivyo niko pamoja nawe siku zote, umenishika mkono wangu wa kuume.
Nevertheless I am continually with Thee; Thou holdest my right hand.
24 Unaniongoza kwa shauri lako, hatimaye utaniingiza katika utukufu.
Thou wilt guide me with Thy counsel, and afterward receive me with glory.
25 Nani niliye naye mbinguni ila wewe? Dunia haina chochote ninachokitamani ila wewe.
Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And beside Thee I desire none upon earth.
26 Mwili na moyo wangu vyaweza kushindwa, bali Mungu ni nguvu ya moyo wangu na fungu langu milele.
My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the rock of my heart and my portion for ever.
27 Wale walio mbali nawe wataangamia, unawaangamiza wote wasio waaminifu kwako.
For, lo, they that go far from Thee shall perish; Thou dost destroy all them that go astray from Thee.
28 Lakini kwangu mimi, ni vyema kuwa karibu na Mungu. Nimemfanya Bwana Mwenyezi kimbilio langu; nami nitayasimulia matendo yako yote.
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all Thy works.