< Zaburi 119 >

1 Heri wale walio waadilifu katika njia zao, wanaoenenda katika sheria ya Bwana.
ALEPH. Blessed are those that are vpright in their way, and walke in the Lawe of the Lord.
2 Heri wale wanaozishika shuhuda zake, wamtafutao kwa moyo wao wote.
Blessed are they that keepe his testimonies, and seeke him with their whole heart.
3 Wasiofanya lolote lililo baya, wanaoenenda katika njia zake.
Surely they woorke none iniquitie, but walke in his waies.
4 Umetoa maagizo yako ili tuyatii kwa ukamilifu.
Thou hast commanded to keepe thy precepts diligently.
5 Laiti mwenendo wangu ungekuwa imara katika kuyatii maagizo yako!
Oh that my waies were directed to keepe thy statutes!
6 Hivyo mimi sitaaibishwa ninapozingatia amri zako zote.
Then should I not be confounded, when I haue respect vnto all thy commandements.
7 Nitakusifu kwa moyo mnyofu ninapojifunza sheria zako za haki.
I will praise thee with an vpright heart, when I shall learne the iudgements of thy righteousnesse.
8 Nitayatii maagizo yako; usiniache kabisa.
I will keepe thy statutes: forsake mee not ouerlong.
9 Kijana aifanye njia yake kuwa safi jinsi gani? Ni kwa kutii, akilifuata neno lako.
BETH. Wherewith shall a yong man redresse his waie? in taking heede thereto according to thy woorde.
10 Ninakutafuta kwa moyo wangu wote, usiniache niende mbali na amri zako.
With my whole heart haue I sought thee: let me not wander from thy commandements.
11 Nimelificha neno lako moyoni mwangu ili nisikutende dhambi.
I haue hid thy promise in mine heart, that I might not sinne against thee.
12 Sifa ni zako, Ee Bwana, nifundishe maagizo yako.
Blessed art thou, O Lord: teache mee thy statutes.
13 Kwa midomo yangu nitasimulia sheria zote zinazotoka katika kinywa chako.
With my lippes haue I declared all the iudgements of thy mouth.
14 Ninafurahia kufuata sheria zako kama mtu afurahiaye mali nyingi.
I haue had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies, as in all riches.
15 Ninatafakari maagizo yako na kuziangalia njia zako.
I will meditate in thy precepts, and consider thy waies.
16 Ninafurahia maagizo yako, wala sitalipuuza neno lako.
I will delite in thy statutes, and I will not forget thy worde.
17 Mtendee mema mtumishi wako, nami nitaishi; nitalitii neno lako.
GIMEL. Be beneficiall vnto thy seruant, that I may liue and keepe thy woorde.
18 Yafungue macho yangu nipate kuona mambo ya ajabu katika sheria yako.
Open mine eies, that I may see the wonders of thy Lawe.
19 Mimi ni mgeni duniani, usinifiche amri zako.
I am a stranger vpon earth: hide not thy commandements from me.
20 Nafsi yangu inataabika kwa shauku kubwa juu ya sheria zako wakati wote.
Mine heart breaketh for the desire to thy iudgements alway.
21 Unawakemea wenye majivuno, waliolaaniwa waendao mbali na amri zako.
Thou hast destroied the proud: cursed are they that doe erre from thy commandements.
22 Niondolee dharau na dhihaka, kwa kuwa ninazishika sheria zako.
Remoue from mee shame and contempt: for I haue kept thy testimonies.
23 Ingawa watawala huketi pamoja na kunisingizia, mtumishi wako atatafakari juu ya maagizo yako.
Princes also did sit, and speake against me: but thy seruant did meditate in thy statutes.
24 Sheria zako ni furaha yangu, nazo ni washauri wangu.
Also thy testimonies are my delite, and my counsellers.
25 Nimelazwa chini mavumbini, yahifadhi maisha yangu sawasawa na neno lako.
DALETH. My soule cleaueth to the dust: quicken me according to thy worde.
26 Nilikueleza njia zangu ukanijibu, nifundishe sheria zako.
I haue declared my waies, and thou heardest me: teache me thy statutes.
27 Nijulishe mafundisho ya mausia yako, nami nitatafakari maajabu yako.
Make me to vnderstand ye way of thy precepts, and I will meditate in thy wondrous workes.
28 Nafsi yangu imechakazwa kwa huzuni, uniimarishe sawasawa na neno lako.
My soule melteth for heauinesse: raise mee vp according vnto thy worde.
29 Niepushe na njia za udanganyifu, kwa neema unifundishe sheria zako.
Take from mee the way of lying, and graunt me graciously thy Lawe.
30 Nimechagua njia ya kweli, nimekaza moyo wangu katika sheria zako.
I haue chosen the way of trueth, and thy iudgements haue I laied before me.
31 Nimengʼangʼania sheria zako, Ee Bwana, usiniache niaibishwe.
I haue cleaued to thy testimonies, O Lord: confound me not.
32 Nakimbilia katika njia ya maagizo yako, kwa kuwa umeuweka moyo wangu huru.
I will runne the way of thy commandements, when thou shalt enlarge mine heart.
33 Ee Bwana, nifundishe kuyafuata maagizo yako, nami nitayashika mpaka mwisho.
HE. Teach mee, O Lord, the way of thy statutes, and I will keepe it vnto the ende.
34 Nipe ufahamu, nami nitaishika sheria yako na kuitii kwa moyo wangu wote.
Giue mee vnderstanding, and I will keepe thy Law: yea, I wil keepe it with my whole heart.
35 Niongoze kwenye njia ya amri zako, kwa kuwa huko napata furaha.
Direct mee in the path of thy commandements: for therein is my delite.
36 Ugeuze moyo wangu kuelekea sheria zako, na siyo kwenye mambo ya ubinafsi.
Incline mine heart vnto thy testimonies, and not to couetousnesse.
37 Geuza macho yangu kutoka kwenye mambo yasiyofaa, uyahifadhi maisha yangu sawasawa na neno lako.
Turne away mine eies from regarding vanitie, and quicken me in thy way.
38 Mtimizie mtumishi wako ahadi yako, ili upate kuogopwa.
Stablish thy promise to thy seruaunt, because he feareth thee.
39 Niondolee aibu ninayoiogopa, kwa kuwa sheria zako ni njema.
Take away my rebuke that I feare: for thy iudgements are good.
40 Tazama jinsi ninavyoonea shauku mausia yako! Hifadhi maisha yangu katika haki yako.
Beholde, I desire thy commandements: quicken me in thy righteousnesse,
41 Ee Bwana, upendo wako usiokoma unijie, wokovu wako sawasawa na ahadi yako,
VAV. And let thy louing kindnesse come vnto me, O Lord, and thy saluation according to thy promise.
42 ndipo nitakapomjibu anayenidhihaki, kwa kuwa ninalitumainia neno lako.
So shall I make answere vnto my blasphemers: for I trust in thy woorde.
43 Usilinyakue neno la kweli kutoka kinywani mwangu, kwa kuwa nimeweka tumaini langu katika amri zako.
And take not the woorde of trueth vtterly out of my mouth: for I waite for thy iudgements.
44 Nitaitii amri yako daima, naam, milele na milele.
So shall I alway keepe thy Lawe for euer and euer.
45 Nitatembea nikiwa huru, kwa kuwa nimejifunza mausia yako.
And I will walke at libertie: for I seeke thy precepts.
46 Nitasema sheria zako mbele za wafalme wala sitaaibishwa,
I will speake also of thy testimonies before Kings, and will not be ashamed.
47 kwa kuwa ninazifurahia amri zako kwa sababu ninazipenda.
And my delite shalbe in thy commandements, which I haue loued.
48 Ninaziinulia amri zako ambazo ninazipenda mikono yangu, nami ninatafakari juu ya maagizo yako.
Mine handes also will I lift vp vnto thy commandements, which I haue loued, and I will meditate in thy statutes.
49 Kumbuka neno lako kwa mtumishi wako, kwa sababu umenipa tumaini.
ZAIN. Remember the promise made to thy seruant, wherein thou hast caused me to trust.
50 Faraja yangu katika mateso yangu ni hii: Ahadi yako inahifadhi maisha yangu.
It is my comfort in my trouble: for thy promise hath quickened me.
51 Wenye majivuno wamenisimanga bila kuchoka, hata hivyo sitaiacha sheria yako.
The proude haue had me exceedingly in derision: yet haue I not declined from thy Lawe.
52 Ee Bwana, ninazikumbuka sheria zako za zamani, nazo zinanifariji.
I remembred thy iudgements of olde, O Lord, and haue bene comforted.
53 Nimeshikwa sana na ghadhabu kwa ajili ya waovu, ambao wameacha sheria yako.
Feare is come vpon mee for the wicked, that forsake thy Lawe.
54 Maagizo yako ni kiini cha nyimbo zangu popote ninapoishi.
Thy statutes haue beene my songes in the house of my pilgrimage.
55 Ee Bwana, wakati wa usiku ninalikumbuka jina lako, nami nitatii sheria yako.
I haue remembred thy Name, O Lord, in the night, and haue kept thy Lawe.
56 Hili limekuwa zoezi langu: nami ninayatii mausia yako.
This I had because I kept thy precepts.
57 Ee Bwana, wewe ni fungu langu, nimeahidi kuyatii maneno yako.
CHETH. O Lord, that art my portion, I haue determined to keepe thy wordes.
58 Nimetafuta uso wako kwa moyo wangu wote, nihurumie sawasawa na ahadi yako.
I made my supplication in thy presence with my whole heart: be mercifull vnto me according to thy promise.
59 Nimezifikiri njia zangu na nimeelekeza hatua zangu katika mausia yako.
I haue considered my waies, and turned my feete into thy testimonies.
60 Nitafanya haraka bila kuchelewa kuzitii amri zako.
I made haste and delaied not to keepe thy commandements.
61 Hata waovu wanifunge kwa kamba, sitasahau sheria yako.
The bandes of the wicked haue robbed me: but I haue not forgotten thy Lawe.
62 Usiku wa manane ninaamka kukushukuru kwa sababu ya sheria zako za haki.
At midnight will I rise to giue thanks vnto thee, because of thy righteous iudgements.
63 Mimi ni rafiki kwa wale wote wakuchao, kwa wote wanaofuata mausia yako.
I am companion of all them that feare thee, and keepe thy precepts.
64 Ee Bwana, dunia imejaa upendo wako, nifundishe maagizo yako.
The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercie: teache me thy statutes.
65 Mtendee wema mtumishi wako Ee Bwana, sawasawa na neno lako.
TETH. O Lord, thou hast delt graciously with thy seruant according vnto thy woorde.
66 Nifundishe maarifa na uamuzi mzuri, kwa kuwa ninaamini amri zako.
Teach me good iudgement and knowledge: for I haue beleeued thy commandements.
67 Kabla sijapata shida nilipotea njia, lakini sasa ninalitii neno lako.
Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but nowe I keepe thy woorde.
68 Wewe ni mwema, unalotenda ni jema, nifundishe maagizo yako.
Thou art good and gracious: teach me thy statutes.
69 Ingawa wenye majivuno wamenisingizia uongo, nitafuata mausia yako kwa moyo wangu wote.
The proud haue imagined a lie against me: but I wil keepe thy precepts with my whole heart.
70 Mioyo yao ni katili na migumu, bali mimi napendezwa na sheria yako.
Their heart is fatte as grease: but my delite is in thy Lawe.
71 Ilikuwa vyema mimi kupata shida ili nipate kujifunza maagizo yako.
It is good for me that I haue beene afflicted, that I may learne thy statutes.
72 Sheria inayotoka kinywani mwako ina thamani kubwa kwangu kuliko maelfu ya vipande vya fedha na dhahabu.
The Lawe of thy mouth is better vnto me, then thousands of golde and siluer.
73 Mikono yako ilinifanya na kuniumba, nipe ufahamu niweze kujifunza amri zako.
IOD. Thine hands haue made me and fashioned me: giue mee vnderstanding therefore, that I may learne thy commandements.
74 Wakuchao wafurahie wanaponiona, kwa kuwa nimeweka tumaini langu katika neno lako.
So they that feare thee, seeing mee shall reioyce, because I haue trusted in thy worde.
75 Ee Bwana, ninajua kwamba sheria zako ni za haki, katika uaminifu wako umeniadhibu.
I knowe, O Lord, that thy iudgements are right, and that thou hast afflicted me iustly.
76 Upendo wako usiokoma uwe faraja yangu, sawasawa na ahadi yako kwa mtumishi wako.
I pray thee that thy mercie may comfort me according to thy promise vnto thy seruant.
77 Huruma yako na inijie ili nipate kuishi, kwa kuwa naifurahia sheria yako.
Let thy tender mercies come vnto me, that I may liue: for thy Lawe is my delite.
78 Wenye majivuno na waaibishwe kwa kunikosea mimi bila sababu, lakini mimi nitatafakari juu ya mausia yako.
Let the proude be ashamed: for they haue dealt wickedly and falsely with me: but I meditate in thy precepts.
79 Wale wakuchao na wanigeukie mimi, hao ambao wanazielewa sheria zako.
Let such as feare thee turne vnto me, and they that knowe thy testimonies.
80 Moyo wangu usiwe na lawama katika kutii maagizo yako, ili nisiaibishwe.
Let mine heart bee vpright in thy statutes, that I be not ashamed.
81 Nafsi yangu inazimia kwa kutamani wokovu wako, lakini nimeweka tumaini langu katika neno lako.
CAPH. My soule fainteth for thy saluation: yet I waite for thy worde.
82 Macho yangu yamefifia, nikingoja ahadi yako; ninasema, “Utanifajiri lini?”
Mine eyes faile for thy promise, saying, when wilt thou comfort me?
83 Ingawa nimekuwa kama kiriba kwenye moshi, bado sijasahau maagizo yako.
For I am like a bottell in the smoke: yet doe I not forget thy statutes.
84 Mtumishi wako itampasa angoje mpaka lini? Ni lini utawaadhibu washtaki wangu?
Howe many are the dayes of thy seruant? When wilt thou execute iudgement on them that persecute me?
85 Wenye majivuno wananichimbia mashimo, kinyume na sheria yako.
The proude haue digged pittes for mee, which is not after thy Lawe.
86 Amri zako zote ni za kuaminika; unisaidie, kwa sababu watu wananishtaki bila sababu.
All thy commandements are true: they persecute me falsely: helpe me.
87 Walikaribia kabisa kunifuta kutoka uso wa dunia, lakini sijaacha mausia yako.
They had almost consumed me vpon the earth: but I forsooke not thy precepts.
88 Yahifadhi maisha yangu sawasawa na upendo wako, nami nitatii sheria za kinywa chako.
Quicken me according to thy louing kindnes: so shall I keepe the testimony of thy mouth.
89 Ee Bwana, neno lako ni la milele, linasimama imara mbinguni.
LAMED. O Lord, thy worde endureth for euer in heauen.
90 Uaminifu wako unaendelea kwa vizazi vyote, umeiumba dunia, nayo inadumu.
Thy trueth is from generation to generation: thou hast layed the foundation of the earth, and it abideth.
91 Sheria zako zinadumu hadi leo, kwa kuwa vitu vyote vinakutumikia.
They continue euen to this day by thine ordinances: for all are thy seruants.
92 Kama nisingefurahia sheria yako, ningeangamia katika taabu zangu.
Except thy Lawe had bene my delite, I should now haue perished in mine affliction.
93 Sitasahau mausia yako kamwe, kwa maana kwayo umehifadhi maisha yangu.
I wil neuer forget thy precepts: for by them thou hast quickened me.
94 Uniokoe, kwa maana mimi ni wako, kwa kuwa nimetafuta mausia yako.
I am thine, saue me: for I haue sought thy precepts.
95 Waovu wanangojea kuniangamiza, bali mimi ninatafakari sheria zako.
The wicked haue waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.
96 Katika ukamilifu wote ninaona mna kikomo, lakini amri zako hazina mpaka.
I haue seene an ende of all perfection: but thy commandement is exceeding large.
97 Aha! Tazama, sheria yako naipenda mno ajabu. Ninaitafakari mchana kutwa.
MEM. Oh howe loue I thy Lawe! it is my meditation continually.
98 Amri zako zimenipa hekima zaidi kuliko adui zangu, kwa kuwa nimezishika daima.
By thy commandements thou hast made mee wiser then mine enemies: for they are euer with mee.
99 Nina akili zaidi kuliko walimu wangu wote, kwa kuwa ninatafakari juu ya sheria zako.
I haue had more vnderstading then all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my (meditation)
100 Nina ufahamu zaidi kuliko wazee, kwa kuwa ninayatii mausia yako.
I vnderstoode more then the ancient, because I kept thy precepts.
101 Nimezuia miguu yangu isiende kwenye kila njia mbaya, ili niweze kutii neno lako.
I haue refrained my feete from euery euil way, that I might keepe thy word.
102 Sijaziacha sheria zako, kwa kuwa umenifundisha wewe mwenyewe.
I haue not declined from thy iudgements: for thou didest teach me.
103 Tazama jinsi maneno yako yalivyo matamu kwangu, matamu kuliko asali katika kinywa changu!
Howe sweete are thy promises vnto my mouth! yea, more then hony vnto my mouth.
104 Ninapata ufahamu kutoka mausia yako, kwa hiyo ninachukia kila njia ya upotovu.
By thy precepts I haue gotten vnderstanding: therefore I hate all the wayes of falshoode.
105 Neno lako ni taa ya miguu yangu na mwanga katika njia yangu.
NUN. Thy worde is a lanterne vnto my feete, and a light vnto my path.
106 Nimeapa na nimethibitisha, kwamba nitafuata sheria zako za haki.
I haue sworne and will performe it, that I will keepe thy righteous iudgements.
107 Nimeteseka sana, uhifadhi maisha yangu, Ee Bwana, sawasawa na neno lako.
I am very sore afflicted: O Lord, quicken me according to thy word.
108 Ee Bwana, pokea sifa za hiari za kinywa changu, nifundishe sheria zako.
O Lord, I beseeche thee accept the free offerings of my mouth, and teach mee thy iudgements.
109 Ingawa maisha yangu yako hatarini siku zote, sitasahau sheria yako.
My soule is continually in mine hande: yet doe I not forget thy Lawe.
110 Waovu wamenitegea mtego, lakini sijayakiuka maagizo yako.
The wicked haue layed a snare for mee: but I swarued not from thy precepts.
111 Sheria zako ni urithi wangu milele, naam ni furaha ya moyo wangu.
Thy testimonies haue I taken as an heritage for euer: for they are the ioy of mine heart.
112 Nimekusudia moyoni mwangu kuyafuata maagizo yako mpaka mwisho.
I haue applied mine heart to fulfill thy statutes alway, euen vnto the ende.
113 Ninachukia watu wa nia mbili, lakini ninapenda sheria yako.
SAMECH. I hate vaine inuentions: but thy Lawe doe I loue.
114 Wewe ni kimbilio langu na ngao yangu, nimeweka tumaini langu katika neno lako.
Thou art my refuge and shield, and I trust in thy worde.
115 Ondokeni kwangu, ninyi mtendao mabaya, ili niweze kushika amri za Mungu wangu!
Away from mee, yee wicked: for I will keepe the commandements of my God.
116 Nihifadhi sawasawa na ahadi yako, nami nitaishi; usiache matumaini yangu yakavunjwa.
Stablish me according to thy promise, that I may liue, and disappoint me not of mine hope.
117 Nitegemeze, nami nitaokolewa, nami daima nitayaheshimu maagizo yako.
Stay thou mee, and I shall be safe, and I will delite continually in thy statutes.
118 Unawakataa wote wanaoyaasi maagizo yako, kwa maana udanganyifu wao ni bure.
Thou hast troden downe all them that depart from thy statutes: for their deceit is vaine.
119 Waovu wa nchi unawatupa kama takataka, kwa hivyo nazipenda sheria zako.
Thou hast taken away all ye wicked of the earth like drosse: therefore I loue thy testimonies.
120 Mwili wangu unatetemeka kwa kukuogopa wewe, ninaziogopa sheria zako.
My flesh trembleth for feare of thee, and I am afraide of thy iudgements.
121 Nimetenda yaliyo haki na sawa, usiniache mikononi mwa watesi wangu.
AIN. I haue executed iudgement and iustice: leaue me not to mine oppressours.
122 Mhakikishie mtumishi wako usalama, usiache wenye kiburi wanionee.
Answere for thy seruant in that, which is good, and let not the proude oppresse me.
123 Macho yangu yamefifia, yakitazamia wokovu wako, na kuitazamia ahadi yako ya kweli.
Mine eyes haue failed in waiting for thy saluation, and for thy iust promise.
124 Mfanyie mtumishi wako kulingana na upendo wako na unifundishe maagizo yako.
Deale with thy seruant according to thy mercie, and teache me thy statutes.
125 Mimi ni mtumishi wako; nipe ufahamu ili niweze kuelewa sheria zako.
I am thy seruant: graunt mee therefore vnderstanding, that I may knowe thy testimonies.
126 Ee Bwana, wakati wako wa kutenda umewadia, kwa kuwa sheria yako inavunjwa.
It is time for thee Lord to worke: for they haue destroyed thy Lawe.
127 Kwa sababu nazipenda amri zako zaidi ya dhahabu, naam, zaidi ya dhahabu safi,
Therefore loue I thy commandements aboue golde, yea, aboue most fine golde.
128 na kwa sababu naona maagizo yako yote ni adili, nachukia kila njia potovu.
Therefore I esteeme all thy precepts most iust, and hate all false wayes.
129 Sheria zako ni za ajabu, hivyo ninazitii.
PE. Thy testimonies are wonderfull: therefore doeth my soule keepe them.
130 Kuingia kwa maneno yako kunaleta nuru, kunampa mjinga ufahamu.
The entrance into thy wordes sheweth light, and giueth vnderstanding to the simple.
131 Nimefungua kinywa changu na kuhema, nikitamani amri zako.
I opened my mouth and panted, because I loued thy commandements.
132 Nigeukie na unihurumie, kama uwafanyiavyo siku zote wale wanaolipenda jina lako.
Looke vpon mee and bee mercifull vnto me, as thou vsest to doe vnto those that loue thy Name.
133 Ongoza hatua zangu kulingana na neno lako, usiache dhambi yoyote initawale.
Direct my steppes in thy worde, and let none iniquitie haue dominion ouer me.
134 Niokoe na uonevu wa wanadamu, ili niweze kutii mausia yako.
Deliuer mee from the oppression of men, and I will keepe thy precepts.
135 Mwangazie mtumishi wako uso wako na unifundishe amri zako.
Shew the light of thy countenance vpon thy seruant, and teache me thy statutes.
136 Chemchemi za machozi zinatiririka kutoka machoni yangu, kwa kuwa sheria yako haifuatwi.
Mine eyes gush out with riuers of water, because they keepe not thy Lawe.
137 Ee Bwana, wewe ni mwenye haki, sheria zako ni sahihi.
TSADDI. Righteous art thou, O Lord, and iust are thy iudgements.
138 Sheria ulizoziweka ni za haki, ni za kuaminika kikamilifu.
Thou hast commanded iustice by thy testimonies and trueth especially.
139 Jitihada yangu imenidhoofisha, kwa kuwa adui zangu wanayapuuza maneno yako.
My zeale hath euen consumed mee, because mine enemies haue forgotten thy wordes.
140 Ahadi zako zimejaribiwa kikamilifu, mtumishi wako anazipenda.
Thy word is prooued most pure, and thy seruant loueth it.
141 Ingawa ni mdogo na ninadharauliwa, sisahau mausia yako.
I am small and despised: yet do I not forget thy precepts.
142 Haki yako ni ya milele, na sheria yako ni kweli.
Thy righteousnesse is an euerlasting righteousnes, and thy Lawe is trueth.
143 Shida na dhiki zimenipata, lakini amri zako ni furaha yangu.
Trouble and anguish are come vpon me: yet are thy commandements my delite.
144 Sheria zako ni sahihi milele, hunipa ufahamu ili nipate kuishi.
The righteousnes of thy testimonies is euerlasting: graunt me vnderstanding, and I shall liue.
145 Ee Bwana, ninakuita kwa moyo wangu wote, nami nitayatii maagizo yako.
KOPH. I haue cried with my whole heart: heare me, O Lord, and I will keepe thy statutes.
146 Ninakuita; niokoe nami nitazishika sheria zako.
I called vpon thee: saue mee, and I will keepe thy testimonies.
147 Ninaamka asubuhi na mapema na kukuomba msaada; nimeweka tumaini langu katika neno lako.
I preuented the morning light, and cried: for I waited on thy word.
148 Sikufumba macho yangu usiku kucha, ili niweze kutafakari juu ya ahadi zako.
Mine eyes preuent the night watches to meditate in thy word.
149 Usikie sauti yangu sawasawa na upendo wako, Ee Bwana, uyahifadhi maisha yangu, sawasawa na sheria zako.
Heare my voyce according to thy louing kindenesse: O Lord, quicken me according to thy iudgement.
150 Wale wanaopanga mipango miovu wako karibu nami, lakini wako mbali na sheria yako.
They drawe neere, that follow after malice, and are farre from thy Lawe.
151 Ee Bwana, hata hivyo wewe u karibu, na amri zako zote ni za kweli.
Thou art neere, O Lord: for all thy commandements are true.
152 Tangu zamani nimejifunza kutoka shuhuda zako kwamba umezithibitisha ili zidumu milele.
I haue knowen long since by thy testimonies, that thou hast established them for euer.
153 Yaangalie mateso yangu, uniokoe, kwa kuwa sijasahau sheria yako.
RESH. Beholde mine affliction, and deliuer mee: for I haue not forgotten thy Lawe.
154 Nitetee katika hali hii yangu na unikomboe, uyahifadhi maisha yangu sawasawa na ahadi yako.
Pleade my cause, and deliuer me: quicken me according vnto thy word.
155 Wokovu uko mbali na waovu, kwa kuwa hawatafuti maagizo yako.
Saluation is farre from the wicked, because they seeke not thy statutes.
156 Ee Bwana, huruma zako ni kuu, uyahifadhi maisha yangu sawasawa na sheria zako.
Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord: quicken me according to thy iudgements.
157 Adui wanaonitesa ni wengi, lakini mimi sitaziacha sheria zako.
My persecutours and mine oppressours are many: yet doe I not swarue from thy testimonies.
158 Ninawatazama wasioamini kwa chuki, kwa kuwa hawalitii neno lako.
I saw the transgressours and was grieued, because they kept not thy worde.
159 Tazama jinsi ninavyopenda mausia yako; Ee Bwana, uyahifadhi maisha yangu, sawasawa na upendo wako.
Consider, O Lord, how I loue thy preceptes: quicken mee according to thy louing kindenesse.
160 Maneno yako yote ni kweli, sheria zako zote za haki ni za milele.
The beginning of thy worde is trueth, and all the iudgements of thy righteousnesse endure for euer.
161 Watawala wamenitesa bila sababu, lakini moyo wangu unatetemeka kwa neno lako.
SCHIN. Princes haue persecuted mee without cause, but mine heart stood in awe of thy wordes.
162 Nafurahia ahadi zako kama mtu aliyepata mateka mengi.
I reioyce at thy worde, as one that findeth a great spoyle.
163 Ninachukia na kuchukizwa sana na uongo, lakini napenda sheria yako.
I hate falshoode and abhorre it, but thy Lawe doe I loue.
164 Ninakusifu mara saba kwa siku, kwa ajili ya sheria zako za haki.
Seuen times a day doe I praise thee, because of thy righteous iudgements.
165 Wanaopenda sheria yako wana amani tele, wala hakuna kitu kinachoweza kuwakwaza.
They that loue thy Law, shall haue great prosperitie, and they shall haue none hurt.
166 Ee Bwana, ninangojea wokovu wako, nami ninafuata amri zako,
Lord, I haue trusted in thy saluation, and haue done thy commandements.
167 Ninazitii sheria zako, kwa sababu ninazipenda mno.
My soule hath kept thy testimonies: for I loue them exceedingly.
168 Nimetii mausia yako na sheria zako, kwa kuwa njia zangu zote zinajulikana kwako.
I haue kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: for all my wayes are before thee.
169 Ee Bwana, kilio changu na kifike mbele zako, nipe ufahamu sawasawa na neno lako.
TAV. Let my complaint come before thee, O Lord, and giue me vnderstanding, according vnto thy worde.
170 Maombi yangu na yafike mbele zako, niokoe sawasawa na ahadi yako.
Let my supplication come before thee, and deliuer me according to thy promise.
171 Midomo yangu na ibubujike sifa, kwa kuwa unanifundisha maagizo yako.
My lippes shall speake praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.
172 Ulimi wangu na uimbe kuhusu neno lako, kwa kuwa amri zako zote ni za haki.
My tongue shall intreate of thy word: for all thy commandements are righteous.
173 Mkono wako uwe tayari kunisaidia, kwa kuwa nimechagua mausia yako.
Let thine hand helpe me: for I haue chosen thy precepts.
174 Ee Bwana, ninatamani wokovu wako, na sheria yako ni furaha yangu.
I haue longed for thy saluation, O Lord, and thy Lawe is my delite.
175 Nijalie kuishi ili nipate kukusifu, na sheria zako zinitegemeze.
Let my soule liue, and it shall praise thee, and thy iudgements shall helpe me.
176 Nimetangatanga kama kondoo aliyepotea. Mtafute mtumishi wako, kwa kuwa sijasahau amri zako.
I haue gone astraye like a lost sheepe: seeke thy seruant, for I doe not forget thy commandements.

< Zaburi 119 >