< Zaburi 109 >

1 Kwa mwimbishaji. Zaburi ya Daudi. Ee Mungu, ambaye ninakusifu, usiwe kimya,
To the Overseer. — A Psalm of David. O God of my praise, be not silent,
2 kwa maana watu waovu na wadanganyifu wamefungua vinywa vyao dhidi yangu; wasema dhidi yangu kwa ndimi za udanganyifu.
For the mouth of wickedness, and the mouth of deceit, Against me they have opened, They have spoken with me — A tongue of falsehood, and words of hatred!
3 Wamenizunguka kwa maneno ya chuki, wananishambulia bila sababu.
They have compassed me about, And they fight me without cause.
4 Wanachonilipa badala ya urafiki wangu ni kunishtaki, lakini mimi ninawaombea.
For my love they oppose me, and I — prayer!
5 Wananilipiza mabaya kwa mema, chuki badala ya urafiki wangu.
And they set against me evil for good, And hatred for my love.
6 Agiza mtu mwovu ampinge, mshtaki asimame mkono wake wa kuume.
Appoint Thou over him the wicked, And an adversary standeth at his right hand.
7 Anapohukumiwa, apatikane na hatia, nayo maombi yake yamhukumu.
In his being judged, he goeth forth wicked, And his prayer is for sin.
8 Siku zake za kuishi na ziwe chache, nafasi yake ya uongozi ichukuliwe na mtu mwingine.
His days are few, his oversight another taketh,
9 Watoto wake na waachwe yatima, mke wake na awe mjane.
His sons are fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 Watoto wake na watangetange wakiomba, na wafukuzwe kwenye magofu ya nyumba zao.
And wander continually do his sons, Yea, they have begged, And have sought out of their dry places.
11 Mtu anayemdai na ateke vyote alivyo navyo, matunda ya kazi yake yatekwe nyara na wageni.
An exactor layeth a snare for all that he hath, And strangers spoil his labour.
12 Asiwepo mtu yeyote wa kumtendea mema wala wa kuwahurumia yatima wake.
He hath none to extend kindness, Nor is there one showing favour to his orphans.
13 Uzao wake na ukatiliwe mbali, majina yao yafutike katika kizazi kifuatacho.
His posterity is for cutting off, In another generation is their name blotted out.
14 Maovu ya baba zake na yakumbukwe mbele za Bwana, dhambi ya mama yake isifutwe kamwe.
The iniquity of his fathers Is remembered unto Jehovah, And the sin of his mother is not blotted out.
15 Dhambi zao na zibaki daima mbele za Bwana, ili apate kukatilia mbali kumbukumbu lao duniani.
They are before Jehovah continually, And He cutteth off from earth their memorial.
16 Kwa maana kamwe hakuweza kutenda wema, bali alimfukuza mnyonge na mhitaji, aliwafanyia jeuri wahitaji na waliovunjika moyo.
Because that he hath not remembered to do kindness, And pursueth the poor man and needy, And the smitten of heart — to slay,
17 Alipenda kulaani, nayo laana ikampata; hakupenda kubariki, kwa hiyo baraka na ikae mbali naye.
And he loveth reviling, and it meeteth him, And he hath not delighted in blessing, And it is far from him.
18 Alivaa kulaani kama vazi lake, nayo laana ikamwingia mwilini mwake kama maji, kwenye mifupa yake kama mafuta.
And he putteth on reviling as his robe, And it cometh in as water into his midst, And as oil into his bones.
19 Na iwe kama joho alilozungushiwa, kama mshipi aliofungiwa daima.
It is to him as apparel — he covereth himself, And for a continual girdle he girdeth it on.
20 Haya na yawe malipo ya Bwana kwa washtaki wangu, kwa wale wanaoninenea mabaya.
This [is] the wage of mine accusers from Jehovah, And of those speaking evil against my soul.
21 Lakini wewe, Ee Bwana Mwenyezi, unitendee wema kwa ajili ya jina lako, uniokoe kwa wema wa pendo lako.
And Thou, O Jehovah Lord, Deal with me for Thy name's sake, Because Thy kindness [is] good, deliver me.
22 Maana mimi ni maskini na mhitaji, moyo wangu umejeruhiwa ndani yangu.
For I [am] poor and needy, And my heart hath been pierced in my midst.
23 Ninafifia kama kivuli cha jioni, nimerushwa-rushwa kama nzige.
As a shadow when it is stretched out I have gone, I have been driven away as a locust.
24 Magoti yangu yamelegea kwa kufunga, mwili wangu umedhoofika na kukonda.
My knees have been feeble from fasting, And my flesh hath failed of fatness.
25 Nimekuwa kitu cha kudharauliwa kwa washtaki wangu, wanionapo, hutikisa vichwa vyao.
And I — I have been a reproach to them, They see me, they shake their head.
26 Ee Bwana, Mungu wangu nisaidie, niokoe sawasawa na upendo wako.
Help me, O Jehovah my God, Save me, according to Thy kindness.
27 Watu na wafahamu kuwa ni mkono wako, kwamba wewe, Ee Bwana, umetenda hili.
And they know that this [is] Thy hand, Thou, O Jehovah, Thou hast done it.
28 Wanaweza kulaani, lakini wewe utabariki, watakaposhambulia wataaibishwa, lakini mtumishi wako atashangilia.
They revile, and Thou dost bless, They have risen, and are ashamed, And Thy servant doth rejoice.
29 Washtaki wangu watavikwa fedheha, na kufunikwa na aibu kama joho.
Mine accusers put on blushing, and are covered, As an upper robe [is] their shame.
30 Kwa kinywa changu nitamtukuza sana Bwana, katika umati mkubwa nitamsifu.
I thank Jehovah greatly with my mouth, And in the midst of many I praise Him,
31 Kwa maana husimama mkono wa kuume wa mhitaji, kuokoa maisha yake kutoka kwa wale wanaomhukumu.
For He standeth at the right hand of the needy, To save from those judging his soul.

< Zaburi 109 >