< Zaburi 102 >

1 Maombi ya mtu aliyechoka. Anapoteseka na kumimina malalamiko yake kwa Bwana. Ee Bwana, usikie maombi yangu, kilio changu cha kuomba msaada kikufikie.
A prayer of the afflicted, when he shall be in distresse, and pour forth his meditation before the Lord. O Lord, heare my prayer, and let my crye come vnto thee.
2 Usinifiche uso wako ninapokuwa katika shida. Unitegee sikio lako, ninapoita, unijibu kwa upesi.
Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble: incline thine eares vnto me: when I call, make haste to heare me.
3 Kwa kuwa siku zangu zinatoweka kama moshi, mifupa yangu inaungua kama kaa la moto.
For my dayes are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burnt like an herthe.
4 Moyo wangu umefifia na kunyauka kama jani, ninasahau kula chakula changu.
Mine heart is smitten and withereth like grasse, because I forgate to eate my bread.
5 Kwa sababu ya kusononeka kwangu kwa uchungu, nimebakia ngozi na mifupa.
For the voyce of my groning my bones doe cleaue to my skinne.
6 Nimekuwa kama bundi wa jangwani, kama bundi kwenye magofu.
I am like a pelicane of the wildernesse: I am like an owle of the deserts.
7 Nilalapo sipati usingizi, nimekuwa kama ndege mpweke kwenye paa la nyumba.
I watch and am as a sparrowe alone vpon the house top.
8 Mchana kutwa adui zangu hunidhihaki, wale wanaonizunguka hutumia jina langu kama laana.
Mine enemies reuile me dayly, and they that rage against me, haue sworne against me.
9 Ninakula majivu kama chakula changu na nimechanganya kinywaji changu na machozi
Surely I haue eaten asshes as bread, and mingled my drinke with weeping,
10 kwa sababu ya ghadhabu yako kuu, kwa maana umeniinua na kunitupa kando.
Because of thine indignation and thy wrath: for thou hast heaued me vp, and cast me downe.
11 Siku zangu ni kama kivuli cha jioni, ninanyauka kama jani.
My dayes are like a shadowe that fadeth, and I am withered like grasse.
12 Lakini wewe, Ee Bwana, umeketi katika kiti chako cha enzi milele, sifa zako za ukuu zaendelea vizazi vyote.
But thou, O Lord, doest remaine for euer, and thy remembrance from generation to generation.
13 Utainuka na kuihurumia Sayuni, kwa maana ni wakati wa kumwonyesha wema; wakati uliokubalika umewadia.
Thou wilt arise and haue mercy vpon Zion: for the time to haue mercie thereon, for the appointed time is come.
14 Kwa maana mawe yake ni ya thamani kwa watumishi wako, vumbi lake lenyewe hulionea huruma.
For thy seruants delite in the stones thereof, and haue pitie on the dust thereof.
15 Mataifa wataogopa jina la Bwana, wafalme wote wa dunia watauheshimu utukufu wako.
Then the heathen shall feare the Name of the Lord, and all the Kings of the earth thy glory,
16 Kwa maana Bwana ataijenga tena Sayuni na kutokea katika utukufu wake.
When the Lord shall build vp Zion, and shall appeare in his glory,
17 Ataitikia maombi ya mtu mkiwa, wala hatadharau hoja yao.
And shall turne vnto the prayer of the desolate, and not despise their prayer.
18 Hili na liandikwe kwa ajili ya kizazi kijacho, ili taifa litakaloumbwa baadaye waweze kumsifu Bwana:
This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people, which shalbe created, shall prayse the Lord.
19 “Bwana alitazama chini kutoka patakatifu pake palipo juu, kutoka mbinguni alitazama dunia,
For he hath looked downe from the height of his Sanctuarie: out of the heauen did the Lord beholde the earth,
20 kusikiliza vilio vya uchungu vya wafungwa na kuwaweka huru wale waliohukumiwa kufa.”
That he might heare the mourning of the prisoner, and deliuer the children of death:
21 Kwa hiyo jina la Bwana latangazwa huko Sayuni na sifa zake katika Yerusalemu,
That they may declare the Name of the Lord in Zion, and his prayse in Ierusalem,
22 wakati mataifa na falme zitakapokusanyika ili kumwabudu Bwana.
When the people shalbe gathered together, and the kingdomes to serue the Lord.
23 Katika kuishi kwangu alivunja nguvu zangu, akafupisha siku zangu.
He abated my strength in the way, and shortened my dayes.
24 Ndipo niliposema: “Ee Mungu wangu, usinichukue katikati ya siku zangu; miaka yako inaendelea vizazi vyote.
And I sayd, O my God, take me not away in the middes of my dayes: thy yeeres endure from generation to generation.
25 Hapo mwanzo uliweka misingi ya dunia, nazo mbingu ni kazi ya mikono yako.
Thou hast aforetime layde the foundation of the earth, and the heauens are the worke of thine hands.
26 Hizi zitatoweka, lakini wewe utadumu, zote zitachakaa kama vazi. Utazibadilisha kama nguo nazo zitaondoshwa.
They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: euen they all shall waxe olde as doeth a garment: as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed.
27 Lakini wewe, U yeye yule, nayo miaka yako haikomi kamwe.
But thou art the same, and thy yeeres shall not fayle.
28 Watoto wa watumishi wako wataishi mbele zako; wazao wao wataimarishwa mbele zako.”
The children of thy seruants shall continue, and their seede shall stand fast in thy sight.

< Zaburi 102 >