< Mithali 6 >

1 Mwanangu, kama umekuwa mdhamini wa jirani yako, ikiwa umeshika mikono kwa kuweka ahadi kwa ajili ya mwingine,
My son, if thou art become surety for thy neighbour, if thou hast struck thy hands for a stranger —
2 kama umetegwa na ulichosema, umenaswa kwa maneno ya kinywa chako,
Thou art snared by the words of thy mouth, thou art caught by the words of thy mouth —
3 basi fanya hivi mwanangu, ili ujiweke huru, kwa kuwa umeanguka mikononi mwa jirani yako: Nenda ukajinyenyekeshe kwake; msihi jirani yako!
Do this now, my son, and deliver thyself, seeing thou art come into the hand of thy neighbour; go, humble thyself, and urge thy neighbour.
4 Usiruhusu usingizi machoni pako, usiruhusu kope zako zisinzie.
Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.
5 Jiweke huru, kama swala mkononi mwa mwindaji, kama ndege kutoka kwenye mtego wa mwindaji.
Deliver thyself as a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.
6 Ewe mvivu, mwendee mchwa; zitafakari njia zake ukapate hekima!
Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise;
7 Kwa maana yeye hana msimamizi, wala mwangalizi, au mtawala,
Which having no chief, overseer, or ruler,
8 lakini hujiwekea akiba wakati wa kiangazi na hukusanya chakula chake wakati wa mavuno.
Provideth her bread in the summer, and gatherest her food in the harvest.
9 Ewe mvivu, utalala hata lini? Utaamka lini kutoka usingizi wako?
How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? When wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
10 Bado kulala kidogo, kusinzia kidogo, bado kukunja mikono kidogo upate kupumzika:
'Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep' —
11 hivyo umaskini utakuja juu yako kama mnyangʼanyi, na kupungukiwa kutakujia kama mtu mwenye silaha.
So shall thy poverty come as a runner, and thy want as an armed man.
12 Mtu mbaya sana na mlaghai, ambaye huzungukazunguka na maneno ya upotovu,
A base person, a man of iniquity, is he that walketh with a froward mouth;
13 ambaye anakonyeza kwa jicho lake, anayetoa ishara kwa miguu yake na kuashiria kwa vidole vyake,
That winketh with his eyes, that scrapeth with his feet, that pointeth with his fingers;
14 ambaye hupanga ubaya kwa udanganyifu moyoni mwake: daima huchochea fitina.
Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth evil continually; he soweth discord.
15 Kwa hiyo maafa yatamkumba ghafula; ataangamizwa mara, pasipo msaada.
Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; on a sudden shall he be broken, and that without remedy.
16 Kuna vitu sita anavyovichukia Bwana, naam, viko saba vilivyo chukizo kwake:
There are six things which the LORD hateth, yea, seven which are an abomination unto Him:
17 macho ya kiburi, ulimi udanganyao, mikono imwagayo damu isiyo na hatia,
Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood;
18 moyo uwazao mipango miovu, miguu iliyo myepesi kukimbilia uovu,
A heart that deviseth wicked thoughts, feet that are swift in running to evil;
19 shahidi wa uongo ambaye humwaga uongo, na mtu ambaye huchochea fitina kati ya ndugu.
A false witness that breatheth out lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
20 Mwanangu, zishike amri za baba yako, wala usiyaache mafundisho ya mama yako.
My son, keep the commandment of thy father, and forsake not the teaching of thy mother;
21 Yafunge katika moyo wako daima, yakaze kuizunguka shingo yako.
Bind them continually upon thy heart, tie them about thy neck.
22 Wakati utembeapo, yatakuongoza; wakati ulalapo, yatakulinda; wakati uamkapo, yatazungumza nawe.
When thou walkest, it shall lead thee, when thou liest down, it shall watch over thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.
23 Kwa maana amri hizi ni taa, mafundisho haya ni mwanga na maonyo ya maadili ni njia ya uzima,
For the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light, and reproofs of instruction are the way of life;
24 yakikulinda na mwanamke aliyepotoka, kutokana na maneno laini ya mwanamke aliyepotoka.
To keep thee from the evil woman, from the smoothness of the alien tongue.
25 Moyo wako usitamani uzuri wake wala macho yake yasikuteke,
Lust not after her beauty in thy heart; neither let her captivate thee with her eyelids.
26 kwa maana kahaba atakufanya uwe maskini, hata ukose kipande cha mkate, naye mwanamke mzinzi huwinda maisha yako hasa.
For on account of a harlot a man is brought to a loaf of bread, but the adulteress hunteth for the precious life.
27 Je, mtu aweza kuchotea moto kwenye paja lake bila nguo zake kuungua?
Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
28 Je, mtu aweza kutembea juu ya makaa ya moto yanayowaka bila miguu yake kuungua?
Or can one walk upon hot coals, and his feet not be scorched?
29 Ndivyo alivyo mtu alalaye na mke wa mwanaume mwingine; hakuna yeyote amgusaye huyo mwanamke ambaye hataadhibiwa.
So he that goeth in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever toucheth her shall not go unpunished.
30 Watu hawamdharau mwizi kama akiiba kukidhi njaa yake wakati ana njaa.
Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;
31 Pamoja na hayo, kama akikamatwa, lazima alipe mara saba, ingawa inamgharimu utajiri wote wa nyumba yake.
But if he be found, he must restore sevenfold, he must give all the substance of his house.
32 Lakini mwanaume aziniye na mwanamke hana akili kabisa; yeyote afanyaye hivyo hujiangamiza mwenyewe.
He that committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding; he doeth it that would destroy his own soul.
33 Mapigo na aibu ni fungu lake na aibu yake haitafutika kamwe;
Wounds and dishonour shall he get, and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
34 kwa maana wivu huamsha ghadhabu ya mume, naye hataonyesha huruma alipizapo kisasi.
For jealousy is the rage of a man, and he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 Hatakubali fidia yoyote; atakataa malipo, hata yakiwa makubwa kiasi gani.
He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though thou givest many gifts.

< Mithali 6 >