< Mithali 28 >

1 Mtu mwovu hukimbia ingawa hakuna yeyote anayemfukuza, bali wenye haki ni wajasiri kama simba.
The wicked man fleeth, when no man pursueth: but the just, bold as a lion, shall be without dread.
2 Wakati nchi inapokuwa na uasi, inakuwa na viongozi wengi, bali mwenye ufahamu na maarifa hudumisha utaratibu.
For the sins of the land many are the princes thereof: and for the wisdom of a man, and the knowledge of those things that are said, the life of the prince shall be prolonged.
3 Mtu maskini amwoneaye yeye aliye maskini zaidi ni kama mvua ya dhoruba isiyosaza mazao.
A poor man that oppresseth the poor, is like a violent shower, which bringeth a famine.
4 Wale waiachao sheria huwasifu waovu, bali wale waishikao sheria huwapinga.
They that forsake the law, praise the wicked man: they that keep it, are incensed against him.
5 Watu wabaya hawaelewi haki, bali wale wamtafutao Bwana wanaielewa kikamilifu.
Evil men think not on judgment: but they that seek after the Lord, take notice of all things.
6 Afadhali maskini ambaye mwenendo wake hauna lawama kuliko tajiri ambaye njia zake ni potovu.
Better is the poor man walking in his simplicity, than the rich in crooked ways.
7 Yeye ashikaye sheria ni mwana mwenye ufahamu, bali rafiki wa walafi humwaibisha baba yake.
He that keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that feedeth gluttons, shameth his father.
8 Yeye aongezaye utajiri wake kwa riba kubwa mno hukusanya kwa ajili ya mwingine, ambaye atawahurumia maskini.
He that heapeth together riches by usury and loan, gathereth them for him that will be bountiful to the poor.
9 Kama mtu yeyote akikataa kusikia sheria, hata maombi yake ni chukizo.
He that turneth away his ears from hearing the law, his prayer shall be as abomination.
10 Yeye ambaye humwongoza mwenye haki kwenye mapito mabaya, ataanguka kwenye mtego wake mwenyewe, bali wasio na lawama watapokea urithi mwema.
He that deceiveth the just in a wicked way, shall fall in his own destruction: and the upright shall possess his goods.
11 Mtu tajiri anaweza kuwa na hekima machoni pake mwenyewe, bali mtu maskini mwenye ufahamu atamfichua.
The rich man seemeth to himself wise: but the poor man that is prudent shall search him out.
12 Mwenye haki ashindapo, kuna furaha kubwa, bali waovu watawalapo, watu hujificha.
In the joy of the just there is great glory: when the wicked reign, men are ruined.
13 Yeye afichaye dhambi zake hatafanikiwa, bali yeyote aziungamaye na kuziacha hupata rehema.
He that hideth his sins, shall not prosper: but he that shall confess, and forsake them, shall obtain mercy.
14 Amebarikiwa mtu ambaye siku zote humcha Bwana, bali yeye afanyaye moyo wake kuwa mgumu huangukia kwenye taabu.
Blessed is the man that is always fearful: but he that is hardened in mind, shall fall into evil.
15 Kama simba angurumaye au dubu ashambuliaye, ndivyo alivyo mtu mwovu atawalaye wanyonge.
As a roaring lion, and a hungry bear, so is a wicked prince over the poor people.
16 Mtawala dhalimu hana akili, bali yeye achukiaye mapato ya udhalimu atafurahia maisha marefu.
A prince void of prudence shall oppress many by calumny: but he that hateth covetousness, shall prolong his days.
17 Mtu mwenye kusumbuliwa na hatia ya kuua atakuwa mtoro mpaka kufa; mtu yeyote na asimsaidie.
A man that doth violence to the blood of a person, if he flee even to the pit, no man will stay him.
18 Yeye ambaye mwenendo wake hauna lawama hulindwa salama, bali yeye ambaye njia zake ni potovu ataanguka ghafula.
He that walketh uprightly, shall be saved: he that is perverse in his ways shall fall at once.
19 Yeye alimaye shamba lake atakuwa na chakula tele, bali yule afuataye mambo ya upuzi atakuwa na umaskini wa kumtosha.
He that tilleth his ground, shall be filled with bread: but he that followeth idleness shall be filled with poverty.
20 Mtu mwaminifu atabarikiwa sana, bali yeye atamaniye kupata utajiri kwa haraka hataacha kuadhibiwa.
A faithful man shall be much praised: but he that maketh haste to be rich, shall not be innocent.
21 Kuonyesha upendeleo si vizuri, hata hivyo mtu atafanya kosa kwa kipande cha mkate.
He that hath respect to a person in judgment, doth not well: such a man even for a morsel of bread forsaketh the truth.
22 Mtu mchoyo ana tamaa ya kupata utajiri, naye hana habari kuwa umaskini unamngojea.
A man, that maketh haste to be rich, and envieth others, is ignorant that poverty shall come upon him.
23 Yeye amkemeaye mtu mwishoni hupata kibali zaidi, kuliko mwenye maneno ya kusifu isivyostahili.
He that rebuketh a man, shall afterward find favour with him, more than he that by a flattering tongue deceiveth him.
24 Yeye amwibiaye babaye au mamaye na kusema, “Si kosa,” yeye ni mwenzi wa yule aharibuye.
He that stealeth any thing from his father, or from his mother: and saith, This is no sin, is the partner of a murderer.
25 Mtu mwenye tamaa huchochea fitina, bali yule amtegemeaye Bwana atafanikiwa.
He that boasteth, and puffeth up himself, stirreth up quarrels: but he that trusteth in the Lord, shall be healed.
26 Yeye ajitumainiaye mwenyewe ni mpumbavu, bali yeye atembeaye katika hekima hulindwa salama.
He that trusteth in his own heart, is a fool: but he that walketh wisely, he shall be saved.
27 Yeye ampaye maskini hatapungukiwa na kitu chochote, bali yeye awafumbiaye maskini macho hupata laana nyingi.
He that giveth to the poor, shall not want: he that despiseth his entreaty, shall suffer indigence.
28 Wakati waovu watawalapo, watu huenda mafichoni, bali waovu wanapoangamia, wenye haki hufanikiwa.
When the wicked rise up, men shall hide themselves: when they perish, the lust shall be multiplied.

< Mithali 28 >