< Mithali 12 >

1 Yeyote apendaye kuadibishwa hupenda maarifa, bali yeye achukiaye kuonywa ni mpumbavu.
Whoever is loving instruction, is loving knowledge, And whoever is hating reproof [is] brutish.
2 Mtu mwema hupata kibali kutoka kwa Bwana, bali Bwana humhukumu mwenye hila.
The good brings forth favor from YHWH, And the man of wicked schemes He condemns.
3 Mtu hathibitiki kutokana na uovu, bali mwenye haki hataondolewa.
A man is not established by wickedness, And the root of the righteous is not moved.
4 Mke mwenye tabia nzuri ni taji ya mumewe, bali aaibishaye ni kama uozo katika mifupa ya mumewe.
A virtuous woman [is] a crown to her husband, And as rottenness in his bones [is] one causing shame.
5 Mipango ya mtu mwadilifu ni ya haki, bali ushauri wa mwovu ni udanganyifu.
The thoughts of the righteous [are] justice, The counsels of the wicked—deceit.
6 Maneno ya waovu huotea kumwaga damu, bali maneno ya waadilifu huwaokoa.
The words of the wicked [are]: “Lay [in] wait for blood,” And the mouth of the upright delivers them.
7 Watu waovu huondolewa na kutoweka, bali nyumba ya mwenye haki husimama imara.
Overthrow the wicked, and they are not, And the house of the righteous stands.
8 Mtu husifiwa kulingana na hekima yake, bali watu wenye akili zilizopotoka hudharauliwa.
A man is praised according to his wisdom, And the perverted of heart becomes despised.
9 Heri mtu wa hali ya chini mwenye mtumishi, kuliko kujifanya mtu wa hali ya juu nawe huna chakula.
Better [is] the lightly esteemed who has a servant, Than the self-honored who lacks bread.
10 Mtu mwenye haki hujali mahitaji ya mnyama wake, bali matendo ya huruma ya mwovu ni ukatili.
The righteous knows the life of his beast, And the mercies of the wicked [are] cruel.
11 Yeye alimaye shamba lake atakuwa na chakula tele, bali yeye afuataye mambo ya upuzi hana akili.
Whoever is tilling the ground is satisfied [with] bread, And whoever is pursuing vanities is lacking heart,
12 Waovu hutamani mateka ya watu wabaya, bali shina la mwenye haki hustawi.
The wicked has desired the net of evildoers, And the root of the righteous gives.
13 Mtu mwovu hunaswa kwa mazungumzo yake ya dhambi, bali mwenye haki huepuka taabu.
The snare of the wicked [is] in transgression of the lips, And the righteous goes out from distress.
14 Kutokana na tunda la midomo yake mtu hujazwa na mambo mema, hakika kama ilivyo kazi ya mikono yake humtunza.
One [is] satisfied [with] good from the fruit of the mouth, And the deed of man’s hands returns to him.
15 Njia ya mpumbavu huonekana sawa machoni pake mwenyewe, bali mtu mwenye hekima husikiliza ushauri.
The way of a fool [is] right in his own eyes, And whoever is listening to counsel [is] wise.
16 Mpumbavu huonyesha kuudhika kwake mara moja, bali mtu wa busara hupuuza matukano.
The fool—his anger is known in a day, And the prudent is covering shame.
17 Shahidi wa kweli hutoa ushuhuda wa kuaminika, bali shahidi wa uongo husema uongo.
Whoever utters faithfulness declares righteousness, And a false witness—deceit.
18 Maneno ya kipumbavu huchoma kama upanga, bali ulimi wa mwenye hekima huleta uponyaji.
A rash speaker is like piercings of a sword, And the tongue of the wise is healing.
19 Midomo isemayo kweli hudumu milele, bali ulimi wa uongo hudumu kwa muda mfupi tu.
The lip of truth is established forever, And a tongue of falsehood for a moment.
20 Upo udanganyifu katika mioyo ya wale ambao hupanga mabaya, bali kuna furaha kwa wale wanaoleta amani.
Deceit [is] in the heart of those devising evil, But for counselors of peace—joy.
21 Hakuna dhara linalompata mwenye haki, bali waovu wana taabu nyingi.
No iniquity is desired by the righteous, And the wicked have been full of evil.
22 Bwana anachukia sana midomo idanganyayo, bali hufurahia watu ambao ni wa kweli.
Lying lips [are] an abomination to YHWH, And steadfast doers [are] his delight.
23 Mtu mwenye busara hujihifadhia maarifa yeye mwenyewe, bali moyo wa wapumbavu hububujika upumbavu.
A prudent man is concealing knowledge, And the heart of fools proclaims folly.
24 Mikono yenye bidii itatawala, bali uvivu huishia katika kazi za utumwa.
The hand of the diligent rules, And slothfulness becomes tributary.
25 Moyo wa wasiwasi humlemea mtu, bali neno la huruma humfurahisha.
Sorrow in the heart of a man bows down, And a good word makes him glad.
26 Mtu mwenye haki ni mwangalifu katika urafiki, bali njia ya waovu huwapotosha.
The righteous searches his companion, And the way of the wicked causes them to err.
27 Mtu mvivu haoki mawindo yake, bali mtu mwenye bidii ana mali za thamani.
The slothful does not roast his game, And the wealth of a diligent man is precious.
28 Katika njia ya haki kuna uzima; katika mapito hayo kuna maisha ya milele.
In the path of righteousness [is] life, And in the way of [that] path [is] no death!

< Mithali 12 >