< Hesabu 9 >

1 Bwana akasema na Mose katika Jangwa la Sinai katika mwezi wa kwanza wa mwaka wa pili baada ya Waisraeli kutoka Misri. Akasema,
In the first month of the second year after Israel had come out of the land of Egypt, the LORD spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai:
2 “Waamuru Waisraeli waadhimishe Pasaka katika wakati ulioamriwa.
“The Israelites are to observe the Passover at its appointed time.
3 Adhimisheni wakati ulioamriwa, yaani wakati wa kuzama jua siku ya kumi na nne ya mwezi huu, kufuatana na desturi zake zote na masharti yake.”
You are to observe it at the appointed time, at twilight on the fourteenth day of this month, in accordance with its statutes and ordinances.”
4 Hivyo Mose akawaambia Waisraeli waiadhimishe Pasaka,
So Moses told the Israelites to observe the Passover,
5 nao wakafanya hivyo kwenye Jangwa la Sinai wakati wa kuzama jua siku ya kumi na nne ya mwezi wa kwanza. Waisraeli wakafanya kila kitu kama vile Bwana alivyomwamuru Mose.
and they did so in the Wilderness of Sinai, at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. The Israelites did everything just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
6 Lakini baadhi yao hawakuweza kuadhimisha Pasaka siku ile kwa sababu walikuwa najisi kwa taratibu za kiibada kwa ajili ya kugusa maiti. Kwa hiyo wakamwendea Mose na Aroni siku ile ile,
But there were some men who were unclean due to a dead body, so they could not observe the Passover on that day. And they came before Moses and Aaron that same day
7 wakamwambia Mose, “Tumekuwa najisi kwa sababu tumegusa maiti, lakini kwa nini tuzuiliwe kumtolea Bwana sadaka yake pamoja na Waisraeli wengine katika wakati ulioamriwa?”
and said to Moses, “We are unclean because of a dead body, but why should we be excluded from presenting the LORD’s offering with the other Israelites at the appointed time?”
8 Mose akawajibu, “Ngojeni mpaka nitafute kile Bwana anachoagiza kuwahusu ninyi.”
“Wait here until I find out what the LORD commands concerning you,” Moses replied.
9 Ndipo Bwana akamwambia Mose,
Then the LORD said to Moses,
10 “Waambie Waisraeli: ‘Wakati mmoja wenu au wazao wenu wanapokuwa najisi kwa sababu ya maiti au wakiwa safarini, hata hivyo wanaweza kuadhimisha Pasaka ya Bwana.
“Tell the Israelites: ‘When any one of you or your descendants is unclean because of a dead body, or is away on a journey, he may still observe the Passover to the LORD.
11 Wataiadhimisha wakati wa kuzama jua siku ya kumi na nne ya mwezi wa pili. Watamla mwana-kondoo, pamoja na mkate usiotiwa chachu, na mboga chungu.
Such people are to observe it at twilight on the fourteenth day of the second month. They are to eat the lamb, together with unleavened bread and bitter herbs;
12 Wasibakize chochote hadi asubuhi wala wasivunje mifupa ya mwana-kondoo. Wakati wanapoadhimisha Pasaka, hawana budi kufuata masharti yote.
they may not leave any of it until morning or break any of its bones. They must observe the Passover according to all its statutes.
13 Lakini kama mtu ni safi kwa taratibu za kiibada naye hayuko safarini, asipoadhimisha Pasaka, mtu huyo hana budi kukatiliwa mbali na watu wake kwa sababu hakutoa sadaka ya Bwana kwa wakati ulioamriwa. Mtu huyo atawajibika kubeba matokeo ya dhambi yake.
But if a man who is ceremonially clean and is not on a journey still fails to observe the Passover, he must be cut off from his people, because he did not present the LORD’s offering at its appointed time. That man will bear the consequences of his sin.
14 “‘Mgeni anayeishi miongoni mwenu ambaye anataka kuadhimisha Pasaka ya Bwana, lazima afanye hivyo kwa kufuata desturi na masharti. Lazima masharti yawe sawasawa kwa mgeni na mzawa.’”
If a foreigner dwelling among you wants to observe the Passover to the LORD, he is to do so according to the Passover statute and its ordinances. You are to apply the same statute to both the foreigner and the native of the land.’”
15 Katika siku hiyo ambayo Maskani, Hema la Ushuhuda, iliposimamishwa, wingu liliifunika. Kuanzia jioni mpaka asubuhi wingu lililokuwa juu ya Maskani lilionekana kama moto.
On the day that the tabernacle, the Tent of the Testimony, was set up, the cloud covered it and appeared like fire above the tabernacle from evening until morning.
16 Hivyo ndivyo lilivyoendelea kuwa; wingu liliifunika wakati wa mchana, na usiku lilionekana kama moto.
It remained that way continually; the cloud would cover the tabernacle by day, and at night it would appear like fire.
17 Wakati wowote wingu lilipoinuka kutoka juu ya Hema, nao Waisraeli waliondoka; mahali popote wingu liliposimama, Waisraeli walipiga kambi.
Whenever the cloud was lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites would set out, and wherever the cloud settled, there the Israelites would camp.
18 Kwa amri ya Bwana Waisraeli waliondoka, na kwa amri yake walipiga kambi. Kwa muda wote wingu liliposimama juu ya Maskani, Waisraeli walibaki wamepiga kambi.
At the LORD’s command the Israelites set out, and at the LORD’s command they camped. As long as the cloud remained over the tabernacle, they remained encamped.
19 Wakati wingu lilipobaki juu ya Maskani kwa muda mrefu, Waisraeli walitii amri ya Bwana nao hawakuondoka.
Even when the cloud lingered over the tabernacle for many days, the Israelites kept the LORD’s charge and did not set out.
20 Wakati mwingine wingu lilikuwa juu ya Maskani kwa siku chache tu; kwa amri ya Bwana wangelipiga kambi na kisha kwa amri yake wangeliondoka.
Sometimes the cloud remained over the tabernacle for only a few days, and they would camp at the LORD’s command and set out at the LORD’s command.
21 Wakati mwingine wingu lilikuwepo kuanzia jioni mpaka asubuhi tu, na lilipoinuka asubuhi, nao waliondoka. Ikiwa ni mchana au usiku, wakati wowote wingu lilipoinuka, waliondoka.
Sometimes the cloud remained only from evening until morning, and when it lifted in the morning, they would set out. Whether it was by day or by night, when the cloud was taken up, they would set out.
22 Ikiwa wingu lilikaa juu ya Maskani kwa siku mbili au mwezi au mwaka, Waisraeli wangebaki wamepiga kambi na hawakuondoka; lakini lilipoinuka, wangeondoka.
Whether the cloud lingered for two days, a month, or longer, the Israelites camped and did not set out as long as the cloud remained over the tabernacle; but when it was lifted, they would set out.
23 Kwa amri ya Bwana walipiga kambi, na kwa amri ya Bwana waliondoka. Walitii amri ya Bwana, kufuatana na agizo lake kupitia Mose.
They camped at the LORD’s command, and they set out at the LORD’s command; they carried out the LORD’s charge according to His command through Moses.

< Hesabu 9 >