< Hesabu 6 >

1 Bwana akamwambia Mose,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Sema na Waisraeli na uwaambie: ‘Ikiwa mwanaume au mwanamke anataka kuweka nadhiri maalum, nadhiri ya kutengwa kwa ajili ya Bwana kama Mnadhiri,
“Speak to the children of Israel, and tell them: ‘When either man or woman shall make a special vow, the vow of a Nazirite, to separate himself to the LORD,
3 ni lazima ajitenge na mvinyo na kinywaji kingine chochote chenye chachu, na kamwe asinywe siki itokanayo na mvinyo au itokanayo na kinywaji kingine chenye chachu. Kamwe asinywe maji ya zabibu wala kula zabibu mbichi au kavu.
he shall separate himself from wine and strong drink. He shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of fermented drink, neither shall he drink any juice of grapes, nor eat fresh grapes or dried.
4 Kwa muda wote atakaokuwa Mnadhiri, kamwe hatakula chochote kitokanacho na mzabibu, sio mbegu wala maganda.
All the days of his separation he shall eat nothing that is made of the grapevine, from the seeds even to the skins.
5 “‘Kwa muda wote wa nadhiri yake ya kujitenga kwa ajili ya Bwana, wembe hautapita kichwani mwake. Ni lazima awe mtakatifu mpaka kipindi cha kujitenga kwake kwa ajili ya Bwana kiishe; ni lazima aache nywele za kichwa chake zirefuke.
“‘All the days of his vow of separation no razor shall come on his head, until the days are fulfilled in which he separates himself to the LORD. He shall be holy. He shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow long.
6 Kwa kipindi chochote cha kujitenga kwa ajili ya Bwana hatakaribia maiti.
“‘All the days that he separates himself to the LORD he shall not go near a dead body.
7 Hata kama baba yake mwenyewe au mama au kaka au dada akifa, hatajinajisi mwenyewe kwa taratibu za ibada kwa ajili yao, kwa sababu ishara ya kujiweka wakfu kwake kwa Mungu ipo katika kichwa chake.
He shall not make himself unclean for his father, or for his mother, for his brother, or for his sister, when they die, because his separation to God is on his head.
8 Kwa kipindi chote cha kujitenga kwake yeye ni wakfu kwa Bwana.
All the days of his separation he is holy to the LORD.
9 “‘Kama mtu yeyote akifa ghafula karibu naye, atakuwa ametiwa unajisi nywele zake alizoziweka wakfu, hivyo ni lazima anyoe nywele zake siku ya utakaso wake, yaani siku ya saba.
“‘If any man dies very suddenly beside him, and he defiles the head of his separation, then he shall shave his head in the day of his cleansing. On the seventh day he shall shave it.
10 Kisha siku ya nane ni lazima alete hua wawili au makinda mawili ya njiwa kwa kuhani katika mlango wa Hema la Kukutania.
On the eighth day he shall bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons to the priest, to the door of the Tent of Meeting.
11 Kuhani atatoa mmoja kama sadaka ya dhambi, na mwingine kama sadaka ya kuteketezwa ili kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yake kwa sababu ametenda dhambi kwa kuwepo mbele ya maiti. Siku iyo hiyo atakiweka wakfu kichwa chake.
The priest shall offer one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering, and make atonement for him, because he sinned by reason of the dead, and shall make his head holy that same day.
12 Ni lazima ajitoe kabisa kwa Bwana kwa kipindi cha kujitenga kwake, na ni lazima atoe mwana-kondoo wa mwaka mmoja kama sadaka ya hatia. Siku zilizopita hazitahesabiwa kwa sababu alijitia unajisi katika siku zake za kujitenga.
He shall separate to the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a male lamb a year old for a trespass offering; but the former days shall be void, because his separation was defiled.
13 “‘Basi hii ndiyo sheria kwa ajili ya Mnadhiri baada ya kipindi chake cha kujitenga kupita. Ataletwa kwenye ingilio la Hema la Kukutania.
“‘This is the law of the Nazirite: when the days of his separation are fulfilled, he shall be brought to the door of the Tent of Meeting,
14 Hapo atatoa sadaka zake kwa Bwana: yaani, mwana-kondoo wa mwaka mmoja asiye na waa kwa ajili ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa, kondoo mke wa mwaka mmoja asiye na waa kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi, kondoo dume asiye na waa kwa ajili ya sadaka ya amani,
and he shall offer his offering to the LORD: one male lamb a year old without defect for a burnt offering, one ewe lamb a year old without defect for a sin offering, one ram without defect for peace offerings,
15 pamoja na sadaka zake za nafaka na za vinywaji, na kikapu cha mikate isiyotiwa chachu, yaani maandazi yaliyotengenezwa kwa unga laini uliochanganywa na mafuta, na mikate myembamba iliyopakwa mafuta.
a basket of unleavened bread, cakes of fine flour mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil with their meal offering and their drink offerings.
16 “‘Kuhani atavileta vitu hivyo mbele za Bwana na kufanya sadaka ya dhambi na sadaka ya kuteketezwa.
The priest shall present them before the LORD, and shall offer his sin offering and his burnt offering.
17 Ataleta pia kikapu cha mikate isiyotiwa chachu, na atatoa dhabihu kondoo dume kama sadaka ya amani kwa Bwana, pamoja na sadaka yake ya nafaka na sadaka ya kinywaji.
He shall offer the ram for a sacrifice of peace offerings to the LORD, with the basket of unleavened bread. The priest shall offer also its meal offering and its drink offering.
18 “‘Kisha kwenye ingilio la Hema la Kukutania, Mnadhiri ni lazima anyoe nywele zake ambazo alikuwa ameziweka wakfu. Atazichukua hizo nywele na kuziweka ndani ya moto ulio chini ya dhabihu ya sadaka ya amani.
The Nazirite shall shave the head of his separation at the door of the Tent of Meeting, take the hair of the head of his separation, and put it on the fire which is under the sacrifice of peace offerings.
19 “‘Baada ya Mnadhiri kunyoa hizo nywele zake za kujitenga kwake, kuhani atampa mikononi mwake bega la kondoo dume lililochemshwa, na pia andazi na mkate mwembamba kutoka kwenye kikapu, vyote vikiwa vimetengenezwa bila kuwekwa chachu.
The priest shall take the boiled shoulder of the ram, one unleavened cake out of the basket, and one unleavened wafer, and shall put them on the hands of the Nazirite after he has shaved the head of his separation;
20 Kisha kuhani ataviinua mbele za Bwana kama sadaka ya kuinua; ni vitakatifu na ni mali ya kuhani, pamoja na kile kidari kilichoinuliwa na lile paja lililotolewa. Baada ya hayo, Mnadhiri anaweza kunywa divai.
and the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD. They are holy for the priest, together with the breast that is waved and the thigh that is offered. After that the Nazirite may drink wine.
21 “‘Hii ndiyo sheria ya Mnadhiri ambaye anaweka nadhiri kwa matoleo yake kwa Bwana kufuatana na kujitenga kwake, zaidi ya chochote kile anachoweza kupata. Ni lazima atimize nadhiri aliyoiweka kufuatana na sheria ya Mnadhiri.’”
“‘This is the law of the Nazirite who vows and of his offering to the LORD for his separation, in addition to that which he is able to afford. According to his vow which he vows, so he must do after the law of his separation.’”
22 Bwana akamwambia Mose,
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
23 “Mwambie Aroni na wanawe, ‘Hivi ndivyo mtakavyowabariki Waisraeli. Waambieni:
“Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, ‘This is how you shall bless the children of Israel.’ You shall tell them,
24 “‘“Bwana akubariki na kukulinda;
‘The LORD bless you, and keep you.
25 Bwana akuangazie nuru ya uso wake na kukufadhili;
The LORD make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you.
26 Bwana akugeuzie uso wake na kukupa amani.”’
The LORD lift up his face toward you, and give you peace.’
27 “Hivyo wataliweka Jina langu juu ya Waisraeli, nami nitawabariki.”
“So they shall put my name on the children of Israel; and I will bless them.”

< Hesabu 6 >