< Mathayo 23 >

1 Kisha Yesu akauambia umati wa watu pamoja na wanafunzi wake:
Then spake Iesus to the people and to his disciples
2 “Walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo wameketi katika kiti cha Mose,
sayinge. The Scribes and the Pharises sit in Moses seate.
3 hivyo inawapasa kuwatii na kufanya kila kitu wanachowaambia. Lakini msifuate yale wanayotenda, kwa sababu hawatendi yale wanayohubiri.
All therfore whatsoever they byd you observe that observe and do: but after their workes do not:
4 Wao hufunga mizigo mikubwa na kuiweka mabegani mwa watu, lakini wao wenyewe hawako radhi hata kuinua kidole ili kuisogeza.
For they saye and do not. Ye and they bynde hevy burthes and grevous to be borne and ley the on menes shulders: but they themsylfes will not heave at them with one of their fyngers.
5 “Wao hutenda mambo yao yote ili waonekane na watu. Hupanua vikasha vyao vyenye maandiko ya sheria na kurefusha matamvua ya mavazi yao.
All their workes they do for to be sene of me. They set abroade their philateries and make large borders on there garmetes
6 Wanapenda kukalia viti vya heshima katika karamu, na vile viti maalum sana katika masinagogi.
and love to sit vppermooste at feastes and to have the chefe seates in the synagoges
7 Hupenda kusalimiwa masokoni na kutaka watu wawaite ‘Rabi.’
and gretinges in the marketes and to be called of men Rabi.
8 “Lakini ninyi msiitwe ‘Rabi,’ kwa sababu mnaye Bwana mmoja na ninyi nyote ni ndugu.
But ye shall not suffre youre selves to be called Rabi. For one is youre master that is to wyt Christ and all ye are brethre.
9 Nanyi msimwite mtu yeyote ‘Baba,’ hapa duniani, kwa maana mnaye Baba mmoja, naye yuko mbinguni.
And call no man youre father vpon the erth for there is but one youre father and he is in heven.
10 Wala msiitwe ‘Mwalimu,’ kwa maana mnaye mwalimu mmoja tu, ndiye Kristo.
Be not called masters for there is but one youre master and he is Christ.
11 Yeye aliye mkuu kuliko ninyi nyote miongoni mwenu atakuwa mtumishi wenu.
He that is greatest amoge you shalbe youre seruaunte.
12 Kwa kuwa yeyote anayejikweza atashushwa, na yeyote anayejinyenyekeza atakwezwa.
But whosoever exalteth himsilfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth himsilfe shalbe exalted.
13 “Lakini ole wenu, walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, enyi wanafiki! Kwa maana mnawafungia watu milango ya Ufalme wa Mbinguni. Ninyi wenyewe hamuingii humo, nao wale wanaotaka kuingia mnawazuia. [
Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites for ye shutte vp the kyngdome of heve before men: ye youre selves goo not in nether suffre ye them that come to enter in.
14 Ole wenu walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, enyi wanafiki! Mnakula katika nyumba za wajane, nanyi kwa kujifanya kuwa wema, mnasali sala ndefu. Kwa hiyo hukumu yenu itakuwa kuu zaidi.]
Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites: ye devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of praying longe prayers: wherfore ye shall receave greater damnacion.
15 “Ole wenu walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, enyi wanafiki! Ninyi mnasafiri baharini na nchi kavu ili kumfanya mtu mmoja mwongofu, lakini baada ya kumpata, mnamfanya mwana wa jehanamu mara mbili kuliko ninyi! (Geenna g1067)
Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which compasse see and londe to bringe one in to youre belefe: and when he ys brought ye make him two folde more the chylde of hell then ye youre selves are. (Geenna g1067)
16 “Ole wenu, viongozi vipofu! Ninyi mwasema, ‘Mtu akiapa kwa Hekalu, kiapo hicho si kitu; lakini mtu akiapa kwa dhahabu ya Hekalu, amefungwa kwa kiapo chake.’
Wo be vnto you blynd gides which saye whosoever sweare by the teple it is no thinge: but whosoever sweare by the golde of the temple he offendeth.
17 Ninyi vipofu wapumbavu! Ni kipi kilicho kikuu zaidi: ni ile dhahabu, au ni lile Hekalu linaloifanya hiyo dhahabu kuwa takatifu?
Ye foles and blinde? whether is greater the golde or the teple that sanctifieth ye golde.
18 Pia mnasema, ‘Mtu akiapa kwa madhabahu, si kitu; lakini mtu akiapa kwa sadaka iliyo juu ya madhabahu, amefungwa kwa kiapo chake’
And whosoever sweareth by the aulter it is nothinge: but whosoever sweareth by ye offeringe yt lyeth on ye aultre offendeth.
19 Ninyi vipofu! Ni kipi kikuu zaidi: ni sadaka, au ni madhabahu yanayoifanya hiyo sadaka kuwa takatifu?
Ye foles and blinde: whether is greater ye offeringe or ye aultre which sanctifieth ye offeringe?
20 Kwa hiyo, mtu aapaye kwa madhabahu, huapa kwa hayo madhabahu na vitu vyote vilivyo juu yake.
Whosoever therfore sweareth by ye aultre sweareth by it and by all yt there on is.
21 Naye mtu aapaye kwa Hekalu, huapa kwa hilo Hekalu na kwa huyo akaaye ndani yake.
And whosoever sweareth by the teple sweareth by it and by hym yt dwelleth therin.
22 Naye aapaye kwa mbingu, huapa kwa kiti cha enzi cha Mungu na kwa yeye aketiye juu ya kiti hicho.
And he that sweareth by heve swereth by the seate of God and by hym that sytteth theron.
23 “Ole wenu walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, ninyi wanafiki! Kwa maana mnatoa zaka ya mnanaa, bizari na jira, lakini mmeacha mambo makuu zaidi ya sheria, yaani haki, huruma na uaminifu. Iliwapasa kufanya haya makuu ya sheria bila kupuuza hayo matoleo.
Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which tythe mynt annyse and comen and leave the waygthtyer mattres of ye lawe vndone: iudgemet mercy and fayth. These ought ye to have done and not to have left the othre vndone.
24 Ninyi viongozi vipofu, mnachuja kiroboto lakini mnameza ngamia!
Ye blinde gydes which strayne out a gnat and swalowe a cammyll.
25 “Ole wenu, walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, ninyi wanafiki! Kwa maana mnasafisha kikombe na sahani kwa nje, lakini ndani mmejaa unyangʼanyi na kutokuwa na kiasi.
Wo be to you scribes and pharises ypocrites which make clene ye vtter syde of the cuppe and of the platter: but within they are full of brybery and excesse.
26 Ewe Farisayo kipofu! Safisha ndani ya kikombe na sahani kwanza, ndipo nje itakuwa safi pia.
Thou blinde Pharise clense fyrst the outsyde of the cup and platter that the ynneside of them maye be clene also.
27 “Ole wenu, walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, ninyi wanafiki! Mnafanana na makaburi yaliyopakwa chokaa, ambayo yanapendeza kwa nje, lakini ndani yamejaa mifupa ya wafu na kila aina ya uchafu.
Wo be to you Scribe and Pharises ypocrite for ye are lyke vnto paynted tombes which appere beautyfull outwarde: but are wt in full of deed bones and of all fylthynes.
28 Vivyo hivyo, kwa nje ninyi mnaonekana kwa watu kuwa wenye haki, lakini kwa ndani mmejaa unafiki na uovu.
So are ye for outwarde ye appere righteous vnto me when within ye are full of ypocrisie and iniquite.
29 “Ole wenu, walimu wa sheria na Mafarisayo, ninyi wanafiki! Mnajenga makaburi ya manabii na kuyapamba makaburi ya wenye haki.
Wo be vnto you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites: ye bylde the tombes of the Prophetes and garnisshe the sepulchres of the righteous
30 Nanyi mwasema, ‘Kama tungaliishi wakati wa baba zetu, tusingalikuwa tumeshiriki katika kumwaga damu ya manabii!’
and saye: Yf we had bene in the dayes of oure fathers we wolde not have bene parteners with them in the bloud of the Prophetes.
31 Hivyo mnajishuhudia wenyewe kwamba ninyi ni wana wa wale waliowaua manabii.
So then ye be witnesses vnto youre selfes that ye are the chyldren of them which killed the prophetes.
32 Haya basi, kijazeni kipimo cha dhambi ya baba zenu!
Fulfill ye lyke wyse the measure of youre fathers.
33 “Ninyi nyoka, ninyi uzao wa nyoka wenye sumu! Mtaiepukaje hukumu ya jehanamu? (Geenna g1067)
Yee serpentes and generacion of vipers how shuld ye scape ye dapnacio of hell? (Geenna g1067)
34 Kwa sababu hii, tazameni, natuma kwenu manabii na wenye hekima na walimu. Baadhi yao mtawaua na kuwasulubisha, na wengine wao mtawapiga mijeledi katika masinagogi yenu na kuwafuatia kutoka mji mmoja hadi mji mwingine.
Wherfore beholde I sende vnto you prophetes wyse men and scribes and of the ye shall kyll and crucifie: and of the ye shall scourge in youre synagoges and persecute from cyte to cyte
35 Hivyo ile damu ya wenye haki wote iliyomwagwa hapa duniani, tangu damu ya Abeli, ambaye alikuwa hana hatia, hadi damu ya Zekaria mwana wa Barakia, mliyemuua kati ya patakatifu na madhabahu, itawajia juu yenu.
that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude that was sheed vpon the erth fro the bloud of righteous Abell vnto ye bloud of zacharias the sonne of Barachias who ye slewe betwene the teple and ye altre.
36 Amin, nawaambia, haya yote yatakuja juu ya kizazi hiki.
Verely I say vnto you all these thinges shall light vpon this generacion.
37 “Ee Yerusalemu, Yerusalemu, uwauaye manabii na kuwapiga mawe wale waliotumwa kwako! Mara ngapi nimetamani kuwakusanya watoto wako pamoja, kama vile kuku akusanyavyo vifaranga wake chini ya mabawa yake, lakini hukutaka!
Hierusalem hierusalem which kyllest prophetes and stonest the which are sent to the: how often wolde I have gadered thy chyldren to gether as the henne gadreth her chickes vnder her winges but ye wolde not:
38 Tazama nyumba yenu imeachwa ukiwa.
Beholde youre habitacio shalbe lefte vnto you desolate.
39 Kwa maana nawaambia, hamtaniona tena tangu sasa mpaka mtakaposema, ‘Amebarikiwa yeye ajaye kwa Jina la Bwana.’”
For I saye to you ye shall not se me heceforthe tyll that ye saye: blessed is he that cometh in the name of ye Lorde.

< Mathayo 23 >