< Marko 4 >
1 Yesu akaanza kufundisha tena kando ya bahari. Umati wa watu uliokuwa umekusanyika kumzunguka ulikuwa mkubwa, kiasi kwamba ilimbidi Yesu aingie kwenye mashua iliyokuwa baharini na kuketi humo, nao watu wote walikuwa ufuoni mwa bahari.
And he began agayne to teache by the seesyde. And there gadered to gedder vnto him moche people so greatly yt he entred into a ship and sate in the see and all the people was by the seeside on the shoore.
2 Akawafundisha mambo mengi kwa mifano, naye katika mafundisho yake akasema:
And he taught them many thynges in similitudes and sayde vnto them in his doctrine:
3 “Sikilizeni! Mpanzi alitoka kwenda kupanda mbegu zake.
Herken to. Beholde There wet out a sower to sowe.
4 Alipokuwa akitawanya mbegu, nyingine zilianguka kando ya njia, nao ndege wakaja na kuzila.
And it fortuned as he sowed that some fell by the waye syde and the fowles of the ayre came and devoured it vp.
5 Nyingine zilianguka kwenye ardhi yenye mwamba isiyo na udongo wa kutosha. Zikaota haraka, kwa kuwa udongo ulikuwa haba.
Some fell on stony grounde where it had not moche erth: and by and by sprange vp because it had not deepth of erth:
6 Lakini jua lilipozidi, mimea ikanyauka na kukauka kwa kuwa mizizi yake haikuwa na kina.
but as sone as the sunne was vp it caught heet and because it had not rotynge wyddred awaye.
7 Mbegu nyingine zilianguka kwenye miiba, nayo miiba hiyo ikakua, ikaisonga hiyo mimea, hivyo haikutoa mazao.
And some fell amonge the thornes and the thornes grewe vp and choked it so that it gave no frute.
8 Mbegu nyingine zilianguka kwenye udongo mzuri, zikaota vizuri na kukua, zikatoa mazao, moja mara thelathini, nyingine mara sitini, na nyingine mara mia moja.”
And some fell vpon good grounde and dyd yelde frute that sproge and grewe and brought forthe: some thirty folde some sixtie folde and some an hundred folde.
9 Kisha Yesu akasema, “Mwenye masikio ya kusikia, na asikie.”
And he sayde vnto them: he that hath eares to heare let him heare.
10 Alipokuwa peke yake, watu waliokuwepo naye pamoja na wanafunzi wake kumi na wawili wakamuuliza kuhusu mifano yake.
And when he was alone they yt were aboute him with ye. xii. axed him of ye similitude.
11 Naye akawaambia, “Ninyi mmepewa kujua siri ya Ufalme wa Mungu. Lakini kwa wale walioko nje, kila kitu husemwa kwao kwa mifano,
And he sayde vnto the. To you it is geve to knowe the mistery of the kyngdome of God. But vnto them that are wt out shall all thinges be done in similitudes:
12 ili, “‘daima waone lakini wasitambue, daima wasikie lakini wasielewe; wasije wakageuka, wakatubu na kusamehewa!’”
yt when they se they shall se and not discerne: and when they heare they shall heare and not vnderstonde: leste at any tyme they shulde tourne and their synnes shuld be forgeve the.
13 Kisha Yesu akawauliza, “Hamwelewi maana ya mfano huu? Basi mtaelewaje mifano mingine?
And he sayde vnto the: Perceave ye not this similitude? how then shulde ye vnderstonde all other similitudes?
14 Yule mpanzi hupanda neno.
The sower soweth ye worde.
15 Hawa ndio wale walio kando ya njia ambako neno lilipandwa. Walisikiapo neno, Shetani huja mara na kulinyakua lile neno lililopandwa ndani yao.
And they that are by the wayes syde where the worde is sowen are they to whom assone as they have herde it Satha cometh immediatly and takith awaye the worde that was sowe in their hertes.
16 Nazo zile mbegu zilizoanguka kwenye udongo wenye miamba, ni wale wanaolisikia neno, na mara hulipokea kwa furaha.
And likewise they that are sowen on the stonye groude are they: which when they have harde the worde at once receave it wt gladnes
17 Lakini kwa kuwa hawana mizizi, wao hudumu kwa muda mfupi tu. Kisha dhiki au mateso yanapoinuka kwa ajili ya lile neno, mara wao huiacha imani.
yet have no rotes in them selves and so endure but a tyme: and anone as trouble and persecucion aryseth for ye wordes sake they fall immediatly.
18 Lakini wengine, kama mbegu iliyopandwa kwenye miiba, hulisikia lile neno;
And they that are sowe amoge the thornes are soche as heare ye worde:
19 lakini masumbufu ya maisha haya, na udanganyifu wa mali na tamaa ya mambo mengine huja na kulisonga lile neno na kulifanya lisizae. (aiōn )
and ye care of this worlde and ye disseytfulnes of ryches and the lustes of other thinges entre in and choocke ye worde and it is made vnfrutfull. (aiōn )
20 Wengine, kama mbegu iliyopandwa kwenye udongo mzuri, hulisikia lile neno, wakalipokea na kuzaa mazao. Wao huzaa mara thelathini, au mara sitini, au mara mia ya mbegu iliyopandwa.”
And those that weare sowe in good grounde are they that heare the worde and receave it and bringe forth frute some thirty folde some sixty folde some an hundred folde.
21 Akawaambia, “Je, taa huwashwa na kufunikwa chini ya kikapu au mvunguni mwa kitanda? Je, haiwashwi na kuwekwa juu ya kinara chake?
And he sayde vnto them: is ye candle lighted to be put vnder a busshell or vnder ye table and not rather to be put on a cadelstick?
22 Kwa kuwa hakuna kilichofichika ambacho hakitafunuliwa, wala hakuna jambo lolote la siri ambalo halitaletwa nuruni.
For there is nothinge so prevy that shall not be opened: nether so secreet but that it shall come abroade.
23 Mwenye masikio ya kusikia, na asikie.”
Yf eny man have eares to heare let him heare.
24 Naye akawaambia, “Kuweni waangalifu na yale mnayosikia. Kipimo kile mpimacho, ndicho mtakachopimiwa ninyi, hata na zaidi.
And he sayde vnto them: take hede what ye heare. With what measure ye mete with the same shall it be measured vnto you agayne. And vnto you that heare shall more be geve.
25 Kwa maana kila mtu aliye na kitu atapewa zaidi, naye atakuwa navyo tele. Lakini yule asiye na kitu, hata kile alicho nacho atanyangʼanywa.”
For vnto him yt hath shall it be geven: and from him that hath not shalbe taken awaye even that he hath.
26 Pia akawaambia, “Ufalme wa Mungu unafanana na mtu apandaye mbegu shambani.
And he sayde: so is the kyngdome of God even as yf a man shuld sowe seed in ye groude
27 Akiisha kuzipanda, usiku na mchana, akiwa amelala au ameamka, mbegu huota na kukua pasipo yeye kujua ikuavyo.
and shulde slepe and ryse vp night and daye: and the seede shuld springe and growe vp he not ware.
28 Udongo huifanya iote kuwa mche, halafu suke, kisha nafaka kamili kwenye suke.
For ye erth bringeth forthe frute of her silfe: fyrst the blade then the eares after that full corne in the eares.
29 Lakini nafaka inapokuwa imekomaa, mara mkulima huingia shambani na mundu wa kuvunia, maana mavuno yamekuwa tayari.”
And as sone as the frute is brought forth anone he throusteth in ye sykell because the hervest is come.
30 Akawaambia tena, “Tuufananishe Ufalme wa Mungu na nini? Au tutumie mfano gani ili kuueleza?
And he sayde: where vnto shall we lyke the kyngdome of God? or with what copareson shall we copare it?
31 Ni kama punje ya haradali, ambayo ni mbegu ndogo sana kuliko mbegu zote zinazopandwa ardhini.
It is lyke a grayne of mustard seed which when it is sowe in the erth is the leest of all seedes that be in the erth:
32 Lakini ikishaota, hukua ikawa mmea mkubwa kuliko yote ya bustanini, ikawa na matawi makubwa hata ndege wa angani wanaweza kujenga viota kwenye matawi yake.”
but after that it is sowen it groweth vp and is greatest of all yerbes: and bereth greate brauches so that ye fowles of the ayre maye dwell vnder the shadowe of it.
33 Kwa mifano mingine mingi kama hii Yesu alinena nao neno lake, kwa kadiri walivyoweza kulielewa.
And with many soche similitudes he preached the worde vnto the after as they myght heare it.
34 Hakusema nao neno lolote pasipo mfano. Lakini alipokuwa na wanafunzi wake, aliwafafanulia kila kitu.
And with out similitude spake he no thinge vnto them. But when they were aparte he expounded all thinges to his disciples.
35 Siku hiyo ilipokaribia jioni, aliwaambia wanafunzi wake, “Tuvukeni twende mpaka ngʼambo.”
And the same daye when even was come he sayde vnto them: let vs passe over vnto the other syde.
36 Wakauacha ule umati wa watu, na wakamchukua vile alivyokuwa kwenye mashua. Palikuwa pia na mashua nyingine nyingi pamoja naye.
And they lefte the people and toke him even as he was in the shyp. And ther were also with him other shippes.
37 Kukawa na dhoruba kali, nayo mawimbi yakaipiga ile mashua hata ikawa karibu kujaa maji.
And ther arose a great storme of wynde and dasshed ye waves into the ship so that it was full.
38 Yesu alikuwa katika shetri, akiwa analala juu ya mto. Wanafunzi wake wakamwamsha, wakamwambia, “Mwalimu, hujali kama tunazama?”
And he was in the sterne a slepe on a pelowe. And they awoke him and sayde to him: Master carest thou not yt we perisshe?
39 Akaamka, akaukemea ule upepo, akayaambia yale mawimbi, “Uwe kimya! Tulia!” Ule upepo ukatulia, kukawa shwari kabisa.
And he rose vp and rebuked the wynde and sayde vnto the see: peace and be still. And the winde alayed and ther folowed a greate calme.
40 Yesu akawaambia wanafunzi wake, “Kwa nini mnaogopa hivyo? Je, bado hamna imani?”
And he sayde vnto them: why are ye so fearfull? How is it that ye have no fayth?
41 Nao wakawa wameogopa sana, wakaulizana, “Ni nani huyu ambaye hata upepo na mawimbi vinamtii?”
And they feared excedingly and sayde one to another: what felowe is this? For booth winde and see obey him.