< Luka 2 >

1 Siku zile Kaisari Augusto alitoa amri kwamba watu wote waandikishwe katika ulimwengu wa Kirumi.
And it was don in tho daies, a maundement wente out fro the emperour August, that al the world schulde be discryued.
2 (Orodha hii ndiyo ya kwanza iliyofanyika wakati Krenio alikuwa mtawala wa Shamu).
This firste discryuyng was maad of Cyryn, iustice of Sirie.
3 Kila mtu alikwenda kuandikishwa katika mji wake alikozaliwa.
And alle men wenten to make professioun, ech in to his owne citee.
4 Hivyo Yosefu akapanda kutoka mji wa Nazareti ulioko Galilaya kwenda Uyahudi, mpaka Bethlehemu, mji wa Daudi, kwa sababu yeye alikuwa wa ukoo na wa nyumba ya Daudi.
And Joseph wente vp fro Galilee, fro the citee Nazareth, in to Judee, in to a citee of Dauid, that is clepid Bethleem, for that he was of the hous and of the meyne of Dauid,
5 Alikwenda huko kujiandikisha pamoja na Maria, ambaye alikuwa amemposa naye alikuwa mjamzito.
that he schulde knouleche with Marie, his wijf, that was weddid to hym, and was greet with child.
6 Wakiwa Bethlehemu, wakati wa Maria wa kujifungua ukawa umetimia,
And it was don, while thei weren there, the daies weren fulfillid, that sche schulde bere child.
7 naye akamzaa mwanawe, kifungua mimba. Akamfunika nguo za kitoto na kumlaza katika hori ya kulia ngʼombe, kwa sababu hapakuwa na nafasi katika nyumba ya wageni.
And sche bare hir first borun sone, and wlappide hym in clothis, and leide hym in a cratche, for ther was no place to hym in no chaumbir.
8 Katika eneo lile walikuwako wachungaji waliokuwa wakikaa mashambani, wakilinda makundi yao ya kondoo usiku.
And scheepherdis weren in the same cuntre, wakynge and kepynge the watchis of the nyyt on her flok.
9 Ghafula tazama, malaika wa Bwana akawatokea, nao utukufu wa Bwana ukawangʼaria kotekote, wakaingiwa na hofu.
And lo! the aungel of the Lord stood bisidis hem, and the cleernesse of God schinede aboute hem; and thei dredden with greet drede.
10 Lakini malaika akawaambia: “Msiogope. Kwa maana tazama nawaletea habari njema za furaha itakayokuwa kwa watu wote.
And the aungel seide to hem, Nyle ye drede; for lo! Y preche to you a greet ioye, that schal be to al puple.
11 Leo katika mji wa Daudi kwa ajili yenu amezaliwa Mwokozi, ndiye Kristo Bwana.
For a sauyoure is borun to dai to you, that is Crist the Lord, in the citee of Dauid.
12 Hii ndiyo itakayokuwa ishara kwenu: Mtamkuta mtoto mchanga amefunikwa nguo za kitoto na kulazwa katika hori ya kulia ngʼombe.”
And this is a tokene to you; ye schulen fynde a yong child wlappid in clothis, and leid in a cratche.
13 Ghafula pakawa na jeshi kubwa la mbinguni pamoja na huyo malaika wakimsifu Mungu wakisema,
And sudenli ther was maad with the aungel a multitude of heuenli knyythod, heriynge God,
14 “Atukuzwe Mungu juu mbinguni, na duniani iwe amani kwa watu aliowaridhia.”
and seiynge, Glorie be in the hiyeste thingis to God, and in erthe pees be to men of good wille.
15 Hao malaika walipokwisha kuondoka na kwenda zao mbinguni, wale wachungaji wakasemezana wao kwa wao, “Twendeni Bethlehemu tukaone mambo haya ya ajabu yaliyotukia, ambayo Bwana ametuambia habari zake.”
And it was don, as the `aungelis passiden awei fro hem in to heuene, the scheephirdis spaken togider, and seiden, Go we ouer to Bethleem, and se we this word that is maad, which the Lord hath `maad, and schewide to vs.
16 Hivyo wakaenda haraka Bethlehemu, wakawakuta Maria na Yosefu na yule mtoto mchanga akiwa amelala katika hori la kulia ngʼombe.
And thei hiyynge camen, and founden Marie and Joseph, and the yong child leid in a cratche.
17 Walipomwona yule mtoto, wakawaeleza yale waliyokuwa wameambiwa kuhusu huyo mtoto.
And thei seynge, knewen of the word that was seid to hem of this child.
18 Nao wote waliosikia habari hizi wakastaajabia yale waliyoambiwa na wale wachungaji wa kondoo.
And alle men that herden wondriden, and of these thingis that weren seid to hem of the scheephirdis.
19 Lakini Maria akayaweka mambo haya yote moyoni mwake na kuyatafakari.
But Marie kepte alle these wordis, berynge togider in hir herte.
20 Wale wachungaji wakarudi, huku wakimtukuza Mungu na kumsifu kwa ajili ya mambo yote waliyokuwa wameambiwa na kuyaona.
And the scheepherdis turneden ayen, glorifyinge and heriynge God in alle thingis that thei hadden herd and seyn, as it was seid to hem.
21 Hata zilipotimia siku nane, ulikuwa ndio wakati wa kumtahiri mtoto, akaitwa Yesu, jina alilokuwa amepewa na malaika kabla hajatungwa mimba.
And aftir that the eiyte daies weren endid, that the child schulde be circumcided, his name was clepid Jhesus, which was clepid of the aungel, bifor that he was conceyued in the wombe.
22 Ulipotimia wakati wa utakaso wake Maria kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Mose, basi Yosefu na Maria walimpeleka mtoto Yerusalemu, ili kumweka wakfu kwa Bwana
And aftir that the daies of the purgacioun of Marie weren fulfillid, aftir Moyses lawe, thei token hym into Jerusalem, to offre hym to the Lord, as it is writun in the lawe of the Lord,
23 (kama ilivyoandikwa katika Sheria ya Bwana, kwamba, “Kila mtoto wa kiume kifungua mimba atawekwa wakfu kwa Bwana”),
For euery male kynde openynge the wombe, schal be clepid holi to the Lord; and that thei schulen yyue an offryng,
24 na pia kutoa dhabihu kulingana na yale yaliyonenwa katika Sheria ya Bwana: “Hua wawili au makinda mawili ya njiwa.”
aftir that it is seid in the lawe of the Lord, A peire of turturis, or twei culuer briddis.
25 Basi alikuwako huko Yerusalemu mtu mmoja jina lake Simeoni, ambaye alikuwa mwenye haki na mcha Mungu, akitarajia faraja ya Israeli, na Roho Mtakatifu alikuwa juu yake.
And lo! a man was in Jerusalem, whos name was Symeon; and this man was iust and vertuous, and aboode the coumfort of Israel; and the Hooli Goost was in hym.
26 Roho Mtakatifu alikuwa amemfunulia kuwa hatakufa kabla hajamwona Kristo wa Bwana.
And he hadde takun an answere of the Hooli Goost, that he schulde not se deeth, but he sawy first the Crist of the Lord.
27 Simeoni, akiwa ameongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu, alikwenda Hekaluni. Wazazi walipomleta mtoto Yesu ili kumfanyia kama ilivyokuwa desturi ya Sheria,
And he cam in spirit into the temple. And whanne his fadir and modir ledden the child Jhesu to do aftir the custom of the lawe for hym,
28 ndipo Simeoni akampokea mtoto mikononi mwake na kumsifu Mungu, akisema:
he took hym in to hise armes, and he blesside God,
29 “Bwana Mwenyezi, kama ulivyoahidi, sasa wamruhusu mtumishi wako aende zake kwa amani.
and seide, Lord, now thou leuyst thi seruaunt aftir thi word in pees;
30 Kwa maana macho yangu yameuona wokovu wako,
for myn iyen han seyn thin helthe,
31 ulioweka tayari machoni pa watu wote,
which thou hast maad redi bifor the face of alle puplis;
32 nuru kwa ajili ya ufunuo kwa watu wa Mataifa na kwa ajili ya utukufu kwa watu wako Israeli.”
liyt to the schewyng of hethene men, and glorie of thi puple Israel.
33 Naye Yosefu na mama yake mtoto wakastaajabu kwa yale yaliyokuwa yamesemwa kumhusu huyo mtoto.
And his fadir and his modir weren wondrynge on these thingis, that weren seid of hym.
34 Kisha Simeoni akawabariki, akamwambia Maria mama yake, “Mtoto huyu amewekwa kwa makusudi ya kuanguka na kuinuka kwa wengi katika Israeli. Atakuwa ishara ambayo watu watanena dhidi yake,
And Symeon blesside hem, and seide to Marie, his modir, Lo! this is set in to the fallyng doun and in to the risyng ayen of many men in Israel, and in to a tokene, to whom it schal be ayenseid.
35 ili mawazo ya mioyo mingi yadhihirike. Nao upanga utauchoma moyo wako.”
And a swerd schal passe thorou thin owne soule, that the thouytis ben schewid of many hertis.
36 Tena alikuwako Hekaluni nabii mmoja mwanamke, jina lake Ana binti Fanueli, wa kabila la Asheri. Alikuwa mzee sana; naye alikuwa ameolewa na kuishi na mume kwa miaka saba tu, kisha mumewe akafa.
And Anna was a prophetesse, the douytir of Fanuel, of the lynage of Aser. And sche hadde goon forth in many daies, and hadde lyued with hir hosebonde seuene yeer fro hir maydynhode.
37 Hivyo alikuwa mjane na umri wake ulikuwa miaka themanini na minne. Yeye hakuondoka humo Hekaluni usiku wala mchana, bali alikuwa akimwabudu Mungu, akifunga na kuomba.
And this was a widewe to foure scoor yeer and foure; and sche departide not fro the temple, but seruyde to God nyyt and dai in fastyngis and preieris.
38 Wakati huo huo, Ana alikuja akaanza kusifu, akimshukuru Mungu na kusema habari za huyo mtoto kwa watu wote waliokuwa wakitarajia ukombozi wa Yerusalemu.
And this cam vpon hem in thilk our, and knoulechide to the Lord, and spak of hym to alle that abiden the redempcioun of Israel.
39 Yosefu na Maria walipokuwa wamekamilisha mambo yote yaliyotakiwa na Sheria ya Bwana, walirudi mjini kwao Nazareti huko Galilaya.
And as thei hadden ful don alle thingis, aftir the lawe of the Lord, thei turneden ayen in to Galilee, in to her citee Nazareth.
40 Naye yule mtoto akakua na kuongezeka nguvu, akiwa amejaa hekima, na neema ya Mungu ilikuwa juu yake.
And the child wexe, and was coumfortid, ful of wisdom; and the grace of God was in hym.
41 Kila mwaka Yosefu na Maria mama yake Yesu walikuwa na desturi ya kwenda Yerusalemu kwa ajili ya Sikukuu ya Pasaka.
And his fadir and modir wenten ech yeer in to Jerusalem, in the solempne dai of pask.
42 Yesu alipokuwa na umri wa miaka kumi na miwili, walipanda kwenda kwenye Sikukuu hiyo kama ilivyokuwa desturi.
And whanne Jhesus was twelue yeer oold, thei wenten vp to Jerusalem, aftir the custom of the feeste dai.
43 Baada ya Sikukuu kumalizika, wakati Yosefu na Maria mama yake walipokuwa wakirudi nyumbani, Yesu alibaki Yerusalemu lakini hawakutambua.
And whanne the daies weren don, thei turneden ayen; and the child abood in Jerusalem, and his fadir and modir knewen it not.
44 Wao wakidhani kuwa yuko miongoni mwa wasafiri, walienda mwendo wa kutwa nzima. Ndipo wakaanza kumtafuta miongoni mwa jamaa zao na marafiki.
For thei gessynge that he hadde be in the felowschip, camen a daies iourney, and souyten hym among hise cosyns and hise knouleche.
45 Walipomkosa walirudi Yerusalemu ili kumtafuta.
And whanne thei founden hym not, thei turneden ayen in to Jerusalem, and souyten hym.
46 Baada ya siku tatu wakamkuta ndani ya Hekalu, akiwa ameketi katikati ya walimu wa sheria, akiwasikiliza na kuwauliza maswali.
And it bifelle, that aftir the thridde dai thei founden hym in the temple, sittynge in the myddil of the doctours, herynge hem and axynge hem.
47 Wote waliomsikia walistaajabishwa na uwezo wake mkubwa wa kuelewa, na majibu aliyoyatoa.
And alle men that herden hym, wondriden on the prudence and the answeris of hym.
48 Yosefu na Maria mama yake walipomwona walishangaa. Mama yake akamuuliza, “Mwanangu, mbona umetufanyia hivi? Tazama, mimi na baba yako tumekuwa tukikutafuta kwa wasiwasi mkubwa kila mahali.”
And thei seyn, and wondriden. And his modir seide to hym, Sone, what hast thou do to vs thus? Lo! thi fadir and Y sorewynge han souyte thee.
49 Yesu akawaambia, “Kwa nini kunitafuta? Hamkujua kwamba imenipasa kuwa katika nyumba ya Baba yangu?”
And he seide to hem, What is it that ye souyten me? wisten ye not that in tho thingis that ben of my fadir, it behoueth me to be?
50 Lakini wao hawakuelewa maana ya lile alilowaambia.
And thei vndurstoden not the word, which he spak to hem.
51 Ndipo akashuka pamoja nao hadi Nazareti, naye alikuwa mtiifu kwao. Lakini mama yake akayaweka moyoni mwake mambo haya yote.
And he cam doun with hem, and cam to Nazareth, and was suget to hem. And his moder kepte togidir alle these wordis, and bare hem in hir herte.
52 Naye Yesu akakua katika hekima na kimo, akimpendeza Mungu na wanadamu.
And Jhesus profitide in wisdom, age, and grace, anentis God and men.

< Luka 2 >