< Mambo ya Walawi 16 >

1 Bwana akasema na Mose baada ya kifo cha wale wana wawili wa Aroni waliokufa walipokaribia mbele za Bwana.
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses after [the] death of [the] two [the] sons of Aaron when drew near they before Yahweh and they died.
2 Bwana akamwambia Mose: “Mwambie ndugu yako Aroni asije wakati wowote atakavyo yeye ndani ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, nyuma ya pazia pale mbele ya kiti cha rehema kile kilichoko juu ya Sanduku la Agano, la sivyo atakufa, kwa sababu huwa ninatokea ndani ya wingu juu ya kile kiti cha rehema.
And he said Yahweh to Moses speak to Aaron brother your and may not he come at every time into the holy place from inside to the curtain to [the] face of the atonement cover which [is] on the ark and not he will die for in the cloud I will appear over the atonement cover.
3 “Hivi ndivyo Aroni atakavyoingia katika mahali patakatifu: atachukua fahali mchanga kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi, na kondoo dume kwa ajili ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa.
With this he will come Aaron into the holy place with a bull a young one of [the] herd to a sin offering and a ram to a burnt offering.
4 Atavaa koti takatifu la kitani, pamoja na nguo za ndani za kitani; atafunga mshipi wa kitani kiunoni, na kuvaa kilemba cha kitani. Haya ni mavazi matakatifu, kwa hiyo ni lazima aoge kwa maji kabla ya kuyavaa mavazi hayo.
A tunic of linen of holiness he will wear and undergarments of linen they will be on flesh his and with a sash of linen he will gird himself and with a turban of linen he will wind [are] garments of holiness they and he will wash with water body his and he will put on them.
5 Atachukua mbuzi dume wawili kutoka kwa jumuiya ya Israeli kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi, na kondoo dume kwa ajili ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa.
And from with [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel he will take two male goats of goats to a sin offering and a ram one to a burnt offering.
6 “Aroni atamtoa huyo fahali kwa ajili ya sadaka yake ya dhambi ili afanye upatanisho kwa ajili yake mwenyewe na nyumba yake.
And he will present Aaron [the] bull of the sin offering which [is] for himself and he will make atonement for himself and for household his.
7 Kisha atawachukua wale mbuzi dume wawili na kuwaleta mbele za Bwana kwenye ingilio la Hema la Kukutania.
And he will take [the] two the male goats and he will station them before Yahweh [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting.
8 Aroni atapiga kura kwa ajili ya hao mbuzi wawili, mmoja kwa ajili ya Bwana na mwingine kwa ajili ya kubebeshwa dhambi.
And he will put Aaron on [the] two the male goats lots a lot one for Yahweh and a lot one for [the] escape goat.
9 Aroni atamleta yule mbuzi ambaye kura ya Bwana imemwangukia na kumtoa dhabihu kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi.
And he will present Aaron the male goat which it came up on it the lot for Yahweh and he will offer it a sin offering.
10 Lakini mbuzi aliyechaguliwa kwa kura kuwa wa kubebeshwa dhambi atatolewa akiwa hai mbele za Bwana, atumike kwa kufanya upatanisho kwa kumwacha aende jangwani akiwa amebebeshwa dhambi.
And the male goat which it came up on it the lot for [the] escape goat it will be stationed alive before Yahweh to make atonement on it by sending away it to [the] escape goat the wilderness towards.
11 “Aroni atamleta yule fahali kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi yake mwenyewe, ili kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yake na nyumba yake, naye atamchinja huyo fahali kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi yake mwenyewe.
And he will present Aaron [the] bull of the sin offering which [is] for himself and he will make atonement for himself and for household his and he will cut [the] throat of [the] bull of the sin offering which [is] for himself.
12 Atachukua chetezo kilichojaa makaa yanayowaka kutoka madhabahuni mbele za Bwana, na konzi mbili za uvumba laini uliosagwa vizuri wenye harufu, na kuvipeleka nyuma ya pazia.
And he will take fullness of censer coals of fire from on the altar from to before Yahweh and [the] fullness of hands his incense of perfume fine and he will bring [them] from inside to the curtain.
13 Ataweka uvumba juu ya moto mbele za Bwana, na moshi wa uvumba utafunika kile kiti cha rehema kilicho juu ya Ushuhuda, ili asife.
And he will put the incense on the fire before Yahweh and it will cover - [the] cloud of the incense the atonement cover which [is] on the testimony and not he will die.
14 Atachukua sehemu ya damu ya fahali, na kwa kidole chake atanyunyiza sehemu ya mbele ya kiti cha rehema; kisha atanyunyiza sehemu ya hiyo damu kwa kidole chake mara saba mbele ya kiti cha rehema.
And he will take some of [the] blood of the bull and he will spatter [it] with finger his on [the] face of the atonement cover east-ward and before the atonement cover he will spatter seven times some of the blood with finger his.
15 “Kisha atamchinja mbuzi wa sadaka ya dhambi kwa ajili ya watu, na kuichukua damu yake nyuma ya pazia, na aifanyie kama alivyofanya kwa damu ya fahali: Atanyunyiza juu ya kiti cha rehema na mbele yake.
And he will cut [the] throat of [the] male goat of the sin offering which [is] for the people and he will bring blood its to from inside to the curtain and he will do with blood its just as he did to [the] blood of the bull and he will spatter it on the atonement cover and before the atonement cover.
16 Kwa njia hii atafanya upatanisho kwa ajili ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu kwa sababu ya unajisi na uasi wa Waisraeli, kwa dhambi zao zozote. Atafanya hivyo kwa ajili ya Hema la Kukutania, ambalo liko miongoni mwao katikati ya unajisi wao.
And he will make atonement on the holy place from [the] uncleanness of [the] people of Israel and from transgressions their to all sins their and thus he will do to [the] tent of meeting which dwells with them in among uncleanness their.
17 Mtu yeyote haruhusiwi kuwa ndani ya Hema la Kukutania, kuanzia wakati Aroni anapoingia kufanya upatanisho katika Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, hadi atakapotoka nje, baada ya kujifanyia upatanisho yeye mwenyewe na nyumba yake, pamoja na jumuiya yote ya Israeli.
And any person not he will be - in [the] tent of meeting when goes he to make atonement in the holy place until comes out he and he has made atonement for himself and for household his and for all [the] assembly of Israel.
18 “Kisha atatoka aje kwenye madhabahu yaliyo mbele za Bwana na kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yake. Atachukua sehemu ya damu ya fahali na sehemu ya damu ya mbuzi, na kuiweka kwenye pembe za madhabahu.
And he will go out to the altar which [is] before Yahweh and he will make atonement on it and he will take some of [the] blood of the bull and some of [the] blood of the male goat and he will put [it] on [the] horns of the altar all around.
19 Atanyunyiza baadhi ya hiyo damu juu ya madhabahu kwa kidole chake mara saba, ili kuitakasa na kuiweka wakfu kutokana na unajisi wa Waisraeli.
And he will spatter on it some of the blood with finger his seven times and he will purify it and he will set apart as holy it from [the] uncleanness of [the] people of Israel.
20 “Aroni atakapokuwa amemaliza kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, Hema la Kukutania na madhabahu, atamleta mbele yule mbuzi aliye hai.
And he will finish from making atonement for the holy place and [the] tent of meeting and the altar and he will present the male goat living.
21 Aroni ataweka mikono yake miwili juu ya kichwa cha mbuzi aliye hai na kuungama juu yake uovu wote na uasi wa Waisraeli, yaani dhambi zao zote, ili kuziweka juu ya kichwa cha huyo mbuzi. Atamwachia huyo mbuzi akimbilie jangwani kwa uangalizi wa mtu aliyepewa wajibu huo.
And he will lean Aaron [the] two (hands his *Q(K)*) on [the] head of the male goat living and he will confess over it all [the] iniquities of [the] people of Israel and all transgressions their to all sins their and he will put them on [the] head of the male goat and he will send [it] away by [the] hand of a man ready the wilderness towards.
22 Yule mbuzi atachukua juu yake dhambi zao zote mpaka mahali pasipo na watu; naye yule mtu atamwachia akimbilie jangwani.
And it will bear the male goat on itself all iniquities their into a land infertile and he will let go the male goat in the wilderness.
23 “Kisha Aroni ataenda ndani ya Hema la Kukutania na kuvua yale mavazi ya kitani aliyoyavaa kabla ya kuingia katika Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, naye atayaacha pale.
And he will go Aaron into [the] tent of meeting and he will strip off [the] garments of linen which he wore when went he into the holy place and he will leave them there.
24 Ataoga kwa maji katika mahali patakatifu na kuvaa mavazi yake ya kawaida. Kisha atatoka na kutoa dhabihu ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili yake na sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya watu, ili kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yake mwenyewe, na kwa ajili ya watu.
And he will wash body his with water in a place holy and he will put on garments his and he will come out and he will offer burnt offering his and [the] burnt offering of the people and he will make atonement for himself and for the people.
25 Pia atachoma mafuta ya mnyama wa sadaka ya dhambi juu ya madhabahu.
And [the] fat of the sin offering he will make smoke the altar towards.
26 “Yule mtu anayemwachia yule mbuzi wa kubebeshwa dhambi ni lazima afue nguo zake na kuoga kwa maji; baadaye anaweza kuingia kambini.
And the [one who] let go the male goat to [the] escape goat he will wash garments his and he will wash body his with water and after thus he will come into the camp.
27 Yule fahali na mbuzi waliotolewa kwa ajili ya sadaka za dhambi, ambao damu yao ilikuwa imeletwa Patakatifu pa Patakatifu kwa ajili ya kufanya upatanisho, ni lazima watolewe nje ya kambi. Ngozi zao, nyama, na matumbo pamoja na mavi vitateketezwa kwa moto.
And [the] bull of the sin offering and - [the] male goat of the sin offering which it was brought blood their to make atonement in the holy place someone will bring out to from [the] outside of the camp and people will burn with fire hides their and flesh their and offal their.
28 Mtu atakayevichoma ni lazima afue nguo zake na aoge kwa maji; baadaye ataweza kuingia kambini.
And the [one who] burns them he will wash garments his and he will wash body his with water and after thus he will come into the camp.
29 “Hili litakuwa agizo la kudumu kwa ajili yenu: Katika siku ya kumi ya mwezi wa saba ni lazima mfunge, wala msifanye kazi yoyote, iwe mzawa au mgeni anayeishi miongoni mwenu,
And it will become for you a statute of perpetuity in the month seventh on the ten of the month you will afflict selves your and any work not you will do the native-born and the sojourner who sojourns in midst of you.
30 kwa sababu siku hii upatanisho utafanyika kwa ajili yenu ili kuwatakasa. Kisha mtakuwa safi mbele za Bwana kutokana na dhambi zenu zote.
For on the day this he will make atonement on you to purify you from all sins your before Yahweh you will be pure.
31 Ni Sabato ya mapumziko, na lazima mfunge; ni agizo la kudumu.
[is] a sabbath of Sabbath observance it to you and you will afflict selves your a statute of perpetuity.
32 Kuhani ambaye ametiwa mafuta na kuwekwa wakfu ili kuingia mahali pa baba yake kama kuhani mkuu atafanya upatanisho. Atavaa mavazi matakatifu ya kitani,
And he will make atonement the priest whom someone will anoint him and whom someone will fill hand his to serve as priest in place of father his and he will wear [the] garments of linen [the] garments of holiness.
33 na kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, Hema la Kukutania na madhabahu, na pia kwa ajili ya makuhani, pamoja na jumuiya yote ya watu.
And he will make atonement for [the] sanctuary of holiness and [the] tent of meeting and the altar he will make atonement for and on the priests and on all [the] people of the assembly he will make atonement.
34 “Hili litakuwa agizo la kudumu kwa ajili yenu: Upatanisho utafanywa mara moja tu kwa mwaka kwa ajili ya dhambi zote za Waisraeli.” Ndivyo ilivyofanyika, kama vile Bwana alivyomwamuru Mose.
And it will become this for you a statute of perpetuity to make atonement on [the] people of Israel from all sins their one [time] in the year and he did just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.

< Mambo ya Walawi 16 >