< Mambo ya Walawi 11 >
1 Bwana akawaambia Mose na Aroni,
After, the Lord spake vnto Moses and to Aaron, saying vnto them,
2 “Waambieni Waisraeli: ‘Kati ya wanyama wote waishio juu ya nchi, hawa ndio mtakaowala:
Speake vnto the children of Israel, and say, These are the beastes which yee shall eate, among all the beasts that are on the earth.
3 Mwaweza kula mnyama yeyote mwenye kwato zilizogawanyika sehemu mbili na ambaye hucheua.
Whatsoeuer parteth the hoofe, and is clouen footed, and cheweth the cudde, among the beastes, that shall ye eate.
4 “‘Kuna wanyama wengine ambao hucheua tu au wenye kwato zilizogawanyika tu, lakini hao kamwe msiwale. Ngamia ingawa hucheua hana kwato zilizogawanyika; kwa kawaida ya ibada hiyo ni najisi kwenu.
But of them that chewe the cud, or deuide the hoofe onely, of them yee shall not eate: as the camel, because he cheweth the cud, and deuideth not ye hoofe, he shall be vncleane vnto you.
5 Pelele ingawa hucheua hana kwato zilizogawanyika; huyo ni najisi kwenu.
Likewise the conie, because he cheweth the cud and deuideth not the hoofe, he shall bee vncleane to you.
6 Sungura ingawa hucheua hana kwato zilizogawanyika; huyo ni najisi kwenu.
Also the hare, because he cheweth the cud, and deuideth not the hoofe, he shalbe vncleane to you.
7 Naye nguruwe ingawa anazo kwato zilizogawanyika sehemu mbili, hacheui; huyo ni najisi kwenu.
And the swine, because he parteth ye hoofe and is clouen footed, but cheweth not the cud, he shalbe vncleane to you.
8 Kamwe msile nyama yao wala kugusa mizoga yao; wao ni najisi kwenu.
Of their flesh shall yee not eate, and their carkeise shall yee not touch: for they shall bee vncleane to you.
9 “‘Kuhusu viumbe wote wanaoishi ndani ya maji ya bahari na vijito, mtakula wale wote wenye mapezi na magamba.
These shall ye eate, of all that are in the waters: whatsoeuer hath finnes and skales in ye waters, in the seas, or in the riuers, them shall ye eate.
10 Lakini viumbe wote ndani ya bahari au vijito wasio na mapezi na magamba, wakiwa miongoni mwa makundi au viumbe wote ndani ya maji, hao ni machukizo kwenu.
But all that haue not finnes nor skales in the seas, or in the riuers, of all that moueth in the waters, and of al liuing things that are in the waters, they shalbe an abomination vnto you.
11 Nao watakuwa machukizo kwenu. Msile nyama yao, nayo mizoga yao itakuwa machukizo.
They, I say, shalbe an abomination to you: ye shall not eate of their flesh, but shall abhorre their carkeis.
12 Chochote kinachoishi ndani ya maji ambacho hakina mapezi na magamba kitakuwa chukizo kwenu.
Whatsoeuer hath not fins nor skales in the waters, that shalbe abomination vnto you.
13 “‘Wafuatao ndio ndege watakaokuwa machukizo kwenu, hivyo msiwale kwa sababu ni chukizo: tai, furukombe, kipungu,
These shall ye haue also in abomination among the foules, they shall not be eaten: for they are an abomination, the eagle, and the goshauke, and the osprey:
14 mwewe mwekundu, aina zote za mwewe mweusi,
Also the vultur, and the kite after his kinde,
And all rauens after their kinde:
16 mbuni, kiruka-njia, dudumizi, kipanga, shakwe, aina zote za kipanga,
The ostrich also, and the night crowe, and the seameaw, and the hauke after his kinde:
17 bundi, mnandi, bundi mkubwa,
The litle owle also, and the connorant, and the great owle.
Also the redshanke and the pelicane, and the swanne:
19 korongo, koikoi wa aina yoyote, hudihudi na popo.
The storke also, the heron after his kinde, and the lapwing, and the backe:
20 “‘Wadudu wote warukao ambao hutembea kwa miguu minne watakuwa chukizo kwenu.
Also euery foule that creepeth and goeth vpon all foure, such shalbe an abomination vnto you.
21 Lakini wako viumbe wenye mabawa ambao hutembea kwa miguu minne mtakaowala: wale wenye vifundo katika miguu yao ya kurukaruka juu ya ardhi.
Yet these shall ye eate: of euery foule that creepeth, and goeth vpon all foure which haue their feete and legs all of one to leape withal vpon the earth,
22 Miongoni mwa hawa, mtakula nzige wa aina zote, senene, parare au panzi.
Of them ye shall eate these, the grashopper after his kinde, and the solean after his kinde, the hargol after his kinde, and the hagab after his kind.
23 Lakini viumbe wengine wote wenye mabawa na wenye miguu minne ni machukizo kwenu.
But al other foules that creepe and haue foure feete, they shalbe abomination vnto you.
24 “‘Mtajinajisi kwa wanyama hawa. Yeyote agusaye mizoga yao atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni.
For by such ye shalbe polluted: whosoeuer toucheth their carkeis, shalbe vncleane vnto the euening.
25 Yeyote atakayebeba mizoga ya viumbe hawa ni lazima afue nguo zake, naye atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni.
Whosoeuer also beareth of their carkeis, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntil euen.
26 “‘Kila mnyama mwenye ukwato ulioachana lakini haukugawanyika kabisa, au yule asiyecheua, huyo ni najisi kwenu; yeyote agusaye mzoga wowote wa hao atakuwa najisi.
Euery beast that hath clawes deuided, and is not clouen footed, nor cheweth the cud, such shalbe vncleane vnto you: euery one that toucheth them, shalbe vncleane.
27 Miongoni mwa wanyama wote watembeao kwa miguu minne, wale watembeao kwa vitanga vyao ni najisi kwenu; yeyote agusaye mizoga yao atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni.
And whatsoeuer goeth vpon his pawes among all maner beastes that goeth on all foure, such shalbe vncleane vnto you: who so doth touch their carkeis shalbe vncleane vntil the euen.
28 Yeyote atakayebeba mizoga yao ni lazima afue nguo zake, naye atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni. Wanyama hawa ni najisi kwenu.
And he that beareth their carkeis, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntill the euen: for such shalbe vncleane vnto you.
29 “‘Kuhusu wanyama watambaao juu ya ardhi, hawa ni najisi kwenu: kicheche, panya, aina yoyote ya mijusi mikubwa,
Also these shalbe vncleane to you amog the things that creepe and moue vpon the earth, the weasell, and the mouse, and the frog, after his kinde:
30 guruguru, kenge, mijusi ya ukutani, goromoe na kinyonga.
Also the rat, and the lizard, and the chameleon, and the stellio, and the molle.
31 Hao wote watambaao juu ya ardhi ni najisi kwenu. Yeyote agusaye mizoga yao atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni.
These shall be vncleane to you among all that creepe: whosoeuer doeth touch them when they be dead, shalbe vncleane vntil the euen.
32 Ikiwa mmoja wao atakufa na kuangukia juu ya kitu fulani, chombo hicho, hata kikiwa cha matumizi gani, kitakuwa najisi, kiwe kimetengenezwa kwa mti, nguo, ngozi au gunia. Kiweke ndani ya maji; kitakuwa najisi mpaka jioni, kisha kitakuwa safi tena.
Also whatsoeuer any of the dead carkeises of them doth fall vpon, shalbe vncleane, whether it be vessel of wood, or rayment, or skinne, or sacke: whatsoeuer vessel it be that is occupied, it shalbe put in the water as vncleane vntil the euen, and so be purified.
33 Ikiwa mmoja wa wanyama aliyekufa ataangukia ndani ya chungu, kila kilichomo katika chungu hicho kitakuwa najisi, nawe ni lazima uvunje chungu hicho.
But euery earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoeuer is within it shalbe vncleane, and ye shall breake it.
34 Chakula chochote ambacho chaweza kuliwa lakini kikawa kimeingia maji kutoka kwenye chungu hicho ni najisi, na kitu chochote cha majimaji ambacho chaweza kunyweka kutoka kwenye chungu hicho ni najisi.
Al meate also that shalbe eaten, if any such water come vpon it, shalbe vncleane: and all drinke that shalbe drunke in al such vessels shalbe vncleane.
35 Chochote ambacho mzoga wa mmojawapo utaangukia kitakuwa najisi. Jiko au chungu cha kupikia ni lazima kivunjwe. Ni najisi, nawe ni lazima uvihesabu kuwa najisi.
And euery thing that their carkeis fall vpon, shalbe vncleane: the fornais or the pot shalbe broken: for they are vncleane, and shalbe vncleane vnto you.
36 Lakini chemchemi au kisima, mahali pa kuchota maji, patakuwa safi, lakini yeyote atakayegusa moja ya mizoga hii ni najisi.
Yet the fountaines and welles where there is plentie of water shalbe cleane: but that which toucheth their carkeises shalbe vncleane.
37 Kama mzoga ukianguka juu ya mbegu zozote ambazo ni za kupanda, zinabaki safi.
And if there fal of their dead carkeis vpon any seede, which vseth to be sowe, it shalbe cleane.
38 Lakini kama mbegu imetiwa maji na mzoga ukaanguka juu yake, hiyo mbegu ni najisi kwenu.
But if any water be powred vpon ye seede, and there fal of their dead carkeis thereon, it shall be vncleane vnto you.
39 “‘Kama mnyama ambaye mnaruhusiwa kumla akifa, yeyote atakayeugusa mzoga wake atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni.
If also any beast, whereof ye may eate, die, he that toucheth the carkeis thereof shall be vncleane vntil the euen.
40 Yeyote atakayekula sehemu ya mzoga huo ni lazima afue nguo zake, naye atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni. Yeyote atakayebeba mzoga huo ni lazima afue nguo zake, naye atakuwa najisi mpaka jioni.
And he that eateth of the carkeis of it, shall wash his clothes and be vncleane vntil the euen: he also that beareth the carkeis of it, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntil the euen.
41 “‘Kila kiumbe kitambaacho juu ya ardhi ni chukizo; kisiliwe.
Euery creeping thing therefore that creepeth vpon the earth shalbe an abomination, and not be eaten.
42 Msile kiumbe chochote kitambaacho juu ya ardhi, kiwe kitambaacho kwa tumbo lake, au kitambaacho kwa miguu minne au kwa miguu mingi; ni chukizo.
Whatsoeuer goeth vpon the breast, and whatsoeuer goeth vpon al foure, or that hath many feete among all creeping thinges that creepe vpon the earth, ye shall not eate of them, for they shalbe abomination.
43 Msijitie unajisi kwa chochote katika viumbe hivi. Msijitie unajisi kwa viumbe hivyo au kutiwa unajisi navyo.
Ye shall not pollute your selues with any thing that creepeth, neither make your selues vncleane with them, neither defile your selues thereby: ye shall not, I say, be defiled by them,
44 Mimi ndimi Bwana Mungu wenu; jitakaseni mwe watakatifu, kwa sababu mimi ni mtakatifu. Msijitie unajisi wenyewe kwa kiumbe chochote kile kiendacho juu ya ardhi.
For I am the Lord your God: be sanctified therefore, and be holy, for I am holy, and defile not your selues with any creeping thing, that creepeth vpon the earth.
45 Mimi ndimi Bwana niliyewapandisha mtoke Misri ili niwe Mungu wenu. Kwa hiyo kuweni watakatifu kwa sababu Mimi ni mtakatifu.
For I am the Lord that brought you out of the lande of Egypt, to be your God, and that you should be holy, for I am holy.
46 “‘Haya ndiyo masharti kuhusu wanyama, ndege, kila kiumbe hai kiendacho ndani ya maji, na kila kiumbe kiendacho juu ya ardhi.
This is the law of beasts, and of foules, and of euery liuing thing that moueth in the waters, and of euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth:
47 Ni lazima mpambanue kati ya kilicho najisi na kilicho safi, kati ya viumbe hai vinavyoweza kuliwa na vile visivyoweza kuliwa.’”
That there may be a difference betweene the vncleane and cleane, and betweene the beast that may be eaten, and the beast that ought not to be eaten.