< Yuda 1 >
1 Yuda, mtumwa wa Yesu Kristo na nduguye Yakobo: Kwa wale walioitwa, wapendwa katika Mungu Baba na kuhifadhiwa salama ndani ya Yesu Kristo:
Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James: To those who are in God the Father, enfolded in His love, and kept for Jesus Christ, and called.
2 Rehema, amani na upendo viwe kwenu kwa wingi.
May mercy, peace and love be abundantly granted to you.
3 Wapendwa, ingawa nilikuwa ninatamani sana kuwaandikia kuhusu wokovu ambao tunaushiriki sisi sote, niliona imenipasa kuwaandikia na kuwasihi kwamba mwitetee imani iliyokabidhiwa watakatifu kwa nafasi moja itoshayo.
Dear friends, since I am eager to begin a letter to you on the subject of our common salvation, I find myself constrained to write and cheer you on to the vigorous defense of the faith delivered once for all to God's people.
4 Kwa kuwa kuna watu waliojipenyeza kwa siri katikati yenu, watu walioandikiwa tangu zamani hukumu hii, waovu, wapotoshao neema ya Mungu wetu kuwa ufisadi wakimkana yeye aliye Bwana wetu wa pekee, Bwana Yesu Kristo.
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed--men spoken of in ancient writings as pre-destined to this condemnation--ungodly men, who pervert the grace of our God into an excuse for immorality, and disown Jesus Christ, our only Sovereign and Lord.
5 Ingawa mmekwisha kujua haya yote, nataka niwakumbushe kuwa Bwana akiisha kuwaokoa watu wake kutoka nchi ya Misri, baadaye aliwaangamiza wale ambao hawakuamini.
I desire to remind you--although the whole matter is already familiar to you--that the Lord saved a people out of the land of Egypt, but afterwards destroyed those who had no faith.
6 Nao malaika ambao hawakulinda nafasi zao, lakini wakayaacha makao yao, hawa amewaweka katika giza, wakiwa wamefungwa kwa minyororo ya milele kwa ajili ya hukumu Siku ile kuu. (aïdios )
And angels--those who did not keep the position originally assigned to them, but deserted their own proper abode--He reserves in everlasting bonds, in darkness, in preparation for the judgement of the great day. (aïdios )
7 Vivyo hivyo, Sodoma na Gomora na pia ile miji iliyokuwa kandokando, ambayo kwa jinsi moja na hao, walijifurahisha kwa uasherati na kufuata tamaa za mwili zisizo za asili, waliwekwa wawe mfano kwa kuadhibiwa katika moto wa milele. (aiōnios )
So also Sodom and Gomorrah--and the neighboring towns in the same manner--having been guilty of gross fornication and having gone astray in pursuit of unnatural vice, are now before us as a specimen of the fire of the Ages in the punishment which they are undergoing. (aiōnios )
8 Vivyo hivyo, hawa waotao ndoto huutia mwili unajisi, hukataa kuwa chini ya mamlaka na kunena mabaya juu ya wenye mamlaka.
Yet in just the same way these dreamers also pollute the body, while they set authority at naught and speak evil of dignities.
9 Lakini hata malaika mkuu Mikaeli alipokuwa anashindana na ibilisi juu ya mwili wa Mose, hakuthubutu kumlaumu, bali alimwambia, “Bwana na akukemee!”
But Michael the Archangel, when contending with the Devil and arguing with him about the body of Moses, did not dare to pronounce judgement on him in abusive terms, but simply said, "The Lord rebuke you."
10 Lakini watu hawa hunena mabaya dhidi ya mambo wasiyoyafahamu. Na katika mambo yale wanayoyafahamu kwa hisia kama wanyama wasio na akili, hayo ndiyo hasa yanayowaharibu.
Yet these men are abusive in matters of which they know nothing, and in things which, like the brutes, they understand instinctively--in all these they corrupt themselves.
11 Ole wao! Kwa kuwa wanaifuata njia ya Kaini, wamekimbilia faida katika kosa la Balaamu na kuangamia katika uasi wa Kora.
Alas for them; for they have followed in the steps of Cain; for the sake of gain they have rushed on headlong in the evil ways of Balaam; and have perished in rebellion like that of Korah!
12 Watu hawa ni dosari katika karamu zenu za upendo, wakila pamoja nanyi bila hofu, wakijilisha pasipo hofu. Wao ni mawingu yasiyokuwa na maji, yakichukuliwa na upepo, miti isiyo na matunda wakati wa mapukutiko, ambayo hunyauka, iliyokufa mara mbili na kungʼolewa kabisa.
These men--sunken rocks! --are those who share the pleasure of your love-feasts, unrestrained by fear while caring only for themselves; clouds without water, driven away by the winds; trees that cast their fruit, barren, doubly dead, uprooted;
13 Wao ni mawimbi makali ya bahari, yakitoa povu la aibu yao wenyewe, ni nyota zipoteazo, ambao weusi wa giza ndio akiba waliowekewa milele. (aiōn )
wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom is reserved dense darkness of age-long duration. (aiōn )
14 Enoki, mtu wa saba kuanzia Adamu alitoa unabii kuhusu watu hawa, akisema: “Tazama, Bwana anakuja pamoja na maelfu kwa maelfu ya watakatifu wake,
It was also about these that Enoch, who belonged to the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, saying, "The Lord has come, attended by myriads of His people, to execute judgement upon all,
15 ili kumhukumu kila mmoja na kuwapatiliza wote wasiomcha Mungu kwa matendo yao yote ya uasi waliyoyatenda, pamoja na maneno yote ya kuchukiza ambayo wenye dhambi wamesema dhidi yake.”
and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly deeds which in their ungodliness they have committed, and of all the hard words which they, ungodly sinners as they are, have spoken against Him."
16 Watu hawa ni wenye kunungʼunika na wenye kutafuta makosa; wao hufuata tamaa zao mbaya, hujisifu kwa maneno makuu kuhusu wao wenyewe na kuwasifu mno watu wenye vyeo kwa ajili ya kujipatia faida.
These men are murmurers, ever bemoaning their lot. Their lives are guided by their evil passions, and their mouths are full of big, boastful words, while they treat individual men with admiring reverence for the sake of the advantage they can gain.
17 Lakini ninyi wapenzi, kumbukeni yale mitume wa Bwana Yesu Kristo waliyonena zamani.
But as for you, my dearly-loved friends, remember the words that before now were spoken by the Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ--
18 Kwa kuwa waliwaambia, “Siku za mwisho kutakuwa na watu wenye kudhihaki, watakaofuata tamaa zao wenyewe za upotovu.”
how they declared to you, "In the last times there shall be scoffers, obeying only their own ungodly passions."
19 Hawa ndio watu wanaowagawa ninyi, wafuatao tamaa zao za asili, wala hawana Roho.
These are those who cause divisions. They are men of the world, wholly unspiritual.
20 Lakini ninyi wapendwa, jijengeni katika imani yenu iliyo takatifu sana tena ombeni katika Roho Mtakatifu.
But you, my dearly-loved friends, building yourselves up on the basis of your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,
21 Jilindeni katika upendo wa Mungu mkitazamia kwa furaha rehema ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo ili awalete katika uzima wa milele. (aiōnios )
must keep yourselves safe in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ which will result in the Life of the Ages. (aiōnios )
22 Wahurumieni walio na mashaka;
Some, when they argue with you, you must endeavor to convince;
23 wengine waokoeni kwa kuwanyakua kutoka kwenye moto; nao wengine wahurumieni mkiwa na hofu, mkichukia hata vazi lenye mawaa na kutiwa unajisi na mwili.
others you must try to save, as brands plucked from the flames; and on others look with pity mingled with fear, while you hate every trace of their sin.
24 Kwake yeye awezaye kuwalinda ninyi msianguke na kuwaleta mbele za utukufu wake mkuu bila dosari na kwa furaha ipitayo kiasi:
But to Him who is able to keep you safe from stumbling, and cause you to stand in the presence of His glory free from blemish and full of exultant joy--
25 kwake yeye Mungu pekee Mwokozi wetu, kwa Yesu Kristo Bwana wetu, utukufu, ukuu, uweza na mamlaka ni vyake tangu milele, sasa na hata milele! Amen. (aiōn )
to the only God our Saviour--through Jesus Christ our Lord, be ascribed glory, majesty, might, and authority, as it was before all time, is now, and shall be to all the Ages! Amen. (aiōn )