< Yohana 7 >

1 Baada ya mambo haya, Yesu alikwenda sehemu mbalimbali za Galilaya. Hakutaka kwenda Uyahudi kwa sababu Wayahudi huko walitaka kumuua.
After this Jesus moved from place to place in Galilee. He would not go about in Judaea, because the Jews were seeking an opportunity to kill Him.
2 Sikukuu ya Vibanda ya Wayahudi ilikuwa imekaribia.
But the Jewish Festival of the Tent-Pitching was approaching.
3 Hivyo ndugu zake Yesu wakamwambia, “Ondoka hapa uende Uyahudi ili wanafunzi Wako wapate kuona miujiza unayofanya.
So His brothers said to Him, "Leave these parts and go into Judaea, that not only we but your disciples also may witness the miracles which you perform.
4 Mtu anayetaka kujulikana hafanyi mambo yake kwa siri. Kama unafanya mambo haya, jionyeshe kwa ulimwengu.”
For no one acts in secret, desiring all the while to be himself known publicly. Since you are doing these things, show yourself openly to the world."
5 Hata ndugu zake mwenyewe hawakumwamini.
For even His brothers were not believers in Him.
6 Yesu akawaambia, “Wakati wangu bado haujawadia, lakini wakati wenu upo siku zote.
"My time," replied Jesus, "has not yet come, but for you any time is suitable.
7 Ulimwengu hauwezi kuwachukia ninyi, lakini unanichukia mimi kwa sababu ninawashuhudia kwamba matendo yao ni maovu.
It is impossible for the world to hate you; but me it does hate, because I give testimony concerning it that its conduct is evil.
8 Ninyi nendeni kwenye Sikukuu, lakini mimi sitahudhuria Sikukuu hii kwa sababu wakati wangu haujawadia.”
As for you, go up to the Festival. I do not now go up to this Festival, because my time is not yet fully come."
9 Akiisha kusema hayo, akabaki Galilaya.
Such was His answer, and He remained in Galilee.
10 Lakini ndugu zake walipokwisha kuondoka kwenda kwenye Sikukuu, yeye pia alikwenda lakini kwa siri.
When however His brothers had gone up to the Festival, then He also went up, not openly, but as it were privately.
11 Wayahudi walikuwa wakimtafuta huko kwenye Sikukuu na kuulizana, “Yuko wapi huyu mtu?”
Meanwhile the Jews at the Festival were looking for Him and were inquiring, "Where is he?"
12 Kulikuwa na minongʼono iliyoenea kumhusu Yesu katika umati wa watu, wakati wengine wakisema, “Ni mtu mwema.” Wengine walikuwa wakisema, “La, yeye anawadanganya watu.”
Among the mass of the people there was much muttered debate about Him. Some said, "He is a good man." Others said, "Not so: he is imposing on the people."
13 Lakini hakuna mtu yeyote aliyemsema waziwazi kumhusu kwa sababu ya kuwaogopa Wayahudi.
Yet for fear of the Jews no one spoke out boldly about Him.
14 Ilipokaribia katikati ya Sikukuu, Yesu alipanda kwenda Hekaluni na kuanza kufundisha.
But when the Festival was already half over, Jesus went up to the Temple and commenced teaching.
15 Wayahudi wakastaajabia mafundisho yake wakasema, “Mtu huyu amepataje kujua mambo haya bila kufundishwa?”
The Jews were astonished. "How does this man know anything of books," they said, "although he has never been at any of the schools?"
16 Ndipo Yesu akawajibu, “Mafundisho yangu si yangu mwenyewe, bali yanatoka kwake yeye aliyenituma.
Jesus answered their question by saying, "My teaching does not belong to me, but comes from Him who sent me.
17 Mtu yeyote akipenda kufanya mapenzi ya Mungu, atajua kama mafundisho yangu yanatoka kwa Mungu au ninasema kwa ajili yangu mwenyewe.
If any one is willing to do His will, he shall know about the teaching, whether it is from God or originates with me.
18 Wale wanenao kwa ajili yao wenyewe hufanya hivyo kwa kutaka utukufu wao wenyewe. Lakini yeye atafutaye utukufu wa yule aliyemtuma ni wa kweli, wala hakuna uongo ndani yake.
The man whose teaching originates with himself aims at his own glory. He who aims at the glory of Him who sent him teaches the truth, and there is no deception in him.
19 Je, Mose hakuwapa ninyi sheria? Lakini hakuna hata mmoja wenu anayeishika hiyo sheria. Kwa nini mnataka kuniua?”
Did not Moses give you the Law? And yet not a man of you obeys the Law. Why do you want to kill me?"
20 Ule umati wa watu ukamjibu, “Wewe una pepo mchafu! Ni nani anayetaka kukuua?”
"You are possessed by a demon," replied the crowd; "no one wants to kill you."
21 Yesu akawajibu, “Nimefanya muujiza mmoja na nyote mkastaajabu.
"One deed I have done," replied Jesus, "and you are all full of wonder.
22 Lakini kwa kuwa Mose aliwaamuru tohara (ingawa kwa kweli haikutoka kwa Mose bali kwa baba zenu wakuu), mnamtahiri mtoto hata siku ya Sabato.
Consider therefore. Moses gave you the rite of circumcision (not that it began with Moses, but with your earlier forefathers), and even on a Sabbath day you circumcise a child.
23 Ikiwa mtoto aweza kutahiriwa siku ya Sabato kusudi sheria ya Mose isivunjwe, kwa nini mnanikasirikia kwa kumponya mtu mwili wake wote siku ya Sabato?
If a child is circumcised even on a Sabbath day, are you bitter against me because I have restored a man to perfect health on a Sabbath day?
24 Acheni kuhukumu mambo kwa jinsi mnavyoona tu, bali hukumuni kwa haki.”
Do not form superficial judgements, but form the judgements that are just."
25 Ndipo baadhi ya watu wa Yerusalemu wakawa wanasema, “Tazameni, huyu si yule mtu wanayetaka kumuua?
Some however of the people of Jerusalem said, "Is not this the man they are wanting to kill?
26 Mbona yuko hapa anazungumza hadharani na wala hawamwambii neno lolote? Je, inawezekana viongozi wanafahamu kuwa huyu ndiye Kristo?
But here he is, speaking openly and boldly, and they say nothing to him! Can the Rulers really have ascertained that this man is the Christ?
27 Tunafahamu huyu mtu anakotoka, lakini Kristo atakapokuja, hakuna yeyote atakayejua atokako.”
And yet we know this man, and we know where he is from; but as for the Christ, when He comes, no one can tell where He is from."
28 Ndipo Yesu, akaendelea kufundisha Hekaluni, akisema, “Ninyi mnanifahamu na kujua nitokako. Mimi sikuja kwa ajili yangu mwenyewe, bali yeye aliyenituma ni wa kweli na ninyi hammjui.
Jesus therefore, while teaching in the Temple, cried aloud, and said, "Yes, you know me, and you know where I am from. And yet I have not come of my own accord; but there is One who has sent me, an Authority indeed, of whom you have no knowledge.
29 Mimi namjua kwa kuwa nimetoka kwake, naye ndiye alinituma.”
I know Him, because I came from Him, and He sent me."
30 Ndipo wakatafuta kumkamata, lakini hakuna mtu yeyote aliyethubutu kumshika kwa sababu saa yake ilikuwa bado haijawadia.
On hearing this they wanted to arrest Him; yet not a hand was laid on Him, because His time had not yet come.
31 Nao watu wengi wakamwamini, wakasema, “Je, Kristo atakapokuja, atafanya miujiza mikuu zaidi kuliko aliyoifanya mtu huyu?”
But from among the crowd a large number believed in Him. "When the Christ comes," they said, "will He perform more miracles than this teacher has performed?"
32 Mafarisayo wakasikia watu wakinongʼona mambo kama hayo kuhusu Yesu, ndipo wao pamoja na viongozi wa makuhani wakatuma walinzi wa Hekalu waende kumkamata.
The Pharisees heard the people thus expressing their various doubts about Him, and the High Priests and the Pharisees sent some officers to apprehend Him.
33 Yesu akasema, “Mimi bado niko pamoja nanyi kwa kitambo kidogo, kisha nitarudi kwake yeye aliyenituma.
So Jesus said, "Still for a short time I am with you, and then I go my way to Him who sent me.
34 Mtanitafuta lakini hamtaniona, nami niliko ninyi hamwezi kuja.”
You will look for me and will not find me, and where I am you cannot come."
35 Wayahudi wakaulizana wao kwa wao, “Huyu mtu anataka kwenda wapi ambako hatuwezi kumfuata? Je, anataka kwenda kwa Wayunani ambako baadhi ya watu wetu wametawanyikia, akawafundishe Wayunani?
The Jews therefore said to one another, "Where is he about to betake himself, so that we shall not find him? Will he betake himself to the Dispersion among the Gentiles, and teach the Gentiles?
36 Yeye ana maana gani anaposema, ‘Mtanitafuta lakini hamtaniona,’ na, ‘nami niliko ninyi hamwezi kuja’?”
What do those words of his mean, 'You will look for me, but will not find me, and where I am you cannot come'?"
37 Siku ile ya mwisho ya Sikukuu, siku ile kuu, wakati Yesu akiwa amesimama huko, akapaza sauti yake akasema, “Kama mtu yeyote anaona kiu na aje kwangu anywe.
On the last day of the Festival--the great day--Jesus stood up and cried aloud. "Whoever is thirsty," He said, "let him come to me and drink.
38 Yeyote aniaminiye mimi, kama Maandiko yasemavyo, vijito vya maji ya uzima vitatiririka ndani mwake.”
He who believes in me, from within him--as the Scripture has said--rivers of living water shall flow."
39 Yesu aliposema haya alimaanisha Roho Mtakatifu ambaye wote waliomwamini wangempokea, kwani mpaka wakati huo, Roho alikuwa hajatolewa, kwa kuwa Yesu alikuwa bado hajatukuzwa.
He referred to the Spirit which those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not bestowed as yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
40 Waliposikia maneno hayo, baadhi ya watu miongoni mwa ule umati wakasema, “Hakika huyu ndiye yule Nabii.”
After listening to these discourses, some of the crowd began to say, "This is beyond doubt the Prophet."
41 Wengine wakasema, “Huyu ndiye Kristo!” Lakini wengine wakauliza, “Je, Kristo kwao ni Galilaya?
Others said, "He is the Christ." But others again, "Not so, for is the Christ to come from Galilee?
42 Je, Maandiko hayasemi kwamba Kristo atakuja kutoka jamaa ya Daudi na kutoka Bethlehemu, mji alioishi Daudi?”
Has not the Scripture declared that the Christ is to come of the family of David and from Bethlehem, David's village?"
43 Kwa hiyo watu wakagawanyika kwa ajili ya Yesu.
So there was a violent dissension among the people on His account.
44 Baadhi yao walitaka kumkamata, lakini hakuna aliyethubutu kumgusa.
Some of them wanted at once to arrest Him, but no one laid hands upon Him.
45 Hatimaye wale walinzi wa Hekalu wakarudi kwa viongozi wa makuhani na Mafarisayo waliokuwa wamewatuma ili kumkamata Yesu, wakaulizwa, “Mbona hamkumkamata?”
Meanwhile the officers returned to the High Priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why have you not brought him?"
46 Wale walinzi wakajibu, “Kamwe hajanena mtu yeyote kama yeye anenavyo.”
"No mere man has ever spoken as this man speaks," said the officers.
47 Mafarisayo wakajibu, “Je, nanyi pia mmedanganyika?
"Are you deluded too?" replied the Pharisees;
48 Je, kuna kiongozi yeyote au mmoja wa Mafarisayo ambaye amemwamini?
"has any one of the Rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him?
49 Lakini huu umati wa watu wasiojua Sheria ya Mose, wamelaaniwa.”
But this rabble who understand nothing about the Law are accursed!"
50 Ndipo Nikodemo, yule aliyekuwa amemwendea Yesu siku moja usiku, ambaye alikuwa mmoja wao akauliza,
Nicodemus interposed--he who had formerly gone to Jesus, being himself one of them.
51 “Je, sheria zetu zinaturuhusu kumhukumu mtu kabla ya kumsikiliza na kufahamu alilotenda?”
"Does our Law," he asked, "judge a man without first hearing what he has to say and ascertaining what his conduct is?"
52 Wakamjibu, “Je, wewe pia unatoka Galilaya? Chunguza nawe utaona kwamba hakuna nabii atokae Galilaya!” [
"Do you also come from Galilee?" they asked in reply. "Search and see for yourself that no Prophet is of Galilaean origin."
53 Kisha wakaondoka, kila mtu akarudi nyumbani kwake.
[So they went away to their several homes;

< Yohana 7 >